Fees and Charges Policy - Griffith Policy Library

Fees and Charges Policy
Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
Approving authority
Vice Chancellor
Approval date
30 July 2015
Academic Registrar, Academic Administration
academic-registrar@griffith.edu.au | (07) 373 57334
Next scheduled review
Document URL
http://policies.griffith.edu.au/pdf/Fees and Charges Policy Schedule E.pdf
TRIM document
This schedule provides details of the fees for Undergraduate Students (Noninternational).
Related documents
Fees and Charges Policy
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule A: Student Services and Amenities Fee
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule B: Fees for International Students
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule C: Fees for International Study Abroad Students
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule D: Student Contribution Charges
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule F: Fees for Postgraduate Students (Non-international)
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule G: Fees for Non-award and Continuing Education Students
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule H: Census Dates for Charges Liability and Refund Eligibility
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule I: Administrative and Miscellaneous Charges
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2016
FPUG Category
Fee value per 80CP (2016)
Value per CP
FPUG Band 4
FPUG Band 5
FPUG Band 6
FPUG Band 7
FPUG Band 9
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs students who commenced prior to 2016, all courses are charged at the normal science and
health rate, except for two sets of courses which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and
practice which are taken by students in Dental Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral
health and practice which are taken by Dental Science students only. A standard program fee applies for students who commence from
2016 onwards.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2015
FPUG Category
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
FPUG Band 2
FPUG Band 3
FPUG Band 4
FPUG Band 5
Fee value per
80CP (2015)
FPUG Band 6
FPUG Band 7
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
Law degrees
BA and some arts degrees
Business degrees
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2014
FPUG Category
FPUG Band 1
FPUG Band 2
Fee value per
EFTSL (2014)
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSL)
BA and some arts degrees
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
FPUG Band 3
FPUG Band 4
FPUG Band 5
FPUG Band 6
FPUG Band 7
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
Business degrees
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSL)
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2013
FPUG Category
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
FPUG Band 2
FPUG Band 3
FPUG Band 4
FPUG Band 5
Fee value per
EFTSL (2013)
FPUG Band 6
FPUG Band 7
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSL)
BA and some arts degrees
Business degrees
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSL)
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2012
FPUG Category
Fee value per
EFTSL (2012)
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human Services
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental Science,
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2012)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
Dentistry Courses Type 1
Dentistry Courses Type 2
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2011
FPUG Category
Fee value per
EFTSL (2011)
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human Services
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental Science,
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
$ 224.75
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2011)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2010
FPUG Category
Value per
EFTSL (2010)
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
$ 13,780.00
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2010)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2009
FPUG Category
Value per
EFTSL (2009)
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
FPUG Band 9
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2009)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 courses are on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2008
FPUG Category
Value per
EFTSL (2008)
Programs linked to Category
Value per CP
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
FPUG Band 9
Pharmaceutical Science
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2008)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of
courses which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 are courses on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students
in Dental Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 are courses on dental and oral health and practice which are taken
by Dental Science students only.
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2007
FPUG Category
Value per
EFTSL (2007)
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2007)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of
courses which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 are courses on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students
in Dental Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 are courses on dental and oral health and practice which are taken
by Dental Science students only.
Approved Fee Categories for Undergraduate programs for domestic students, and values for 2006
FPUG Category
Value per EFTSL
Value per CP
Programs linked to Category
FPUG Band 1
Law degrees (100CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 2
BA and some arts degrees
FPUG Band 3
Business degrees
FPUG Band 4
Some Arts degrees, Education, IT
FPUG Band 5
Music, Visual Arts, Psychology, Human
FPUG Band 6
Engineering, Science, Environmental
Science, Health
FPUG Band 7
Physiotherapy (90CP per EFTSU)
FPUG Band 8
Fee Category
Value per EFTSL (2006)
Value per CP
Dentistry Base Courses
FPUG Band 6
Dentistry Courses Type 1
FPUG Band 9
Dentistry Courses Type 2
FPUG Band 10
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)
Note: For Dental and Oral Health Programs, all courses are charged at the normal science and health rate, except for two sets of courses
which are maintained as "course lists". Type 1 are courses on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by students in Dental
Science, Dental Therapy and Dental Technician. Type 2 are courses on dental and oral health and practice which are taken by Dental
Science students only.
Fees and Charges Policy - Schedule E: Fees for Undergraduate Students (Non-international)