South Lemhi School District
South Lemhi School District proudly provides equal opportunities in education and employment regardless of race,
religion, origin, gender, age, marital or military status, citizenship or disability.
South Lemhi School District Personnel
Administrative Staff
Superintendent & Principal ………………………………………………
Business Manager & Board Clerk ……………………………………….
District Secretary ………………………………………………………..
Mrs. Erica Kemery
Deena Shiner
Julee Bird
Instructional Staff
Tendoy Elementary School
Head Teacher ……………………………………………………………...
Kindergarten - 6th Grade …………………………………………………..
Mrs. Kelly Ellsworth
Kelly Ellsworth
Julia Matson
Leadore Elementary School
Head Teacher……………………………………………………………..
Preschool & Kindergarten ……………………………………………….
1st Grade ………………………………………………………………....
2nd & 3rd Grade …………………………………………………………..
4th, 5th & 6th Grade ……………………………………………………….
Paraprofessional …………………………………………………………..
Mrs. Sharon Anderson
MariJill Foster
Joan Smith
Sharon Anderson
Melody Kauer
Kelly Smith
Leadore Junior-Senior High School
Head Teacher ……………………………………………………………...
Art, JH English ……………………………………………………………
JH English, Reading, Social Studies ……………………………………
HS English, Social Studies ……………………………………………….
Health & Fitness, Special Education …………………………………….
JH, HS Mathematics ………………………………………………………
JH, HS Sciences …………………………………………………………..
JH, HS Social Studies, Spanish, Drivers Ed. …………………………..
Professional Technical Business Education ……………………………
Academic Advisor, Homeless, ELL, and Migrant Liaison ……………..
Paraprofessional, Library Assistant ……………………………………..
Mr. Shane Matson
Denise McRea
Yvette Troy
Mary Cory
Debi Zohner
Ben Stevens
Shane Matson
Kevin Ramsey
Kim Sharp
Yvette Troy
Kelly Smith
Extra-Curricular Activities Staff
Activities Director ………………………………………………………
Volleyball Coach…………………………………………………………
Girls Basketball Coach ……………………………………………………
Boys Basketball Coach …………………………………………………..
Cross Country Coach ……………………………………………………..
JH Girls BB Coach ………………………………………………………..
JH Boys BB Coach ………………………………………………………..
BPA Advisor ………………………………………………………………..
ASB Advisor ………………………………………………………………..
Shane Matson
Susan Whittaker
Richard Barany
Dave Tomchak
Kasie Adams
Ben Stevens
Kim Sharp
Kevin Ramsey
Service Personnel
Child Nutrition Supervisor……………………………………………….
Custodians, Leadore………………………………………………………
Custodian, Tendoy ………………………………………………………..
Transportation - Leadore ………………………………………………....
Transportation - Leadore to Lemhi ……………………………………….
Transportation- Bus Maintenance ………………………………………..
Lisa Bird
Tony Nef, Michele Nef
Julia Adkins
Jan Bird
Gerald Peterson
Boyd Foster
The staff members at South Lemhi School District No. 292, and the parents of students participating in activities
and services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA),
agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the
responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will
build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.
School Responsibilities
South Lemhi School District 292 instructional personnel will provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a
supportive and effective learning environment that enables children to meet the State’s academic achievement
standards as follows:
1. Teaching the core curriculum as established by Idaho content standards
2. Using effective teaching strategies
3. Using differentiated instructional strategies
4. Teaching the whole child
5. Recognizing and meeting the needs of children’s learning styles
6. Providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for all children
7. Being available to meet with parents prior to and after school
8. Meeting with parents, at least once each semester during parent-teacher conferences and/or by
appointment to discuss their child’s academic achievement
9. Providing parents with regular updates on their child’s progress in the curriculum
Parent Responsibilities
As a parent, I will support my child’s success in learning by:
1. Helping my child be in school and on time every day
2. Making sure that homework is completed
3. Volunteering in the classroom, as time permits
4. Participating in decisions about my child’s education
5. Attending parent teacher conferences
6. Communicating with the school by promptly reading and responding to notices from the school
7. Communicating with my child’s teacher when I have a concern or question
8. Serving to the extent possible on advisory committees
Classroom Volunteers
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in their children’s school and participate in field trips, curriculum-based
activities and contests, attend awards assemblies, student plays, and presentations of work. Parents must consult
with the classroom teacher to work out a mutually agreeable volunteer time and situation. Volunteer tasks may
1. Reading with children
2. Working individually with children
3. Helping students complete assignments
4. Helping on field trips and performances
5. Putting up bulletin boards and decorating for special events
ATTENDANCE: It is very important for students to attend school every day. One of the most important factors
in student success is daily, punctual attendance. Students’ learn better when they come on time and are in class
every day. Tardiness needs to be avoided; it is disruptive to others and is a loss of learning to the late child.
