Board Positions available for 2015! Position Description

Board Positions available for 2015!
VP of
Serves as chair of the membership committee. Encourages
membership growth and maintains the official membership
database and roster of the chapter. Participates in SHRM
Membership Core Leadership Area conference calls and
webcasts. Participates in the development and implementation of
short-term and long-term strategic Membership planning for the
chapter. Time: approx. 6 to 10 hours monthly.
Responsible for on-going recruitment and selection of chapter
board members throughout the year. Develops potential board
members through creating opportunities for mentoring and
coaching prospective board members. Works closely with the
Membership Committee and assists where needed during
chapter meetings. Arranges New Member orientation. Oversees
and manages the nominations process for the chapter.
Time: approx. 2 to 4 hours monthly
Forms and manages the activities of the program committee to
provide monthly and satellite programs for the chapter
membership. Works closely with the President and PresidentElect in strategizing the annual slate of programs. Seeks out
speakers, collects bios and presents findings/recommendations
to the Board for review and approval. Coordinates schedules with
speakers; coordinates or prepares handouts and any speaker
facility/logistic needs. Participates in Core Leadership Area
conference calls and webcasts.
Time: approx. 4 to 6 hours monthly.
Responsible for monitoring and evaluating on a continuous basis
local activities concerning diversity issues. Also spearheads the
effort to diversify the chapter’s membership/leadership and to
publicize successful diversity programs in the local
community. Develops and/or distributes information and
materials to chapter members to promote diversity in the
Time: approx 4 to 6 hours monthly.
Program Chair
Diversity Chair
Yes, I am
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been filled
Public Relations
General Board
Member (3)
The Legislative Chair is responsible for monitoring and evaluating
legislative concerns on a continual basis, pending legislative,
regulatory and legal action at the federal, state and local level,
which may have an impact on the management of human
resources. Presents legislative report or update to the chapter
President and fellow chapter members. Informs the elected
officials of SHRM’s position on legislation affecting the human
resources profession. Participates in SHRM Legislative Core
Leadership Area conference calls and webcasts. Encouraged to
attend the SHRM Legislative Conference and may be sponsored
by the Chapter based on availability of funds.
Time: approx 4 to 6 hours monthly.
Works with HRCI to obtain PHR, SPHR, GPHR recertification
credits for monthly programs and ad-hoc educational events.
Manages the HoCoHRS scholarship programs for PHR, SPHR
and GPHR candidates. Organizes and manages SHRM PHR,
SPHR, GPHR study groups for the Chapter. Manage the
activities of the professional development committee to provide
seminars, workshops and other professional development or
community outreach project opportunities for the chapter
membership. Works closely with the Program Committee to
coordinate activities. Time: approx. 4 to 6 hours monthly.
Develops communications campaign to ensure timely information
and communication to members and potential members.
Oversees an active committee including a Webmaster. Oversees
and ensures the further development and maintenance of all data
and chapter information on the chapter website. Establishes and
maintains strong working relationship with web vendor. Drafts
and sends letters, emails and memos on behalf of the Chapter.
Oversees and manages the marketing and public relations
activities of the chapter, including continual development of the
chapter website. Participates in Core Leadership Area
conference calls and webcasts. Time commitment may be 4 to 6
hours monthly.
Oversees and ensures the further development of chapter print
media, press releases and assist with membership drives and
chapter correspondence. Establishes and maintains strong
working relationship with Membership and Finance committees.
Drafts and sends letters, emails and memos on behalf of the
Chapter in collaboration with the Secretary, Communications
Chair and Membership Participates in drafting the Chapter
Achievement plan for submission to SHRM.
Time: approx. 4 to 6 hours monthly.
HoCoHRS has three (3) general board member positions.
General board members will be expected to oversee one major
Chapter activity, such as sponsorships or the annual job fair.
Works closely with the Program Committee and Professional
Development Committee. These members attend all board
meetings and assist with chairs, special committees and/or
taskforces assigned to meet particular chapter needs.
Participates in SHRM Core Leadership Area conference calls and
webcasts. Time: approx. 4 to 6 hours monthly.
Position has
been filled
Position has
been filled
Position has
been filled
Position has
been filled
If interested, please provide your name and contact info or contact
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