MS: 1089364835639739 Prenatal management and perinatal

MS: 1089364835639739
Prenatal management and perinatal outcome in giant placental chorioangioma complicated
with hydrops fetalis, fetal anemia and maternal mirror syndrome.
Lutgardo García-Díaz, Práxedes Carreto, Susana Costa and Guillermo Antinolo
Point by point response to Editors' comments:
The authors have made most of the corrections and suggestions requested by the Reviewers,
which have improved the manuscript. The manuscript is accepted for publication, but after the
authors correct the following comments of the Reviewers and Editor that are mainly related to
grammatical issues
Large chorioangiomas have been associated with a number of fetal complications including
anemia, polyhydramnios, hyperdynamic circulation and cardiomegaly, hydrops, and growth
restriction. We report a case of giant chorioangioma with fetal hydrops, additionally
complicated by severe anemia, mild cardiomegaly with hyperdinamic heart circulation and
maternal mirror syndrome. We report a case of giant chorioangioma with fetal hydrops,
complicated with maternal mirror syndrome.
The previous sentences are similar to the ones used in the introduction.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
Large chorioangiomas have been associated with a number of fetal complications including
anemia, polyhydramnios, hyperdynamic circulation and cardiomegaly, hydrops, and growth
restriction. Here we report a case of giant chorioangioma, fetal hydrops, additionally
complicated by severe anemia, mild cardiomegaly with hyperdinamic heart circulation and
maternal mirror syndrome.
The abstract is very difficult to read and the sentences mentioned above appear repetitive.
Please modify accordingly.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
Mother examination was consistent with mild mirror syndrome. Please change the word
mother to maternal. Please delete the word mild.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
At 29+1 weeks?, treatment with 12mg betamethasone injections (two doses separated in
24hours) was given and intrauterine transfusion.
Please delete the word and and include a semicolon.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
At 29+5 weeks gestation, fetal ultrasound showed a worsening of the fetal hydrothorax
Please delete the letter a.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
Worsening of the maternal mirror syndrome (pleural effusion and increasing levels of liver
enzymes). Please add at the beginning of the sentence the words ?In addition, and at the end
of the sentence was noted
It has been corrected in the revised ms
Histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of placental chorioangioma (figure 2). This is
highlighted in yellow but there is no histological description. Can the author some
histopathological information.
It has been added in the revised ms
Can the author provide a reference for the following statements : Mirror syndrome
(Ballantyne’s syndrome) is usually defined as maternal edema associated to fetal hydrops.
As described elsewhere (REF) mirror syndrome disappears shortly after fetal hydrops
successful treatment, pregnancy termination or delivery, as in the patient presented here.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
However, fetal condition get worse in spite of the anemia correction. It is not get it is got and
perhaps instead of using in spite; despite may be more appropriate.
It has been corrected in the revised ms
In the row of Haak 1999, the delivery and pregnancy outcome is missing.
Please complete accordingly.
It has been completed in the revised ms