Professional Learning Team Log

Annual Implementation Plan 2011
Labertouche Primary School
Based on Strategic Plan developed for 2009-2013
Endorsement by
School Council
Endorsement by
Regional Network
Insertion of a tick ( ) in the
next column indicates that the
School Principal, as Executive
Officer of the School Council,
verifies that this Annual
Implementation Plan was
endorsed at a meeting of School
Insertion of a tick () in the
next column indicates that the
Regional Network Leader has
endorsed this Annual
Implementation Plan
Tristan Andrew Mether
[Insert Tick Here]
Alex Panayiotou
[Insert Date]
The AIP process is one in which we consider the areas we will focus on in the coming year
to intervene in the instructional process and so improve the quality and depth of student learning. We know from Instructional
Rounds that strategies that impact the Instructional Core will have the greatest impact.
The Instructional Core model demonstrates the relationship between the teacher and the student in the presence of content. This
relationship is evident in the learning task that students undertake ie How does the task the student actually does reflect the roles of
both the student and the teacher in learning the content of instruction? Each element of the instructional core influences the
instructional process but it is necessary to consider the interdependence of the elements when considering changes to practice or
new learning.
Seven principles guide our work with the Instructional Core:
Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in
the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill and student engagement.
What predicts performance is what students are actually doing. They must know not
only what they are expected to do but also how they are expected to do it and what
knowledge and skill they need to learn.
There are only three ways to improve student learning at scale; increase the level of
knowledge and skill of the teacher, increase the level and complexity of the content
that students are asked to learn or change the role of the student in the instructional
process. If you are not doing one of these three things you are not improving
instruction and learning.
The real accountability system is in the tasks that students are asked to do.
The evidence of learning is in the tasks (not the assignments) that students undertake;
what they make, say, write and do.
If you change any single element of the instructional core, you have to change
the other two in order to affect student learning.
The second principle follows from the first. Eg If your improvement strategy begins
with curriculum then you have to invest in the new knowledge and skill required of
teachers and raise the level of content and change the role of the student in the
instructional process. If you do NOT address all three your focus will be on teachers
and not on what students are actually doing and the visible evidence of learning.
Task predicts performance.
We learn to do the work by doing the work, not by telling other people to do the
work, not by having done the work at some time in the past, and not by hiring
experts who can act as proxies for our knowledge about how to do the work.
Understand that learning occurs over time and that people need to engage in
sustained description and analysis of instructional practice before they can acquire
either the expertise or the authority to judge it, much less evaluate other people doing
If you can’t see it in the core, it’s not there.
What matters is whether you can see your improvement strategy in the core. The
instructional core helps us predict what we would expect to influence in student
learning over time. Here the central idea is the academic task.
Description before analysis, analysis before prediction, prediction before
You build a common culture of instruction by focusing on the language that people
use to describe their practice. Language is culture and vice versa.
2012 Annual Implementation Plan
Strategic Intent
Strategic Plan
2009 – 2013
(Strategic Plan)
Student Learning
To improve student outcomes in literacy
with a focus on Writing and Reading
(Strategic Plan)
We aim for 100% of P-2 students to
achieve the expected text level
recognition standards.
At least 90% of students deemed capable
across the school will reach or exceed the
expected standards as outlined in VELS, in
writing and 20% or more of students will
exceed the expected standard in writing
and reading comprehension.
The school mean score will be at or above
the state mean score for Reading
according to NAPLAN data for year 3 and
A growth of at least 1 VELS level will be
gained in writing and number for each
child in each two years of learning
according to teacher judgements and in
VELS levels according to years 3 & 5
NAPLAN data.
One Year Targets
In weekly cluster PLT meetings with focuses on
PoLT and E5 Instructional model.
Time regularly allocated at cluster meeting for
writing ideas, reading comprehension and
Continual rollover of ICT infrastructure and
upgraded, with trials of “alternative devices”
in the classroom to improve learning
opportunities for all students.
Investigate the best forms of ICT, to work at
helping our younger students to improve their
Regularly review student data around writing
and reading comprehension used to guide
planning and teaching.
Learning growth of at least 1.0 VELS levels
between Year 3 and Year 5 [“matched cohort”]
in Reading, Writing and Number.
