rubric -

Summary Rubric
Name: ___________________________________________
Restates the main idea of
the text
Paragraph does not
include a topic sentence or
restate the main idea.
Provides support using
details from text
Paragraph does not
include support for the
main idea.
Explains how the details
support the main idea
There is no explanation on
how the details support
the main idea.
Includes domain-specific
Provides conclusion
Few to no domain-specific
words are used.
Paragraph does not
include a concluding
Uses grade-appropriate
conventions and grammar
Paragraph has many errors
in conventions and
grammar, impeding the
ability to understand the
written work.
Score: _________
Paragraph includes an
opening sentence but
does not restate the main
idea of the text.
Paragraph includes little
support for the main idea
using few or no details
from the text.
Some supporting details
include an explanation of
how they support the
main idea.
Some domain-specific
words are used.
Paragraph may not include
a concluding sentence.
Paragraph includes a topic
sentence that restates the
main idea.
Paragraph is written with
several errors in gradeappropriate conventions
and grammar.
Paragraph is written with
few errors in gradeappropriate conventions
punctuation, and spelling)
and grammar (complete
sentences with varied
sentence structures).
Paragraph includes
adequate support for the
main idea using details
from the text.
Most supporting details
include an explanation of
how they support the
main idea.
Several domain-specific
words are used.
Paragraph includes a
concluding sentence.
Paragraph includes a topic
sentence restates the
main idea and “hooks” the
Paragraph includes ample
support for the main idea
using details from the text.
All supporting details
include an explanation of
how they support the
main idea.
Many domain-specific
words are used.
Paragraph includes a
concluding sentence that
restates the main idea or
Paragraph is written with
no errors in gradeappropriate conventions
punctuation, and spelling)
and grammar (complete
sentences with varied
sentence structures).