School of Medicine - UNM Cancer Center

January 2013
Marianne Berwick, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Internal Medicine, MSC10 5550,
1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Home Address: 305 Hermosa Drive, SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
Educational History:
PhD. 1987, Yale University, New Haven, CT, Environmental
M.P.H. 1979, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT,
Environmental Health Studies
B.A. 1963, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, English
Employment History:
Professor, January 2004 – present. University of New Mexico School of
Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. Albuquerque, NM.
Member – Attending Epidemiologist, September 2003 – December 2003.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, New York, NY
Associate Member – Associate Attending Epidemiologist, September
1997 – August 2003. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, New York. NY
Assistant Member – Assistant Attending Epidemiologist, September 1994
– August 1997. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, New York, NY
Director of Epidemiology – January 1993 – August 1994. Cancer
Prevention Research Institute, New York, NY
Senior Epidemiologist – September 1991 – December 1992. Cancer
Prevention Research Institute, New York, NY
Lecturer – September 1988 – August 1991. Yale University Department
of Epidemiology and Public Health, New Haven, CT
Associate Research Scientist – September 1986 – August 1988. Yale
University, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, New Haven,
Teaching Assistant – February 1986 – August 1986. Yale University,
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, New Haven, CT.
Acting Instructor – September 1985 – January 1986. Yale University,
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, New Haven, CT
Graduate Assistant in Research - September 1984 – January 1986. J.B.
Pierce Foundation, New Haven, CT
Visiting Scientist – June 1978-August 1978 – Virus Research Laboratory,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Human Ecologist – June 1977 – August 1977. The Nature Conservancy,
Middletown, CT
Research Associate – February 1970 – August 1971. The Smithsonian
Institution, Bombay Natural History Society, Yale University, World Wildlife
Fund. The Gir Forest, Gujarat, India
Employment History Concurrent:
Head, Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory – September 1994 – December
2003. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Department of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, New York, NY
Associate Professor of Epidemiology – September 2001 – December
2003. Cornell University Medical School, Department of Public Health,
New York, NY
Assistant Professor of Epidemiology – September 1994 – August 2001.
Cornell University Medical School, Department of Public Health, New
York, NY
Adjunct Member – September 2001 – present – Rockefeller University,
New York, NY
Research Affiliate – September 1993 – present – Yale University,
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, New Haven, CT
Research Assistant Professor – September 1991 – December 1997.
Institute of Environmental Medicine, New York University, New York, NY
Professional Recognition, Honors:
The Wilbur Downs International Travel Award. Yale University, School of
Medicine, 1978.
Hull Award, Yale University School of Medicine, 1988.
Melanoma Research Foundation Award, 1988.
LILAC Award for Cancer Research, 1996.
Byrne Fund Award, 1997-1999.
David Klein Foundation Award, 2001.
Peter Fink Memorial Lectureship, 2003.
Stanley Davidson Lecture (endowed), 2006
Established Researcher Award 2006 of the Society of Melanoma
Senior Research Award 2007 – Department of Internal Medicine, UNM
NCI Subcommittee A Member (2008-2012)
Scientific Counselor, National Academy of Science – Radiation Effects
Research Foundation (2005-2015)
Australian Society for Oncology Award – Marryalyan Award, 2008
UNM Excellence in Population Science Research 2010.
Distinguished Professor - 2012
Memberships in Professional Societies
Society for Melanoma Research (Founding member, Secretary/Treasurer
American Association for Cancer Research/Molecular Epidemiology
Society for Epidemiologic Research
American College of Epidemiology, Fellow
American Society for Preventive Oncology
American Society for Photobiology
Society for Investigative Dermatology
Other extramural professional activities
Ad hoc reviewer:
o American Journal of Epidemiology
o American Journal of Human Genetics
o Annals of Behavioral Medicine
o Annals of Internal Medicine
o Archives of Dermatology
o Archives of Internal Medicine
o British Journal of Dermatology
o British Medical Journal
o Cancer
o Cancer Causes and Control
o Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention
o Cancer Research
o Clinical Cancer Research
o Community Epidemiology and Health
o Epidemiology
o European Journal of Epidemiology and Cancer Prevention
o Health Psychology
o International Journal of Cancer
o International Journal of Epidemiology
o Journal of the American Medical Association
o Journal of Clinical Oncology
o Journal of Investigative Dermatology
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
The Lancet
Melanoma Research
Nature Genetics
New England Journal of Medicine
Photobiology and Photochemistry
Preventive Medicine
Psychology and Health
 Editorial Board Member
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research – 2007-2009
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention - current
Cancer - current
DermClips – American Academy of Dermatology CME
publication - current
 External Advisory Board Member
MDAnderson Melanoma SPORE – November 2005 to 2009
Wistar Skin SPORE – December 2005 to 2009
NYU SPORE application – June 2008 to 2009
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and New Mexico
State University U54 – August 2008 – to present
o University of Illinois at Chicago – R25 Cancer Education –
post-doctoral training program – 2010 – 2014
o Genetics and Epidemiology Research Institute – November
2012 to present, University of California, Irvine
 Grant Reviews
o NCI Scientific Review Group Member – Subcommittee A –
2008 to 2013
o Italian Grant Review, Genoa, Italy. 2012
o Austrian Grant Review, 2012.
o Special Emphasis Panel for EPIC (members in conflict) –
November 2009; February 2010
o NIH – Innovator Awards - 2011
o Australia Fellowship, ad hoc reviewer, 2010
o State of Texas Population Science Reviews, April 2010
o GlaxoSmithKline International Ethnic Research Committee –
November 2009
o NCI Scientific Review Group Member (SRG) E, Cancer
Epidemiology, Prevention and Control – September 2003 –
o NCI CCSG Review of St. Jude Cancer Center (ad hoc) 2007
o UK special grant reviews – 2006, 2007, 2008
o NIEHS ad hoc member – 2005-2006
o NIEHS Program Project Review – USC - 2005
o NCI Review: Intramural Program Genetic Epidemiology –
May 2004.
o NIH NCMHD Special Emphasis Panel - 2002
o NCI Program Projects, Ad hoc Reviewer, 1999, 2001-2003
o Ad hoc Reviewer – NCI EDC2 – 1998, 2000, 2001
o NCI SPORE Review – Skin Cancer - 2001
o Ad hoc Reviewer - Australian NHMRC Grants – 2003
o Department of Defense – Grant Reviews – 1993 - 2003
o American Cancer Society, Ad Hoc Reviewer, Molecular
Epidemiology - 2002
o Grant Review – Cancer Society of New Zealand – 2001
o Canadian Institute of Cancer Grant Reviews – 2001
o Grant Review - Italian Minister of University Research on
Science and Technology 1999- 2007
o Canadian National Health System Cancer Grant Review –
o NCI - Safety and Protocol Review - 1993
Administrative work with professional societies
o Organizer, 4th International Melanoma Congress, New York
o Program Committee, AACR, 2005, 2006, 2007
o WHO Melanoma Congress, Vancouver 2005, Program
o Secretary-Treasurer, Society for Melanoma Research,
o Steering Committee, Melanoma Research Foundation,
2004- 2011
o Steering Committee, Society for Melanoma Research,
o Head, Membership Committee, AACR/MEG, 2004-2006
o Admissions Committee, American College of Epidemiology,
o Scientific Program Committee, 6th World Conference on
Malignant Melanoma, 2005
o Scientific Program Committee, IDEA-EDEN, Venice 2004
o Scientific and Educational Committee, AACR/MEG, 2002
o Chair, Nominating Committee, AACR/MEG, 2002
o Scientific Program Committee, European Dermatoepidemiology Group, 2000
o Chairman, Scientific Program Committee, International
Dermato-epidemiology Association 2000-2001
o Basic Science Committee and Sarcoma Committees of the
American College of Surgeons, 1999-2003
o Epidemiology Advisory Group for AmDEC, New York City,
NY, 2003
o Editorial Board, Melanoma Update, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, 1994-2003.
o Board on Gender Disparities, WICR, AACR, 2012.
Invited lectures:
 1990. Ozone Depletion and Melanoma. Launceston Hospital Association,
Tasmania, Australia
 1991. Variability in Measurement of DNA Repair Capacity. Columbia
University Seminar Series, New York, NY
 1992. Case Control Study of Skin Self-examination and Melanoma.
Columbia University Seminar Series, New York, NY.
 1992. Screening and Melanoma. Canadian Symposium of Ultra-violet
radiation and Diseases, Ottawa, Ontario
 1992. Risk Factors for Melanoma. Connecticut Chapter - American
Cancer Society, Wallingford, CT.
 1992. Preventing Melanoma. Nursing Rounds, St. Vincent’s Hospital,
Bridgeport, CT.
 1993. The Contribution of Early Detection to the Rising Incidence of
Melanoma. Memorial Sloan Kettering Epidemiology Series.
 1994. Risk Factors for Melanoma. Bristol Hospital Grand Rounds, Bristol,
 1995. The Latest in Prevention of Skin Cancer . Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, Docents Lecture, New York
 1995. Can Skin Self-Examination Prevent Melanoma? Yale University
Chronic Disease Epidemiology Lecture Series, New Haven, Connecticut.
 1995. Preventing Melanoma: Combining Epidemiology and Laboratory
Tools. Harvard University - Cancer Prevention Seminars, Boston, MA
 1996. Preventing Melanoma: The Role of the Nurse. Nursing Grand
Rounds, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. New York.
 1996. Predicting Risk for Melanoma. Tasmanian Hematology,
Immunology, and Neoplasia Group. Tasmania, Australia.
 1996. p16 and DNA Repair in Melanoma. Tasmanian Hematology,
Immunology, and Neoplasia Group. Tasmania, Australia.
 1996. Melanoma Risk Algorithm. Menzies Centre for Population Health
Research, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
 1996. Epidemiology and Prevention of Melanoma. LILAC (Long Island
League Against Cancer) Long Island, New York.
 1996. Screening for Cutaneous Melanoma: An Update. Third Symposium
on the Epidemiology of Melanoma and Non-Melanocytic Skin Cancer.
Vancouver, British Columbia.
1996. Screening for Melanoma by Skin Self-Examination. University of
Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA.
1996. Preventing Melanoma. The Society of Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center. New York, NY
1996. What is the Cause of Melanoma? Leeds Oncology Update. Imperial
Cancer Research Fund, University of Leeds, UK.
1996. Vitamin E and Cancer Chemoprevention. Nutrition Group, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer
1996. The Epidemiology of Melanoma. Baruch College, New York City.
1997. Melanoma Prevention. Current and Future. Surgery Research
Seminar, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
1997. Estimating Individual Risk for Melanoma. The Society of Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
1997. Summer Smart: Skin Cancer Prevention and Early Detection.
“What’s a Body to Do?” Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY.
1998. Sunscreens and Melanoma: The Epidemiologic Perspective. Yale
University Chronic Diseases and Epidemiology Seminar, New Haven, CT
1998. Cancer Epidemiology: Two Current Problems - Childhood Cancer
Increases and Sunscreens, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New
1998. Prevention of Melanoma: The Role of Genetics, Mt. Sinai School of
Medicine, New York, NY.
1998. Prevention of Melanoma: The Role of Genetics. Arizona Cancer
Center, Tucson, AZ.
1999. Preliminary Results: Randomized Trial of Alpha-Tocopherol.
Surgery Research Seminar, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,
New York, NY.