Continue to develop adjust a standard testing
schedule across cluster schools (Tarago)
Staff to work on developing observations of
classrooms and sharing practice with Jindivick
Primary School and Neerim District Rural PS.
(Using Polycom to overcome uses around
Student Engagement and
To improve student engagement in learning
with a focus on building learning confidence
and motivation.
In the student Attitudes to School Survey
have the student motivation variable
increase to 4.50 or better (currently 4.07)
by 2011 and have the stimulating learning
variable increase to 4.10 or better (current
Have the learning confidence variable
increase to 4.1 or better.(currently 3.65)?
Have the teacher empathy variable
improve to 4.4 or better (currently 3.74)?
In the parent opinion survey have the
stimulating learning variable increase to
5.85 or better. (currently 5.67)?
Student Pathways and
To improve the transition of students into
the school, through the school and to
Secondary College
90% of parents will report student
satisfaction with the school to secondary
college transition program based on a
school-developed survey.
In the Parent Survey, have the Transitions
variable increase to 6.00 or better
(currently 5.88).
Student Leaders clearly understand their roles
and responsibilities and maintain growth in
capabilities and competencies throughout the
Student voice considered in decision making.
An effective Junior School Council.
Improvement in parent sand student
satisfaction responses
Improved attendance and punctuality
2010 Documented student engagement and
wellbeing policy reviews and any amendments
made by School Council.
Work with the TEC to bring programs to our
students, which we would otherwise not be
able to offer, due to our size.
A greater understanding of students and their
families. (Where do your families come from,
and why do they come to Labertouche?)
Analysis of transition data to inform planning
for teaching and behaviour.
A greater understanding of students entering
school at Prep. (Where do our Preps come
from and what is the level of entry?)
Increase the number of days of Prep
Transition, plus investigate programs such as
“open days” early on in 2011 where families in
the local area can come and look at the school.
Develop a greater transition program for
senior students heading into Secondary
Collage working at part of the Tarago
Educational Community.
Continue to build pathways into Drouin SC to
allow Labertouche PS students time to
transition into a larger school.
Problem of Practice – Student Learning:
School Theory of Action:
Student Learning
Goal (From Strategic Plan): To improve student outcomes in literacy with a focus on Writing and Reading Comprehension.
Key Strategies for Improvement?
1. Implement an evidence based practice into Tarago Rural Cluster PLT meetings to
inform point of need teaching and the most effective strategies for every learner.
2. To provide a cognitive challenge for students at Labertouche PS
3. Evidence based practices with a focus on Literacy and Numeracy, with
differentiation for each student.
Key Actions
Evidence What evidence has influenced your choice of key strategies?
- Literacy data (although extremely limited) has not shown an
expected growth in student achievement, as well as
students performing below their expected level.
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Tarago Rural Schools Cluster teachers will be involved in
effective PLT teams where the students ZPD is discussed and
planned for. Teachers will extend their knowledge of high level
questions to create a cognitive challenge in the classroom. Also
develop and understanding of how questioning and most
effectively used in classrooms. Cluster teachers will use data to
inform their teaching and own professional learning. School
structure is built around having small learning groups across the
Who is responsible
for these actions?
When will it
Expected changes in Practice
and Behaviour
Members of the
Tarago Rural
Schools Cluster.
On demand
testing will
occur March
and September.
The teacher’s capabilities,
confidence and capacity to
increase student learning
outcomes will improve at
the point of need.
ARCOTS testing
March & Sept.
We will be able to observe
all teachers utilising similar
teaching strategies across
the Tarago Rural Schools
PLT leaders within the cluster will continue to build their
knowledge and skill through access to professional learning.
Tarago Rural Schools
Cluster PLT team will focus
on the students ZPD.
Teaching across the cluster
will be informed by data.
School based peer coaching, between schools in the Tarago
Rural Cluster.
Shared classroom time between schools as well as a shared staff
member between Labertouche and NDRPS
Students will be able to
One Year Targets
All assessments across
classes within the
School and across the
cluster will have a goal
at setting common
assessment tasks, to
better allow for
cluster. moderation .
