
Version 14th December 2015
The Report on Castle Lower School’s consultation on changing the school
age range and working across two sites in the Primary phase from 2017 onwards
December 2015
Version 14th December 2015
Castle Lower School’s consultation
on changing the school age range, and providing education as a Primary school
working across two sites from September 2017 onwards.
The Governing Body of Castle Lower School is now in a position to report on the outcome of the
age range consultation. The governing body will consider whether to proceed to alter the age
range of the school working across two sites from September 2017.
Castle Lower School is situated in Bedford, MK40 3EP.
The School Ofsted URN is: 109435
The DfE number for Castle Lower School is: 8222009
The school on Goldington Road was established as Goldington Road School in 1899. In 1946 the
school became an infant, junior and secondary modern school. The school was designated as
Castle Lower School in 1975 after Bedfordshire County Council decided to implement the
three-tier education system of lower, middle and upper schools across the county (as
recommended in the 1967 Plowden Report).
The school has been looking, more recently, at how it can best develop to provide a high quality
cohesive education from 4 to 12 to serve the local area. It is working with a lower school,
Hazeldene School, and a middle school, Newnham Middle School, to achieve this. The three
schools consulted on their proposed collaborative arrangements in June/July 2015. Newnham
and Castle schools have agreed to form a hard federation with Hazeldene working in close
partnership with them (as part of a soft federation). This federation has been designed in order
to provide ‘all through’ education from 4-16 years.
Alteration proposal to the age range
It is proposed that Castle Lower School will extend its age range from a 4 to 9 years Lower
School (with an additional 60 place nursery from 3 years) to a 4 to 11 years Primary School
working across two sites (Goldington Road from 4 – 9 and Polhill Avenue from 9-11).
Stages of implementation
The proposal will be implemented on 1st September 2017.
 In September 2017 – Year 4 children will have the option to remain at the school and
become a part of the Year 5 within the primary school on the Polhill Avenue site
(within it’s primary building).
 In September 2018 – the year 5 children will continue into year 6 and the school will be
a full Primary ).
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The current capacity of the school is 510 (including a 60 place nursery) pupil places. Once fully
implemented, the proposed capacity will be 690 places (180 on the Polhill Avenue site in years
5 and 6). Our proposal is to move towards primary provision incrementally from September
2017.There will therefore be no need for pupils to apply through the normal admissions
process to transfer from the Goldington Road site to the Polhill site at the end of year 4 (from
2017 onwards).
Objectives of our proposal to change the age range are:
This proposal is part of a wider collaboration of 3 schools. The schools are all applying to change
their age range for 2017. The vision for the three schools working together is:
 To build on the strengths, shared ethos and values of the three schools.
 To deliver consistent and coordinated teaching and learning approaches and
practices from ages 4 to 16.
 To operate on a stable and sustainable base. The local school system in recent
years - through the continuation of both two-tier (primary, secondary) and threetier (lower, middle, upper) schools, and the proliferation of new school types
(academies, free schools) - has created a lot of uncertainty and instability. To
provide one point of transfer at age 11 rather than two points of transfer which
can be unhelpful to pupil progress.
 To provide staff with greater opportunity to share best practice in the
development of top-quality teaching.
 To offers opportunities for resource sharing to enrich all years of the schools, for
example sports facilities and equipment, music, teaching expertise and materials.
The Consultation Process
A consultation process was carried out between 2nd November2015 and 14th December 2015.
Who did we inform?
We informed and invited comments from a wide range of stakeholders and the wider
community through a number of approaches (detailed in the consultation document). It should
be noted that the consultation process was run in conjunction with Newnham Middle School
and Hazeldene Lower School, who are also consulting on complementary changes to their age
ranges in line with the development of the federation. The proposed changes within the
federation fit in with the wider primary/ secondary consultation of Bedford Borough. Drop-in
sessions were held for parents and stakeholders as detailed below:
Version 14th December 2015
Consultation process
2nd November 2015 – noon 14th December 2015
Consultation Events:
11th November 2015: Block 1 School Hall 15.30-16.30
12th November 2015: Newnham middle School Hall
1830-2000 (parents and wider community)
Analysis of responses and
preparation of Consultation
14th December 2015 – 16th December 2015
If the Governing Body decide to
proceed, the decision, and the
reasons for it, will be
communicated within one week
to those listed opposite and the
decision and Consultation Report
will be posted on the school’s
December 2015
The Local Authority
The parents of every registered pupil
Anyone else who we deem appropriate
The Governing Body will inform the Secretary of State
of the decision by ensuring the DfE’s Register of
Educational Establishments (EduBase) is updated
Final Implementation of Proposals
1 September 2017
We used various means of communication to reach our stakeholders, including email and an
electronic version of the consultation was placed for all stakeholders and interested parties on
the school website. Staff at Castle Lower School were also informed. We emailed copies of the
consultation to all schools within the local authority and the two Dioceses.
Context for Implementation
The context of the implementation is part of the wider plan by Bedford Borough Council, the
Local Authority, as it is currently consulting on a two-tier system of education across the
Borough, commencing in September 2017.
The purpose of this section of the proposal is to provide detailed information about the
responses to the consultation process;
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Respond, in particular, to the areas of concern that have been raised as part of that
Identify how the Governing Body will meet the objectives for changing the age-range, as
set out in the consultation process.
The consultation with stakeholders covered a single proposal:
“From September 2017, should Year 4 pupils remain at Castle Lower and continue in the
school on a different site until 11? ”
Summary of online responses
Version 14th December 2015
written/email responses were received for the proposal plus some verbal questions and
responses that arose from the 150 people who attended the joint consultation events with
Newnham Middle School. These comprised parents of current and future pupils, staff and
governors from the school, representatives of other local schools, community users of the site
and pupils at the school
This section of the report will detail:
Areas of concern
The Governing Body’s responses to comments raised through the consultation process
Responses to Proposal
Of the 14 responses 12 supported it, there was one “don’t know” and one “no”. As can be seen
from the full list of responses appended, the majority of comments were positive.