1999. Can Melanoma Be Prevented? Medicine Grand Rounds, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY.
1999. The Epidemiology of Melanoma in Those Over 65, Institute of
Medicine, National Academy of Science, Washington, DC.
2000. Can Melanoma Be Prevented? New South Wales Cancer Council.
Sydney, Australia.
2000. Can Melanoma Be Prevented? Cornell University Department of
Public Health Seminar Series, New York, NY.
2001. Can Melanoma Be Prevented? Mt. Sinai Cancer Center, New York,
2001. Genetic Susceptibility to Melanoma, The Roffo Institute, Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
2001. Integration of Measures of DNA Repair in Epidemiologic Studies,
German Cancer Research Center, Division of Toxicology and Cancer Risk
Factors, Heidelberg, Germany
2001. Melanoma: A Model for Gene-Environment Interaction. Yale
University School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Public
Health, Departmental Seminar. New Haven, CT.
2001. Melanoma: A Paradigm for Gene-Environment Interaction. City
College of New York, Department of Biology, New York, NY.
2002. Melanoma: Genetics or Environment. The Peter Fink Memorial
Lecture, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY,
2003. Fanconi Anemia Among Heterozygotes. Grand Rounds
Department of Community Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
New York, NY.
2003. The Epidemiology of Bladder Cancer, Urology Grand Rounds,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
2003. DNA Repair – Can Epidemiology Tell Us Anything? New York
University, New York, NY.
2003. New Directions in the Development of Melanoma, Cancer Smart
Lecture, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY
2003. New Clues to the Etiology of Melanoma from Epidemiology,
Surgery Grand Rounds, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY
2003. Selection of Controls – A Novel Approach, MEG/AACR Workshop
for Junior Investigators, Washington, DC
2003. Can Sunscreens Prevent Melanoma? - Cancer Prevention and
Control NCI Awardees – Keynote Speech – Denver, CO
2004. Genetic Factors involved in Survival with Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
Pharmacology Seminar, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
2004. DNA Repair. Can Epidemiology Tell Us Anything? MPH Seminar
Series, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
2004. Meet the Expert – Melanoma Session. American Society for
Clinical Oncology, New Orleans, LA,
2004. Progress in the Understanding the Etiology of DNA Repair in
Cancer. The Cancer Prevention and Control Colloquia Lecture Series,
NCI Office of Preventive Oncology, Bethesda, MD.
2004. The Contribution of Molecular Epidemiology to Understanding
Cancer: Melanoma as a Model. Joint Rounds: Department of Internal
Medicine and Pathology. Albuquerque, NM.
2005. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Melanoma? Moffitt Cancer
Center, Tampa, FL.
2005. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Melanoma? University of
Toronto, Toronto, CANADA
2005. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Melanoma? UNM CRTC
Special Lecture, Albuquerque, NM.
2005. Ultraviolet Radiation in the Pathogenesis of Melanoma.
Perspectives in Melanoma IX. Tampa, FL
2005. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Melanoma? Department of
Family and Community Health MPH Seminar, Albuquerque, NM
2005. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Melanoma? MDAnderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX
2006. The Role of the Epidemiologist in Cancer Prevention. Pathology
Grand Rounds, Albuquerque, NM
2006. How COULD the Sun Be Helpful in Skin Cancer? AACR Meeting,
Washington, DC
2006. Melanoma Epidemiology: Where are we headed? Sun, Sex, and
Skin Cancer, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
2006. Prevalence, Penetrance and Mutation Characteristics of CDKN2A
in GEM. Melanoma Day, University of Sydney, June 15, 2006.
2006. GEM: Genes, Environment and Melanoma. An International Study
of Melanoma. Dublin, Ireland, July 31, 2006.
2006. Could the SUN Prevent Melanoma Progression? Arizona Cancer
Center, Tucson, Arizona. September 19, 2006.
2006. Gene-environment interaction and melanoma etiology. University
of California, Irvine, Chao Cancer Center, December 5, 2006.
Western IDeA States’ Symposium, A Darwinian Perspective on Cancer,
March 15-17, 2007, Albuquerque
2007. Invited Speaker: Symposium: Solar Radiation and Human Health,
Committee for Geomedicine, The Norwegian Academy of Science and
Letters, Oslo, Norway – May 10-11.
2007. Invited Speaker: International Studies of Melanoma, World
Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina – October 3-5.
2007. Invited Speaker. UV-Radiation and Health. Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden. – October 18
2007. Invited Speaker. 3rd International Congress on Melanoma.
Epidemiology Session. New York, NY – November 2
2008. Keynote Speaker. Melanoma Conference, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC – February 28.
2008. Keynote Speaker. Australian Society for Clinical Oncology,
Sydney, Australia – November 16, 2008.
2008. Pigmentation and the Molecular Epidemiology of Melanoma. 4 th
International Congress on Melanoma. Sapporo, Japan
2008. Methylation and Melanoma. 4th International Congress on
Melanoma. Sapporo, Japan
2009. Cancer Prevention – Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
NM – April 15, 2009
2009. Melanoma and Sun Protection - World Congress of Epidemiology,
May 12-16, 2009; Vienna, Austria.
2009. The Role of Vitamin D in Melanoma Progression - World Congress
of Epidemiology, May 12-16, 2009; Vienna, Austria.
2009. Sunscreens and Melanoma, Revisited - World Congress of
Epidemiology, May 12-16, 2009; Vienna, Austria.
2009. Vitamin D and Melanoma Progression. Invited Speaker. Society for
Melanoma Research, Boston, November 2009.
2010. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Mortality from Melanoma? Ohio
State University Cancer Center, Grand Rounds, January 22, 2010.
2010. Vitamin D and Melanoma Progression. University of Arizona,
Tucson, AZ, April 14, 2010.
2010. UV Exposure Patterns and Molecular and Clinical Phenotypes in an
International Melanoma Study. AACR Annual Meeting, Washington, DC,
April 20, 2010.
2010. Melanoma and Vitamin D – Where is the Balance? Epidemiology
Seminar Series, University of North Carolina, April 23, 2010.
2010. Melanoma: How Can the Sun Improve Survival? Pathology Grand
Rounds, University of New Mexico, May 13, 2010.
2010. Sun Exposure and Vitamin D: Benefits and Risks for Skin Cancer.
9th Congress of the Baltic Association of Dermatovenerologists. Tartu,
Estonia, June 10, 2010.
2010. Melanoma Epidemiology: What’s New Under the Sun. 9th
Congress of the Baltic Association of Dermatovenereologists, Tartu,
Estonia, June 11, 2010.
2011. MSKCC Melanoma Disease Management Team. Melanoma
Update: What’s new under the sun? New York, NY January 21, 2011.
2011. College of Pharmacy: Melanoma – what’s new under the sun.
University of New Mexico Pharmacy Lecture Series, Albuquerque, NM,
January 24, 2011.
2011. ASPO, March 5, 2011, Las Vegas, NV. Solar Exposure and
Melanoma: A Two-Edged Sword.
2012. Health Disparities Symposium – Chaminade University. Vitamin D:
What Do We Know? Honolulu, HI, February 10, 2012.
2012. UV-Radiation induced disease – Roles of UVA and UVB. Survival
in Melanoma – Seven-year Follow-up in GEM. May 24-26, 2012,
Stockholm, Sweden.
2012. Melanoma Survival and UV Radiation. GenoMEL Meeting. June
18, 2012, Leiden, Holland.
2012. Shining a Light on Melanoma. Society for Integrative Oncology.
October 9, 2012, Albuquerque, NM.
Meeting sessions chaired:
2012. Human Studies of UV-Induced Disease. UV-Radiation induced
disease – Roles of UVA and UVB, Stockholm, Sweden, May 24-26, 2012.
2011. Prevention Session: International Society for Melanoma Research,
November 11, 2011.
2010. Oncology Session. 9th Congress of the Baltic Association of
Dermatovenerologists. Tartu, Estonia, June 10, 2010.
2009. Epidemiology Session: World Congress of Epidemiology, May 1216, 2009; Vienna Austria.
2009. Education Session: Measurement of Health Disparities, February
3, 2009. AACR Conference on Health Disparities, Phoenix, Az.
2007. Studies of Human Health, UV-Radiation and Health – October 1718, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
2007. Epidemiology Session. World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, October 5.
2007. Spotlight Session: Melanoma Risk, Society for Epidemiologic
Research, June 2007, Boston, MA
2006. Prevention of Melanoma. AACR Cancer Prevention, Boston, MA
2006. Epidemiology of Melanoma. Keystone Conference, Santa Fe, NM
2005. Ultraviolet Radiation and Melanoma. Perspectives in Melanoma IX.
Tampa, FL, November 17, 2005.
2005, 6th World Congress of Melanoma, Epidemiology, Vancouver, BC,
CA. September 6, 2005.
2005, Educational Forum: Molecular Epidemiology, International
Environmental Mutagen Society, San Francisco, CA, September 3, 2005
2005, AACR, Functional DNA Repair and Epidemiology, Anaheim, CA,
April 16-20, 2005.
2004, Society for Melanoma Research, Molecular Epidemiology
2004, Enivronmental Mutagenesis Society, Human Variation and Cancer
2003, AACR, Forum on Sunscreens
2002. Society for Investigative Dermatology, Epidemiology Symposium.
2002. American Society for Photobiology, Epidemiology Session.
2001. Congress of Epidemiology (Society for Epidemiology, Canadian
Society for Epidemiology), Symposium on Melanoma.
1996. CDC and American Academy of Dermatology Skin Cancer
Prevention I. Agenda Setting.
Scholarly Achievements
Original research or scholarly articles in refereed journals:
1. Berwick M. Nitrate levels in groundwater from the Fleuve, Senegal. Progress
in Water Technology 1978; 11, 978;(1/2):117-120.
2. Leaderer BP, Zagraniski RT, Berwick M, Stolwijk JAJ. Assessment of exposure
to indoor air contaminants from combustion sources: methodology and
application. American Journal of Epidemiology 1986;124:275-289.
3. Leaderer BP, Zagraniski RT, Berwick M, Stolwijk JAJ. Predicting NO2 levels in
residences based upon sources and source use: a multivariate model.
Atmospheric Environment 1987;21(2):361-368.
4. Berwick M, Leaderer BP, Zagraniski RT, Stolwijk JAJ. Lower respiratory
symptoms in children exposed to nitrogen dioxide from unvented combustion
sources. Environment International 1989;15:369-373.
5. Berwick M, Thompson WD, Roush G. Evaluating the efficacy of skin self-exam
and other surveillance measures in persons at various levels of risk for
cutaneous malignant melanoma: an ongoing case-control study. Advances in
Cancer Control: Innovations and Research 1989:297-306.
6. Bolognia JL, Berwick M, Fine J. Complete follow-up and evaluation of a skin
cancer screening in Connecticut. Journal of the American Academy of
Dermatology 1990;23:1098-1105.
7. Barnhill R, Barnhill MA, Berwick M, Mihm M. The histological spectrum of
pigmented spindle cell nevus: a review of 120 cases with emphasis on atypical
variants. Human Pathology 1990;22:52-58.
8. Berwick M, Bolognia JL, Heer C, Fine J. The role of the nurse in skin cancer
screening and early detection. Seminars in Nursing Oncology 1 (February),
9. Bolognia J, Berwick M, Fine JA, Simpson P, Jasmin J. Sun protection in
newborns: a comparison of educational methods. American Journal of
Diseases of Children 1991;145:1125-1129.
