Ab Initio Writing Assignment Assessment Criteria

Ab Initio Writing Assignment Detailed Assessment
The written assignment is internally set but externally assessed and must be the student’s own work. The written assignment must be handwritten
(unless special authorization has been obtained) in the target language in class under the supervision of the teacher. The title of the written
assignment and the theme from which it comes (individual and society, leisure and work, urban and rural environment) should be the choice of the
student with guidance from the teacher.
Assessment criteria
Six assessment criteria are used to assess the written assignment, which is awarded a total of 20 marks.
Criterion A Description
2 marks
Criterion B Comparison
3 marks
Criterion C Reflection
6 marks
Criterion D Register
2 marks
Criterion E Language
4 marks
Criterion F Formal requirements 3 marks
20 marks
Criterion A: Description
The examiner will be looking for the inclusion of some simple, factual information gained from the research period on the chosen cultural topic.
Where appropriate, the student should base this part of the assignment on the source material.
 To what extent does the student succeed in stating factual information about the chosen cultural topic?
Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Some relevant factual information is used in the description.
Relevant factual information is used in the description.
Criterion B: Comparison
The examiner will award a maximum of 3 marks to students who successfully present cultural differences and/or similarities (because there could be
many overlaps between the various cultures) in a clear and coherent manner. Students should write specifically about precise differences and/or
similarities rather than make comments that are so general as to be uninformative.
 To what extent does the student succeed in identifying cultural differences and/or similarities between the chosen cultural topic in the
target culture(s) and in the student’s own?
Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Cultural differences and/or similarities are rarely presented in a clear and coherent manner.
Cultural differences and/or similarities are sometimes presented in a clear and coherent manner.
Cultural differences and/or similarities are presented in a clear and coherent manner.
Criterion C: Reflection
This criterion carries the most marks and teachers should think about how best to provide students with the strategies to cope with the questions.
Students should use the individual questions as separate sub-headings in the assignment to demonstrate to the examiner that they have answered
the question. Since the questions are addressed directly to the student, students are advised to write in the first person.
 The reflection must include answers to all of the following questions.
o Which aspect of your chosen topic surprised you?
o Why do you think these cultural similarities/differences exist?
o What might a person from the target culture(s) find different about your chosen topic in your culture(s)?
 To what extent does the student succeed in demonstrating intercultural understanding?
Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Only one of the questions has been answered.
There is little evidence of intercultural understanding.
Two of the questions have been answered.
There is some evidence of intercultural understanding.
All three of the questions have been answered.
There is clear evidence of intercultural understanding.
Criterion D: Register
Depending on the language, the student must carefully consider which register to adopt when writing the assignment. Where appropriate, an
impersonal or semi-formal register should be adopted.
 Does the student show an awareness of the appropriate register for the task?
Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The register is partially appropriate to the task.
The register is appropriate to the task.
Criterion E: Language
The examiner will mark the assignment holistically and gain an overall impression from the entire assignment. It is important to remember that the
student can commit orthographical and grammatical errors yet still be awarded the maximum 4 marks for this criterion. It is very important for
students not to exceed the maximum 300 words (beyond an acceptable margin).
Students who fail to write the minimum number of words or who exceed the maximum will receive a 2-mark penalty. If the word limit is
exceeded, the assessment will be based on the first 300 words.
 To what extent does the student demonstrate an ability to use the language effectively and accurately?
Level descriptor
The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
Language inaccuracies often obscure communication.
Language inaccuracies sometimes obscure communication.
Language is generally accurate and does not obscure communication.
Language is mostly accurate and communication is clear.
Criterion F: Formal requirements
The marks awarded for this criterion concern the administrative details of the assignment. If all the requirements are fulfilled, including a
comprehensive bibliography of all the sources consulted in all languages used, then 3 marks will be awarded.
The four formal requirements of the written assignment are as follows.
1. The written assignment is written in the target language.
2. The coversheet is completed and signed by both teacher and student.
3. All extracts from the source material are appropriately referenced.
4. A bibliography in standard format is included with references to all sources in all languages.
 To what extent does the student successfully fulfill the formal requirements of the written assignment?
Level descriptor
The written assignment does not meet any of the formal requirements.
The written assignment partially meets the formal requirements (one or two requirements fulfilled).
The written assignment generally meets the formal requirements (three requirements fulfilled).
The written assignment meets all the formal requirements The written assignment meets all the formal requirements (all four requirements