Three (3) tardies equal one (1) absence. Students who miss more than the allowable absences during a school
year may be retained in that grade or required to complete a summer school program. Students must make up
assignments in a timely manner when they are absent. Parents should call the school before 10:00 a.m. if their
child is absent. The school will call the home if the parent has not contacted the school to report an absence.
Parents must sign their child out in the office if the child leaves school during the day.
TELEPHONE: School phones are primarily for office use. With staff permission, students may use the phone
for personal calls when it is necessary. Please honor instructional time. Classes will not be interrupted for
telephone calls. The office will take a message and deliver it between classes, before school, after school and at
lunch break. In the case of a true family emergency, office personnel will bring the student to the office. Please
do not interrupt classrooms with cell phone calls or text messages to your child since PEDs will be confiscated by
teachers if they are turned on or used during class hours.
PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell phones, iPods, and other personal electronic devices
(PED’s)are to be turned off during class time. Any student using a cell phone, iPod or other PED during class
time without explicit teacher permission will relinquish the phone/device to the teacher. Confiscation of a PED
may require it to be picked up by the parent. PEDs may be used during lunch breaks. Content on PEDs such as
pictures, music, and videos, must meet school standards in order to be used at school or on school assignments or
content. Objectionable or indecent images or language in music or video or PG 13 or higher rated movies are not
permitted on school premises or assignments. When on school premises or used for school purposes, PEDs are
subject to all the rules of digital citizenship that apply to school-owned electronic devices and networks.
VISITNG SCHOOL: While parents are welcome to make arranged visits to their child’s classroom, please
respect instructional time by not interrupting class with unplanned visits. For safety reasons, parents must check
in at the office and receive a visitor pass before going to their child’s classroom. Doing so allows the office to
confirm your visit or find the best way to release your child from the classroom without disturbing the learning
process of other pupils.
DRESS CODE: Clothing should be neat, clean, and in good repair. It should not be suggestive or revealing.
Hoods, hats, or caps may not be worn in the lunchroom at any time. Students are to remove hoods, hats, and caps
by the time the first bell rings. Gang-related or obscene or suggestive slogans or symbols are not allowed on
clothing or tattoos. Clothing or tattoos advertising alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs, or tobacco products is
inappropriate and is not allowed. Pajamas, sleepwear, see-through clothing, cut-offs, tube tops, halter-tops or
other abbreviated clothing may not be worn unless specifically approved for physical education activities or
school events. Abbreviated clothing includes the following: tops that are low-cut in front or back or do not cover
the midriff; skirts, dresses and shorts above fingertip length; tops that do not fit close to the underarm. All
undergarments including straps must be covered. Sunglasses, unless doctor-prescribed for indoor wear, are not
allowed to be worn in the classroom.
FIELD TRIPS: From time to time, classroom teachers or the entire student body may participate in field trips.
Parents must give permission for their child to go on class field and activity trips planned during this school year.
Parents must agree to assume the responsibility of reviewing the directions, guidelines and student responsibilities
for field trips. Specific field trip information will be sent home with the student before each trip. Parents should
review field trip information and instructions and reinforce the importance of students following the directions of
those in charge. Careful planning goes into each field trip and all reasonable safety precautions are taken.
Release to Parents: All students riding on the activity bus must return on the same bus unless a student’s
parents or guardian personally picks up their own children. Parents must sign out children they pick up on a
field trip.
Consent for Field Trips: By signing the consent form at the back of the Student Handbook and checking
“Consent for Field Trips,” the parent gives their consent to the above conditions and statements.
COMPUTERS AND INTERNET: Use of the school computers and the network is a privilege, not a right.
Permission from parents is required before students may access the school’s digital network. All students must
sign the Acceptable Use Agreement as set forth in the handbook before access is permitted. The digital network
and school electronic equipment must be used for educational and instructional purposes only. During
instructional periods personal electronic devices (PEDs) on school premises must be used only for school-related
educational purposes. All activity on the digital network is monitored.
 By installing blocks and filters, steps have been taken to protect students from obscene or harmful internet
content. Disabling of blocks or filters is not allowed and will result in disciplinary action.
 Students do not have an expectation of privacy in their use of the computer or the network.
 PEDs such as cell phones, smart phones, Ipods, electronic tablets and laptops must abide by District content
and digital citizenship standards when being used on school premises, the school network, digital school
content, and/or for school assignments.
Users are not allowed to:
1. Use the computer network for private or commercial purposes;
2. Send, receive or access indecent, obscene, or objectionable material;
3. Send, receive or access harassing, threatening, or objectionable material;
4. Reveal their own or another’s personal information (home address, phone number, etc) due to safety
5. Submit, publish, or display any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented,
threatening, harassing, racially offensive, or illegal materials, nor encourage gang activities or the use
of alcohol or drugs;
6. Infiltrate, change, or damage district programming, software, hardware, network or computer
7. Transmit material, information or software that is, or in a manner which is, in violation of law;
8. Use, access, or attempt to access another’s password or account. Use computers and network
efficiently to minimize interference with others
1. Be responsible for making back-up copies
2. Take precautions against computer viruses on their own and school equipment
E-Mail: Students are allowed to access school authorized email accounts only. Due to invasive
programming, Hotmail, Yahoo and other unauthorized email vendors are not permitted to be used at school.
E-mails may be viewed by others; Students have no expectation of privacy in email accounts or messages.
Confidentiality is not guaranteed. The district reserves the right to investigate and cooperate fully with law
enforcement in any investigations concerning e-mail transmissions using the district electronic network.
Rules for Social Networking: Teachers may assign educational social network access for educational
purposes. Educational social network sites are monitored and safe. Access of other social network accounts,
such as MySpace, Twitter LinkedIn, or FaceBook, etc. is prohibited for elementary students on school
premises, equipment, content, or assignments.
1. Students should never meet with communicate electronically with, or talk to an online contact they
don’t know and trust in real life.
2. Only socialize online with people you’ve seen and know in real life, because people online can be
pretending to be someone they’re not.
3. Respect others online. Use polite etiquette and citizenship at all times.
4. Don’t share personal information about yourself or others, such as name, address, phone number,
where you go to school, times you go to school, names of brothers or sisters, or pictures of yourself,
friends or family.
5. Anything you post is permanent and public; it can be used as evidence, and people reviewing a
college or job application could view what has been posted.
6. If you’re having trouble with someone online, seek help from a parent, staff member, or a law
enforcement official.
Violations of Computer & Internet Use: A student may lose computer privileges. A repeat violation is a
serious offense which will result in even more restrictive consequences. A student may be removed from class,
suspended, or expelled from school for flagrant or persistent violation of digital use policies or for engaging in
illegal activities. If a student is responsible for any damage he/she must pay all costs incurred in restoring the
electronic device or network.
 SAFETY FIRST in all aspects of playground activities. Any physical activity that results in students being
thrown to the ground, such as tackle football, dog piles, etc. are against the rules of our school.
 HARDBALLS: For safety, hardballs are not allowed at school.
 SLIDES: Slide down sitting up with feet first. One person at a time down the slides. Do not climb up
poles or slides.
 SWINGS: One person per swing. Do not twist or adjust the heights of swings.
 JUNGLE GYMS: Do not push or pull each other on the bars. No climbing across the tops of the bars. No
chicken fighting.
 TIRE SWING: Only 3 small children or 2 older children on the swing at one time. Please take turns.
 TETHER BALL: 3 small children or 2 older children playing at one time. Take turns.
 BASKETBALL: Put away all balls you play with. Do not hang on the basketball rims.