10. Berwick M, Fine J, Bolognia JL. Sun exposure and sunscreen use following a
community skin cancer screening day. Preventive Medicine 1992;21(3):302310.
11. Bolognia JL, Headley A, Fine J, Berwick M. The histologic evaluation of
pigmented lesions in Connecticut and its influence on the reporting of
melanoma. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 1992;26:198202.
12. Leffell D, Chen Y-t, Berwick M, Bolognia JL. Interobserver agreement in a
community skin cancer screening setting. Journal of the American Academy of
Dermatology 1993, 28(6):1003-1005.
13. Bruijn JA, Berwick M, Mihm M, Barnhill RL. Common acquired melanocytic
nevi, dysplastic melanocytic nevi and malignant melanomas: an image analysis
cytometric study. Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, 1993, 20(2):121-125.
14. Duncan LM, Berwick M, Bruijn JA, Byers HR, Mihm MC and Barnhill RL.
Histopathologic recognition and grading of dysplastic melanocytic nevi: an interobserver agreement study. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 1993,
15. Leffell D, Berwick M, Bolognia JL. The effect of pre-education on patient
compliance with full body examination in a public skin cancer screening.
Journal of Dermatologic Surgery and Oncology, 1993, 19(7):660-663.
16. Barnhill RL, Busam KJ, Berwick M, Blessing K, Cochran AJ, Elder DE, Fandrey
K, Karaoli T, White WL. Tumour vascularity is not a prognostic factor for
cutaneous melanoma. Lancet 1994; 344:1237-8.
17. Burt RD, Vaughan TL, Nisperos B, Swanson M, Berwick M. A protective
association between the HLA-A2 antigen and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in U.S.
whites. International Journal of Cancer 1994, 56:465-467.
18. Chen Y-t, Zheng Tongzhang T, Holford TR, Berwick M, Dubrow R. Malignant
melanoma incidence in Connecticut (United States): time trends and age-periodcohort modeling by anatomic site. Cancer Causes and Control 1994;5:341-350.
19. Berwick M, Dubin N, Luo S-t, Flannery J. No improvement in survival from
melanoma diagnosed from 1973-1984. International Journal of Epidemiology
1994; 673-681.
20. Berwick M, Chen Y-t. Reliability of reported sunburn history in a case-control
study of cutaneous malignant melanoma. American Journal of Epidemiology,
1995: 141:1033-7.
21. Travers RL, Sober AJ, Berwick M, Mihm MC, Barnhill RL, Duncan LM.
Increased thickness of pregnancy-associated melanoma. British Journal of
Dermatology 1995;132:876-883.
22. Busam KJ, Berwick M, Blessing K, Fandrey K, Kang S, Karaoli T, Fine J,
Cochran AJ, White WL, Rivers J, Elder DE, Wen D-RP, Heyman BH, Barnhill
RL. Tumour vascularity is not a prognostic factor for malignant melanoma of the
skin. American Journal of Pathology 1995;147:1049-1056.
23. Vaughan TL, Shapiro JA, Burt RD, Swanson GM, Berwick M, Lynch CF, Lyon
JL. Nasopharyngeal cancer in a low-risk population: Defining risk factors by
histologic type. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 1996;5:587594.
24. Barnhill RL, Fine JA, Roush GC, Berwick M. Predicting five-year outcome for
patients with cutaneous melanoma in a population-based study. Cancer 1996,
25. Burt RD, Vaughan TL, McKnight B, Davis S, Beckmann, A-M, Smith AG,
Nisperos B, Swanson GM, Berwick M. Associations between human leukocyte
antigen type and nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Caucasians in the United States.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 1996, 5;879-887.
26. Berwick M, Begg C, Fine JA, Roush GC, Barnhill RL. Screening for malignant
melanoma by skin self-examination. Journal of the National Cancer Institute
27. Hu JJ, Roush GC, Berwick M, Dubin N, Mahabir S, Chandiramani M, Boorstein
B. Effects of dietary supplementation of alpha-tocopherol on plasma glutathione
and DNA repair activities. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
28. Chen Y-T, Dubrow RT, Zhengdong T, Barnhill RL, Berwick M. Malignant
melanoma risk factors by anatomic site: a case-control study and
polychotomous logistic regression analysis. International Journal of Cancer
29. Begg C, Huang Y, Berwick M. Separate estimation of primary and secondary
cancer preventive impact: Analysis of a case-control study of skin selfexamination and melanoma. Journal of the American Statistical Association
1996;91 (436):1381-1387.
30. Begg C, Berwick M. A note on the estimation of relative risks of rare genetic
susceptibility markers. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
31. Hu JJ, Dubin N, Berwick M, Miesner J, Roses D, Harris M, Roush GC. Poly
(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase in human breast cancer: A case-control analysis.
Pharmacogenetics 1997;7(4).
32. Berwick M, Halpern A. Etiology and Epidemiology of Melanoma: Current
Opinion in Oncology 1997;9:178-182.
33. Berwick M, Schantz S. Chemoprevention of Upper Aerodigestive Cancer.
Cancer and Metastasis Review. 1997; 16:329-347.
34. Begg C, Satagopan J, Berwick M. A new strategy for evaluation the impact of
epidemiologic risk factors for cancer with application to melanoma. Journal of
the American Statistical Association 1998; 93(422):415-426.
35. Chen Y-t, Dubrow R, Zheng T, Barnhill RL, Fine JA, Berwick M. Sunlamp use
and risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma: a population-based case-control
study in Connecticut, USA. International Journal of Epidemiology 1998;27:758765.
36. Smith M, Fine JA, Barnhill RL, Berwick M. Hormonal and reproductive
influences and risk of melanoma in women. International Journal of
Epidemiology 1998;27:751-757.
37. Margolis DJ, Rebbeck T, Halpern A, Fine JA, Barnhill RL, Berwick M.
Validation of a melanoma model. Archives of Dermatology, 1998;134:15971601.
38. Farrow DC, Vaughan TL, Berwick M, Lynch CF, Swanson GM, Lyon JL. Diet
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39. Weinstock MA, Martin RA, Risica PM, Berwick M, Lasater T, Rakowski W,
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40. Nazar-Stewart V, Vaughan TL, Burt RD, Chen C, Berwick M, Swanson GM.
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41. Oliveria SA, Christos PJ, Halpern AC, Fine J, Barnhill RL, Berwick M. Patient
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43. Hu JJ, Chi CX, Frenkel K, Smith BN, Henfelt JJ, Roush GC, Mahabir S, Berwick
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44. Busam KJ, Tan LK, Granter SR, Kohler S, Junkins-Hopkins J, Berwick M,
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45. Berwick M, Headley A, Fine J, Bolognia JL. Skin self-examination in patients at
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46. Busam KJ, Iversen K, Koplan KA, Old LJ, Berwick M, Spagnoli GC, Jungbluth
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47. Vaughan TL, Stewart PA, Teschke K, Lynch CF, Swanson GM, Lyon JL,
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53. Pierce AJ, Stark J, Araujo FP, Moynahan ME, Berwick M, Jasin M. Doublestrand breaks and tumorigenesis. Trends in Cell Biology, 2001:11:S52-9.
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55. Berwick M, Song YS, Jordan R, Brady MS, Orlow I. Mutagen sensitivity as an
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56. Oliveria S, Dusza S, Berwick M. Issues in the Epidemiology of Melanoma.
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57. Orlow I, Roy P, Barz A, Canchola R, Song Y, Begg CB, Berwick M. Validation
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59. Mahabir S, Coit D, Liebes L, Brady MS, Lewis JJ, Roush G, Nestle M, Fry, D,
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60. Lohmann CM, Coit DG, Brady MS, Berwick M, Busam KJ. Sentinel lymph node
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61. Qin J, Berwick M, Ashbolt R, Dwyer T. Quantifying the change of melanoma
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62. Lohmann CM, Iversen K, Jungluth AA, Berwick M, Busam KJ. Expression of
melanocyte differentiation antigens and ki-67 in nodal nevi and comparison of ki67 expression with metastatic melanoma. Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:1351-7.
63. Stellman SD, Y Chen, JE Muscat, MV Djordjevic, JP Richie Jr, P. Lazarus, S
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Olson, JM Travaline, P Witorsch, Z-F Zhang. Lung cancer risk in white and
black Americans. Ann Epidemiol 2003;13(4):294-302.
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the American Academy of Dermatology. 2003; 48(5):707-13.
65. Kutler DI, Singh B, Satagopan J, Batish, D, Berwick M, Giampietro PF,
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67. Donat SM, Bayuga S, Herr HW, Berwick M. Fluid intake and the risk of tumor
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68. Mahabir M, Frenkel K, Brady MS, Coit D, Leibes L, Karkoszka J, Roush G,
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69. Berwick M, Orlow I, Mahabir S, Myskowski P, Coit D, Brady MS, Roy P, Song
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70. Dwyer T, Stankovich JM, Blizzard L, FitzGerald LM, Dickinson JL, Reilly A,
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71. Thomas NE, Alexander A, Edmiston SE, Parrish E, Millikan RC, Berwick M,
Groben P, Ollila DW, Conway K. Tandem BRAF mutations in primary invasive
melanomas. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2004, 122(5):1245-50.
72. Weinstock MA, Risica PM, Martin RA, Rakowski W, Smith KJ, Berwick, M,
Goldstein, MG, Lasater T. Reliability of assessment and circumstances of
performance of thorough skin self-examination for the early detection of
melanoma in the check-it-out project. Prev Med 2004;38:761-5.
73. Oliveria SA, Dusza SW, Phelan DL, Ostroff JS, Berwick M, Halpern AC.
Patient adherence to skin self-examination: effect of nurse intervention with
photographs. Am J Prev Med 2004,26(2):152-5.
74. Amend KL, Elder JT, Tomsho LP, Bonner JD, Johnson TM, Schwartz J,
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75. Ford JS, Ostroff JS, Hay JL, Buckley TR, Stein TR, Berwick M, Primavera LH,
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76. Satagopan JM, Ben-Porat L, Berwick M, Robson M, Kutler D, Auerbach AD. A
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August 10, 2004. 91(7):1229-35. Review. PMID: 15305188
77. Berwick M, Matullo G, Song YS, Guarrera S, Dominguez G, Cordon-Cardo C,
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78. Azfar R, Schwartz RA, Berwick M. Primary melanoma prevention and the role
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79. Lockett KL, Hall MC, Xu J, Zheng SL, Berwick M, Chuang S-C, Clark PE,
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Research 2004; 64(17):6344-8.
80. Begg CB, Hummer A, Mujumdar U, Armstrong BK, Kricker A, Marrett LD,
Millikan RC, Gruber SB, Anton-Culver H, Klotz JB, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP,
Dwyer T, Rebbeck TR, Berwick M. Familial aggregation of melanoma risks in a
large population-based sample of melanoma. Cancer Causes Control. 2004
81. Berwick M, Armstrong BK, Ben-Porat L, Fine J, Kricker A, Eberle C, Barnhill R.
Sun exposure and mortality from melanoma. J Natl Cancer Inst 2005;97(3):1959.
82. Barnhill RL, Katzen J, Spatz A, Fine J, Berwick M. The importance of mitotic
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83. Wiggins CL, Berwick M, Newton-Bishop J. Malignant Melanoma in Pregnancy.
Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am. 2005 Dec;32(4):559-568.
