Meaningful Use Audit File Check List Any provider attesting to meaningful use for either the Medicare EHR Incentive Program or the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program potentially may be subject to an audit. As a result providers should retain ALL relevant supporting documentation used to complete the attestation process and documentation should be retained for 7 years post-attestation. The details of CMS’ EHR incentive program audit process are still forthcoming. Once released, modifications to these recommendations may be necessary. It is recommended that documentation be stored in an electronic format which could be accessible through an on-line format (such as Dropbox , Evernote or OneNote) or as a zipped file. A copy of all documentation can also be kept in paper format. MU Objective and Measure Meaningful Use Report(s)* Core 1: Use CPOE for medication orders for more than 30%. Core 2: Implement drug-drug and drug-allergy interaction checks. Must be enabled for entire EHR reporting period. √ Core 3: Maintain up to date Problem List for more than 80%. Core 4: Generate and transmit eRX for more than 40%. Core 5: Maintain active medication list for more than 80%. Core 6: Maintain active medication allergy list for more than 80%. Core 7: Record demographics for more than 50%. Core 8: Record Vital Signs for more than 50%. √ Core 9: Record smoking status for patient 13 years and older for more than 50%. Core 10: Report ambulatory Clinical Quality Measures (CQM). Written confirmation from the system administrator indicating this functionality was enabled at the beginning of the EHR reporting period. A screenshot of the alert is also recommended. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Core 11: Implement one Clinical Decision Support Rule (CDS). Core 12: Provide patients with an e-copy of their health information within 3 business days of request for more than 50% of patients. Core 13: Provide clinical summaries for more than 50%. Additional Recommended Content for Provider’s Audit File √ √ CQM reports MUST be generated from certified technology and reflect the same EHR reporting period used for all other MU measures. Written confirmation from the system administrator indicating this functionality was enabled at the beginning of the EHR reporting period. A screenshot of the alert is also recommended. Content in Audit File? MU Objective and Measure Meaningful Use Report(s)* Core 14: Perform one test of the capability to exchange key clinical information. Menu 4: Send reminders per patient’s preferred method of communication for more than 20%. Menu 5: Provide patients with timely electronic access to their health information within 4 business days for more than 10%. Menu 6: Provide patient-specific education resources for more than 10%. Menu 7: Perform medication reconciliation for more than 50% of transitions of care. Menu 8: Provide summary of care record for more than 50% of transitions of care and referrals. Menu 9: Perform at least one test of capability to submit electronic data to immunization registries and follow up submission. Menu 10: Capability to submit electronic syndromic surveillance data to public health agencies. Content in Audit File? A copy of the email or message generated using a vendor-supplied exchange function used to transport the attached CCD/CCR. The email should be sent with delivery confirmation enabled or a signoff of the Exchanging Key Clinical Information document. BOTH ARE REQUIRED: A copy of the completed security risk assessment A copy of the practice’s current remediation plan for identified risks. Written confirmation from the system administrator indicating this functionality was enabled at the beginning of the EHR reporting period. A screenshot of the alert is also recommended. Core 15: Protect electronic health information by conducting or reviewing a security risk analysis. Menu 1: Implement drug formulary checks. Menu 2: Incorporate lab test results as structured data for more than 40%. Menu 3: Generate Lists of patients with specific conditions. Additional Recommended Content for Provider’s Audit File √ A copy of the actual list with a date stamp evidencing production during the reporting period that is generated from the provider’s certified technology. √ √ √ √ √ A copy of the email acknowledgement received from MCIR once the provider’s HL7 test message has been submitted and accepted. Currently, this menu item is not an available option for MI EPs. * A copy of the Meaningful Use report(s) used to authenticate the numerators and denominators reported on for the 90 day attestation period. These reports should be placed in the providers audit file along with the additional content recommended. Additional Documentation Needed: Proof of Certified EHR with all required components which could be satisfied by the following or a combination of the following: 1. Screen shot of current version of EHR product 2. Contract or Agreement with version listed 3. Contract or Agreement for any additional modules/components needed (i.e., Allscripts Professional requires the stimulus set, e-MDs requires an interface)