 EQUIPMENT: You are responsible for the equipment you take outside. It is your responsibility to put
away what you bring out.
 RESPECT: Respect each other and all adults. No teasing, name-calling, bullying, swearing, or stealing.
Respect school equipment. Do not write on or damage school property.
 PUSHING: Pushing or shoving is not allowed.
 FENCES: Do not climb fences or gates.
 TREES: Please, be careful of our trees. It takes 25-50 years to grow a big tree and only a few minutes to
damage it. No breaking twigs or branches, bending, hanging from or climbing trees.
 SNOWBALLS: No snowballs or snowball throwing are allowed on school grounds.
 SHARE THE PLAYGROUND: No area of the playground may be claimed as your personal area.
 ROCKS: No throwing or kicking rocks. Flying rocks can hurt someone.
 PERMISSION: Ask a teacher before entering the building during recess.
 TIME TO COME IN: Please pay attention to teachers. Return to the classroom promptly when the
whistle or bell indicates that recess has ended.
 SCHOOL PRIDE: Please take care of your school. Writing on the walls, desks, bathroom stalls, lockers,
etc., is vandalism, and make our school look bad. Use garbage cans for trash, even picking up after others,
to help keep our school looking nice.
 THINK SAFETY: Stamping and cleaning your shoes outside, brushing off snow, sand and grass outside
keeps floors from being slippery. Putting coat, gloves and hats on hooks or in lockers keeps hallways safe
for walking.
 BE CONSIDERATE: Do not disturb other students and classes when you walk in the hallways. Use soft
voices, and shut locker doors gently.
 DRESS FOR OUTSIDE: Dress appropriately for the weather. Since fresh air and sunshine are important
to health, recess is usually outside, even in the winter. Recess will be held inside only when temperatures
are colder than 10 degrees above zero or it is very stormy. A hat, gloves and a warm coat need to be at
school with your child every day. Boots are advised for snowy conditions.
 PE SHOES: For safety reasons during PE and in the event of inside recess, students must wear gym shoes.
Only clean gym shoes are allowed on the gym floor. Please provide gym shoes for your child. During good
weather, P.E. classes may be held outside. On the days that your child has P.E., please be sure she/he
dresses appropriately.
 GYM MANNERS: Please remember that there is less room in the gym than outdoors. No rough-housing
is allowed. Watch out for other students, especially smaller children. All the basic rules of the playground
apply to indoor recess.
 RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS: All students and teachers are to ensure that the
elementary restrooms and drinking fountain are used only by grades 1-6. Grades 7-12 are to use the rest
rooms and drinking fountain in the high school wing of the building. Teachers may give permission for the
use of either restrooms or drinking fountains as needed by students.
 DOORS: Do not use rocks to prop open doors. They damage the door’s finish and create a trip hazard.
 SCHOOL STAGE AND MULTI –PURPOSE ROOM: Pupils are not allowed on the stage and in the
back hall and/or the multipurpose room unless supervised by school staff. These areas are off-limits to
children during basketball or volleyball games.
Please show polite manners!
1. Appropriate and mannerly conduct while both waiting to be served and in the lunchroom is required.
2. Show your respect for others by patiently waiting your turn to be served, and by speaking politely
during mealtime.
3. Use your inside voice in the lunchroom.
4. Use good table manners while eating. It is more pleasant for the others at your table if you chew with
your mouth closed and remember to chew the food in your mouth before speaking. Reaching across
another student’s tray is not polite and could get your sleeve and germs into their food. Talking about
“gross” topics or making inappropriate body noises at the table is not good table manners.
5. Remember to clean up your tray and your table area.
6. During lunch teachers will dismiss students from the lunchroom. Ask permission to be excused to use
the restroom or water fountain.
SCHOOL MEALS: Nutritious breakfast and lunch are served daily at Leadore School. Free breakfast foods are
delivered to Tendoy School.
 Students may qualify for reduced and free lunch if parents fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Form,
available at your school. Tendoy and Leadore Schools participate in several federal and state Free and
Reduced Meal programs. Our ability to provide low cost, nutritious meals depends upon the Free and
Reduced Lunch applications parents fill out.