84. Fisher NM, Schaffer JV, Berwick M, Bolognia JL. Breslow depth of cutaneous
melanoma: impact of factors related to surveillance of the skin, including prior
skin biopsies and family history of melanoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005
85. Berwick M, Kesler D. Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure, Vitamin D, and Cancer.
Photochem Photobiol. 2005; 81(6):1261-6. Review. PMID: 16164370
86. Ferrone CR, Ben Porat L, Panageas KS, Berwick M, Halpern AC, Patel A, Coit
DG. Clinicopathological features of and risk factors for multiple primary
melanomas. JAMA. 2005;294(13):1647-54.
87. Begg CB, Orlow I, Hummer AJ, Armstrong BK, Kricker A, Marrett LD, Millikan
RC, Gruber SB, Anton-Culver H, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP, Dwyer T, Rebbeck
TR, Mitra N, Busam K, From L, Berwick M: Genes Environment and Melanoma
Study Group. Lifetime risk of melanoma in CDKN2A mutation carriers in a
population-based sample. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2005;97(20):1507-15.
88. Millikan RC, Hummer A, Begg C, Player J, de Cotret AR, Winkel S,
Mohrenweiser H, Thomas N, Arstrong B, Kricker A, Marrett LD, Gruber SB,
Anton-Culber H, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP, Dwyer T, Rebbeck T, Busam K, From
L, Mujumdar U, Berwick M. Polymorphisms in nucleotide excision repair genes
and risk of multiple primary melanoma: the Genes Environment and Melanoma
study. Carcinogenesis. 2006; 27(3):610-618.
89. Hay J, Ostroff J, Martin A, Serle N, Soma S, Mujumdar U, Berwick M. Skin
cancer risk discussions in melanoma-affected families. J Cancer Educ 2005;
90. Wood SR, Berwick M, Ley RD, Walter RB, Setlow RB, Timmins GS. UV
causation of melanoma in Xiphophorus is dominated by melanin photosensitized
oxidant production. PNAS 2006;103(11):4111-41115.
91. Begg CB, Hummer AJ, Mujumdar U, Armstrong BK, Kricker A, Marrett LD,
Millikan RC, Gruber SB, Culver HA, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP, Dwyer T, Rebbeck
TR, Busam K, From L. Berwick M for the GEM Study Team. A design for
cancer case-control studies using only incident cases: experience with the GEM
study of melanoma. Int J Epidemiol. 2006, 35(3):756-64.
92. Smith HO, Berwick M, Verschraegen CF, Wiggins C, Lansing L, Muller CY,
Qualls CR. Incidence and survival rates for female malignant germ cell tumors.
Obstet Gynecol 2006;107(5):1075-1085.
93. Manguerra M, Saletta F, Karagas MR, Berwick M, Veglia F, Vineis P, Matullo
G. XRCC3 and XPD/ERCC2 single nucleotide polymorphisms and the risk of
cancer: a HuGE review. Am J Epidemiol. 2006, 164:297-302.
94. Erdei S, Lee SJ, Wei Q, Wang LE, Song YS, Bovbjerg D, Berwick M. Reliability
of mutagen sensitivity assay: an inter-laboratory comparison. Mutagenesis
2006; 21:261-4.
95. Berwick M, Orlow I, Hummer AJ, Armstrong BK, Kricker A, Marrett LD, Millikan
RC, Gruber SB, Anton-Culver H, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP, Dwyer T, Rebbeck
TR, Kanetsky PA, Busam K, From L, Mujumdar U, Wilcox H, Begg CB and The
GEM Study Group. The prevalence of CDKN2A germ-line mutations and
relative risk for cutaneous malignant melanoma: An international populationbased study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15(8):1-6.
96. Thomas NE, Berwick M, Cordeiro Stone M. Could BRAF mutations in
melanocytic lesions arise from DNA damage induced by ultraviolet radiation? J
Invest Dermatol; 2006;126(8):1693-6.
97. Kanetsky PA, Rebbeck TR, Hummer AJ, Panossian S, Armstrong BK, Kricker A,
Marrett LD, Millikan RC, Gruber SB, Culver HA, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP, Dwyer
T, Busam K, From L, Mujumdar U, Wilcox H, Begg CB, Berwick M. and the
GEM Study Group. Population-based study of natural variation in the
melanocortin-1 receptor gene and melanoma. Cancer Res 2006;66:9330-7.
98. Vineis P, Berwick M. The population dynamics of cancer: a Darwinian
perspective. Int J Epidemiol 2006, 35(5):1151-9.
99. Kricker A, Armstrong BK, Goumas C, Litchfield M, Begg CB, Hummer AJ,
Marrett LD, Theis B, Millikan RC, Thomas N, Culver HA, Gallagher RP, Dwyer
T, Rebbeck TR, Kanetsky PA, Busam K, From L, Mujumdar U, Zanetti R,
Berwick M; for the GEM Study Group. Ambient UV, personal sun exposure and
risk of multiple primary melanomas. Cancer Causes Control. 2007
Orlow I, Begg CB, Cotignola J, Roy P, Hummer AJ, Clas BA,
Mujumdar U, Canchola R, Armstrong BK, Kricker A, Marrett LD, Millikan RC,
Gruber SB, Anton-Culver H, Zanetti R, Gallagher RP, Dwyer T, Rebbeck TR,
Kanetsky PA, Wilcox H, Busam K, From L, Berwick M. CDKN2A Germline
Mutations in Individuals with Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma. J Invest
Dermatol. 2007: 127:1234-43.
101.Cotignola J, Reva B, Mitra N, Ishill N, Chuai S, Patel A, Shah S, Vanderbeek G,
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Metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) polymorphisms in patients with cutaneous malignant
melanoma. BMC Med Genet. 2007;8(1):10.
102.Kalb R, Neveling K, Hoehn H, Schneider H, Linka Y, Batish SD, Hunt C, Berwick
M, Callen E, Surrales J, Casado JA, Bueren J, Dasi A, Soulier J, Gluckman E,
Zunan CM, van Spaendonk R, Pals G, de Winter JP, Joenje H, Grompe M,
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FA-D2 patients with severe phenotype. Am J Hum Genet 2007; 80(5):895-910.
Lea SC, Scotto JA, Buffler PA, Fine J, Barnhill RL, Berwick M. Ambient UVB
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Thomas NE, Edmiston SN, Alexander A, Millikan RC, Groben PA, Hao H, Tolbert
D, Berwick M, Busam K, Begg CB, Mattingly D, Ollila DW, Tse CK, Hummer A,
Lee-Taylor J, Conway K. Number of nevi and early-life ambient UV exposure are
associated with BRAF-mutant melanomas. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
Weinstock MA, Risica PM, Martin RA, Rakowski W, Dube C, Berwick M,
Goldstein MG, Acharyya S, Lasater T.Melanoma early detection with thorough
skin self-examination: the "Check It Out" randomized trial. Am J Prev Med. 2007
Stitzenberg KB, Thomas NE, Dalton K, Brier SE, Ollila DW, Berwick M,
Mattingly D, Millikan RC.Distance to diagnosing provider as a measure of access
for patients with melanoma. Arch Dermatol. 2007;143(8):991-8.
Lachiewicz AM, Berwick M, Wiggins CL, Thomas NE.
Epidemiologic Support for Melanoma Heterogeneity Using the Surveillance,
Epidemiology, and End Results Program. J Invest Dermatol. 2007 Aug 23;
Berwick M, Satagopan JM, Ben-Porat L, Carlson A, Mah K, Henry R, Diotti R,
Milton K, Pujara K, Landers T, Dev Batish S, Morales J, Schindler D, Hanenberg
H, Hromas R, Levran O, Auerbach AD. Genetic heterogeneity among Fanconi
anemia heterozygotes and risk of cancer. Cancer Res. 2007 Oct 1;67(19):95916.
109. Berwick M. Counterpoint: sunscreen use is a safe and effective approach to skin
cancer prevention. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2007 Oct;16(10):1923-4.
Olsen CM, Green AC, Zens MS, Stukel TA, Bataille V, Berwick M, Elwood JM,
Gallagher R, Holly EA, Kirkpatrick C, Mack T, Osterlind A, Rosso S, Swerdlow
AJ, Karagas MR. Anthropometric factors and risk of melanoma in women: a
pooled analysis. Int J Cancer 2008;122(5):1100-8.
Hay JL, Meischke HS, Bowen DJ, Majer J, Shoveller J, Press N, Asgari M,
Berwick M, Burke W. Anticipating dissemination of cancer genomics in public
health: a theoretical approach to psychosocial and behavioral challenges. Ann
Behav Med 2007;34(3):275-286.
Herlyn M, Halaban R, Ronai Z, Schuchter L, Berwick M, Pinkel D. Roadmap for
new opportunities in melanoma research. Semin Oncol 2007;34(6):566-76.
113. Barnhill RL, Argenyi Z, Berwick M, Duray PH, Erickson L. Guitart J, Horenstein
MG, Lowe L, Messina J, Paine S, Piepkorn MW, Prieto V, Rabkin MS, Schmidt
B, Selim A. Shea CR, Trotter MJ. Atypical cellular blue nevi (cellular blue nevi
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Capanu M, Orlow I, Berwick M, Hummer AJ, Thomas DC, Begg CB. The use of
hierarchical models for estimating relative risks of individual genetic variants: An
application to a study of melanoma. Stat Med. 2008; 27(11):1973-92. PMID:
Berwick M, Lachiewicz A, Pestak C, Thomas NE. Solar UV exposure and
mortality from skin tumors. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2008;624:117-24.
Lachiewicz A, Berwick M, Wiggins CL, Thomas NE. Epidemiologic support for
melanoma heterogeneity using the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results
program. J Invest Dermatol. 2008;128(5):1340-2.
Lachiewicz A, Berwick M, Wiggins CL, Thomas NE. Survival differences
between patients with scalp or neck melanoma and those with melanoma of
other sites in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program.
Arch Dermatol. 2008;144(4):515-21.
Hay J, Shuk E, Brady MS, Berwick M, Ostroff J, Halpern A. Family
communication after melanoma diagnosis. Arch Dermatol. 2008 Apr;144(4):553-4.
Orlow I, Park BJ, Mujumdar U, Patel H, Siu-Lau P, Clas BA, Downey R, Flores
R, Bains M, Rizk N, Dominguez G, Jani J, Berwick M, Begg CB, Kris MG, Rusch
VW. DNA damage and repair capacity in patients with lung cancer: prediction of
multiple primary tumors. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Jul 20;26(21):3560-6.
120. Chang YM, Newton-Bishop JA, Bishop DT, Armstrong BK, Bataille V, Bergman
W, Berwick M, Bracci PM, Elwood JM, Ernstoff MS, Green AC, Gruis NA, Holly
EA, Ingvar C, Kanetsky PA, Karagas MR, Marchand LL, Mackie RM, Olsson H,
Osterlind A, Rebbeck TR, Reich K, Sasieni P, Siskind V, Swerdlow AJ, TitusErnstoff L, Zens MS, Ziegler A, Barrett JH.A pooled analysis of melanocytic
nevus phenotype and the risk of cutaneous melanoma at different latitudes. Int J
Cancer. Jan 2009, 124(2):420-8. PMID: 18792098 .
Sood A, Qualls C, Seagrave J, Stidley C, Berwick M, Archibeque T, Schuyler M.
Effect of Specific Allergen Inhalation on Serum Adiponectin in Human Asthma.
Chest. Feb 2009. 135(2):287-94. PMID: 18812451.
