2. Highlights: Structural and dynamics investigations have been carried out on functionally important folded and intrinsically disordered protein systems. Metabolomic studies have been carried out to understand the accumulation and mobilization of starch and lipid in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Site-specific fluorescence dynamics in a RNA ‘thermometer’ studied to reveal the role of ribosome binding in its temperature-sensitive switch function. 3. Text Structural and dynamics investigations on functionally important folded and intrinsically disordered protein systems: Recently many proteins have been identified to function without having a definite structure and they have been classified as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). We have identified a βγcrystallin domain in the genome of a marine bacterium called Hahella chejuensis on the basis of known sequence signatures. This protein, called Hahellin, was characterized by NMR spectroscopy as an IDP, which upon Ca2+-binding was shown to undergo a large conformational transformation and acquires a typical βγ-crystallin fold. We have earlier characterized this IDP by a combined use of NMR and Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics simulation and found it to be in a highly dynamic, inter-converting population having molten globular state with the C-terminal Greek key motif relatively more flexible as compared to its N-terminal counter-part. As a sequel, we attempted to monitor the holo form of Hahellin by Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics simulation and found it to be ordered and stable as characterized earlier by NMR. Accumulation and mobilization of starch and lipid in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: We had shown earlier that C. reinhardtii cells assimilate labeled acetate efficiently and lead to the production of TAG via the inorganic carbon pathway involving CO2aq and bicarbonate production which requires metabolic functioning of both chloroplast and mitochondria compartments of the cell. As a sequel, in we demonstrated that during nitrogen starvation, acetate flux leads to starch production that was independent of light, but TAG accumulation was critically light dependent. We further went on to show that following nitrogen replenishment the cellular carbon reserves, namely starch and TAG, get mobilized efficiently under exogenous carbon deplete conditions. Exogenously added acetate slows down the mobilization of internal carbon reserve significantly. Counter intuitively, we observed that labeled TAG, but not starch, was efficiently mobilized to CO2aq and bicarbonate in the cells during nitrogen replenishment. This is perhaps one of the first studies on both the formation and mobilization of carbon reserves in C. reinhardtii as a function of nitrogen status in the cells. NMR and fluorescence dynamics in a RNA ‘thermometer’: NMR and sitespecific fluorescence dynamics were used as an effective tools in unraveling molecular mechanisms of RNA structures and dynamics. The study strongly underscores the need to investigate RNA switches (thermometers/riboswitches etc) in their native interaction milieu rather than as free RNA molecules. 4. Figure / Photograph Captions (Please indicate position of the figure in Text) 5. Staff List Ph.D. Students: Ms. Susmitha (2008...) JRF/SRF of ICMR working for her Ph.D (BHU, Varanasi). She is presently involved in a project entitled, "Studies on dimerization of a calcium binding protein crystallin from Methanosarcina acetivorans, an archaea; Rational splicing of two monomers of the protein to form a dimer". Mr. Himanshu Singh (2011...) A graduate student from Department of Chemical Sciences working for his Ph.D. He is presently involved in a project entitled, "Structural Characterization of S55A Mutant of UVI31+ from 'Chlamydomonas reinhardtii' and also studying NMR in Plant metabolism. Ms. Deepshika Agarwal (2012...) A graduate student from Department of Chemical Sciences working for her Ph.D. She is presently involved in a project entitled, “Post-Translational Modification in Proteins: In-Vivo and InVitro Studies”. Post-doctoral Fellows: Dr. Sunita Patel is involved in MD simulations of intrinsically disordered proteins. Dr. Manish Shukla is involved in studying in-cell metabolic changes of C. reinhardtii during mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions. 6. National and International Involvement (Professional and Academic) Memberships of editorial, academic and national committees, Office bearership of professional societies, etc. Elected member, International Advisory Board of the International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems to be held in Kyoto, August 21-26, 2016 (2014-2016). Elected Chairperson, International Council on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems (ICMRBS), (2012-2014). Member, Expert Committee for review of the Department of Biotechnology, IIT Roorkee (2014-). Ex-officio, Executive Council, Indian Biophysical Society (2013-2015). Elected President, Indian Biophysical Society, (2011-2013). Member, IUPAB National Committee of INSA (2012-16). Advisor, Royal Society of Chemistry, West India Section (2012-present). Council Member, International Council on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems (ICMRBS), 2005-2014. General Secretary, Executive Committee, ICMRBS, (2010-2012). Member, Project Management Committee of the 600 MHz NMR Facility, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata (2006-present). Member and Secretary of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB), “Task Force on NMR of Biological Systems” (1998present). Executive Council Member, Elected Hon. Chairman, Royal Society of Chemistry, West India Section, (2010-2012). Member, Editorial Advisory Board, of the Journal Current Bioinformatics, launched by Bentham Science Publishers, The Netherlands and U.S.A. (2005-present); Member, Editorial Board, of “The Open Magnetic Resonance Journal”, launched by Bentham Science Publishers, The Netherlands and U.S.A., (2007- Present). Member, Project Management Committee of the 600 MHz NMR Facility, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata (2006-present). Fellow of Royal Society in Chemistry (FRSC) (2004-present). Convenor, Indian Science Congress Association, Mumbai Chapter, Mumbai (2010-Present). Member, J.N. Tata Endowment Selection Committee, Mumbai (2005Present) Member, Management Advisory Committee for the “National Facility for High Field NMR”, TIFR. Member, National Magnetic Resonance Society, India. Member, Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), India Member, Indian Chemical Society, India 7. Visits 8. Awards and Distinctions Elected as a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for the advancement of science in developing countries. Elected member, International Advisory Board of the International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems to be held in Kyoto, August 21-26, 2016 (2014-2016). Elected as Treasurer and Steering Committee Member, Asian Biophysics Association. 9. Invited Talks in Conferences and Meetings (Speaker, Title, Occasion, Place, Date) 10. Conference Organised by the School / Deptt. / Group (Title, Place, Date, Short Description) 11. Non DAE Research Projects (Investigators, Title, Funding Agency, Duration) 12. Publications (only those published during the period of report) a) In Journals [Authors, Title, Journal, Volume No., Page, Year] Lallan Mishra, Ruchi Gaur, A L Susmitha and K V R Chary, Water soluble CalciumSodium based coordination polymer: SelectiveRelease of Calcium at Specific Binding Sites on Protein, RSC Adv., 2014 (in press). Sunita Patel, Atul Srivastava, Venkatraman Ramanujam and Kandala V R Chary, Conformational Propensities and Dynamics of a βγ-crystallin, an Intrinsically Disordered Protein, PCCP, 2014, 1-36. Himanshu Singh, Deepshika Varma, Basuthkar J Rao, Kandala V R Chary, 1H, 13C and 15N NMR assignments of Mg2+ bound form of UV inducible transcript protein (UVI31+) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biomol NMR Assignments, 2014,8(1), 71-4.