Individual Scholarships September -December (Please be sure to check scholarship websites and/or printed applications for official deadlines and requirements.) Contests/Awards: Cash and/or prizes that may be disbursed directly to the student. SCHOLARSHIP NAME DUE DATE SCHOLARSHIP DESCRIPTION Award: $500 Courage to Grow Grades 11-12 (Monthly) 9/30/13 TG's Milton G. Wright Scholarship 9/30/13 Drawing (monthly) Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship AES Engineers Scholarship Inaugural My Projector Lamps Scholarship Horatio Alger Association Scholarship 10/2/13 10/4/13 10/12/13 10/25/13 Eligibility: High school junior or senior, legal resident of continental US. Include first and last name, contact phone number, and email address. Include a typed essay (250 words or less) explaining why you believe you should be awarded this scholarship. (Note: spelling, punctuation, and grammar are important). Award: $500 Eligibility: High School Senior, Graduate or GED recipient; enrolled at least half time in an undergraduate degree - or certificateseeking program, or a non-degree program for teacher certification at an approved 4 - year college; TG employees or their dependents are not eligible. Award: Recognition varies Eligibility: Senior, 3.0 GPA, participate in at least one schoolsponsored sport. Award: $500 Eligibility: “Our belief is that achieving a high grade point average should not be the only criteria for determining who deserves to be helped. For that reason we are offering a scholarship that will be awarded on the basis of character, as determined by evaluation and the essays that are submitted. Award: $500 (2) Eligibility: High school senior aged 16 or older with a minimum GPA of 3.00 one page essay detailing your ideas about the use of multimedia and data visualization in the K-12 classrooms, explore modern teaching methods and propose specific ideas for visual and interactive presentation in K-12 for improved knowledge retention Award: $5000 (6 available to Oregonians) $20,000 (104 available nationally) Eligibility: Senior students who have demonstrated “integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, financial need (typically defined as $50,000 or less in gross yearly income), strength of character, a good academic record, commitment to pursue a fouryear college degree, and a desire to contribute to society” through participation in co-curricular and community activities. National scholarships worth up to $20,000 are also available through this program. Carrington Dental Centre 10/30/13 Ages 16-22 Courage to Grow Grades 11-12 (Monthly) 10/31/13 Veterans of Foreign Wars "Voice of Democracy" Scholarship Competition Grades 9-12 11/1/13 Jack Kent Cooke Foundation 11/5/13 Pear Blossom Scholarship Pageant Not Available Yet Courage to Grow Grades 11-12 (Monthly) 11/30/13 (monthly) TG's Milton G. Wright Scholarship 11/30/13 Drawing (Monthly) Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship 12/6/13 Award: $500 Eligibility: 1000 word essay that clearly identifies one strategy that you believe will help increase your learning power, parent/guardian recommendation letter, resident of Canada or US, be enrolled in a college, university, or technical school no later than Fall 2013. Award: $500 Eligibility: High school junior or senior, legal resident of continental US. Include first and last name, contact phone number, and email address. Include a typed essay (250 words or less) explaining why you believe you should be awarded this scholarship. (Note: spelling, punctuation, and grammar are important). Award: State winner receives $1000 and a four-day tour of Washington DC and a chance to win the $30,000 first place award. Eligibility: Students grades 9-12. 2012-13 theme is, “Why I'm Optimistic About our Nation's Future” Students compete by writing and then recording a three to five minute audio/essay (tape or CD). Award: Up to $30,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate school Eligibility: Plan to graduate from a US high school in spring 2014 Intend to enroll in an accredited four-year college beginning in fall 2014; Earn a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above Receive standardized test scores in the top 15%: SAT combined critical reading and math score of 1200 or above (must test by October 5, 2013) and/or ACT composite score of 26 or above (must test by September 21, 2013) Award: $2000 1st place; $500 runner-ups Eligibility: Senior girl, 3.5 or higher GPA, 3.0 or higher citizenship, good attendance, in good health, single, and physically able to attend rehearsal, pageant, and parade. Application available in College & Career Center. Award: $500 Eligibility: High school junior or senior, legal resident of continental US. Include first and last name, contact phone number, and email address. Include a typed essay (250 words or less) explaining why you believe you should be awarded this scholarship. (Note: spelling, punctuation, and grammar are important). Award: $500 Eligibility: High School Senior, Graduate or GED recipient; enrolled at least half time in an undergraduate degree - or certificateseeking program, or a non-degree program for teacher certification at an approved 4 - year college; TG employees or their dependents are not eligible. Award: $250 local, winning applications may receive more Eligibility: High school senior. See the College and Career Center for more information, or Award: Varies Hispanic Scholarship Fund Futuro Con Leche Scholarship Program NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award 12/15/13 12/15/13 12/18/13 Eligibility: Latino students, U.S. citizen or legal resident, plan to enroll full time in accredited institution. See website for further qualifications. Multiple scholarships are administered through HSF. Award: $4,000 (10) Eligibility: Be of Hispanic heritage and a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident, plan to enroll full time at an accredited institution, minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and must apply for FAFSA. Award: $1,000 - $10,000 Eligibility: A graduating high school senior who is entering his or her freshman year at an accredited two-or four-year university, college, or vocational institute in the fall of 2013. An officially established business is a requirement. A student who demonstrates entrepreneurial spirit and initiative through starting his/her own business; and participating in organizations such as DECA, Junior Achievement, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Future Farmers of America (FFA), National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), among others; or through other initiatives. Award: $2500 to 1 student in each state: Alaska, Oregon or Western Washington Better Business Bureau "Students of Integrity Scholarship 12/31/13 Grades 11 & 12 Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship Grades 9-12 12/31/13 Eligibility: Junior or senior graduating in 2013 or 2014 from Oregon, Alaska, or Western Washington; 3.5 cumulative GPA required. "This scholarship is designed to support students who recognize the importance of ethical and responsible marketplace practices. Essay theme (1000 words or less): Which one of the BBB's Standards of Trust do you value most in business? Why? Visit website for more information and application: Award: $1000 Eligibility: 9th-12th graders & college students, legal US resident, any major, any US college. Apply online. Award: $500 Courage to Grow Grades 11-12 (Monthly) TG's Milton G. Wright Scholarship Drawing (Monthly) 12/31/13 Eligibility: High school junior or senior, legal resident of continental US. Include first and last name, contact phone number, and email address. Include a typed essay (250 words or less) explaining why you believe you should be awarded this scholarship. (Note: spelling, punctuation, and grammar are important). Award: $500 Eligibility: High School Senior, Graduate or GED recipient; enrolled 12/31/13 at least half time in an undergraduate degree - or certificateseeking program, or a non-degree program for teacher certification at an approved 4 - year college; TG employees or their dependents are not eligible. Award: Varies Gates Millennium Scholars Program 2014 Eligibility: Minimum GPA 3.3 The Gates Millennium Scholars (GMS) Program, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was established in 1999 to provide outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native*, Asian Pacific Islander American**, and Hispanic American students with an opportunity to complete an undergraduate college 01/15/14 education in any discipline area of interest. Continuing Gates Millennium Scholars may request funding for a graduate degree program in one of the following discipline areas: computer science, education, engineering, library science, mathematics, public health or science. U.S. Citizen, U.S. Permanent Resident / Foreign National; High School Senior, GED, High School Graduate Award: Varies Ronald McDonald House Charities Eligibility: Be a high school senior; Be eligible to attend a two- or 01/21/2014 four-year college, university or technical school with a full course of study; Be a legal U.S. resident. The four types of scholarships available. Minimum GPA of 2.7. Also visit: OSAC Scholarship Deadline is March 1st!