Areas of Concern
The points of concern raised from the consultation responses were as follows:
The current year 3's are 2 form entry. Who will the other allocated 30 places be taken by in
How will it work in 2017 for year 5 and 6?
Why will the year 5/6 want to return to lower school after moving up?
How will it benefit year 5 and 6 as well as year 3 and 4?
Governing Body Response to areas of concern
Places in year 5 in 2017: The federation will provide school places as required within
year 5 in 2017 . If this is 60 (as is the case within the current year 3 cohort) then there
will be 2 forms within this year group. If this is over 60 then the school will provide an
additional class.
Year 5 and 6 will be taught in a primary block on the Polhill site. They will continue to
follow a primary curriculum and will be given similar pastoral support to that which they
experienced on the Goldington Road site. They will benefit from the facilities within the
Secondary building also on the Polhill site.
Year 5 and 6 will not be returning to lower school but will be continuing within the
existing system as part of a primary school as will be the model across Bedford Borough.
They will access the facilities and specialist teaching within the secondary school.
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Parents will have a choice at year 7 whether to continue within the federation as part of
the secondary school or whether to transfer to a different secondary school. Children
will go through the admissions process to transfer from year 6 to year 7 (move from
primary to secondary school).
The planned building work and adjustments to the existing Polhill site (as detailed in the
consultation report) will provide sufficient resources and space for the primary and
secondary school. This is a very large site and with redevelopment planned,capacity will
be sufficient for the primary and secondary school.
Year 5 and 6 will benefit from:
o An all through approach to learning where they and their families are known
o Reduced disruption at transition points
o Some flexibility in the movement of teaching and resources between sites
o Some specialist teaching and facilities provided by the Secondary school
o A greater level of pastoral care for longer within a primary model
o Less disruption I the middle of a key stage (as is the case within the 3 tier model)
o The children in year 5 and 6 will benefit from mixing with older children in the
same way as year 5 and 6 have experienced within the 3 tier system
Further information on governor responses to areas of concern can be found in the final report
of Newnham Middle School’s age range consultation.
Federation\Newnham Full consultation report011215V3.doc
Version 14th December 2015
Full Details of Responses to the Age Range Consultation:
Request for a copy of the final
consultation report
It facilitates the creation of
a Y1 to Y11 federation.
The current year 3's are 2
form entry. Who will the
other allocated 30 places be
taken by in 2017? How will
it work in 2017 for year 5
and 6? This is not made
clear. Why will the year 5/6
want to return to lower
school after moving up? You
talk about keeping them
involved with year 3/4.
From experience with my
Version 14th December 2015
older daughter, currently in
year 6, who has thrived in
the environment of middle
school and mixing with
older children rather than
younger ones. I am not sure
what the benefit is for year
5/6. I can see how it's
helpful for the younger
ones. Please don't make
current year 3 the Guinea
pigs for something that will
settle over a longer period.
It isn't fair.
Request for a copy of the final
consultation report
May become too over
My children are still at
lower school but
continuity is very
attractive when deciding
on next step.
Version 14th December 2015
I do think the extension to
become a secondary
school is a good idea but I
don’t like the fact that the
federation prioritises the
two lower schools, Castle
and Hazeldene. This takes
away the parental choice
for parents of children at
other schools and doesn’t
leave enough extra places
for other children in year
Because the less changes
the better.
We are really happy with
the decision because my
son won’t need to move
on to a different school.
I feel staying at Newnham
until 16 would
undoubtedly benefit our
I would like to come to
Newnham because it
seems smaller and I have a
friend who goes here.
Over the moon
Version 14th December 2015
Children are very happy at
the school so want them
to say on. I have
confidence in the
Headteacher that she will
lead the school in the right
Plans make more sense in
terms of getting best out
of pupils re consistency,
stability, progress etc.
Very happy and keeping
fingers crossed that it
goes ahead.
It is too old.
This is a welcome
development that will
create more choice and
improved opportunities
for the children of
I think this a really positive
change, not only for my
son but for the community
as a whole. There has
been instability and
uncertainty for some time
now so to have the
continuity through to
GCSEs can only benefit all
Version 14th December 2015
From September 2017, should Year 4 pupils remain at Hazeldene School and continue in the school
until 11
Request for a copy of the final
consultation report
By transferring earlier
gives teachers and pupils
time to evaluate and
decide on a pupil’s
options, by also guiding
and supporting a whole
range of choices.
Version 14th December 2015
The feedback from the survey below will be considered by the governing body. The final decision will
take into account the collated responses and the interests of the school and its pupils.
From September 2017, should Year 4 pupils remain at Castle Lower School and continue in the school
until 11
Don’t know
Comment (please give the reasons for your answer if you wish)
1. Please tell us who you are.
We intend to analyse responses according to stakeholder group.
Please tick all the boxes that apply in the list below.
Parent of a student(s) currently attending the school
Member of the Governing Body at the school
Member of staff who works at the school
Version 14th December 2015
Parent of a child in local Early Years provision
Governor, including Headteacher, at a neighbouring schools
Member of the local community
Representative of the Local Authority
Representative of a Diocese
Other (please specify) …………………………………………………………………………….
2. We will respect any desire to remain anonymous (no one will be publicly identified in the report on
the consultation) but if you are content for us to know your name (or names if this is a joint
response), please enter it/them here: ………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. If you would like us to send you a copy of the final consultation report, please provide an email
address here: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .