Department of Petroleum Engineering PETE402: Rereservoir Simulation 3 credits: 2 50-minute lectures and 1 150-minute laboratory session per week Required Catalog Description: The course introduces the student to the basic theory and practices in reservoir simulation. The formulation of equations governing single phase and multi-phase flow in porous media are discussed. The use of finite difference methods to solve ordinary and partial differential equations are then presented followed by discussion of various techniques to solve systems of linear equations. Finally the concepts presented are demonstrated through applications using a black oil simulator. Prerequisites: Textbook: R. King. PETE301: Reservoir Engineering PETE305: Reservoir Description Basic Applied Reservoir Simulation, T. Ertekin, J. H. Abou-Kassem, and G. Course Objectives: 1. Understand the importance and the fundamental concepts of reservoir simulation. 2. Use a reservoir simulation package to solve complex fluid flow problems. 3. Conduct a reservoir simulation study. Lecture Topics and Hours: Topics Class Hrs 1. INTRODUCTION 1 Definition of Simulation; Types of Models; Types of Reservoir Simulators; Objectives of a Reservoir Simulation Study 2. FORMULATION OF FLUID FLOW EQUATIONS Darcy’s Law; Continuity Equation ; Equations of State; Single Phase Flow Equations; Multiphase Flow Equations; Auxiliary Relationships 2 3. FINITE DIFFERENCE FORMULATIONS Discretization in Space; Discretization in Time; Explicit Formulations; Implicit Formulations 5 4. NUMERICAL METHODS System of Linear Equations; Gaussian Elimination; Tri-diagonal System Interpolation; Numerical Differentiation; Newton’s Method 5 5. APPLICATIOS OF FINITE DIFFERENCE TECHNIQUES One dimensional Heterogeneous System; Single Phase Radial Flow; One dimensional Two Phase Flow; Multi-dimensional Multi-phase Flow; Stability of Finite Difference Techniques 10 6. APPLICATIONS USING A SIMULATOR 5 Data Preparation and Input; Initialization; History Matching; Performance Predictions 7. Exams 2 Total Hours 30 Laboratoty Topics and Sessions: Topics Lab Sessions 1. Introduce the students to the softwares that will be used for the course 1 2. Running a simulation jobs using the reservoir simulator 1 3. Exercise to study the effect of grid cell size and time step size on the accuracy of numerical results 1 4. Exercise to demonstrate the effect of heterogeniety on the pressure profile and the grid cell size needed to get accuarate results 1 5. Exercise to initialize pressure, gas, oil, and water saturations distribution with depth 1 6. Simulation of drawdown and buildup tests using a radial model 1 7. History matching exercise using the simulator 1 8. Practise history matching for the course project 2 9. Simulate water coning problem and optimize well completion 1 10. Compare the critical rates of vertical and horizontal wells 2 11. Study and compare the water flood performance of heterogeneous and homogeneous systems 1 12. Practise prediction for the simulation project 2 Total Labs 15 Method of Evaluation: Attendance: 5% Homework & Lab Exercises: 10 % Project: 15 % Exams: 40 % Final exam: 30 % Total: 100 % Contribution to Professional Component: 1. Engineering Science and Design: All topics relate to the application of scientific and engineering principles to reservoir simulation. Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes: Course Learning Outcome Program Outcome 1. Ability to apply finite difference techniques Ability to identify/diagnose and to solve differential equations. solve petroleum engineering 2. Ability to use numerical reservoir problems. simulatons to solve complex fluid flow Ability to identify/diagnose and problems. solve petroleum engineering 3. Ability to cinduct a reservoir simulation problems. project and suggest development plans for the reservoir. Prepared by: Dr. Hasan Y. Al-Yousef, March, 2010. Instructors: Dr. Hasan Y. Al-Yousef, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, 3-208, (03) 860-2195,; Dr. M. Enamul Hossain, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, KFUPM, 16-273, (03) 860-273,