A growth of at least 1
VELS level will be gained
in writing and number
for each child in each
two years of learning
according to teacher
judgements and in VELS
levels According to years
3 & 5 NAPLAN data.
Key Actions
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Who is responsible
for these actions?
When will it
Expected changes in Practice
and Behaviour
articulate to their teachers
their next level of learning.
Students will be able to set
their own learning goals
based around writing and
Students will be provided with feedback using a range of
evidence, in Literacy and Numeracy and use reflection tools
which enable students to review and reflect on their knowledge,
progress, and what they have learnt and achieved during a unit,
topic or project. Tools such as peer-assessment, reflection
journals, personal learning goals and more simple tools for
younger learners.
Students will be aware of
how they learn best and
have the opportunity to
work in that context.
Students set their own learning goals in conjunction with their
teacher based on the evidence, around Literacy, Numeracy and
their own personal learning interest.
The students will know the
success criteria for each
The curriculum will be diversified to meet the needs of
individual students.
Ultranet will be used to track this and also help to facilitate.
All tasks will be of a high level and aim at the students ZPD.
Tasks will be set in accordance with PLT outcomes and based on
All tasks will have set Learning intentions and clearly defined
success criteria. Students will know what is expected of them at
One Year Targets
Key Actions
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Who is responsible
for these actions?
their level of learning.
Teachers will develop units of work at a whole school level,
based upon Blooms (for differentiation), Micheal Ymer
Yearly/Term Planners and Developing number concepts.
PLT Meeting structures will focus on developing our
understanding of teaching mathematics (including questioning),
the next steps in individual student learning and the
implantation of the Ultranet and ICT Devices, into classrooms
and teacher practice.
When will it
Expected changes in Practice
and Behaviour
One Year Targets
Key Actions
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Teachers across the Tarago Cluster will work in teams to plan
teaching approaches that can be used to teach writing and
comprehension skills Thinking skills will also be used with
students to help link ideas and concepts around numeracy.
Students will be further included in discussions about
developing classroom culture, and helped to develop a greater
understanding of how they can question each other and their
teacher to develop deeper conceptual knowledge and
understanding. (Asking questions is the Key to learning)
Who is responsible
for these actions?
Tarago Cluster
based team, to
look at literacy
and to work
together on a
whole cluster
moderation of
writing and
responses to
Develop an agreed outline of the writing skills to be taught in
literacy across all year levels. And what should be expected,
when. Work at developing or adopting a whole school/cluster
planner on writing and writing types/genre.
Development at a cluster level a Writing Scope and Sequence,
with common assessment tasks, which can be used for cluster
wide moderation and discussion.
When will it
Expected changes in Practice
and Behaviour
Starting Term 1
Teachers and students will
be able to articulate the
thinking skills in operation.
Students will ask questions
that indicate they are
developing a deeper
conceptual knowledge.
One Year Targets
Appropriate growth on
the OnDemand and
between semesters.
With two year growth
on the NAPLAN, of like
cohort students.
Student Engagement & Wellbeing
Goal (From Strategic Plan): To improve student engagement in learning with a focus on building learning confidence and motivation.
Key Strategies for Improvement?
1. Develop best practice teaching and learning in our new Flexible Learning Space.
2. PLT team structures (within the Tarago Cluster) and discussions facilitate point of
need teaching to engage students in their learning.
Key Actions
Evidence: What evidence has influenced your choice of key strategies?
Students are transitioning from learning within a traditional
classroom structure into a Flexible learning space. This transition
will take some time and is different from the “world view” of the
way schools work and operate.
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Adapt our whole school teaching, with specific focus on different
ways of using our flexible learning space.
Develop a theoretical understanding and agreed philosophy behind
the new learning space.
Develop a consistent practice of agreed norms within flexible
learning space.
Who is responsible
for these actions?
Principal and
Staff and Tarago
Cluster PLT,
Develop reflection time as part of the Tarago Cluster PLT meetings
around meeting format, value adding and effectiveness.
When will it
Term 1 (2012)
Expected changes in Practice and
Flexible grouping of
students between
New space is student
centred and have a working
knowledge of what this
means in theory and
Consolidation and
consistent practice of
agreed norms within
flexible learning space.
