CURRICULUM OVERVIEW (New companion document) Pitjantjatjara / Yankuntjatjara Language with translated stories: Early Childhood Rec Term 1 People and kinship Term 2 Country and land tjukurpa 1 Me and my family My Body Text; “Ngayuku Walytja tjuta” Text: “Malany Malany Nyaan Nyanganyi?” Spelling: Spelling Revise Teach a ma “ma” “ mi” “u” “mu” Wiltja Tjukurpa Spelling Dreaming stories from around the local community Kalaya kulunypa Text; “Wiltjakutu ananyi” “i” “mi” 2 Sand Stories Kamis tell stories about relationships: Inyurpa /nganantarka sharing families “Minga kulunypa kutjara” Spelling: “pa” “pu” “pi” Tjukurpa /inma Dreaming stories and inma from around the local community Spelling ta tu ti 3 My feelings Text: “Nyuntu Ngayuku Ngunytju?” “Kunmanara” Spelling: nya nyu nyi My Community Map community name buildings eg tjuwa, and nearby homelands. Use direction words Spelling; tja tji tju Learning outcome: Manipulate sounds in spoken words including phoneme deletion and substitution ACELA1457 Spelling Revision Term 3 Tracks Animals /landscape Natural Environment Time, weather, seasons Text “Nganaku tjina Nyangatja?” Text; “Nyaa kumpini?” Spelling “tji” Day and night Text “Mungangka, Kalala” “Ngayulu paku pulka.” Classifying Eg edible /non-edible Describing habitats Spelling: Revise: “ka” “ku” Teach “ki” “aa” “ii” Trees & plants (Punu) Bush foods / medicine Text: Text: “Ilykuwara “Wankaku Ngura” spelling: nga ngu ngi tjara.” Maku tjara “Irmangka-irmangka” Term 4 Texts: Texts Texts: Texts: Stories “Nyuntu nyaa nyanganyi?” “Minyma Tinka” “Wati Yukuyukunya” “Yaaltjirikuna?” “Kuka wiru.” “Nyitayira kulunypa waringku puyinytja.” “Ku Ku Ku” Spelling: “ka” “ku” Spelling: Revise “ma’ ”mu”’ “mi”, “ka” “ku” “ki” Teach “wa” “wu” “wi” Spelling ya yu yi Primary years 4 Term 1 People and kinship Ara Irititja Text: “Walawuru pala pulkanya” 5 Ara Irititja Text: “Kulangka nyinanytja” Term 2 Country and land tjukurpa Tjukurpa Tjukurpa Text: Text: “Piki-piki kulunypa mankurpa” Learning outcomes: (ACELA1491) (ACELT1605) (ACELT1604) (ACELT1607) (ACELT1794) (ACELA1494) (ACELA1779) “Mamu pulka Kuru Kutjunya” Term 3 Seasons Kuli Nyinnga Piriya What food in which season? Birds and animals Texts: “Minyma Kakalyalya” Natural Environment Time, weather, seasons Term 4 “Ngananya Kiparaku walingka nyinanyi?” Invite kamis to tell stories about different relationships and appropriate behaviour eg. Right skin marriage, in-laws 7 Men’s and women’s health. Separate girls and boys camp out. Learning through aalpiri wangka Mapping Identify communities and homelands. Name special waterholes and their dreaming. Hunting Land management practices in different seasons Endangered and extinct species Trees and plants Text: “Punu Punu -artifacts Text: Texts: Text: “Iti Warungku “Ngali Kitiku ananyi” “Wati munu Liru” Kampanytja” Stories 6 Relationships Yankunytjatjara Plant use.” Research and write report “Minyma munu Ngintaka” Tracking, hunting, cooking, carving and sharing food Describe how to make –Procedural text How were they used? Present report to class or assembly Secondary Years 8 Term 1 People and kinship Compare languages Text: “Yankuntjatjara 9 Ara Irititja/ Ara Kuwaritja 10 Use Ara Irititja to research a chosen topic eg Land Rights, Early Mission days, Transport, Work, etc. plant use” Compare: Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjat jara Old / modern Interview people in the community who speak other indigenous languages Make list of words Compare orthographies Texts: “Anangu Wayi” “Yankunytjatjara plant use” Write a letter Make a power point or poster to present to the class or assembly Term 2 Country and land tjukurpa Tjukurpa Tjukurpa Mapping Text: Text: Term 3 Birds Weather Natural Environment Time, weather, seasons Research information about different birds Research words about weather Write story or poem about weather using descriptive words Write a report. Write a poem or story book about birds Term 4 Text ”Kalayaku Puuta” Text “Minyma munu Ngintaka” Choose books to read to Junior Primary and Primary classes Write own book of story or poems. Produce and present to class. Read to younger children. Timeline - Iritinguru kuwarikutu Interview people of different ages to discover how things have changed over the last 100 years Present to class or assembly Produce a class book of findings for the school library Stories Write own book of story or poems. Produce and present to class. Read to younger children.