Coastal Cyclone of 23-24 January 2014 By Samantha Ballard and Richard H. Grumm National Weather Service State College, PA 1. Overview An East Coast Winter Storm (ECWS: DeGaetano et al. 2002) brought heavy snow for Pennsylvania along with its neighboring states. The storm evolved from a southern system off the Gulf Coast which then moved up and off the East Coast and eventually combined with a northern Canadian low strengthening the off shore system (Figure 1). The evolution of the low is shown in figure (Figure 2). A large percentage of the historic snowstorms along the East Coast typically involved a surface cyclone, which comes up the East Coast. This particular storm contained an 850 hPa low level jet with -2 to -3𝜎 u-wind anomalies and 2 to 3𝜎 v-wind anomalies (Figure 3 & Figure 4). Forecasts of this storm will be shown from an NCEP ensemble perspective. The extent of the southern surface low into Pennsylvania provided a gradient in snowfall totals and forecasts across the state. The NCEP guidance originally placed the highest precipitation south of Pennsylvania into Maryland and Northern Virginia. However, the highest snowfall totals were in eastern Pennsylvania and New York City area into New England, the areas to the south mainly saw rain. The storm snowfall totals ranged between 1 inch and a maximum of 7-8 inches for the heaviest hit regions (Figure 5). Some of areas in New England with higher snowfall totals were later affected by the 23-24 January 2015 Major East Coast Winter Storm. This paper will document the pattern and anomalies associated with the ECWS of 23-24 January 2015. Section 3 will focus on the pattern and standardized anomalies to put the event into context. As with all high impact weather events, the forecasts and the communications of these forecasts are important. The 4th section will examine the forecasts produced by the NCEP ensemble forecast systems and what these data implied. 2. METHOD AND DATA The large scale pattern was reconstructed using the Climate Forecasts System (CFS) as the first guess at the verifying pattern. The standardized anomalies were computed in Hart and Grumm (2001). All data were displayed using GrADS (Doty and Kinter 1995). For storm-scale details the 00-hour analysis from the hourly NCEP HRRR were used (see Figure 2). The precipitation was estimated using the Stage-IV precipitation data in 6-hour increments to produce estimates of precipitation during the even in 6, 12, 24 and 36 hour periods. Snowfall was retrieved from National Snow Analysis website. Snowfall data was obtained from both NWS public information statements and the National Snow site. The National Snow site was used to retrieve and plot data. The data were plotted over the Stage-IV QPE data using GrADS. The NCEP SREF were retrieved and examined in real-time and archived locally. These data helped identify the different predictability horizons of the forecast systems. The NCEP CFS data may not reflect public forecasts or perceptions of the forecasts. Many forecasters use a diverse set of forecast tools and often lean on the European Center model and post processed forecast data. 3. Pattern overview The 500 hPa pattern shows the progression of an elongated trough in a typical northeastern snow storm pattern with a high ridge in the West. The trough builds in strength starting in Texas at 1200 UTC 23 January 2015 and moves out of the southern stream extending over the East Coast at 1800 UTC 24 January 2015 (Figure 6). The evolution of the surface pattern is shown developing in the Gulf and gaining strength just off the shore of New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia (Figure 1). The higher resolution HRRR shows the southern surface low merge with the Canadian low to the North and strengthen off shore putting eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey in the sweet spot for precipitation (Figure 2d). The HRRR 850 hPa winds shows -2 to -3 𝜎 u-winds strengthening the system from the south right over Virginia starting at 0000 UTC 24 January 2015 and moving to the east off the coast at 1500 UTC 24 January 2015 (Figure 7). Generally the HRRR u-winds have a similar pattern compared to the CFS u-winds (Figure 3), however the CFS runs showed slightly higher 𝜎 uwinds. The interaction of the northern and southern stream lows caused for a variation in precipitation amounts for Pennsylvania with distinct ranges of precipitation, higher totals increasing for the Southeast and decreasing towards the north and west. The higher QPE (Figure 8) values from 0000 UTC January 24th 2015 to 1200 UTC 24 January 2015 were observed in southeastern PA, New Jersey, Maryland and Northern Virginia, which are areas closer to the amplified low off the East Coast. The maximum QPE in these areas was 25 mm range. The range for Pennsylvania was between 12-16 mm for the Philadelphia Area and uncertainty in the central regions from 2- 12 mm. The interaction of the two streams likely contributed to the uncertainty in the longer ranges forecasts of this system. 