
Cytokinesis- division of cytoplasm
Mitosis-four stages of cell division
Mitosis phase 4- nuclear membrane forms around chromosomes; mitosis is complete
Mitosis phase 3- stage at which the chromatids separate and move to opposite sides of
the cell
Mitosis phase 2 – stage at which paired chromosomes align at the cell’s equator
Mitosis phase 1- begins; stage at which chromosomes condense from long strands to
rodlike structures
Interphase- stage at which chromosomes are copied
ATP-the substance that supplies energy to fuel cell activities, such as growth
Cellular respiration-p150
C6H12O6+6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
Photosynthesis  cellular respiration (carbon dioxide and water) when energy is added
Photosynthesis- process a plant uses to create glucose/food
Fermentation-process cells use to produce energy without oxygen
Mitochondria- place where cellular respiration in eukaryotes take place
Chromosomes- structures in which DNA can be found
Cell cycle- the life stages of a cell
Homologous chromosomes-23 pairs of human body cells
Binary fission-process of cell division in bacteria
Cancer- cells dividing at an uncontrolled rate (usually a tumor)
During cytokinesis
In a plant cell - cells form a cell plate;cells of other eukaryotes have a cell wall, division
of cytoplasm, (by cell plate), separates into 2 new cells
In an animal cell- eukaryotes lack a cell wall, & cell pinch in 2 during cytokinesis
What is not used to make glucose in photosynthesis?
Takes place in muscle cells when they need energy
Not receiving oxygen to make ATP by cellular respiration
Fermentation when needs energy and no oxygen
Released during photosynthesis
In cellular respiration oxygen is combined with glucose; produces energy; when this
happens plants grow, repair damaged cells, replace dead cells
Plants can survive in the world without animals(mammals), but animals(mammals) can
not survive in the world without plants.
We need plants plants produce oxygen we need to breathe, plants help provide a
food source.
Plants  make their own food, take carbon dioxide and water to make glucose. They
help recycle the carbon dioxide/oxygen; are a food source for others
Learning about cell growth, division, and behavior under different circumstance helps
gain to prevent plants from dying, mutating, using DNA to replicate (make more of a
certain plant). Helps understand nutrition and what foods help keep plants healthy and
What do animal cells require? (2 things)
Animal cells produce what 3 things in mitochondria during cellular respiration?
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P158-159 Phases of Mitosis; onion root