Thank you for your interest in working to protect the water quality of our local streams and lakes in the
Beaver Lake Watershed! The purpose of the Rain Garden Project mini-grant is to financially assist landowners and property-managers of private and public lands in the Beaver Lake Watershed to help protect water quality with the installation of rain gardens on their property.
The following application consists of:
Project Overview
Time Line
Application Form & Agreement
Project Overview:
A rain garden is a landscaped area designed to capture and hold excess rain water runoff from impervious areas for a short period, allowing it to soak into the soil. Rain gardens help to slow the flow of water discharged from impervious surfaces during and after precipitation events, reducing water pollution and flooding, and allowing groundwater recharge. Other benefits include aesthetics and wildlife habitat creation within a rain garden.
The Beaver Lake Watershed Rain Garden Project seeks to aid landowners and managers with rain garden installations in public and private locations within the Beaver Lake Watershed. As a mini-grant recipient, the program will offer either reimbursement for garden installation costs or allow for Beaver
Watershed Alliance to make these purchases for the grant recipient. Installation costs that are eligible for mini-grant monies include costs associated with the garden construction, as well as the purchase of native plants, compost and mulch. The Rain Garden Project will fund up to $250 for the cost of implementing rain gardens for private, residential spaces and up to $1,000 for installation costs for business locations and public places.
In addition, participants must agree to allow the Beaver Watershed Alliance to capture photographic documentation before, during and after the process, and to maintain rain gardens. Pictures from your rain garden may be included in publications, reports and educational programs.
This program is carried out by the Beaver Watershed Alliance with sponsorship from Beaver Water
District as a continuation of the Northwest Arkansas Rain Garden Project to empower individuals and communities to confront local watershed concerns by implementing rain gardens and demonstrating benefits of this alternative stormwater management approach.
Candidates to be considered for the Rain Garden Project mini-grant include:
Individual landowners for private residential properties
Public spaces (this includes schools, churches, POAs, and municipalities)
Property must be located within the Beaver Lake Watershed. Priority will be given to those that lie within the War Eagle Creek and Lower White-Lakeside Area subwatersheds, although all locations in the greater Beaver Lake Watershed are eligible for the mini-grant and will be considered.
1. Complete Rain Garden mini-grant application.
This application consists of three pages which should be completed (See pages 4-6). In addition to the forms, you will be required to submit a photograph of the area in which you plan to place your garden. If you would like to submit your photo electronically, please email to
If you are unable to photograph your property, please contact us as soon as possible, and we will make arrangements to have your property photographed. Applicants are encouraged to keep at least one copy of the grant application for their own records. Applications must be mailed or emailed and must include all completed forms in a single envelope. Please mail or email your completed application by
June 30 th , 2015 to:
Beaver Watershed Alliance
614 E. Emma Ave. Suite M438
Springdale, AR 72764
For questions, contact BWA at (479) 750-8007
2. Attend the Rain Garden Academy.
The Rain Garden Academy is a one-day workshop designed to help participants better understand functions and values of rain gardens, considerations for rain garden design and placement, native plants, do-it-yourself tips, and cost-effective methods for garden installation. The workshop will also showcase existing rain gardens and provide an opportunity for hands-on garden maintenance for participants. The workshop will prepare participants with all the information needed to construct a rain garden.
3. Participants must obtain and submit receipts for all pre-approved material purchases, if reimbursement for costs is the chosen grant disbursement method.
4. Participants will be required to maintain the rain garden over its lifespan.
Since participants will be responsible for managing the gardens; it is required that a representative of the applicant household, institution, or organization attend the Rain Garden Academy on May 2 nd 2015 to understand how to best install and take care of their garden since this is their responsibility.
Rain Garden Project Timeline:
May 2 nd , 2015 – Rain Garden Academy
June 30 th , 2015 - Deadline for application submission to be considered for funding
October 15 th , 2015 – Deadline for completion of rain garden installation
Fill out pages 4-6 of application. Mail or email to:
Mail or email “before” photograph of site
Sign up for the Rain Garden Academy
Beaver Watershed Alliance
614 E. Emma Ave. Suite M438
Springdale, AR 72764
For questions, contact BWA at (479) 750-8007
Name of Business or Organization (if applicable):
Phone: Email:
Property address of garden location:
City, State: Zip:
Garden location type: Residence Business Public Space
Subwatershed of garden location (circle one):
West Fork-White River Middle Fork-White River East Fork-White River War Eagle Creek
Lower White-Lakeside Area Richland Creek
How did you hear about the Rain Garden Project?
Where do you plan to locate your rain garden on the property?
What type of impervious surface will be draining to the garden?
Roof Driveway Parking Lot Other
Estimated date of rain garden installation:
Do you have a standing water problem? Y N
Do you have an erosion problem? Y N
I accept the requirements and deadlines for garden installation: Y N
Briefly describe why you would like a rain garden:
Reason for funding request:
Signature: Date:
I verify that all of the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge and understand that completion of this application does not guarantee the financial assistance of a rain garden by the
Beaver Watershed Alliance
If selected as a Rain Garden Project mini-grant recipient, you or a representative from your organization or business agrees to:
1. Attend the Rain Garden Academy on May 2 nd .
2. Recruit volunteers to provide labor for installation and ongoing maintenance after the installation.
Further recommendations for maintenance will be provided by the Beaver Watershed Alliance.
3. Submit receipts for all pre-approved material purchases within 30 days after the installation of the rain garden located on the property listed in this application.
4. Receive reimbursements from the Beaver Watershed Alliance within 30 days after installation and receipt of reimbursement request.
5. Allow Beaver Watershed Alliance to assist with and document rain garden installation before, during and after installation.
By providing your signature below, you agree to the requirements and agreement.
Printed Name:
For Official use only:
Date received:
Received by:
Approved: Y