ISU Graduate Student Academic


Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy

Purpose and Scope of the Policy

The Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy emerges in response to Idaho State

University’s (ISU) ongoing commitment to recruiting and retaining a diverse graduate student body. This commitment includes actively working to facilitate academic progress and research among various graduate student groups. The policy attempts to “…ameliorate the intrinsic conflict between the

"biological" and the "research" and "training" clocks…” (Stanford University Graduate Student

Handbook, 2007), while reaching beyond maternity leave to more inclusively reach female and male graduate students, and address major medical conditions/issues that may similarly impede graduate student academic/research progress, success, and degree completion.

Policy Statement and Summary of Provisions


The intent of this policy is to provide accommodations for the demands placed on graduate students (hereafter referred to as students) in response to major medical issues/ “serious health condition” —defined to be consistent with the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and including late-stage pregnancy, childbirth, and/or care of a newborn including adoption.

B. The policy has 3 accommodation components: POSTPONEMENT of course related academic requirements, EXTENSION of department, college/university requirements and milestones, and

GA/TA/RA SUPPORTED LEAVE . Accommodation components may be requested independently or in combination depending on student accommodation needs. Eligible students may be female or male, must be registered, matriculated students in degree-seeking programs of study, and (a) must be making reasonable progress toward a graduate degree; (b) must be in academic good standing; and (c) for students supported by graduate, teaching, research assistantships, or fellowships, must be enrolled at the credit level required to hold the appointment. Such students…

1. …are eligible for an academic accommodation , defined as a period of up to two consecutive academic semesters (including summer session) around the time of the major medical conditions/issues, including late-stage pregnancy, childbirth, and/or care of a newborn including adoption, during which the student may be allowed to POSTPONE course-related academic requirements (e.g., assignments, examinations, etc.). Students granted an academic accommodation remain eligible for full-time enrollment and retain access to ISU facilities, student housing, etc;

2. …may be granted a one-semester (including summer session) EXTENSION of department, college/university requirements and academic milestones , with the possibility of up to three semesters (total) by petition under unusual circumstances. These requirements/academic milestones may include policy and procedures accommodations, such as delaying comprehensive/qualifying examinations, relief from maintaining continuous enrollment, extending time-to-degree requirements and senile credit limitations – for credits “expiring” during the extension period, etc. (see the Graduate Catalog for policy/procedure elements that may be subject to accommodation). Clinical activities and rotations may, of necessity, deviate from this policy;


…supported by graduate, teaching, research assistantships, or fellowships may be excused from their regular GA, TA or RA duties for a period of six weeks (or the appointment ends) during which they will continue to receive support (i.e., in effect a

SUPPORTED LEAVE from GA, TA or RA duties and responsibilities). Note: Students will not receive a stipend or salary if none was received previously.


Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy

*ELIGIBILITY NOTE: Requests for academic accommodation may be denied due to an inappropriate or unreasonable request; including inadequate documentation, repeated requests for short-term absences or leaves, documented unsatisfactory performance, and/or incompatibility with funding agency or other institutional guidelines.

Policy Procedures

A. Procedural Initiation – Communication: The Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy is dependent upon timely communication initiated by the student with her/his professor(s), advisor(s), and department/college administrators. When possible (i.e., the need for academic accommodation can be anticipated), the student should initiate discussions with her/his professor(s), advisor(s), and department/college-level administrator(s) at least 3 months prior to the accommodation period. It is the student's responsibility to communicate her/his accommodation needs, and, (a) reach agreement on a timeline for academic accommodations (e.g., course-related academic requirements and/or department, college/university academic requirements and milestones), and (b) make arrangements with faculty/advisor and departmental/college administrators for course completion, continuation of teaching, research, and/or clinical activities, etc. before and after the period of academic accommodation.

One of the purposes of this policy is to make it possible for students to maintain their full-time student status, and thereby avoid triggering interruptions in on-campus housing, insurance coverage, eligibility for student loans, and deferment of student loan repayment. By remaining full-time students, the visa status of international students is not affected. Therefore, academic accommodation is not a

“leave of absence” from department, college/university responsibilities. The expectation is that the student will be in residence, and, assuming reasonable health, will remain engaged in class work and research, and, if applicable and feasible, clinical activities, even if at a reduced level to the extent possible.

B. Applying for an Academic Accommodation & Signature Authority: This policy is administered by the ISU Graduate School through a petition process. ( Academic Accommodation Petition, ultimately will create this form and make it available on-line, in the interim the current Graduate Petition will be used ). The Academic Accommodation Petition information and process are as follows:

1. The petition must establish eligibility as per the listed eligibility requirements, provide/attach supporting documentation, identify the requested accommodations, and include the dates the academic accommodation begins and ends. In the case of childbirth, and/or care of a newborn including adoption, if the birth occurs prior to filing the petition, the accommodation period begins on the birth/adoption date.


Academic Accommodation Petitions are to be routed the same as “regular” graduate student petitions; and require approval and appropriate signatures from the student, the student’s advisor, department chair, dean of the college, and the Dean of the Graduate School. Mirroring the “regular” graduate petition process allows students the opportunity to appeal the petition decision as per the established graduate petition appeal process (See Graduate Catalog).

3. The Dean of the Graduate School will notify the student, the student's department, college, and the relevant University administrative offices of the Academic

Accommodation Petition status (approved or not approved), inclusive of the anticipated dates for the accommodation period.


Idaho State University Graduate Student Academic Accommodation Policy

Signature Authority



PI/Department Chair

Dean (or Associate) of the College

Dean (or Associate) of the Graduate School


Department/Program level signature authority.

College level signature authority.

Final signature authority.

Responsible for notifying the student, the student's department, college and the relevant university administrative offices—Office of Academic Affairs of the

Academic Accommodation Petition status (approved or not approved), inclusive of the anticipated dates for the accommodation period.

C. Supported Leave Funding: In addition to being eligible for POSTPONEMENT of course-related academic requirements, and EXTENSION of department, college/university requirements and academic milestones, those students supported by graduate, teaching, research assistantships, or fellowships, may be excused (upon Academic Accommodation Petition approval) from their regular GA, TA or RA duties for a period of six weeks during which they will continue to receive GA/TA/RA financial support.

Replacement costs will be determined based on the per hour funding of the GA/TA/RA being replaced, and are limited to specific in-progress classes, labs, etc., wherein interruption w/o replacement would result in a negative student/faculty instructional class/lab impact. Supported

Leave funding will be budgeted and maintained through the Office of Academic Affairs, with the caveat that unforeseeable economic circumstances/shortfalls could preclude adequate funding being available.

1. GA/TA Activities: During the six-week period, students supported by graduate and/or teaching assistantships may choose to continue in some limited capacity (e.g., grading, preparing course materials, or other non-intensive duties), in order to finish out an academic semester, but cannot be required to do so. GA/TA students supported by internal ISU funds will see no change in their funding support during the academic accommodation period.

2. RA Activities: With advance planning, research assistantship assignments can often be adjusted to accommodate a student absence. Most granting agencies provide for a short period of reduced activity due to health or personal issues. Prior to filing an Academic Accommodation

Petition, it is the responsibility of the student, in coordination with her/his advisor/PI and the ISU

Office of Sponsored Programs to determine and submit information relative to whether or not the regulations of a funding agency allow a six-week period of reduced activity and occasional absence. If it does not, financial responsibility for the student's salary and/or stipend and associated tuition for the six-week period will be funded as described re: GA/TA/RA replacement costs.

Students who do not have an ongoing commitment of financial support in the form of graduate, teaching, research assistantships, or fellowships are not entitled to tuition or other funding support described.

This policy establishes minimum standards for accommodation of graduate students anticipating or experiencing a major medical issues/conditions, including late-stage pregnancy, childbirth, and/or care of a newborn including adoption. It is expected that faculty/advisors, academic staff, and departmental leaders will work with sensitivity to provide more than this minimum (as some are already doing), according to the particular circumstances of the student.

