YCN Cancer Nursing Legacy Document

Cancer Nursing Legacy Document
June Toovey – March 2013
This Legacy document will provide information on the work that has been undertaken by the YCN that
may be useful to support and inform the work of the SCN in the area of cancer Nursing
Generic Cancer Nursing
There is a lead cancer nurses group with the Lead cancer nurses from across the organisation,
university representatives, nurse consultants and Nursing leads for children’s cancer and TYA. The
group have also been significantly involved in the supportive care aspects included in the supportive
care legacy document.
The achievements for across all cancer nursing are as follows:
The development and agreement and on-going implementation of a cancer nursing strategic
development plan:
Lead Cancer Nursing
Strategic Development Plan 2010 - 2013 - final updated april 2012.doc
Agreement to use the Distress Thermometer as the HNA tool across the network with a
generic tool and some site specific tools (all available on the YCN Website). Agreement of
guidelines for using the DT (see supportive care legacy document).
Agreement of CNS development recommendations (follow link below)
Agreement of a document to support the development of business cases for Nurse led
services http://www.ycn.nhs.uk/html/downloads/ycn-nurseledservicetemplate-2011.pdf.
Agreement and use of a cancer nursing education programme with competencies for use
across the network http://www.ycn.nhs.uk/html/events/cancercareeducation2009.php
(currently in the process of being updated).
Currently working with the SHA education commissioners Leads University and Bradford
University regarding the availability of HEI degree programmes for cancer. The CNS
Development recommendations being used as the educational requirements. Please contact
Krystina Kozlowska and Alison Harwood for further information.
Collecting and sharing CNS Census data across the network, which includes information on
the number of new patients per WTE CNS:
Lead Cancer Nurse Contacts
Leeds – Krystina Kozlowska, Lead Cancer Nurse – krystina.kozlowska@leedsth.nhs.uk
Bradford – Ruth Logan, Lead Cancer Nurse – ruth.logan@bthft.nhs.uk
Airedale – Dawn Gulliford, Cancer Manager – dawn.gulliford@anhst.nhs.uk
Calderdale and Huddersfield – Alison Harwood, Lead Cancer Nurse – alison.harwood@cht.nhs.uk
Mid Yorkshire – Marie Wilde, Lead Cancer Nurse – marie.wilde@midyorks.nhs.uk
Harrogate – Paula Middlebrook, Lead Cancer Nurse – paula.middlebrook@hdft.nhs.uk
York – Shirley Child, Joint Lead Cancer Nurse – shirley.child@york.nhs.uk
Diane Burwell, Joint Lead cancer Nurse – diane.burwell@york.nhs.uk
Scarborough – Kathryn Sartain Lead Cancer Nurse – Kathryn.sartain@york.nhs.uk
Other useful contacts
Tricia Feber, Nurse Consultant acute oncology Harrogate – patricia.feber@hdft.nhs.uk
Rachel Hollis Lead Nurse for Children’s Cancer Leeds – rachel.hollis@leedsth.nhs.uk
Sue Morgan Nurse Consultant TYA Leeds – sue.morgan@leedsth.nhs.uk
Vanessa Taylor Senior Lecturer Bradford University (on secondment to the Higher Education
Academy) – vanessa.taylor@heacademy.ac.uk
Cancer Nursing and Specialist Site Specific Cancer Groups
The following provides information achievements of and issues identified by the network nursing and
specialist groups. These groups meet on a regular basis and support the work of the Network NSSGs
by taking on aspects of work on their behalf. The work of the nursing and specialist groups focusses
on the supportive aspects of care. The groups have strong links into the NSSGs with the chair of the
Nurses and specialist groups being having a lead role within the NSSGs.
Key Issues
The following two key issues were identified by all the groups as important to be continued to support
on-going improvements to cancer services and patient experience:
Maintaining and improving cross organisational collaboration to ensure continuity of care for
patients across the pathway and appropriate communication between teams at hand over
Maintaining connections, sharing good practice and continuing the effective work of the group
and multi professional working
Breast Specialist Group
The group includes membership form breast CNSs across the network as well as representatives
from radiotherapy, chemotherapy and lympoedema. Attendance at meetings over the last few months
has not been as good as anticipated and the group are looking at the best was to encourage
The achievements of the group are as follows:
Coordinating education events for Nurses and support staff.
