Lesson one

Lesson one
In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful
All praises are due to Allah, peace and salutations are upon the messenger of Allah and to his family,
companions and who followed them to proceed.
Welcome to the first lesson in learning the Arabic Reading. Topic of today will be about how Arabs used
to introduce themselves to others for first time.
General Guidelines
Note that this lesson contains symbols in form of coloured rectangles in three different colours, which
appears below as follows:
Represents topics of the lesson
Represents exercises
Represents new words
To know how these sounds are produced, go to HELP and select position of articulation.
At the end of their study, students will know :
 Technique of how to introduce themselves in a simple language.
 How to narrate about the events that happened in the past, now or in the
 Acquire new Arabic vocabularies.
‫ثمرات الدرس‬
‫الجزء األ َ ََول‬
To achieve the objectives of this lesson do the following:
Click on the icon (Listen) and listen carefully.
Click on the icon (Repeat) then repeat all what you hear.
Click on the icon (New Words), so as to see the list of the new words.
Repeat pronunciation of the new words three times.
To comprehend the text, click on each sentence to study how it is pronounced and written, and
gets its meaning.
Reread the dialogue and do the following exercises.
‫الجزء الثانى‬
‫ال َتدرَيب‬
Click on each question to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Write the answer in the box.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Click on the answer to know its pronunciation and meaning.
Pronounce each sentence three times.
‫الجْزءج الثال ج‬
‫الت ْدريْ ج‬
Study this example properly following these steps:
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Notice the difference between the example sentences.
Do this exercise following these steps:
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced, and to get its meaning.
Write the answer in the box.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Click on each sentence (the answer) to know how it is pronounced, and to get its meaning.
Pronounce each sentence three times.
‫الجْزءج الْراب جع‬
‫الْت ْدريْ ج‬
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Ask your neighbor these questions.
Contact your friend via the available communication mediums and ask him those questions.
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Ask your neighbor these questions.
Contact your friend via the available communication mediums and report to him what your
neighbor said.
َ ‫الجزء ال‬
To achieve the objectives of this lesson do the following:
Click on the icon (Listen) and listen carefully.
Click on the icon (Repeat) then repeat all what you hear.
Click on the icon (New Words), so as to see the list of the new words.
Repeat pronunciation of the new words three times.
To comprehend the text, click on each sentence to study how it is pronounced and written, and
get its meaning.
Reread the passage and do the following exercises.
‫الجْزءج الساد ج‬
‫الت ْدريْ ج‬
Click on each sentence to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Click on each icon to know how to answer the question.
Choose the right answer.
To know the correct answer click on the icon lamp.
‫الجْزءج الساب جع‬
‫الت ْدريْ ج‬
Click on each question to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Write the answer in the box.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Click on the answer to hear its pronunciation and meaning.
‫الجزء الثامن‬
‫الت ْدريْ ج‬
Click on each word to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Write the answer in the box.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Click on the answer to get its pronunciation and meaning.
‫الجْزءج التاس جع‬
‫الت ْدريْ ج‬
Click on each word to know how it is pronounced, and gets its meaning.
Choose the right answer.
To know the answer click on the icon.
Click on the answer to hear its pronunciation and meaning.
‫الجْزءج العاش جر‬
‫الت ْدريْ ج‬
Click on the words to know how they are pronounced, and get their meanings.
Select your own possible sentence order and write it in the box.
To know a possible sentence order click on the icon.
Click on the possible sentence order to hear its pronunciation and meaning.