It is important for families to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Forms each year. Support for
the Snack Program, Free Breakfast Program, Free and Reduced Lunch, and grants for technology,
reading, math and science all rely on funds received through our Free and Reduced Lunch applications.
Your help in gaining these federal funds for your child’s school by filling out and returning the
Free/Reduced Lunch Form in your child’s registration packet is very much appreciated. Thank You!
Personal information on the application forms is completely confidential.
Breakfast Prices:
Free for all Students
$ 1.20 Adults
Lunch Prices:
$ 1.20 Students K - 4th grade
$ 1.45 Students 5th - 12th grade
$ 3.25 Adults
$ 0.40 Reduced lunches
Breakfast and lunch costs are to be paid in advance. Students and adults will be allowed no more than
three (3) charges.
Milk purchased separately from a meal is $0.30. All students, including pre-school students, who eat
free breakfast will be charged an additional $0.30 for milk used for snack. At Tendoy lunch milk in
addition to breakfast milk will be charged $0.30.
The Fruit & Vegetable Program provides healthy fruit and vegetable afternoon snacks free of charge to
Kindergarten through 6th grade students at Leadore School.
Lunch menus are published monthly and posted on the school website. Please go over the lunch menu
with your child. Please send a cold lunch with your child on days when they will not eat school provided
A microwave is available for students to heat their lunch items brought from home.
Children need to eat nutritious meals in order to do their best at school. When sending lunch from
home, please provide a balanced lunch for your child that avoids soda pop and sugary treats which have
little nutritional value. Information on child nutrition can be obtained from our child nutrition supervisor.
 Listen and follow teacher’s instructions.
 Be considerate and respectful of classmates and teachers especially substitute teachers.
 Complete and turn in assignments on time.
 Follow individual class rules.
SCHOOL BUSES: Pupils who ride school buses are subject to rules and regulations designed to provide safe
transportation to and from school. Any behavior which distracts the driver, is a hazard to the safe operation of the
vehicle, or jeopardizes the safety of other passengers is not allowed. Inappropriate behavior can result in your
child being denied bus riding privileges.
1. Pupils will not leave or board the bus at locations other than the assigned stops at home or school, unless
they have written permission or a phone call from the parent or guardian to the school office.
2. Pupils must arrive at the bus stop before the bus arrives.
3. Pupils shall wait in a safe place, clear of traffic and away from where the bus stops.
4. Pupils shall wait in an orderly line and avoid horseplay.
5. Pupils shall cross the road or street in front of the bus only after the bus has come to a complete stop.
6. Pupils shall go directly to an available or their assigned seat when entering the bus.
Pupils shall remain seated and keep all aisles and exits clear.
Pupils will observe classroom conduct and obey the driver promptly and respectfully.
Pupils shall refrain from throwing or passing objects on, from or into buses.
Pupils shall only carry on objects that can be held on their laps.
Pupils will refrain from eating and drinking on the bus.
Pupils will leave their seating area clean and tidy.
Pupils shall respect the rights and safety of others, and will abide by all school citizenship and digital
citizenship standards while on school buses.
Pupils shall not carry hazardous materials, nuisance items or animals on the bus.
Pupils will not extend head, arms or objects out of the bus.
Pupils shall refrain from hitching rides via the rear bumper or other parts of the bus.
Pupils will not vandalize school property.
The District will maintain a file for each student that shall contained the information, including but not limited to
the following: basic identifying information, academic transcripts, attendance records, immunization records,
intelligence and aptitude scores, psychological reports, achievement test results, participation in extracurricular
activities, honors and awards, teacher anecdotal records, special education files, verified reports or information
from non-educational persons, verified information of clear relevance to the student’s education, information
pertaining to release of this record, disciplinary information.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents/guardians and students over eighteen
(18) years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. The rights
contained in this section are denied to any person against whom an order of protection has been entered
concerning a student. FERPA rights include:
1. The right to inspect and copy the student’s education records within a reasonable time of the day the
District receives a request for access. Please contact the office to make arrangements to access your
child’s records. Students 18 years of age or older may access their own records.
2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records which the parent(s), legal
guardian(s) or eligible student believes to be inaccurate, misleading, irrelevant, or improper. To do so,
submit the request in writing to the school principal or district superintendent, clearly identifying the part
of the record to be changed, and specifying the reason. If the District decides to not amend the record as
requested by the parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student, the District will notify the party concerned and
advise him or her of the right to a hearing regarding the request for records amendment.