Development of specific patient information materials for use across the network (available on
the YCN website).
Agreement of Information pathways for across the network and Information prescription.
Supported a project to highlight the support requirements of patients with secondary breast
cancer and the availability of the resource. This led to identification of gaps and the
successful bid by LTHT to Macmillan to fund a post for three years as part of their breast care
nurse team.
Supported the network project on changes to follow- up for early stage breast cancer, work is
on-going to implement the follow – up pathway across the network.
Issues identified:
Ensuring effective and equitable access to support for patients with secondary breast cancer
across the network
Sustainable implementation of the early breast cancer follow-up model across the network
For further information contact:
Jane Nicholson – Breast Care Nurse, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
Mandy Blackburn – Breast Care Nurse, Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation trust
Chemotherapy Nurses Group
The group includes membership from the lead chemotherapy nurses organisations across the
Achievements of the group include:
The development of Checking, Administration and Handling of Systemic Anti-Cancer (SACT)
(Parenteral and Oral) Guidelines – available on the YCN website.
The development of Management of Central Venous Access Devices Guidelines – Available
on the YCN website.
Development of the criteria for acting as an assessor of Competence – Available on the YCN
Development of Chemotherapy training pack and education programmes - Available on the
YCN website.
Development of competency documents for: chemotherapy and Nurse-led chemotherapy preassessment - Available on the YCN website.
Development of the Chemotherapy education programme workbook and the Chemotherapy
education programme workbook for low risk administration for community nurses and level 1
POSCUs - Available on the YCN website.
For further information contact:
Jackie Swire – Lead Chemotherapy Nurse, Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust
Shirley Child – lead Chemotherapy Nurse, York NHS Foundation Trust
Children’s and Young People’s Lead Nurses Group
This is a joint group across the Yorkshire cancer Network and the North East Yorkshire and Humber
Clinical Alliance. The group membership includes the Lead Nurses for Children and Young People
across the two network areas.
The groups work programme includes the following:
The development of training and education including chemotherapy and competency
The development of guidelines for Chemotherapy administration and Central Venous
Catheter care.
The development of a patient experience survey.
Development work around the Key worker concept and Holistic needs assessment.
For further information contact:
Rachel Hollis – Lead Nurse Children’s Cancer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
Colorectal Nurses Group
The group includes membership for Colorectal Cancer and Stoma Nurse Specialists from
organisations across the network
The achievements of the group are as follows:
CNS advanced practice interventions audit
Development of the colorectal specific Distress thermometer
Agreement of colorectal patient information pathway and piloting information prescription
Development of care planning at the end of treatment
Agreed action points for across the network from the national cancer patient experience
Identified issues:
Continuing to providing a collective voice for colorectal cancer nursing
Contact for further information:
Diane Burwell – Colorectal CNS York NHS Foundation Trust diane.burwell@york.nhs.uk
Donna Kellett – Colorectal CNS Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust
Gynae Nurses Group
The group membership is Gynae Nurse CNSs from across the Network.
The achievements of the group are as follows:
Developed network wide information materials (available on the YCN website)
Agreed an information pathway
Active involvement in the work of the NSSG
Run Education events for nurses and support staff
Developed, with Bradford University a 30 credit module on the Management of Gynaecology
Oncology patients.
Issues identified:
To ensure identified gaps in service can be addressed using an equitable approach across
the network
Contact for further information:
Claire Parkinson – Gynae CNS Airedale NHS Trust - Claire.Parkinson@anhst.nhs.uk
Haematology Nurses Group
This is a joint group across the Yorkshire Cancer Network and the North East Yorkshire and Humber
Clinical alliance (NEYHCA) and has been hosted by NEYHCA for the last 3 years.
The group has focussed on having active membership with in the joint NSSG, Education and sharing
good practice.
The group have commenced a work stream with the HMRN identifying patients’ needs at the end of
treatment to inform the development of ‘survivorship’ programmes and support.
For further information contact:
Kay Beadle - Macmillan CNS Haematology, Queens Centre for Oncology and Haematology
Castle Hill Hospital - Kay.Beadle@hey.nhs.uk
Head and Neck Specialist Group
The group membership includes Head and Neck Specialist nurses, Dieticians and Speech and
Language specialists. The group enhances and feeds into the work if the Head and Neck Site Specific
The achievements of the group are as follows:
Network Alcohol Detox Guidelines – available on the YCN website.
