p: 01480 878534 e: getinvolved@pinpoint

p: 01480 878534
e: getinvolved@pinpoint-cambs.org.uk
w: www.pinpoint-cambs.org.uk
Talk about Transitions 7: the journey toward ‘independent
pinpoint is commissioned by the Cambridgeshire County Council
Transitions Team to facilitate transitions events for parent carers
across the county. The events have become known as ‘Talk about
Transitions’ and this was the seventh one.
The format for this event was similar to the last two as parents had
fed back that they found attending workshops very useful. This
time we ran three events across the county at different times of the
day – a morning event in March, an afternoon event in Huntingdon,
and an evening event in Cambridge.
The events are planned by a multi-agency group involving parents
and other key partners. The format of the event, including
workshops, speakers and information stalls, was discussed and
The Events
The events were attended by a total of 28 parent carers (7 in
March, 9 in Huntingdon and 12 in the Cambridge). In Cambridge,
26 parents registered to attend the event, but only 12 attended.
Presentations: An Update on Independent Living and Housing was
given by Claire Bailey, Cambridgeshire County Council . This was
followed by a video It’s all about us! of two young people who use
self-directed support to live independently.
There were 15 information stalls: Adult Carers Team; Additional
Needs Advisors; Assistive Technology (NHS); Cambridge Regional
College; Carers Trust; Learning Disability Partnership; Papworth
Trust; Penderels Trust; pinpoint; Red 2 Green; Voiceability;
Huntingdon District Council; Roddons Housing; South Cambs
District Council; Cambridge City Council
Three mini-workshops were offered: Person Centred Planning
(Realife Trust); Getting the benefits you are entitled to (Welfare &
Benefits Team); and Help with making decisions (Mental Capacity
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013
Parents had the opportunity to attend two workshops and visit the
information stalls during breaks or instead of attending a workshop.
We asked parent carers and workers to give us feedback on the
Feedback from parent carers:
We received 18 completed feedback forms.
Has this event helped you feel more confident about
planning for your young person’s future?
Number of parent carers
Yes (16)
No (0)
Not sure (1)
Blank (1)
Yes - comments
More time with James Codling would be helpful. Very
James Codling – very helpful. Longer sessions would be
Feel I know what I need to do next
Very helpful
I have a starting point but am still a little confused.
This afternoon has been very helpful.
Yes, very helpful.
Very good with the planning workshop.
Knowledge is power!
Not sure - comments
More informed – not necessarily confident.
Confused on some parts.
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013
Do you feel more knowledgeable about your young person’s
rights and entitlements?
Number of parent carers
Yes (17)
No (0)
Not sure (1)
Blank (0)
Yes - comments
Somewhat. About his rights re: personal budget / planning
and re: power of attorney
Particularly Mental Capacity Act
A more structured approach to this would be helpful. Times,
dates and what’s available, etc.
Although things may change when my 13 year old needs to
leave home.
Lots of useful info! Had no idea on some of these!
I was told we have the correct amount of benefits we are
Not sure – comment
Need more info
Do you feel more informed about services for young people?
Number of parent carers
Yes (15)
No (1)
Not sure (2)
Blank (0)
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013
Yes – comments
A little more informed about the existence of some
Without pinpoint session I wouldn’t have received info that
should have already gone out re: transitions
Good information from providers
Not sure – comment
Unsure on some parts
Did having the chance to meet with other parent carers help
you feel less isolated?
Number of parent carers
Yes (15)
No (1)
Not sure (1)
Blank (1)
Yes – comments
It was great to meet other parents in the same situation.
A little (x 2)
More time would be great to chat
Lots of faces I now
No comment
Please give us any other feedback about this event and/or
tell us about future events you would like pinpoint to run
that would help you as a parent carer.
Perhaps some of the subjects in depth, these felt like little
bite-size intros to the subjects
Please more, longer and in more detail
Please book James Codling for long session
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013
Rather difficult to find venue - more signposts would be
helpful. Rather noisy in room with people talking - difficult to
hear. (CRC)
Workshops could have done with more time. Mental Capacity
is complex and I have been to this workshop twice and I still
don't understand it. I would like a couple of hours on the
subject. Useful introduction to Person Centred Planning.
Shame we couldn't do all three workshops in one session as
it's difficult to find the time to go to these events. The video
about the 2 disabled people living independently was nice but
not necessary. The benefits information man was excellent.
Some speakers assumed a basic level of knowledge. Some
parents, who are just beginning the process need more
precise and basic information to make it less confusing.
More detailed workshops
Less County Council jargon please!! Simple is good. Fact
sheets to take home are excellent.
It was very good with good venue (March).
Are the events suitable for 'free advertising'?
Can we have an on-line feedback form?
Feedback from workers:
We received 4 feedback forms from workers.
Has this event helped you inform parent carers about your
service and how you can help them and their family?
4 said yes. Comments were:
Good chance to discuss benefit issues with parents - answer questions
and hear problems that they have with the benefits system.
People are aware of the types of support we, as a team, can offer and
how to refer to us
Lots of parents were interested in the Carers Magazine
Has this event provided you with the opportunity to make
parents more knowledgeable about their rights and
3 said yes and 1 was not sure. The one comment made was:
It was interesting for me to have the overview presentation.
Do you feel more informed about the support needs of
parent carers and their family?
All workers said yes (4). Comments were:
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013
Parents have been very honest and informative of what they
Through the issues that parents raised.
Very useful to see what other organisations are offering.
Has this event provided you with an opportunity to get
feedback from parent carers that you will use to help plan,
monitor and/or evaluate your service?
2 said yes and 2 were left blank. Comments were:
Useful feedback to take back to team regarding service
I’m not sure but this may happen through referrals from other
Comment about the age dynamic of existing carer drop-ins.
Other feedback from workers
It was really a pleasure. Do please invite me for any other
transition event - I know they weren't as well attend as you'd
expected and hoped last week, but actually they are so
valuable for parents and we as a college have had a lot of
positive follow-up from these events in the past, so they are
certainly worth continuing!
Shame it wasn't better attended, maybe re-focus on number
of events to get better attendance or look at training events
through the day.
I think it would be useful for Assistive Technology to remain in
Very well run and informative. Keep up the good work.
Based on the feedback received from parent carers, the events
were considered useful. Many parents requested that workshops
are longer and more in-depth, especially the Help with Making
Decisions workshop. Parents also appreciated the time to meet
with other parents to share experiences.
Future events may need a more topic focused approach, with one
longer workshop plus time for parents to talk with each other. The
workshops would be run in each geographic area. This could be
alternated with one bigger county-wide event which would include
information stalls and mini-workshops. Perhaps a longer version of
the more popular mini-workshops could be then be used for the
next topic focused events.
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013
Actions to take forward from this event:
Report on feedback to Transitions Partnership Board.
Plan more topic-focused events e.g. Help with Making
Decisions workshops for the future which also give time for
parents to meet each other and share experiences.
Plan a larger county-wide event which includes information
from service providers and mini-workshops.
Look at developing an on-line feedback form for parents to
complete after the event if they prefer.
Lenja Bell for pinpoint November 2013