J. Korean Soc. Tribol. Lubr. Eng. Vol. 31, No. 00, January 2015, pp. 000~000 The Korean Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers eISSN 2287-4666·pISSN 1229-4845 http://journal.kstle.or.kr DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.9725/kstle.2015.31.0.000 A Study on the Lubrication Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes (Times New Roman 15pt, center aligned) Minsoo Kim1, SeungJae Kim1 and GyeMin Park2† (Times New Roman 12pt) 1 Graduate School, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, HanGook University (Times New Roman 10pt, Italic) 2 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, HanGook University ( Received 000 0, 2015 ; Revised 000 0, 2015 ; Accepted 000 0, 2015 ) Abstract : This paper presents an experimental investigation of the mechanisms of pit elimination in strip drawing and rolling of stainless steel strips. Strip drawing tests with artificial indents confirm the role of micro-plasto-hydrodynamic lubrication (MPHL) in allowing pits to be reduced in size and depth. The similarity of results for two oils, which differ in viscosity by a factor of 10, is attributed to the fact that oil is drawn out of the pits rather easily, so that the behavior tends to the unlubricated case. Similar behavior is observed for strip drawing of shot blast white hot band. For much smoother bright anneal strip, it is suggested that the presence of an oil film in the unpitted region prevents generation of pressure differences between the pits and the unpitted regions. A comparison of strip drawn and cold-rolled stainless steel samples show that the change in pit area and Rq roughness varies with overall reduction in a remarkably similar way. The reason for such similar behavior is attributed to the absence of hydrodynamic action in preventing pit elimination, albeit for opposite reasons. The similar rate of pit evolution in both cases confirms the usefulness of the strip drawing rig as a tool to model the change of surface topography during rolling, as long as care is taken in matching the regimes of lubrication. (more than 200 words, max. 250 words, Times New Roman 10pt) The abstract should be provided before the main text of the paper, within a 250-word limit in English. It should be written in a concise and consistent paragraph on the aim, research scope, research method and results, and conclusion of the manuscript and should not merely include the summary of the main results. The abstract should exclude diagrams, numerical expressions, abbreviations, or citations. All sentences in the abstract should be written in the same tense. Keywords: abrasive wear, boundary lubrication, contact angle, rolling contact, sliding friction. Five or fewer keywords of particular importance used in the paper should be listed in the order of English alphabet. Explanation for symbols In here, write the explanation for symbols used in the manuscript. Present the symbols in italics, in the order of the Roman alphabet—Greek alphabet, and write the explanation for the symbols. As a rule, Arabic numerals should be used for all quantities, and the SI system should be used for all measurement units within the body. (Example) M : Mass (Kg) R : Inner radius (m) V : Linear velocity (m/s) θ : Angle of grooves (deg.) ω : Rotational speed (rpm) † Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-00-0000-0000, Fax.: +82-00-0000-0000 E-mail address: jkstle@hangook.ac.kr 1. