MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page PHYSICS I Course Code: 200338001 TOPIC VIII: Momentum Pacing Date(s) Traditional 10 days Block 5 days Q2 Assessment ESSENTIAL CONTENT A. Define Linear Momentum 1. Analyze Momentum and Newton’s 2nd Law 2. Impulse B. Apply the concept of Conservation of Momentum 1. Collisions in one dimension 2. Collisions in two dimensions SC.912.P.12.5 OBJECTIVES Define impulse and momentum Use Law of Conservation of Momentum to solve problems involving colliding bodies. Use energy and momentum principles to discuss collisions in one and two-dimensions. Distinguish between velocity and momentum Distinguish between force and impulse. Distinguish between force and torque. Determine impulse graphically given change in momentum Apply the law of conservation of linear momentum to collisions between objects 01-08-16 to 01-22-16 01-26-16 to 02-05-16 INSTRUCTIONAL TOOLS Textbook: Ch. 8 Vocabulary: Impulse, internal forces, recoil, elastic collision, inelastic collision, linear, momentum, conservation of momentum, external forces. Technology: 1. Khan Academy 2. Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) a. Momentum 3. 4. 5. Online Conversion 6. Hyperphysics 7. 8. 9. Loop-the-loop apparatus 10. Centripetal force 11. 12. Elastic Collisions: Conservation of Momentum Moment of Inertia Center of Mass Torque and Moment of Inertia Division of Academics – Department of Science Second Nine Weeks 01-08-16 to 01-22-16 Page 1 of 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page PHYSICS I SC.912.P.12.5 Course Code: 200338001 Ladybug Revolution Gravity and Orbits Torque My Solar System Motion in 2D Standard: SC.912.N.1.1 Video Standard: SC.912.N.1.2 Video Video Standard: SC.912.P.12.1 Standard: SC.912.P.12.5 Newton's Second Law of Motion: Force, What Is Momentum? Mass, and Momentum What Is Physics? Conservation of Momentum and the Energy of Motion Linear Momentum What Is Impulse? Momentum and Impulse Review Momentum and Impulse Defined Math Finding the Speed of an Object Explanation Video Division of Academics – Department of Science Second Nine Weeks Finding the Force Exerted on an Object Conservation of Linear Momentum Examples of Two-Dimensional Applying the Principle of Conserved Collisions and the Law of Conservation Momentum The Law of Conservation of Momentum of Momentum and Two-Dimensional Collisions The Law of Conservation of Momentum Collisions and the Conservation of Momentum Page 2 of 3 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student BYOD Resource Page PHYSICS I Course Code: 200338001 Conserving Momentum in Physics Math Explanation Video Division of Academics – Department of Science Second Nine Weeks Finding the Distance of Objects after Collision Perfectly Inelastic Collisions Finding the Speed of Collision Analyzing Elastic and Inelastic Collisions Mississippi Levees Under Strain Extreme Midwest Flooding Busts Through Levee Tomatoes Tasteless, Tough -- Tougher Than Car Bumpers in Crash Test Smashing Success: Probe Hits Comet in Planned Collision Science of Golf: Evolution of the Golf Club Astronomers Await Collision of Deep Impact Probe with Comet Science of NHL Hockey: Force, Impulse & Collisions Quest to Find Origins of the Universe: Huge Supercollider is Built in Switzerland Slapshot Physics: Hockey Science of Golf: Friction & Spin Safety Gear Recreating the Big Bang: Large Hadron Collider Opening in Switzerland Shhhh! Colliding Sound Waves Cancel Each Other, Reduce Noise Levels Page 3 of 3