Berwick M. Are tanning beds "safe"? Human studies of melanoma. Pigment Cell
and Melanoma Research 2008. 21(5):517-9.PMID: 18821856
Oliveria SA, Satagopan JM, Geller AC, Dusza SW, Weinstock MA, Berwick M,
Bishop M, Heneghan MK, Halpern AC. Study of Nevi in Children (SONIC):
Baseline Findings and Predictors of Nevus Count. Am J Epidemiol. Jan
2009;169(1):41-53 PMID: 19001133
Olsen CM, Zens MS, Stukel TA, Sacerdote C, Chang YM, Armstrong BK, Bataille
V, Berwick M, Elwood JM, Holly EA, Kirkpatrick C, Mack T, Bishop JN, Østerlind
A, Swerdlow AJ, Zanetti R, Green AC, Karagas MR, Whiteman DC. Nevus
density and melanoma risk in women: a pooled analysis to test the divergent
pathway hypothesis. Int J Cancer. Feb 2009;124(4):937-44. PMID: 19035450
Mujumdar UJ, Hay JL, Monroe-Hinds YC, Hummer AJ, Begg CB, Wilcox HB,
Oliveria SA, Berwick M. Sun protection and skin self-examination in melanoma
survivors. Psychooncology. Oct 2009; 18(10):1106-15. PMID: 19142859
Berwick M, Erdei E, Hay J. Melanoma epidemiology and public health. Dermatol
Clin. April 2009;27(2):205-14.
Orlow I, Tommasi DV, Bloom B, Ostrovnaya I, Cotignola J, Mujumdar U, Busam
KJ, Jungbluth AA, Scolyer RA, Thompson JF, Armstrong BK, Berwick M,
Thomas NE, Begg CB. Evaluation of the Clonal Origin of Multiple Primary
Melanomas Using Molecular Profiling. J Invest Dermatol. Aug 2009; 129(8):197282. PMID: 19282844
Chang YM, Barrett JH, Bishop DT, Armstrong BK, Bataille V, Bergman W,
Berwick M, Bracci PM, Elwood JM, Ernstoff MS, Gallagher RP, Green AC, Gruis
NA, Holly EA, Ingvar C, Kanetsky PA, Karagas MR, Lee TK, Marchand LL,
Mackie RM, Olsson H, Osterlind A, Rebbeck TR, Sasieni P, Siskind V, Swerdlow
AJ, Titus-Ernstoff L, Zens MS, Newton-Bishop JA. Sun exposure and melanoma
risk at different latitudes: A pooled analysis of 5700 cases and 7216 controls. Int
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Lauer FT, Mitchell LA, Bedrick E, McDonald JD, Lee WY, Li WW, Olvera H,
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Temporal-spatial analysis of U.S.-Mexico border environmental fine and coarse
PM air sample extract activity in human bronchial epithelial cells. Toxicol Appl
Pharmacol. Jul 2009;238(1):1-10. PMID: 19410595
Yang J, Guo H, Gallazzi F, Berwick M, Padilla RS, Miao Y. Evaluation of a
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Peptide for Potential Melanoma Therapy. Bioconjug Chem. 2009 Jun 24. [Epub
ahead of print]. PMID: 19552406.
132. Thomas NE, Kanetsky PA, Edmiston SN, Alexander A, Begg CB, Groben PA,
Hao H, Busam K, Ollila DW, Berwick M, Conway K. Relationship between
Germline MC1R Variants and BRAF-Mutant Melanoma in a North Carolina
Population-Based Study. J Invest Dermatol. 2010 May;130(5):1463-5.
Erdei E, Kang H, Meisner A, White K, Pickett G, Baca C, Royce M, Berwick M.
Polymorphisms in cytokine genes and serum cytokine levels among New
Mexican women with and without breast cancer. Cytokine. 2010;51(1):18-24.
Epub 2010 Apr 24.PMID: 20418110
Thomas NE, Kanetsky PA, Begg CB, Conway K, Berwick M. Melanoma
molecular subtypes: unifying and paradoxical results. J Invest Dermatol. 2010
Lazovich D, Vogel RI, Berwick M, Weinstock MA, Anderson KE, Warshaw EM.
Indoor tanning and risk of melanoma: A case-control study in a highly exposed
population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2010, ep pub ahead of print.
PMID 20507845.
Kricker A, Armstrong BK, Goumas C, Kanetsky P, Gallagher RP, Begg CB,
Millikan RC, Dwyer T, Rosso S, Marrett LD, Thomas NE, Berwick M; GEM Study
Group. MC1R genotype may modify the effect of sun exposure on melanoma risk
in the GEM study. Cancer Causes Control. 2010 21:2137-47.
137. Yang J, Guo H, Padilla RS, Berwick M, Miao Y.Replacement of the Lys linker
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hormone hybrid peptide. Bioorg Med Chem. 2010 Aug 1. [Epub ahead of print]
138. Olsen CM, Zens MS, Green AC, Stukel TA, Holman CD, Mack T, Elwood JM,
Holly EA, Sacerdote C, Gallagher R, Swerdlow AJ, Armstrong BK, Rosso S,
Kirkpatrick C, Zanetti R, Bishop JN, Bataille V, Chang YM, Mackie R, Osterlind A,
Berwick M, Karagas MR, Whiteman DC. Biologic markers of sun exposure and
melanoma risk in women: Pooled case-control analysis. Int J Cancer. 2010 Sep
20. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20857492
Berwick M. Invited commentary: a sunbed epidemic? Am J Epidemiol. 2010
Oct 1;172(7):768-70; discussion 771-772. Epub 2010 Sep 2. Review.PMID:
140. Thomas NE, Kricker A, From L, Busam KJ, Millikan RC, Ritchey ME, Armstrong
BK, Lee-Taylor J, Marrett L, Anton-Culver H, Zanetti R, Rosso S, Gallagher RP,
Dwyer T, Goumas C, Kanetsky PA, Begg CB, Orlow I, Wilcox H, Paine S,
Berwick M. Associations of cumulative sun exposure and phenotypic
characteristics with histologic solar elastosis. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev.
2010 ; 19:2932-41. PMID: 20802019
Olsen CM, Zens MS, Green AC, Stukel TA, Holman CD, Mack T, Elwood JM,
Holly EA, Sacerdote C, Gallagher R, Swerdlow AJ, Armstrong BK, Rosso S,
Kirkpatrick C, Zanetti R, Bishop JN, Bataille V, Chang YM, Mackie R, Osterlind A,
Berwick M, Karagas MR, Whiteman DC. Biologic markers of sun exposure and
melanoma risk in women: Pooled case-control analysis.Int J Cancer. 2010 Sep
20. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 20857492.
Red hair or not--reassessment of melanoma risk among CDKN2A
carriers.Berwick M. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 2011 Feb;24(1):9-10. No
abstract available. PMID: 21118390.
143. The good, the bad, and the ugly of sunscreens. Berwick M. Clin Pharmacol Ther.
2011 Jan;89(1):31-3.PMID: 21170070 .
144. Orlow I, Roy P, Reiner AS, Yoo S, Patel H, Paine S, Armstrong BK, Kricker A,
Marrett LD, Millikan RC, Thomas NE, Gruber SB, Anton-Culver H, Rosso S,
Gallagher RP, Dwyer T, Kanetsky PA, Busam K, From L, Begg CB, Berwick M;
for the GEM Study Group. Vitamin D receptor polymorphisms in patients with
cutaneous melanoma. Int J Cancer. 2011; 130:405-18. PMID: 1365644.
145. Conway K, Edmiston SN, Khondker ZS, Groben PA, Zhou X, Chu H, Kuan PF,
Hao H, Carson C, Berwick M, Olilla DW, Thomas NE. DNA-methylation profiling
distinguishes malignant melanomas from benign nevi. Pigment Cell Melanoma
Res. 2011;24(2):352-360. PMID:21375697.
146. Berwick M. Can UV Exposure Reduce Mortality? Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
Prev. 2011;20(4):582-4. PMID:21454422.
147. Barnhill RL, Busam KJ, From L, Bagot M, Lugassy C, Berwick M. Inter-observer
concordance for the recognition of angiotropism in human melanoma. Pigment
Cell Melanoma Res 2011; 24:582-3. PMID: 21466662.
148. Mandelcorn-Monson R, Marrett L, Kricker A, Armstrong BK, Orlow I. Goumas C,
Paine S. Rosso S, Thomas N, Millikan RC, Pole JD, Cotignola J, Rosen C,
Kanetsky PA, Lee-Taylor J, Begg CB, Berwick M. Sun exposure, vitamin D
receptor polymorphisms FokI and BsmI and risk of multiple primary melanoma.
Cancer Epidemiol. 2011; 35:e105-10. PMID 21612999
149. Berwick M, Begg CB, Armstrong BK, Reiner AS, Thomas NE, Cook LS, Orlow I,
Kricker A, Marrett LD, Gruber SB, Anton-Culber H, Millikan RC, Gallagher RP,
Dwyer T, Rosso S, Kanetsky PA, Lee-Taylor J. Interaction of CDKN2A and sun
exposure in the etiology of melanoma in the general population. J Invest
Dermatol 2011;131:2500-3. PMID: 21857749
150. Satagopan JM, Zhou Q, Oliveria SA, Dusza SW, Weinstock MA, Berwick M,
Halpern AC. Properties of preliminary test estimators and shrinkage estimators
for evaluating multiple exposures – Application to questionnaire data from the
SONIC study. J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat 2011; 60:619-632. PMID 21857749
151. Erdei E, Sheng H, Maestas E, Mackey A, White KA, Li L, Dong Y, Taylor J,
Berwick M, Morse DE. Self-reported ethnicity and genetic ancestry in relation to
oral cancer and pre-cancer in Puerto Rico. PLoS One 2011;6:323950. PMID
152. Murali R, Goumas C, Kricker A, From L, Busam KJ, Begg CB, Dwyer T, Gruber
SB, Kanetsky PA, Orlow I, Rosso S, Thomas NE, Berwick M, Scolyer RA,
Armstrong BK; For the GEM Study Group. Clinicopathologic features of incident
and subsequent tumors in patients with multiple primary cutaneous melanomas.
Ann Surg Oncol 2012; 19:1024-33. PMID 21913010
153. Lazovich D, Vogel RI, Berwick M, Weinstock MA, Warshoaw EM, Anderson KE.
Melanoma risk in relation to use of sunscreen or other sun protection methods.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2011;20:2583-93. PMID 22016471
154. Yue J, Lu H, Liu J, Berwick M, Shen Z. Filamin-A as a marker and target for DNA
damage based cancer therapy. DNA Repair (Amst) 2011; 11:192-200. PMID
155. Dusza SW, Halpern AC, Satagopan JM, Oliveria SA, Weinstock MA, Scope A,
Berwick M, Geller AC. Prospective study of sunburn and sun behavior patterns
during adolescence. Pediatrics 2012;129:309-17. PMID 22271688
156. Olvera HA, Garcia M, Li WW, Yang H, Amaya MA, Myers O, Burchiel SW, Berwick
M, Pingitore NE Jr. Principal component analysis optimization of a PM(2.5) land
use regression model with small monitoring network. Sci Total Environ. 2012
(epub ahead of print). PMID 22464030
157. Mukherjee B, Delancey JO, Raskin L, Everett J, Jeter J, Begg CB, Orlow I,
Berwick M, Armstrong BK, Kricker A, Marrett LD, Millikan RC, Culver HA, Rosso
S, Zanetti R, Kanetsky PA, From L, Gruber SB; for the GEM Study Investigators.
Risk of Non-Melanoma Cancers in First-Degree Relatives of CDKN2A Mutation
Carriers. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2012;104:953-6. PMID 22534780
158. Flores K, Stidley CA, Mackey AJ, Picchi MA, Stabler SP, Siegfried JM, Byrs T,
Berwick M, Belinsky SA, Leng S. Sex-specific association of sequence variants
in CBS and MTRR with risk for promoter hypermethylation in the lung epithelium
of smokers. Carcinogenesis 2012; 33:1542-7. PMID 2265368
159. Gonzales M, Myers O, Smith L, Olvera HA, Mukerjee S, Li WW, Pingitore N,
Amaya M, Burchiel S, Berwick M; ARCH Study Team. Evaluation of land use
regression models for NO(2) in El Paso, Teas, USA. Sci Total Environ 2012;
432:135-142. PMID 22728301
160. Olvera HA, Perez D, Clague JW, Cheng YS, Li WW, Amaya MA, Burchiel SW,
Berwick M, Pingitore NE. The effect of ventilation, age and asthmatic condition
on ultrafine particle deposition in children. Pulm Med 2012. Epub 2012 Jul 11.
PMID 22848818
161. Berwick M. How do solar UV irradiance and smoking impact the diagnosis of
second cancers after diagnosis of melanoma? No answer yet.
Dermatoendocrinol 2012, 4:18-19. PMID 22870348
162. Hay JL, Baguer C, Li Y, Orlow I, Berwick M. Interpretation of melanoma risk
feedback in first-degree relatives of melanoma patients. J Cancer Epidemiol
2012; 2012:374842. PMID 22888347
163. Tran AD, Aalborg J, Askigian NL, Morelli JG, Mokrohisky ST, Dellavalle RP,
Berwick M, Box NF, Crane LA. Parent’s perceptions of skin cancer threat and
children’s physical activity. Prev Chronic Dis 2012; E143. PMID 22935145.
164. Sondak VK, Swetter SM, Berwick M. Gender disparities in patients with
melanoma: breaking the glass ceiling. J Clin Oncol. 2012;30:2177-8. PMID
165. Berwick M, Erdei E. Vitamin D and melanoma incidence and mortality. Pigment
Cell Melanoma Res 2013. 26(1):9-15. PMID 22947439
Review articles and articles appearing as chapters in edited volumes:
1. Stolwijk JAJ, Leaderer BP, Berwick M. Experimental considerations in the
measurement of exposures to sidestream cigarette smoke. (Eds. D.R.B.
Gammage and S.V. Kaye). Indoor Air and Human Health, Lewis Publishing, Inc.
Chelsea, MI, 1985, Ch.15:205-214.
2. Berwick M. The Ecology of the Maldhari Graziers in the Gir Forest, India. Journal
of the Bombay Natural History Society, 1986.
3. Roush GC, Berwick M, Mackie R, Koh H. Screening for cutaneous malignant
melanoma. IN Cutaneous Melanoma (Eds. C. Balch, A. Houghton, A. Sober, G.
Milton, S. Soong.) 1992: 70-81. Lippincott Co, Philadelphia.
4. Berwick M, Dubin N, Barnhill RL, Roush GC. Skin self-examination and lethal
melanoma: preliminary analyses. In Epidemiologic Aspects of Cutaneous
Malignant Melanoma, (Eds. Gallagher, R.P., Elwood J.M.) Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston, 1994, pp.266-272.
5. Berwick M, Chen Y-t. Authors reply to letter to the editor: Re: Reliability of
reported sunburn history in a case-control study of cutaneous malignant
melanoma. American Journal of Epidemiology 1996;144 (7) 707.
6. Berwick M, Chen YT. Re-reliability of reported sunburn history in a case-control
study of cutaneous malignant-melanoma - reply (Letter). American Journal of
Epidemiology 1998;148:620-621.
7. Berwick M. Epidemiology of Melanoma. In: Cutaneous Melanoma (Eds. C.
Balch. A. Houghton, A. Sober, G. Milton, S. Soong) Third Edition, 1998; Quality
Medical Publishing St. Louis, MO, 1998.
8. Berwick M. Sun exposure and cancer. IN Textbook of Psycho-Oncology (Ed. J.
Holland), 1998; Oxford Press, New York, NY
9. Berwick M. Multiple Primary Skin Cancers. IN Neugut AI, Robinson E, Meadows
AT (Eds.) Multiple Primary Cancers. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 1999, New
10. Gasparro F, Berwick M. Re: Sunscreen use, wearing clothes, and the number of
nevi in 6-to-7-year-old European children. Letter. Journal of the National Cancer
Institute 1999;91:1078-1080.
11. Grossman LG, Matanoski G, Farmer E, Hedyati M, Ray S, Trock B, Hanfelt J,
Roush G, Berwick M, Hu J. DNA Repair as a susceptibility factor in chronic
diseases in human populations. In Advances in DNA Damage and Repair (ed
Dizdaroglu and Karakaya). Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 1999.
12. Berwick M. Why are people still dying from melanoma? Editorial. Archives of
Dermatology 1999. 135:1534-1536.
13. Berwick M, Vineis P. Authors reply to letter re: Review of human epidemiologic
studies of DNA repair and cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute; 2000,
14. Berwick M. Patterns of sun exposure that are important in melanoma. In NewtonBishop J, Dore J. Challenges in Melanoma. 2002. Blackwell Scientific Publishers,
Oxford University. Pp3-15.
15. Berwick M, Weinstock M. Descriptive epidemiology of melanoma. IN Cutaneous
Melanoma, ed. 4, 2002, Quality Medical Publishing, New York.
16. Berwick M, Matullo G, Vineis P. DNA repair as a biomarker. IN Wilson S, Suk,
W. Technology-Driven Biomarker Development Application in EnvironmentallyAssociated Diseases. Ch. 7, CRC Press, 2002
17. Gasparro F, Berwick M, Mitchnick M, Diffey B, Nash J, Mitchel D, Young A,
Knowland J, Seykora J, Brown D. Godar D. Sun protective agents: formulations,
effects and side effects. IN Katz Fitzpatrick T, Dermatology in General Medicine,
6th Edition. , Medical Publishing Division, McGraw-Hill, New York. 2002.
18. Berwick M. Soft Tissue Sarcoma. IN Schottenfeld D, Fraumeni J, Cancer
Epidemiology and Prevention, Third Edition. 2005.
19. Lazovich D, Sweeney C, Weinstock MA, Berwick M. Re: A prospective study of
pigmentation, sun exposure and risk of cutaneous malignant melanoma in women.
(letter) J Natl Cancer Inst 2004; 96(4):335.
20. Vineis P, Matullo G, Berwick M. Molecular Epidemiology. IN Handbook of
Epidemiology (Eds. Ahrens W, Pigeot I). 2005. Springer, New York.
21. Berwick M, Wiggins C. The current epidemiology of cutaneous malignant
melanoma. Front Biosci 2006 May 1:11:1244-54. Review.
22. Berwick M. Biomarkers of DNA Repair. IN Vineis P and Wild C, Biomarkers in
Epidemiology. Wiley, 2006.
23. Gonzales M, Erdei E, Berwick M. The Epidemiology of Skin Cancer. IN Nouri,
Skin Cancer, 2008
24. Berwick M. Education and Public Awareness of Skin Cancer. IN Nouri, Skin
Cancer, 2008.
25. Berwick M. UV Radiation in Melanoma Development and Pathogenesis. IN
Agarwala and Sondak, Melanoma: Translational Research and Emerging
Therapies 2008.
26. Torres S, Berwick M. Melanoma and Skin Aging. IN Chandy A, (Ed) Textbook
of Aging Skin , Springer, 2009.
27. Torres S, Erdei E, Berwick M, Matullo G, Vineis P. Molecular Epidemiology, IN
Wild C (Ed). Textbook of Epidemiology, xxx press, 2012.
28. Berwick M. The Epidemiology of Melanoma -2011. IN Bosserhoff A (Ed)
Melanoma Epidemiology
Other writings and scholarly products:
1. Berwick M. Invited commentary: a sunbed epidemic? Am J Epidemiol. 2010:
172:768-70. Epub 2010 Sep2. PMID 20813800
2. Berwick M. Commentary: Sunscreens: The good, the bad and the ugly.
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2010, in press.
3. Berwick M. Pathways to the development of melanoma: a complex issue. J
Invest Dermatol 2006; 126:1932-3.
4. Berwick M. Melanoma: is more diagnosis better? J Gen Intern Med 2006
Jul:21(7):800. (invited editorial)
5. Matullo G, Berwick M, Vineis P. Gene-environment interactions: How many
false positives? J National Cancer Inst 2005, 97(8): 550-1.(Invited editorial).
6. Berwick M. Toward misclassification in the biology of melanoma. J Invest
Dermatol 2005;124(3):xiv. (Invited editorial)
7. Berwick M, Vineis P. Measuring DNA repair capacity: Small steps. J National
Cancer Inst. 2005, 97 (2):84-85. (Invited editorial)
8. Lea C, Selvin S, Buffler PA, Scotto J, Berwick M. Quantifying lifetime exposure
to ultraviolet radiation in the epidemiology of cutaneous malignant melanoma: a
pilot study. Report LBL-32745, UC-600, NTIS, Springfield, VA 22161.
9. Berwick M, Bolognia JL, Fine JA, Simpson P, Jasmin M. Educating parents to
limit sun exposure of newborns. Results of a study. Journal of the Skin Cancer
Foundation May 1991.
10. Berwick M. Early detection and lethal melanoma. Summary. Chronic Diseases
in Canada (Supplement), 1992;13(5):27-28.
11. Video. "Know Your Spots" - to encourage awareness of melanoma and skin selfexamination. Distributed to dermatologists, hospitals, and melanoma
epidemiologists, worldwide.
12. Mahabir S, Berwick M. What dietetics can learn from molecular biology. Letter Journal of the American Dietetics Association 95 (7): 748-749.
13. Berwick M. Prevention of mortality from melanoma: skin self-examination. The
Melanoma Letter, 1996.
14. Berwick M. Worldwide Incidence and Mortality: Rising or Falling? The 1998
Skin Cancer Foundation Journal, 40-42.
15. Mahabir S, Berwick M. Sunscreen, Sun Exposure, and Vitamin D: Where is the
Balance? Mature Medicine, Canada, 1998.
Invited presentations at professional meetings:
1. Early Detection and Lethal Melanoma: Preliminary Results. Second Symposium
on the Epidemiology of Melanoma and Non-Melanocytic Skin Cancer,
Vancouver, BC, 1991.
2. Screening and Melanoma, Health Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation, Ottawa,
Ontario, 1992.
3. Sunscreens in the 21st Century: How will ozone depletion affect their use.
American Society of Photobiology, Marcos Island, FL, 1992.
4. Epidemiology of Melanoma: The Contribution of Sun Exposure and Early
Detection. American Society of Photobiology, Chicago, Il, 1993.
5. Screening for Cutaneous Melanoma. World Conference for Cancer
Organizations, Melbourne, Australia, 1996.
6. Screening for Cutaneous Melanoa: An Update. Third Symposium on the
Epidemiology of Melanoma and Non-Melanocytic Skin Cancer, Vancouver, BC,
7. Sunscreens and Skin Cancer: The Epidemiologic Evidence. AAAS Symposium.
Philadelphia, PA 1998.