3. The right to challenge school student records does not apply to: (1) academic grades of their child, and
(2) references to expulsions or out-of-school suspensions if the challenge is made at the time the student’s
school student records are forwarded to another school to which the student is transferring.
4. The right to permit disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education
records, except to the extent that FERPA or state law authorizes disclosure without consent.
5. The right to a copy of any school student record proposed to be destroyed or deleted.
6. The right to prohibit the release of directory information concerning the parent’s or guardian’s child.
Throughout the school year, the District may release directory information regarding students, limited to:
name, address, gender, grade level, birth date and place, parents’/guardians’ names and addresses,
academic awards, degrees, and honors, information in relation to school-sponsored activities,
organizations, and athletics, major field of study, period of attendance in school. Any
parent(s)/guardian(s) or eligible student may prohibit the release of any or all of the above information by
delivering a written objection to the building principal within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice.
No directory information will be released within this time period, unless the parent(s), guardian(s), or
eligible student are specifically informed otherwise.
7. The right to request that information not be released to military recruiters and/or institutions of higher
education. Pursuant to federal law, the District is required to release the names, addresses, and telephone
numbers of all high school students to military recruiters and institutions of higher education upon
request. Parent(s), guardian(s) or eligible students may request that the District not release this
information, and the District will comply with the request.
8. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the
District to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Disclosure is permitted without consent to school officials with a legitimate educational or administrative interest
related to the student, including but not limited to: A school official employed by the District as an administrator,
instructor, or support staff member; law enforcement; a person or company with whom the District has
contracted to perform a special task, such as an attorney, auditor, medical staff or consultant, or therapist. A
school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to
fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Upon request, the District discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in
which a student has enrolled or intends to enroll, as well as to any person as specifically required by state or
federal law. Disclosure is also permitted without consent to: any person for research, statistical reporting or
planning, provided that no student or parent or guardian can be identified; any person named in a court order; and
appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student
or other persons. Before information is released to individuals described in this paragraph, the
parent(s)/guardian(s) may receive written notice of the nature and substance of the information and the
opportunity to inspect, copy, and challenge such records. The District may charge a nominal fee for copying
records, but no one will be denied their right to copies of their records for inability to pay. When the student
reaches eighteen (18) years of age, or is attending an institution of postsecondary education, all rights and
privileges accorded to the parent become exclusively those of the student.
*****Be sure to sign and return this page to your teacher.
Directions: Please be sure to read the student handbook carefully. Complete the check boxes below.
Both the student and the parent sign at the bottom. Each student must fill out and return an Agreement
 We, the student and the parent/guardian have in our possession and have read the South Lemhi
School District No.292 Elementary Student Handbook.
 We have read the dress code.
 We have read all bus rules in this handbook and agree to abide by them.
 I, as the parent/guardian, give my permission for my child to go on class and activity trips planned
by this school and agree to assume the responsibilities set forth in this handbook.
 I, the parent, hereby authorize emergency medical treatment for my child/children while on a
school sponsored field trip when deemed necessary by qualified medical personnel.
 I have read and understand the School-Parent Compact section of the Elementary Student
 I, the parent/guardian, have read and understand the responsibilities for computer use and network
access. I understand and recognize that internet access is designed for educational purposes and
that South Lemhi School District has taken all reasonable precautions to eliminate exposure to
controversial material. However, I also recognize that it may impossible to restrict access to all
controversial material and will not hold the District responsible for materials acquired via school
internet or network access that is deemed inappropriate or controversial.
 I, as a student, agree to practice responsible and respectful digital citizenship at all times, whether
on campus or away. I also agree to abide by the terms in this handbook, of the South Lemhi
School District policy, which outlines acceptable use of District-provided technology, network and
internet access and of access to District network or digital content using my own device or from a
remote location. I agree that violating this policy is unethical and recognize that it may constitute
a criminal offense. I understand that should I commit any violation, my access privileges will be
affected and further school disciplinary or appropriate legal action may be taken.
Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date ________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Date ________________