4. Ensemble Forecast i) NCEP SREF The SREF shows the interaction between the southern and northern surface systems between 0900 UTC and 2100 UTC 23 January 2015. However the SREF puts the southern low closer to shore with and more to the south (Figure 9). Since the SREF had the southern surface low off the coast of Maryland and Delaware the SREF produced a high probability of 12.5 mm for Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and extended into southeastern/eastern Pennsylvania regions. These regions are in the northern and western portions of the surface low, indicating high probability for precipitation. The probabilities were much lower for the central Pennsylvania regions (Figure 10). A few members even extended the precipitation shield into New York City. The high probabilities for 25 mm in the SREF were along the coastal regions of Delaware and Maryland situated just west of the southern surface low in the Atlantic (Figure 11). The SREF mean QPF and each 25 members contour (Figure 12) showed that the SREF produced 25 mm or more for Eastern Maryland, Delaware and Southern New Jersey with a sharp cut off along the Pennsylvania boarder. The SREF 12.5 mm contour included Southeastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Northern Virginia (Figure 13). Overall, the SREF had a sharp western edge to the QPF shield and also under-estimated the western extent of the storm. The longer range forecasts (not shown) indicated that there was considerably uncertainty with the areas to be affected by snow and heavy snow. This was likely related to the interaction of the waves in the northern and southern streams pointed to in section IIII. 5. Conclusions A southern stream surface low combined and strengthened with a Canadian surface low between 1200 and 1800 UTC 24 January 2015 in a favorable position on the downstream of an elongated trough. The off shore surface low coupled with the upper air positive vorticity pattern associated with a deep trough extending from Canada provided the foundation for the ECWS 23-24 January 2015. The higher QPE and snow amounts were observed in in eastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, the New York City metropolitan area northeastward into Connecticut and Massachusetts. The snowfall totals in these areas averaged 5-7 inches. Moderate snowfall totals extended westward into central Pennsylvania, National Weather Service State College measured 5 inches of snow accumulation for State College, Pennsylvania. This is an example of the SREF underestimating the western edge of snow accumulation, previously mentioned in the Ensemble Forecast section. These areas of greatest snow accumulation aligned in the region North and West of the surface low, which is favorable for precipitation. The regions of higher snow accumulations were also aligned with the stronger 850 hPa winds and u-wind anomalies Overall, the SREF indicated that the storm would hit more to the south than observed. The SREF produced much of its precipitation to the south in Maryland, Delaware, southern New Jersey, which were regions all in line with the 25 mm contour. These areas received rain and mixed precipitation. However the 12.5 mm contour included the areas of southeastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, and the New York metropolitan area, most of which saw heavier snowfall. Overall, the NCEP guidance succeeded captured the winter storm along the coast. Thus the model correctly focused the higher QPF and snow amounts closer to the coast and coastal plain. However, longer range forecasts under estimated the QPF and thus the potential for snow fall in central Pennsylvania. The higher snow amounts along the western edges of this winter storm implied some predictability issues. It is always difficult to forecast accurate in edges and strong gradients. This ECWS had some forecast issues long the western edge of the storm system. 6. References Doty, B.E. and J.L. Kinter III, 1995: Geophysical Data Analysis and Visualization using GrADS. Visualization Techniques in Space and Atmospheric Sciences, eds. E.P. Szuszczewicz and J.H. Bredekamp, NASA, Washington, D.C., 209-219. DeGaetano, A. T., M. E. Hirsch, and S. J. Colucci. 2002. Statistical prediction of seasonal East Coast winter storm frequency. Journal of Climate 15:1101–17. Kahneman, D, 2011: Thinking Fast Thinking Slow. Farrar,Straus, and Giroux, NY,NY. 511pp. Kalnay, Eugenia, Stephen J. Lord, Ronald D. McPherson, 1998: Maturity of Operational Numerical Weather Prediction: Medium Range. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 79, 2753– 2769. Roebber, P.J., M.R. Butt, S.J. Reinke and T.J. Grafenauer, 2007: Real-time forecasting of snowfall using a neural network. Wea. Forecasting, 22, 676-684. Figure 1. Climate forecast system (CFS) reanalysis showing the track of the surface low in 6 hour increments from a) 1200 UTC 23 January 2015 through f) 1800 UTC 24 January 2015. Return to text Figure 2. HRRR 00-hour forecast in 3 hour increments from a) 0000 UTC 24 January through f) 1500 UTC 24 January 2015. Return to text Figure 3. CFS 850 hPa winds and 850 hPa u-wind anomalies. Return to text. Figure 4. CFS 850 hPa winds and 850 hPa v-wind anomalies. Return to text. Figure 5. Plot of accumulated estimated precipitation (mm) and snowfall (inches). Black text is less than 4 inches, light blue greater than 4 to 6, darker blue 8 to inches. Return to text. Figure 6. CFS 500 hPa heights and standardized anomalies in 6 hour increments from a) 1200 UTC 23 January to f) 1800 UTC January 24 2015 Return to text Figure 7. HRRR 850 hPa winds and 850 hPa u-anomaly winds. Return to text Figure 8. Estimated stage-IV QPE (mm) form 0000 UTC 24 through 1200 UTC 24 January 2015 Return to text Figure 9. SREF ensemble showing the track of the surface low every 3 hours from a) 0000 UTC 23 January to f) 2100 UTC 24 January 2014 Return to text Figure 10. SREF probabilities of 12.5 mm or more QPF for a 12 hour period ending at 1200 UTC 24 January 2015 Return to text. Figure 11. SREF probabilities of 25 mm or more QPF for the 12 hour period ending at 1200 UTC 24 January 2015. Return to text Figure 12. SREF 12 hour ensemble mean QPF and each member 25 mm contour for the period ending at 1200 UTC 24 January 2015. Return to text Figure 13. SREF 12 hour ensemble mean QPF and each member 12.5 mm contour for the period ending at 1200 UTC 24 January 2015. Return to text