Martin Magu, UJ - CHPC National Meeting

Fate and transport simulations for inorganic pollutants in selected South African
water systems
*Magu, M. M.; Govender, P. P. & Ngila, J. C.
Applied chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg
P. O. Box 17011 Doornfontein 2028
*Corresponding author contacts:
Water is of great necessity to life and is required by both living things. Drinkable water is not sufficient and
the little available is polluted from various sources [1]. Inorganic pollutants such as metals pose great
danger to aquatic organisms as well as animals including human beings [2]. When these pollutants are
present in the water, they may cause cancer, disrupt endocrine systems, still births, among other effects
which are detrimental to life [3].
This study focuses on determination and speciation of some specific metals present in surface and treated
water systems in South Africa. The samples were collected from various surface water and treated
wastewater systems within Kwazulu Natal and Gauteng Provinces in South Africa respectively. Water
samples were analysed for physicochemical parameters and later prepared in order to pre-concentrate [4,
5] the metal content before analysis was carried out [4, 6]. Metals were analyzed using Inductively Coupled
Plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) as well as Inductively Coupled Plasma coupled with
Mass Spectrometer (MS) [7, 8].
Three metals, Mercury, (Hg), Lead (Pb) & Zinc (Zn) [9-13], were selected for fate and simulation study.
Geochemist’s workbench reactive transport models [14] were used to generate contour maps and
‘chromatograms’ from year one all the way to after 50 years. Adsorption [15] and other self-cleansing
mechanisms were thought to be contributing factors during transport and final fate of these contaminants.
One and dimension models were used and simulation results interpreted [3, 16, 17]. Advection transport
speciation was also done with PHREEQC software.[3, 18]
Presence of these metals may have originated from various anthropogenic activities surrounding the water
systems in agrochemicals, detergents, soaps, disinfectants, bleaching solutions among other household
chemicals [9, 19-21].
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