Study Guide for Final 1. Demonstrations and Verbal Instructions

Study Guide for Final
1. Demonstrations and Verbal Instructions
Define the terms modeling and observation learning and discuss the effectiveness of
demonstration as an instructional strategy.
Discuss what the observer perceives from a skilled demonstration and the two types
of procedures (point-light technique & ski simulator skill) used to assess what the
observer perceives.
Discuss the influence of skill characteristics, correctiveness of the demonstrator,
and novices observing other novices in practice on the effectiveness of the
Discuss the demonstration strategies involving around when to give a
demonstration and the frequency of demonstrating to enhance motor skill
Define auditory modeling and discuss the effective of auditory modeling as it relates
to motor skills performance.
Describe how verbal instructions emphasizing movement outcome or external focus
enhances one motor skill performance.
Define verbal cues and discuss the ways teachers, coaches, athletic trainers, exercise
leaders, and sport coaches can use verbal cues to enhance one’s motor skill
2. Augmented Feedback
Distinguish between task-intrinsic feedback and augmented feedback as they relate
to performing a motor skill.
Define knowledge of performance (KP) and knowledge of results (KR) and give
examples of each as it relates to motor skill performance.
Discuss the importance of feedback associated with retraining and training of a
motor or sport skill.
Discuss the performer characteristics and/or performance situations where
providing feedback is essential to learning or performing a motor or sport skill?
Discuss the performer characteristic and/or performance situations where feedback
provided is not needed.
Discuss the performer characteristic and/or performance situations where
providing feedback will hinder learning and/or performing a motor or sport skills.
Identify the various feedback content that is provided and discuss the content that is
the most effective associated to the stage of learning and the skill to be performed.
Discuss the various types of feedback that is provided and discuss which type of
feedback is most effective as it relates to the stage of learning and the skill to be
Define the terms concurrent and terminal feedback and discuss the effects of
concurrent and terminal feedback on performing a motor or sport skill.
Define the terms Kr-delay interval and post-KR interval and discuss how the length
of interval and activities during each affects the learning of motor skills.
Discuss the reduced frequency benefit and the guidance hypothesis associated with
motor skill performance.
Discuss when reducing frequency of KR is not beneficial to learning motor skills.
Discuss the strategies in reducing the frequency of feedback as it relates to motor
skill performance.
3. Practice variability and Specificity
Define the terms practice variability and contextual interference effect as they relate
to motor skill performance.
Discuss the ways to implement practice variability in practice, exercise training, or
rehabilitation clinical contexts.
Discuss contextual inference as it relates to designing practices based on the
performer stage of learning.
Discuss the limitations involving the motor skill and learner characteristics of the
contextual interference effects.
Describe the specificity of practice hypothesis and the practice situations
(sensory/perceptual, context, and cognitive processing characteritics) that the best
to promote the learning and performing of motor and sport skills using the
Describe how specificity of practice hypothesis relates to the practice variability and
contextual interference.
4. The amount and distribution of practice
Define the term overlearning as it relates to motor skill performance.
Discuss the overlearning strategy for learning procedural skills, balance skills, and
in physical education classes.
Discuss why overlearning strategy in practice can lead to a poor test performance.
Define the terms mass and practice distribution as it relates to motor skill
Describe the benefits of having more practices that are shorter in duration as
opposed to less practices that are longer in duration.
Discuss the reasons why distribution of practice sessions across more days leads to
better learning than mass the sessions within fewer days.
Discuss why mass practice schedules results in better learning for discrete motor
skills and distributed schedules lead to better learning for continuous skills.
5. Whole & Part Practice
Describe the differences between skill complexity and organization.
Describe which complexity and organization combinations determine if one should
use a whole or part practice strategy in learning a motor skill.
Define the fractioninization part practice method and discuss how this part practice
method is used to learn and develop motor skills.
Define the segmentation part practice method and discuss the use of the progress
part method to learn and develop motor skills.
Define the simplification part practice method and discuss the various
simplification methods used to learn and develop motor skills.
Discuss why miming is not an appropriate simplification method when learning a
motor skill.
6. Mental Practice
Define mental practice and describe the two roles of mental practice.
Discuss how mental practice combined with physical practice facilitates the
acquisition of a motor skill.
Describe why mental practice is effective using each the three cited hypotheses.
Define the term imagery ability and discuss how one level of imagery ability relates
to mental practice effectiveness in facilitating the learning of a motor skill.