8. Risk Assessment: From Molecules to Humans and Vice Versa. Rischio e
ambiente. Turin, Italy 1998.
9. UV and Melanoma: The Sunscreen Perspective. American Society for
Photobiology. Snowbird, Utah. 1998.
10. The Role of Sunburn in Carcinogenesis. NIAMS Workshop on Risks and
Benefits of Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation and Tanning, Bethesda, MD. 1998.
11. The Epidemiology of Cancer Induction by Natural and Artificial Light Sources.
American Society for Photobiology, Washington, DC. 1999.
12. Precursor Lesions for Melanoma, Special Symposia on Precursor Lesions,
Society for Epidemiologic Research, Seattle, WA. 2000.
13. Gene-Environment Interactions in Melanoma, American Society for Photobiology,
San Francisco, CA. 2000.
14. Melanoma and Sarcoma: Similarities and Differences. European Environmental
Mutagenesis Society, 30th Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungary. 2000.
15. Gene-Environment Interactions in Melanoma, Perspectives in Melanoma IV,
Pittsburgh, PA. 2000.
16. Multiple Primary Melanoma – Melanoma Symposium, Society for Epidemiologic
Research, Toronto, Canada. 2001.
17. Integration of DNA Repair and Epidemiologic Studies, Symposium on DNA
Repair, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC, 2001.
18. Molecular Epidemiology. ASCO-NCI Symposium on Molecular Medicine,
Boston, MA. 2001.
19. Keynote Speech: NCI Workshop “Radiation Sensitivity, Cancer Susceptibility
and Common DNA-Repair Polymorphisms” , Bethesda, MD. 2001.
20. The Current Epidemiology of Double Strand Break Repair: A Paradigm of
Genotype-Phenotype Correlation and Challenge for the Future. Gordon
Research Conference, Colby-Sawyer College, NH. 2001.
21. Keynote Speech: The Etiology of Skin Cancer, Vi Riunione Dell’Associzione
Italiana Registri Tumori, Trento, Italy. 2002.
22. DNA Damage Responses. Special Symposium on DNA Repair. Society for
Epidemiologic Research, Desert Springs, CA. 2002
23. Molecular Epidemiology. NCI-ASCO Scientific Symposium, Chicago, IL. 2002.
24. Melanoma: A Model for Gene-Environment Interaction, Seventeenth Annual
Regional Cancer Symposium: Cancer in a Post-Genomic Era, Burlington, VT.
25. Gene-Environment Interaction in Melanoma - Ninth World Congress of Skin
Cancer, Seville, Spain (Plenary Session). 2003.
26. Molecular Epidemiology of Melanoma – Plenary Session, First Melanoma
Research Congress, Philadelphia, PA. June 24, 2003.
27. Keynote Speech: The Current Epidemiology of Melanoma. International
Pigment Cell Research Society, Cape Cod, MA. September 5, 2003.
28. Melanoma: A Model for Gene-Environment Interaction – Plenary Session,
ASPO, Bethesda, MD. March 16, 2004.
29. Primary Prevention: Do Sunscreens Work? First International Symposium on
Melanoma and Other Cutaneous Malignancies, New York, NY. April 5, 2004.
30. The Role of Polymorphisms in DNA Repair in Melanoma: An International Study.
International Society for Photobiology, Seoul, Korea. June 2004.
31. Gene-Gene Interaction in Melanoma, the Role of DNA Repair and MC1R.
American Society for Photobiology, Seattle, WA, July 14, 2004.
32. Functional Assays for DNA Repair. Environmental Mutagen Society, Pittsburgh,
33. Association Studies in Molecular Epidemiology. Environmental Mutagenesis
Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2005
34. How Could Sun Exposure Prevent Melanoma? 6th World Congress of
Melanoma, Vancouver, CANADA, September 2005.
35. Gene-environment interaction in melanoma. Keystone Meeting, Santa Fe, NM,
January 2006.
36. Vitamin D and Skin Cancer, AACR, Bethesda, April 2006.
37. 2006. UV Light as a Protective Factor in Melanoma. ASCO Educational Session
on Melanoma, Atlanta, GA, June 2006
38. 2006. The Strength of the Evidence for Vitamin D and Internal Malignancies.
American Society for Photobiology, Puerto Rico, July 10, 2006
39. 2008. Clinical Oncologists Society of Australia. Gene-Environment Interaction
and Melanoma, Sydney, Australia, November 19, 2008.
40. 2008. International Association of Cancer Registrars. Population-based studies
using tumour banks, Sydney, Australia, November 20, 2008.
41. 2010. 4th John R. Murren Conference. Risk Factors, Epidemiology, Screening
and Diagnosis of Melanoma. Las Vegas, Nevada, March 26, 2010.
42. 2010. AACR 101st Annual Meeting. UV Exposure Patterns and Molecular and
Clinical Phenotypes in an International Melanoma Study. Washington, DC, April
20, 2010.
43. 2010. SMR 7th Annual Meeting. Gene-environment interaction in melanoma.
Sydney, Australia, November 4, 2010.
44. 2011. ASPO Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. Sun Exposure and Melanoma: A
Double-Edged Sword. March 5, 2011.
45. 2011. SWOG Harry Hines Symposium, San Antonio, TX. Sun Exposure and
Melanoma: A Double Edged Sword. October 16, 2011.
46. 2011. SMR 8th Annual Meeting. Tampa, FL. The Sun or UV: What is the
Answer? November 11, 2011.
Current Grant and Contract Funding:
1. 1K05 CA131675-01A2 Melanoma Prevention-Using the Sun
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent effort: 50%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: July 5, 2011 – June 30, 2016
2. P30 CA1181000 University of New Mexico Cancer Center Support Grant
Principal Investigator: Cheryl Willman
Percent effort: 10%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: September 1, 2005 – August 31, 2014
3. R01 CA 112243 - Melanoma RAS/BRAF Mutations
Principal Investigator: Nancy Thomas
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Percent Effort: 10%
Dates: 5/1/05-3/31/15
4. Sputum Adiponectin, Epigenetics and Asthma in Women
Principal Investigator: Akshay Sood
Funding Organization: 2010 American Thoracic Society/Merck Translation Research
Grant in Asthma
Role: Collaborator
5. R01 CA074592-09 Risk Factors for Nevus Development in Children
Principal Investigator: Lori Crane
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Percent Effort: 5%
Dates: 4/01/10-6/30/15
6. R01 AR049342 The Framingham School Study of Nevi in Children: SONIC II
Principal Investigator: Allan Halpern
Funding Organization: NIH/NIAID
Percent Effort: 5%
Dates: 4/01/09 – 5/31/14
7. SBIR Phase II Solar Cell – Phase II
Principal Investigator: Buller
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Percent Effort: 10%
Dates: 10/1/2011-9/30/2013
Past Grant and Contract Funding
1. R01 CA 112524 - Sun Exposure and Mortality from Melanoma
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent effort: 10%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: April 5, 2005 – March 31, 2012, NCE
2. ACS-170068
Assessment of differential capacity to repair DNA damage caused
by alkylating agents
Principal Investigator: Bridget McCarthy
Funding Organization: Illinois ACS
Percent Effort: 2%
Dates: 3/1/10-2/28/121.R21 ESO16637-01A1 Air Pollution, Systemic Inflammation and
3. Subclinical Atherosclerosis in High Altitude Children
Principal Investigator: Rodrigo Armijos
Funding Organization: NIH/NIEHS
Percent Effort: 5%
Dates: 9/19/09-7/31/11
4. R01 CA 112524 – ARRA Supplement
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Percent Effort: 0%
Dates: 9/30/09-8/31/11
5.R01 CA 106807 – Indoor Tanning Use, DNA Repair and Risk of Melanoma
Principal Investigator: DeAnn Lazovich
Percent Effort: 3%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: 9/30/04-6/30/10 NCE
6. R24 HS016510-01
Expansion of Rural Health Care Research Infrastructure
Through the ECHO Model
Percent Effort: 6.5%
Dates: 9/1/07-8/31/10
7. R21 CA125397 Sequencing of Chr. 6 in Melanoma
Principal Investigator: Jeremy Edwards
Percent Effort: 5%
8. S11 ES013339 UTEP-UNM HSC Arch Program on Border Asthma
Principal Investigator: Nicholas Pingitore
Percent effort: 5%
Funding Organization: NIH/NIEHS
Dates: September 1, 2005 – July 31, 2010
9. R01 CA 112243 - Melanoma RAS/BRAF Mutations
Principal Investigator: Nancy Thomas
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Percent Effort: 4%
Dates: 5/1/05-3/31/10
10. Centers for Research to Reduce Oral Health Disparities
Principal Investigator: Ralph Katz (New York University Dental School)
Percent effort: 4.9%
Funding Organization: NIH/NDI
Starting and Stopping Dates: September 1, 2001 – August 31, 2008
11. The Framingham School Nevus Study
Principal Investigator: Allan Halpern (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
Percent Effort: 10%
Dates: September 1, 2003 – August 31, 2008
12. Cancer Genetics Network
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Funding Organization: National Cancer Institute
Percent Effort: 5%
Dates: 8/1/00 – 1/31/06
13. A Model for Genetic Susceptibility: Melanoma
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent effort: 20%
Funding Agency: NIH/NCI
Dates: October 29, 1999 – December 31, 2005
Amount awarded: $6,253,227
14. The Risk of Developing Cancer Among Fanconi Anemia Heterozygotes
Principal investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent effort: 20 %
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: April 1, 2001 – December 31, 2005
Amount awarded: $ 1,092,074
15.Melanoma: Paths to Progression
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick and Chris Sander
Funding Organization: The Hazen Fund
Dates: January 2003 – December 2004
Amount Awarded: $300,000
16.Genetic Susceptibility to Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Principal investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent effort: in kind
Funding Organization: Kristin Ann Carr Fund, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Dates: January 1997 – December 2003
Amount Awarded: $600,000
17. Estrogen, Diet, Genetics and Endometrial Cancer
Principal Investigator: Sara Olson
Percent effort: 5%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: July 1, 2001 – December 2003
Amount Awarded: $2,500,000 (approximately)
18. A Randomized Trial of Skin Self-Examination
Principal Investigator: Martin Weinstock (Brown University)
Percent effort: 5%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: February 1, 1999 – December 31, 2003
Amount Awarded: $1,500,000 (approximately)
19. New Mexico NIEHS Center
Principal Investigator: Scott Burchiel
Percent effort: 10%
Funding Organization: NIH/NIEHS
Dates: April 1, 2006 – March 31, 2007
20. Pilot Study: Gene-Environment Interaction in Melanoma
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent effort: in kind
Funding Organization: The Byrne Fund; the Schultz Foundation
Dates: January 1, 1997 – December 31, 2000
Amount Awarded: $225,000
21. Interdisciplinary Studies in Cancer Epidemiology
Principal Investigator: Ernst Wynder (The American Health Foundation)
Percent Effort: 10%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: January 1995 – December 1997
Amount Awarded: $120,000 (approximately) (subcontract)
22. Statistical Methods in Cancer Prevention Studies
Principal Investigator: Colin Begg
Percent Effort: 10%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: January 1995 – December 1999
Amount Awarded: $20,000 (Berwick portion – approximate)
23. K07 CA 01695 DNA Repair Measures as Biomarkers for Cancer Prevention
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent Effort: 80%
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI Dates: September 1994 – August 1999
Amount Awarded: $668,750
24. UVB and Melanoma
Principal Investigator: Patricia Buffler (UC Berkeley)
Percent Effort: In kind
Funding Organization: NIH/NCH
Dates: September 1993-August 1995
Amount Awarded: $100,000 plus IDC
25. Vitamin E and DNA Repair in Lymphocytes and Monocytes
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Percent Effort: Overlap with (#7)
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI 1R03CA058581-01A1
Dates: September 1994 – August 1996
Amount Awarded: $162,500
26. A Feasibility Study to Assess the Change in Extent of Disease in Melanoma Over
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: September 1990 – August 1991
Amount Awarded: $90,000
27. Evaluation of Skin Self-Examination Protocol Among Groups at High Risk for
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Funding Organization: Yale University: Hull Award and CCRU Developmental Funds
Dates: January 1988 – December 1991
Amount Awarded: $50,000
28. Nasopharyngeal Cancer and Formaldehyde Exposure
Principal Investigator: Tom Vaughan (University of Washington)
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: January 1988 – December 1994
Amount Awarded: $100,000 (approximately)
29. Case-Control Study of Skin Exam and Lethal Melanoma
Principal Investigator: Dwight Janerich (Program Project PI)
Marianne Berwick (Project PI)
Funding Organization: NIH/NCI
Dates: September 1986 – June 1992
Amount Awarded: $2,000,000 (approximately)
30. An Intervention to Educate Parents of Newborns to Avoid Excess Sun Exposure
Principal Investigator: Marianne Berwick
Funding Organization: Biomedical Research Support Grant (BRSG) and Yale-New
Haven Hospital Auxiliary
Dates: September 1988 – August 1989
Amount Awarded: $75,000
31. Epidemiologic Study of Health Effects Associated with Exposure to
Unvented Kerosene Heaters
Principal Investigator: Jan Stolwijk
Funding Organization: Consumer Product Safety Commission
Dates: January 1982 – December 1986
Amount Awarded: $200,000 (approximately)
Teaching / Education
Post Doctoral Students
Salina Torres, Ph.D., January 2, 2009 – present. NCI-Postdoctoral
fellowship, ASERT Fellow. Gender differences in survival from
Esther Erdei, Ph.D., January 1, 2004 – December 31, 2007.
Immunology of melanoma. Now a Staff Scientist at UNM.
Ph.D. student mentoring.
Jenna Lilyquist, September 2010 – to present. University of New
Mexico BSGP Program.
Kirsten White, September 2011 – to present. University of New
Mexico BSGP Program.
Lisa Paddock, June 2005 (Rutgers University), Ten Year Follow-up
of Screening for Melanoma.
Somdat Mahabir, June 2001 (New York University), The Effects of
Vitamin E on DNA Damage in Cancer Patients
Ya-ting Chen, June 1993 (Yale University), Malignant melanoma
risk factors by anatomic site: a case-control study and
polychotomous logistic regression analysis.
Medical Student mentoring
Bernice Glover, June 1991 (Yale University), MD/MPH, A Validation
Study of Benign Skin Biopsies
Maureen Smith, June 1992 (Yale University), MD/MPH, Hormonal
and Reproductive Factors Influencing Risk of Melanoma in Women
Nina Fisher, June 1997 (Yale University School of Medicine), MD
Thesis, A Comparison of Patients with Familial and Sporadic
Cutaneous Melanoma
Sepidah Bagheri, June 1993 (Yale University School of Medicine),
MD Thesis, An Intervention to Increase Skin Self-Examination
Justin Taylor, Summer 2004 (University of New Mexico School of
Medicine). Minority student project, Polymorphisms in Preneoplastic Oral Cancer.
Tim Wilcox and Julie Young, 2005-7 (University of New Mexico),
Distance traveled and Melanoma Diagnosis
David Kunkel, 2006 (University of New Mexico). The divergent
pathway hypothesis and melanoma.
Anne Lachiewicz, 2006 (University of North Carolina). Melanoma
Justin Taylor, 2007-2009 (University of New Mexico), Genetics,
Ethnic Differences and CML
Willie Nunez and Joshu Raeten, 2006-2008 (University of New
Mexico), Smokeless Tobacco Use Among High School Students in
Roswell, NM
Kathleen Lopez and Michael Reyes, 2007-2009 (University of New
Mexico), Number of Nevi and Survival with Melanoma
Amy Nixon and Kathleen Willard, 2008-2010 (University of New
Mexico), Sunbed Usage between 1980 and 2000 in the
Northeastern United States.
Desi and Veneta Ianakieva, 2010-2012 (University of New Mexico),
Patterns of mortality by gender in Connecticut and in GEM.
Masters student mentoring.
Meg Fulton, June 1986 (Yale University), Project Alert: Phase I,
“No Butts About It”, Tobacco Prevention Program for Youth
Elizabeth Platz, June 1987 (Yale University), A Case-Control Study
of Melanoma and Industry in Connecticut
Suzanne Lea, June 1989 (Yale University), UVB and Melanoma
Risk in Connecticut
Ya-Ting Chen, June 1988 (Yale University), Suntan Lamps and
Risk for Melanoma.
Su-ting Luo, June 1989 (Yale University), Survival Analysis of
Cutaneous Melanoma Cases in Connecticut, 1973-1984.
Sybil Eng, June 1996 (Columbia University), Genetic Risk for the
Development of Melanoma
Barbara Rothenberg, June 1998 (University of Michigan), UV Risk
Factors for the Development of Melanoma
Sae-hee Kim, June 2002 (Yale University), Genetic Risk Factors
for the Development of Soft Tissue Sarcoma
Fredine Lauer, June 2010 (University of New Mexico), DNA repair
single nucleotide polymorphisms and melanoma
Undergraduate minority student mentoring
Quinton Smith, academic years 2007-present. (Undergraduate
program – minority programs (STEP-UP, Johns Hopkins summer
training, NIH summer programs) – Vitamin D and UV Exposure.
Jaclyn Herrera – IMSD student – 2008 – Mutagen sensitivity and
Cynthia Baca – IMSD student – 2006 – Breast cancer and
Amanda Mackey – summer 2005 (UNM summer school minority
student project) – P450 polymorphisms and oral cancer in Puerto
High school students (INTEL Fellowships)
Diana Lewis, 1998, Semi-finalist
Shivanna Naidoo, 1999, Semi-finalist
Alison Barz, 2000, Semi-finalist
Christina Shannon, 2006
Classroom, laboratory teaching, and tutoring
Director, Epidemiology Level I – Master of Science in Clinical
Research – Fall 2009, Fall 2010
Director, Epidemiology and Biostatistics – Phase I – University of
New Mexico School of Medicine - 2005
Guest lectures – Spring 2005; BMS516: Molecular Genetics and
Genomics, Pharm 594: Application of Genomics and Proteomics to
2002, Spring 1 week course, IARC (International Agency for
Research on Cancer), Directed Course on Molecular Epidemiology,
New York City, 35 students (1 lecture also)
2001, Fall 1 week course, NIVA (Nordiska Institutionen for
Vidareutbildning), 2 Lectures, Tallin, Estonia
1999-2003, week-long courses on Molecular Epidemiology, IARC,
Lyon France, Turin, Italy, and Singapore, Lectures on DNA Repair
in Epidemiology
1991-2003, Guest lecturer, Yale University School of Medicine,
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (Cancer
Epidemiology, Methods in Epidemiology, Molecular Epidemiology)
1994-2002, 9 week course in Chronic Disease Epidemiology (1
lecture and twice a week discussion group), Cornell Medical
School, New York
1988-1991, Lecturer, Seminar in Biostatistics and Chronic Disease
Epidemiology, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health
1986, Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Statistics and Data
Management, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health
1985-86, Acting Instructor, Environmental Epidemiology, Yale
University School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health
(1964-1969, 1971-1973 Secondary School Teacher of English:
Oakland, CA; Missoula, MT; Branford, CT; Bryan, TX)
Continuing Medical Education
Primary Prevention: Do Sunscreens Work? First International
Symposium on Melanoma and Other Cutaneous Malignancies,
New York, NY.
2002, ASCO Symposium, Molecular Epidemiology: Sorting out
Low-Penetrance Genes, Boston, MA
1997. Familial Melanoma. Cancer Genetic Counseling and
Testing: A Multidisciplinary Course. Co-sponsored by Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and The Sarah Lawrence College
Human Genetics Program. New York, NY.
1997. The Epidemiology of Melanoma. Cutaneous Melanoma
1997 Symposium. CME sponsored by The Skin Cancer
Foundation and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY.
Mentoring of faculty in education
Conduct Symposium on Scientific Writing, American Society for
Preventive Oncology, March 2003, Philadelphia, PA
Mentor for Chuck Wiggins. Weekly 2004 - 2009. Four papers
developed, grant application in process.
Mentor for Melissa Gonzales. Weekly 2004 (to date). K0-1 Award
Mentor for David Polsky, MD, PhD, New York University, K0-8
funded, 1998-2003. We have worked together on grant
applications and have published one paper together.
Mentor for Susan Oliveria, ScD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, K0-7 funded, 2001-2006.
Mentor for Jennifer Hay, Ph.D., Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, K0-7 funded, 2003-2008.
Mentor for Kristina Flores. Weekly – K0-1 Mentor Funded
Mentor for Akshay Sood. Weekly – K23 Mentor Funded
Mentor for Patti Kapsner – GCRC Scholar – 2005-2006
University, SOM, HSC administrative duties
January 1, 2004 – present. Chief, Division of Epidemiology,
Department of Internal Medicine, UNM
January 1, 2004 – present. Co-leader of Program in Epidemiology
and Cancer Prevention, Cancer Research and Treatment Center,
January 2, 2004 – present. Associate Director for Population
Science, Cancer Research and Treatment Center, UNM.
April 2004 – 2005. Member of the University of New Mexico
Faculty Senate.
2006 – Alternate member for the Senate Graduate Committee.
University, SOM, HSC, department committees
UNM Cancer Center – 2011 – present. Head of Search committee
for Population Science Surface recruits.
CTSC – 2006. Member of the Education Committee
CTSC – 2006, Member of the Translational Science Committee.
November 2004 – present. GCRC Scholars Committee
2005-6. Head of Search Committee for Cancer Epidemiologist,
Division of Epidemiology, Department of Internal Medicine
January 2004 – 2005. Head of Search Committee for
Environmental Epidemiologist, Division of Epidemiology,
Department of Internal Medicine.
January 2004 – August 2004. Head of Search Committee for
Cancer Epidemiologist (hired Deirdre Hill). Division of
Epidemiology, Department of Internal Medicine.
January 2004 – 2009. Head of Search Committee for Director for
Cancer Prevention. Division of Epidemiology, Department of
Internal Medicine.
January 2004 – August 2004. Member of Search Committee for
Biostatistics. Division of Epidemiology, Department of Internal
April 2004. Member of Search Committee for Chair of Cardiology,
Department of Internal Medicine
May 2004. Member of Search Committee for Faculty in
2009-2010. Member of Search Committee for Dean of Research in
the Department of Pediatrics.
Local, state, regional, national and international committees
June 2004 to present. Member, Steering Committee. Melanoma
Research Foundation.
September 2000 -2001. External Advisory Committee for the
European Union grant GEN-AIR.
2005-6. New Mexico Cancer Council.
2006-2015. Scientific Councilor for the Radiation Effects Research
Foundation in Hiroshima, Japan – National Academy of Sciences.
2010 to present. Member of the PDQ Cancer Genetics Editorial
Advisory Board