Discharge checklist to support patient discharge from a specialist service back to their local
support team. The group are currently auditing the use of the check list in practice. – available
on the YCN website.
Head and Neck Patient information pathway agreed.
Head and Neck Patient Information prescription is being developed and tested on behalf of
the group in York.
Network Guidance for local Nasogastric tube replacement – awaiting sign off by the NSSG.
Distress Thermometer for Head and Neck cancer agreed and being used with in all specialist
Network standardised guidelines for Speech and Language Therapy in development.
Network Head and Neck Rehabilitation pathway in development.
Macmillan Head and Neck Whole system/pathway project continuing.
Network Head and neck patient experience survey developed based on the national patient
survey and including additional specific head and neck related questions.
Network standardised guidelines for Dietetic input in development.
Contribution at the yearly Head and Neck education events.
Post treatment clinic audit of patient concerns at 3, 6 and 12 months post treatment
undertaken at Bradford as a test for the group.
Identified issues:
Agree pathways of care and monitor to ensure being followed.
Contacts for further information:
Sarah Cost – Head and Neck CNS Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust
Barbara Machin – Specialist Dietician York Foundation Trust Barbara.machin@york.nhs.uk
Lung Nurses Group
The group includes membership for Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist from organisations across the
The achievements of the group are as follows:
Involvement in educational events.
Set up network wide Mesothelioma support groups.
Support the development of the surgical CNS post in Leeds.
Nurse-led document/protocol is in the process of being reviewed and updated.
Development of Lung cancer specific patient survey for use across the network based on the
national cancer patient survey.
Development of a lung cancer patient information pathway and adaption of that into a patient
information prescription.
Identified Issues:
Lack of specific support for patients with Mesothelioma across the network
Sustainability of the surgical CNS post in Leeds
Contact for further information:
Claire Waddington – Lung Cancer CNS Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
Skin Nurses Group
The group includes membership for Skin Cancer CNSs from organisations across the network.
The achievements of the group are as follows:
Developed and agreed a survivorship pathway for skin cancer.
Developed and agreed skin cancer specific distress thermometer.
Developed and agreed a skin cancer holistic assessments needs document including
survivorship assessment.
Agreement of the skin cancer patient information pathway and piloting an information
Developed patient information for skin cancer.
Developed a skin cancer patient survey for use across the network based on the national
cancer patient survey.
Agreed the CNS intervention pathway for referral into and out of the cancer centre.
Developed and agreed skin cancer Teenager and Adolescent pathway.
Developed and agreed skin cancer paediatric pathway.
Service user representation part of group.
Contact for further information:
Catherine Wheelhouse Skin Cancer CNS Bradford Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust
Upper GI and HPB Specialist Group
The group includes membership for Specialist Upper GI and HPB nurse specialists across the
network and specialist Dieticians working in Upper GI cancer.
The achievements of the group are as follows:
The inclusion of dieticians into the group enabling multi professional working.
Piloting of dietetic and nurse led follow-up in Bradford for roll out across the network.
Dietetic guidelines in development for use across the network.
Involvement in the development of Rehabilitation pathways.
Supporting the development of an enhanced recovery programme for Upper GI cancer being
undertaken in Bradford.
Agreement of a patient information pathway and piloting the use of information prescriptions.
Involvement in network education events including the successful use of service user
involvement at events to share their stories.
Identified issues:
The need to incorporate the care of liver cancer into future work.
Contact for further information:
Aidan Henry – Upper GI Clinical Nurse Specialist – Airedale HNS Foundation trust aidan.henry@anhst.nhs.uk
Urology Nurses Group
The urology nurses group membership is made up from Urology CNSs across the network. The group
has had a period where it has been difficult for members to attend and is currently in the process of
re-establishing itself.
The achievements of the group are as follows:
Service user representatives being part of the work of the group.
Information pathways agreed for the different urological cancers.
Information prescriptions for the different urological cancers.
Contact for further information:
Natalie Chester – Urology CNS Leeds trust – Natalie.chester@leedsth.nhs.uk