Application Form (Word) - Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Master of Science
Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
Departments - Electrical Engineering & Information Technologies (IE) - Giessen
Information Technology, Electrical Engineering & Mechatronics (IEM).- Friedberg
1. Documents needed for a complete paper application
(your application will be
processed if the
documents are
as indicated below)
Application form (To be downloaded from our website)
CV-Resume (your CV should make it possible for us to understand we need to be able to understand
your various steps from High School to your current situation chronologically)
For at least the last 7 years, please write a section with exact dates (MM/JJ) and activities
Personal motivation letter
Please answer the following questions in a personal way: Why do you want to study in Germany / at our
University / in our program) and what are your career aims.
If for some reason, you want to transfer from another study program, we need to understand your motivation for this
transfer. What do you expect will be different and why do you think you will be successful after transferring.
Questionnaire for Engineering Prerequisites (Download from our website)
University Bachelor’s Degree or German “Diplom”
With qualifications equivalent to a score of at least 210 points according to the European Credit Transfer
System (ECTS) in Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Information and Communications Engineering,
Information Technology or in other related subject areas, with a grade no lower than B (good; German
grading scheme: at least 2.5).
We require the final (convocation) degree certificate. A provisional certificate is not sufficient.
Complete Official Transcripts of your Bachelor’s Degree
If you are in the process of completing your Bachelor’s degree, please send us your transcripts to date
and also submit an outline of the courses and projects which are still pending and indicate when you will
be able to send us your final documents.
Authentication (original
stamp) by a German
Consulate or by a German
Authority (e.g. Bürgerbüro,
For the application, the
legalization can be done
with the original stamp of
the issuing university
If you have started or completed other university degrees, please also send all related degree certificates
and transcripts for each study programme
If you have completed another university level course of studies, please
include all transcripts and final degree certificate from this course
If you are / have been enrolled in another university level course of studies
(incomplete or not yet completed), please include all information about this
course, your transcripts to date, the list of subjects pending (if any) and the
expected date of completion
A university document / a URL in English/German explaining the institution's
grading/assessment scheme (Maximum grade, minimum passing grade, rank if
available) (for every study program in your resume)
Secondary Education Certificate (s) (e.g. A-Levels, German Abitur, School
leaving Certificate, etc.)
English Language Certificate
(e.g. TOEFL 215 CB, 80 iBT, IELTS at least 6.0 in every test category, Listening, Reading, Writing and
Authentication (original
stamp) by a German
Consulate or by a German
Authority (e.g. Bürgerbüro,
For the application, the
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Master of Science
Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
Even if English has been the language of instruction during your studies, you still have to provide a
language certificate for English. A letter from your university is not sufficient. It is also often required by
German Consulates.
Authenticated copy or you can have your TOEFL score sent directly to us
(Institution code 8711)
German Language Certificate (Examination)
( ) If you have completed an examination for level A1 (Goethe Institut or related
language Institut), please add your certificate
(…) If you have completed a course and examination from a language institute that
is not Goethe or affiliated, please add to your application package, on a separate
piece of paper, the following details about the course. We need to understand
whether your course was suitable:
Full name of language Institute:
Full address of Institute/Website:
Email address to verify the information:
Start and end date of German course:
Total number of course hours:
Date of the examination for level A1:
Contact details of teacher:
Is this teacher a native speaker:
Add a copy of the syllabus (book used, exact lessons covered)
( ) If you are in the process of learning German, give us all:
Full address of Institute/Website:
Email address to verify the information:
Start and end date of German course:
Total number of course hours:
Date of the examination for level A1:
Contact details of teacher:
Is this teacher a native speaker:
Add a copy of the syllabus (book used, exact lessons covered)
A copy of your passport
(all pages with personal information)
For students who do not require a visa for Germany, please send a copy of your ID Card
Authentication of language
certificate (original stamp)
by a German Consulate or
by a German Authority
(e.g. Bürgerbüro,
No authentication
Three passport photographs (with your full name on the back of each photograph / put them in
an envelope with your full name on the envelope and on the pictures)
OPTIONAL application documents (No authentication)
A summary of your Bachelor’s Project, if available – Quite helpful
Please do not send recommendation letters. You may add a page to your application documents with the
Name, Background and email address of two professors we can contact if we have further questions
Additional Qualifications, e.g. a proof of a study-related work experience, if available, as well as information about
important additional qualifications you may have
a. Authentication / Legalization of documents
Authentications by local notaries are not valid. Do not waste time and money on this.
University degrees/transcripts will be accepted bearing the stamp of the home university at the time of the
application. For enrolment a copy bearing the stamp of a German authority will be necessary.
Only documents which are properly authenticated (e.g. German Consulate / German authority or for the first
review by your university) will be processed. If you have any questions, please email us ahead of time.
German Consulate: If documents are stapled together for the authentication/legalization by a German authority,
please make sure to respect the following sequence (this is really important):
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Master of Science
Information and Communications Engineering (ICE)
Position 1 - (visible as first page) your Bachelor’s Degree Certificate
Position 2 - your Transcripts of grades
Position 3 - your Secondary Education Certificates
Position 4 - your language certificate (English then German)
Please do not attach any other documents
b. Translation of documents
Please submit all requested documents in German or English. If your documents need to be translated into
German or English, make sure that the translation is carried out by an officially accredited translator and that
the original stamp of the translator is in English or German and perfectly legible.
Please staple/attach the copy of each translated document and its own translation together. Do not make a big
“stack” containing all documents. Keep each (document + translation) separate and submit the documents as
High school leaving certificate (s) (copy of original (s) + Official translation)
Bachelor’s degree certificate (copy of original + Translation)
Bachelor’s transcripts of grades ((copy of original + Translation)
The original stamp of the official translator should cover the stapled/attached documents
And in addition to this: Please also submit copies of the original documents bearing the stamp of a German
Authority (such as for example a German Consulate or a Bürgerbüro or Ortsgericht).
This means that you usually submit each of your academic documents twice (if they were not issued in English or
in German and need to be officially translated):
- One copy of your document issued in another language than English or German, attached to its translation
“sealed” by the original stamp of a sworn translator and
- One copy of your document issued in another language than English or German bearing the stamp of a German
Application documents cannot be returned to the applicants, so please do not submit any original documents by
post. We encourage you to send your application through a courier or registered mail service. Several applicants
may use the same envelope.
Our postal address:
Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen
Ms. Anton – Master ICE
Wilhelm-Leuschner Str. 13
61169 Friedberg
-----------------------------Applicants from China:
An application can only be accepted if it has passed an authentication process at APS. Therefore please have your application documents authenticated by:
Akademische Pruefstelle (APS)
Landmark Tower 2, Office No. 0311
8 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District
Bejing 10004, People's Republic of China
Then send us your APS Certificate with your documents (originals and translations). Chinese applicants who hold a scholarship from DAAD or another recognized German
scholarship organization will be exempted from this requirement.
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