Develop a consistent and structured timetable of learning focus and
learning supports sessions with teacher allocation.
Incorporate student discussion and reflection time/s into the
A student centred rather
than teacher centred
approach to teaching and
“want” to learn is more
evident by end of 2011.
Develop learning spaces that are practical and functional and that
meet the learning needs of our students.
Develop an effective transition program for students using the new
One Year Targets
In the student
Attitudes to School
Survey have the
student motivation
variable increase to
4.50 or better
(currently 4.07) by
2011 and have the
learning variable
increase to 4.10 or
better (current
Have the learning
variable increase to
4.1 or
Key Actions
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Who is responsible
for these actions?
When will it
Expected changes in Practice and
One Year Targets
Have the teacher
empathy variable
improve to 4.4 or
better (currently
space, between the Junior and Senior rooms.
Agree on the indicators that would assist with the evaluation of the
new approach.
Students are informed about the different ways that other students
work around the world and are involved in aspects of the decision
making regarding the ‘space’ and how they work within it. How does
the space work best for “their learning”
In the parent
opinion survey
have the
learning variable
increase to 6.00 or
better. (currently
Develop a whole school understanding of English Developmental
Continuum (P- 10)
Develop student level of reflection through online journals on the
Develop an understanding how the work of John Hattie, can impact
and improve the way we teach and learn at Labertouche Primary
Hattie, John A. (2008). Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 MetaAnalyses Relating to Achievement. ISBN 0415476186.
Develop planning and assessment procedures that are effective,
consistent and functional. Tarago Cluster wide approach to allow to
Student Pathways & Transitions
Goal (From Strategic Plan): To improve the transition of students into the school, through the school and to Secondary College.
Key Strategies for Improvement?
1. Strengthen the use of data to track and monitor student academic and social progress
through the school.
2. Promote the school more effectively in the community and develop strategies to meet
and welcome the parents of prospective prep enrolments.
Key Actions
Evidence What evidence has influenced your choice of key strategies?
Improved school programs and transition practices for students
moving into school, progressing from year to year and moving from
primary school to a secondary school setting.
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Establish strong communication links with local kindergartens and
childcare facilities. Early visits to these facilities and providing
perspective families with information about Labertouche will hopefully
translate into future enrolments.
Senior teachers to build links with key transition teachers in local
secondary schools, to help build link and contact people for our
students moving onto Secondary school.
Who is responsible
for these actions?
Principal and
Staff and Tarago
Cluster PLT,
When will it
Expected changes in Practice and
A greater understanding of
From the start
of Term 1 - 2012 students and their families.
Analysis of transition data to
inform planning for teaching and
A greater understanding of
students entering school at Prep.
Develop a greater transition
program for senior students
heading into Secondary Collage.
Work with the Tarago Educational
Community to develop Transition
programs that get students ready
for Secondary School.
Student to be able to build relationships between students in our
cluster of schools and have friends (or other kids the know) then
they move onto secondary school. To have a feel of what
secondary school will be like and some of the expectations there
will be on them as learners and some of the skills they will
require and develop.
Working with Drouin SC, Marist
Sion, St.Paul at allowing
Labertouche PS students time to
transition into a larger school of
One Year Targets
90% of parents will
report student
satisfaction with
the school to
secondary college
transition program
based on a schooldeveloped survey.
In the Parent
Survey, have the
Transitions variable
increase to 6.00 or
better (currently
Increased number
of Prep students
entering the school
in early 2012
Key Actions
Success Indicators & Evidence
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
the teacher, the student and the content.
Who is responsible
for these actions?
When will it
Expected changes in Practice and
their choice.
Improvement in cluster and regional networks approach to
transitioning students into and between schools.
More school tours will be
taken up by perspective Prep
parents, prior to them making
a decision about which school
to send their children.
Improvement in parent and student opinion survey responses around
transition across the school and also across the cluster.
Enhanced Transition programs not only with the Neerim District
Secondary College, but also with the other schools Labertouche PS
feeds into, including Drouin SC, Marist Sion, St.Pauls.
One Year Targets
Senior students feel
more secure about
the school they are
going to and what
lies ahead.