U.S. Department of Homeland Security OEC/ICTAP CLASSIFIED Office of Emergency Communications / Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program [State] Incident Command System (ICS) Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix A supplement to the Incident Command System Communications Unit Implementation and Best Practices guide and the Incident Command System Communications Unit Program Development Activities by State Prepared by: [Name] DHS/OEC/ICTAP Day, Month, Year DHS/OEC/ICTAP ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix How to Use This Template Use this template within your agency to assess your Incident Command System (ICS) Communications Unit (COMU) Program and to plan for future development and/or maintenance. SEARCH used two primary sources to develop this model: 1. The Law Enforcement Tech Guide: How to plan, purchase, and manage technology (successfully!), A Guide for Executives, Managers and Technologists.1 2. The Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) Communications Interoperability Performance Measurement Guide.2 This template supplements two documents: the ICS Communications Unit Implementation and Best Practices: A Guide for Program Development and ICS Communications Unit Program Development Activities by State.3 This template provides instructions on how to use the Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix—what to consider, who to engage, and what information to collect—and provides sample performance measures. You may modify the matrix to meet specific organizational needs. Step 1: Review the ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Primer Review the ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Primer on pages 5–9 of this document to familiarize yourself with the elements, sub-elements, and performance statements for each level of program development based on the following scale: Early Development Moderate Development Full Development Advanced Development Little or no activity in the element or sub-element. Some progress in the element or sub-element. Substantially complete progress in the element or sub-element. Efforts to sustain and assure continuous improvement of Communications Unit development into the future. This will assist you in maintaining focus on the performance measures specific to an ICS Communications Unit Program. Step 2: Complete the ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix 1 Prepared by SEARCH and published by the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, 2002. Available online at http://www.search.org/programs/safety/techguides/ 2 http://www.publicsafetytools.info/oec_guidance/docs/OECPerformanceMeasurementGuide.pdf 3 A glossary of ICS COMU terms is provided in both of these documents. DHS/OEC/ICTAP 2 ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix Once you have collected the information from the users and stakeholders (Statewide Interoperability Coordinator [SWIC], COMU personnel, decision-makers, etc.), populate the blank ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix template with text and related comments.4 You can then review the data to determine areas where your program faces challenges, has failed, or achieved success. The information collected will translate into lessons learned, opportunities to identify gaps in your processes, and support for the evolution of your ICS Communications Unit Program. 4 The blank template is shown herein on page 4. It is also available as a separate Microsoft Word file for download at http://www.publicsafetytools.info and http://www.search.org/products/ DHS/OEC/ICTAP 3 ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix Elements Sub-Elements Early Development Moderate Development Full Development Advanced Development Leadership Decision-making Structure Governance Agreements Strategic Planning SWIC Integration STO Integration Funding Operational Sustainability High Degree of Leadership, Planning, and Collaboration Initial Training Recurrent Training Exercises COML Training, Exercises, and Staffing COMT INCM RADO Instructor THSP (i.e., AEC) Other Positions Recognition and Currency SOPs PTB Currency Policies, Procedures, and Practices Requests Usage Deployment Integration User-Defined Communications Unit Program Planning User-Defined Program Plan Communications Plan Risk Management Plan Challenges Failures Successes Lessons Learned Gaps DHS/OEC/ICTAP 4 ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Primer Elements Early Development Moderate Development Full Development Advanced Development Leadership Executive sponsorship has not been identified Executive sponsorship has been identified, but is not engaged or does not understand their role Executive sponsorship has been identified, understands their roles and responsibilities, and is consistently engaged Executive sponsorship has been identified, has training in the roles and responsibilities of executive sponsorship, and is consistently engaged Decision-making Structure A Communications Unit A COMU program decision(COMU) program making structure is under decision-making structure development has not been developed A COMU program decision-making structure exists with roles, responsibilities, and authorities clearly defined in a governance charter A COMU program decision-making structure exists with roles, responsibilities, and authorities clearly defined in a governance charter and communicated to all stakeholders Agreements Cooperative agreements have not been created An agreement between regions within the State exists A statewide MOU exists to share resources, provide training, and exercise opportunities Local, current, and accurate databases of existing communications personnel exist and are maintained within the region A single, current, and accurate database of existing communications personnel exists and is maintained within the state Local cooperative agreements exist between agencies to share resources and training Strategic Planning A comprehensive strategic COMU program plan does not exist A strategic COMU program plan is under development A strategic COMU program plan has been developed and approved by the decision-making structure, but has not been adopted by all stakeholders A comprehensive strategic COMU program plan for the COMU, which outlines training, recognition, currency, funding, etc., exists at the executive level and has been communicated to all stakeholders SWIC (Statewide Interoperability Coordinator) Integration A SWIC does not exist in the state, or the SWIC is not engaged in the process A SWIC exists in the state but does not understand the COMU processes yet The SWIC has responsibility for the COMU program The SWIC has complete responsibility for the COMU program on a statewide basis A cooperative relationship exists between the SWIC and the STO The SWIC is fully engaged and participates in the NCSWIC (National Council of SWICs) Governance The SWIC and STO actively coordinate COMU-related activities STO (State Training Officer) Integration DHS/OEC/ICTAP An STO does not exist in the state, or the STO is not engaged in the process An STO exists in the state but does not understand COMU processes yet The STO has responsibility for COMU program training and recognition The STO has responsibility for COMU program position-specific training and recognition The STO is fluent in the exercise, training, recognition, and currency processes The STO is engaged and provides exercise, training, recognition, and currency opportunities A cooperative relationship exists between the STO and the SWIC The STO and SWIC actively coordinate COMU-related activities 5 High Degree of Leadership, Planning, and Collaboration Sub-Elements ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix Elements Sub-Elements Operational Funding Sustainability Early Development Moderate Development Full Development Advanced Development There is no funding mechanism in place to fund COMU personnel or program Funding is available only from local sources Some regional funding has been identified and is available to support COMU activities Statewide funding sources have been identified and are available to support COMU activities via a clearly defined and comprehensive funding process A sustainable budget has not been developed No reimbursement process is in place for outside agency personnel or equipment to assist The reimbursement process is defined but not fully utilized A realistic budget, which takes into account internal/external one-time and recurring cost estimates, has been created in cooperation with financial representatives Funding tools are used to identify and analyze all potential sources of funding based on lifecycle planning in order to develop a sustainable funding strategy Initial Training Recurrent Training No or very limited COMU training opportunities are available Inconsistent training opportunities exist for a limited number of COMU positions Regular training opportunities exist Regular training opportunities exist for all for a limited number of COMU available COMU positions, and include all positions and include prerequisites necessary prerequisites Prerequisites are not clearly defined Prerequisites are defined Compliant with current Federal training SOPs Fully compliant with current Federal training SOPs A recurrent training process is not defined A recurrent training process is defined but not consistently applied throughout the state A recurrent training process is well-defined but not consistently applied throughout the state A recurrent training process is well-defined and consistently applied throughout the state All stakeholders do not understand the recurrent training process Training, Exercises, and Staffing Exercises No or very limited COMU Inconsistent exercise exercise opportunities are opportunities exist for a limited available number of COMU positions and occur mainly at the local level All stakeholders clearly understand the All stakeholders clearly understand recurrent training process the recurrent training process Fully compliant with any Federal requirements Compliant with any Federal requirements Regular exercise opportunities exist for a limited number of COMU positions and occur mainly at the regional level Not necessarily consistent with current Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)requirements COML (Communications Unit Leader) DHS/OEC/ICTAP No recognized personnel exist in the state The local area is satisfied the number of existing recognized COMLs is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local needs The region is satisfied the number of existing recognized COMLs is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local and regional needs Regular exercise opportunities exist for all available COMU positions and occur at the state level Fully compliant with current HSEEP requirements The COMU governance structure and/or SWIC is satisfied the number of existing recognized COMLs is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local, regional, and statewide needs 6 High Degree of Leadership, Planning, and Collaboration A sustainable budget has been A realistic budget, which takes into developed but may not be account internal/external one-time realistic and recurring cost estimates, has been created in cooperation with financial representatives Reimbursement processes are clearly defined and well understood by all stakeholders ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix Elements Sub-Elements Early Development Moderate Development Full Development Advanced Development COMT (Communications Unit Technician) No recognized personnel exist in the state The local area is satisfied the number of recognized COMTs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local needs The region is satisfied the number of recognized COMTs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local and regional needs The COMU governance structure and/or the SWIC is satisfied the number of recognized COMTs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local, regional, and statewide needs INCM (Incident Communications Unit Manager) No recognized personnel exist in the state The local area is satisfied the number of INCMs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local needs The region is satisfied the number of INCMs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local and regional needs The COMU governance structure and/or the SWIC is satisfied the number of INCMs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local, regional, and statewide needs RADO (Radio Operator) No recognized personnel exist in the state The local area is satisfied the number of RADOs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local needs The region is satisfied the number of RADOs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local and regional needs The COMU governance structure and/or the SWIC is satisfied the number of RADOs that exist is sufficient and available for deployment to meet local, regional, and statewide needs Instructor No recognized personnel exist in the state The local area is satisfied the number of Instructors that exist is sufficient to meet local training needs The region is satisfied the number of Instructors that exist is sufficient to meet local and regional training needs The COMU governance structure and/or the SWIC is satisfied the number of Instructors that exist is sufficient to meet local, regional, and statewide training needs The PTB process is defined but not consistently applied throughout the state The PTB process is well-defined but not consistently applied throughout the state The PTB process is well-defined and consistently applied throughout the state THSP (i.e., Auxiliary Emergency Communicator Other Positions PTB The PTB process is not (Position Task Book) defined All stakeholders do not understand the PTB process Recognition and Currency Currency The currency process is not defined The currency process is defined but not consistently applied throughout the state All stakeholders do not understand the currency process DHS/OEC/ICTAP All stakeholders clearly understand the PTB All stakeholders clearly understand process the PTB process Fully compliant with current Federal training Compliant with current Federal SOPs training standard operating procedures (SOP) The currency process is welldefined but not consistently applied throughout the state The currency process is well-defined and consistently applied throughout the state All stakeholders clearly understand the All stakeholders clearly understand currency process the currency process Fully compliant with current Federal training Compliant with current Federal SOPs training SOPs 7 ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix Elements Sub-Elements Early Development Policies, Procedures, Operational and and Practices performance SOPs have not been developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Moderate Development Full Development Local operational and performance SOPs have been developed for each COMU position Regional operational and Statewide comprehensive operational and performance SOPs have been performance SOPs have been developed for developed for each COMU position each COMU position Limited elements of governance, funding, training and exercises, recognition and currency, usage, staffing, and any user-defined SOPs have been developed and implemented Requests No knowledge or tracking of COMU personnel or equipment Resources are tracked at the local level only Not all stakeholders understand how to acquire resources when needed Deployment Governance, funding, training and exercises, recognition and currency, usage, staffing, and any user-defined SOPs are developed and implemented Regional participation in tracking of COMU personnel and equipment using some type of available state database occurs State participation in tracking of COMU personnel and equipment through a national database—with qualifications and availability of COMU personnel and equipment as may be available through Federal sources—occurs SOPs are developed in accordance with any existing Federal guidelines The acquisition process of COMU resources is clearly defined and understood by stakeholders Resources are deployed at the Resources are deployed at the local level only regional level with a tracking system in place Deployment policies and practices for COMU personnel Deployment policies and practices or equipment are not well are well-defined and clearly understood by stakeholders, or understood by stakeholders they do not understand how to deploy when needed Resources are deployed at the statewide level with a tracking system in place No understanding of how to effectively utilize COMU personnel when deployed COMU personnel are integrated into the ICS organization on a limited basis COMU personnel are integrated into the ICS organization All necessary COMU personnel are fully integrated into the ICS organization Most COMU resources are effectively and appropriately utilized in line with training, recognition, and best practices COMU resources (COML, COMT, INCM, RADO) are effectively and appropriately utilized in line with training, recognition, and best practices Some COMU resources are utilized but not fully in line with training, recognition, and best practices User-Defined Not all elements of governance, funding, training and exercises, recognition and currency, usage, staffing, and any user-defined SOPs have been developed and implemented No knowledge of deployment policies or practices for COMU personnel or equipment Usage Integration Advanced Development Deployment policies and practices are welldefined and clearly understood by stakeholders User-Defined DHS/OEC/ICTAP 8 ICS Communications Unit Program Assessment and Development Matrix Elements Sub-Elements Early Development Moderate Development Full Development Program Plan A COMU program assessment and development matrix has not been completed Information is being collected to complete a COMU program assessment and development matrix Information has been collected and Information has been collected, a complete a COMU program assessment is COMU program assessment has been being developed conducted, and gaps have been identified in processes that will support the evolution of The results will be used to develop the COMU program a COMU program plan for future development/ maintenance The results are used to develop a comprehensive COMU program plan for future development/maintenance Advanced Development Communications Plan A COMU program communications plan has not been developed A COMU program communications plan is being developed The leadership developed a regional COMU program communications plan with input from the decision-making structure to keep users and stakeholders informed, involved, and up-to-date throughout the evolution of the COMU program The leadership developed a comprehensive statewide COMU program communications plan with input from the decision-making structure that effectively keeps users and stakeholders informed, involved, and up-todate throughout the evolution of the COMU program The plan clearly identifies who you need to communicate with, what they need communicated to them, in what detail, and how often (who, what, how, contact frequency) Communications Unit Program Planning Risk Management Plan A COMU program risk A COMU program risk management plan has not management plan is being been developed developed All stakeholders worked cooperatively and developed a regional COMU program risk management plan that identifies the risk, severity, probability, frequency, cost, and responsible party Response and mitigation plans have been developed for each risk All stakeholders worked cooperatively and developed a comprehensive statewide COMU program risk management plan that identifies the risk, severity, probability, frequency, cost, and responsible party Response and mitigation plans have been developed for each risk The plan was created after scope was identified and continues throughout the evolution of the COMU program Unique risks specific to the state have been identified and analyzed, and responses are planned Challenges Failures Successes Include processes and activities that resulted in the Communications Unit program not evolving Include processes and activities that have led to the abandonment of a Communications Unit program in part or whole Include processes and activities that have resulted in the evolution of the Communications Unit program Lessons Learned Identify lessons learned that may lead to improved future attempts and the evolution of the Communications Unit program Gaps Identify gaps that need to be filled in order to improve the evolution of the Communications Unit program DHS/OEC/ICTAP 9