File: KP PARENTAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each parent of a student enrolled in a public school has a duty to assist the school in enforcing the standards of student conduct and compulsory school attendance in accordance with the requirement of Virginia Code 22.1-279.3. The intent of this requirement is to provide students with an education in an atmosphere free of disruption and threats to persons or property and to provide opportunities for parental involvement regarding student attendance, behavior, and educational progress. When parents of a student are estranged, separated, or divorced, building personnel will uphold the parental rights of both parents. Unless there is a court order to the contrary, both parents have the right, upon request, to: 1. view the child’s school records, in accordance with Board policy; 2. receive school progress reports, the school calendar, and notices of major school events; 3. participate in any of the student’s school activities in which such participation is supported or encouraged by the policies of the school division. School activities include, but are not limited to, lunch breaks, special in-school programs, parentteacher conferences and other school meetings, extra-curricular activities, and field trips; 4. receive all notifications in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; 5. receive notice of the student’s extended absence according to Board policy, if both parents have joint physical custody. The custodial parent has the responsibility to: 1. keep the school office informed as to the address of residence and how he or she may be contacted at all times. 2. provide the school office with the current address and phone number of the noncustodial parent, unless such address is unknown and the parent signs a statement to that effect, or unless a court order restricts the educational or contact rights of the parent, and 3. provide a copy of any legal document which restricts the educational and/or contact rights of the non-custodial parent. (continued) 6/09 RCPS ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD File: KP (page 2) The non-custodial parent has the responsibility to keep the school office apprised of changes in his or her current phone number and address. Further, the non-custodial parent may make timely requests to participate in parent-teacher conferences. At the request of a noncustodial parent, such parent will be included as an emergency contact for their child unless a court order has been issued to the contrary. School personnel shall not release a student from school to any person who is not a custodial parent unless: 1) the custodial parent has given specific written or oral communication to school personnel or 2) a medical emergency has occurred at which time the student will be released to the person(s) named on the current “emergency care form.” Under no circumstances shall the noncustodial parent take the child from the school premises without the permission of the custodial parent. When the custodial and non-custodial parents (or parents with joint or shared custody) have different opinions as to how the child be dealt with by school personnel, the views of the parent with the dominant physical custody shall control. Adopted: Legal Refs: 20 U.S.C. § 1232g 34 C.F.R. § 99.1 et seq. Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended §§ 22.1-3, 22.1-4.3, 22.1-78, 22.1-79.3, 22.1-287 et seq. Cross Refs: 6/09 RCPS ECAB JED JO KK Trespass, Vandalism, Disturbance, and Assaults Student Absences/Excuses/Dismissals Student Records School Visitors ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD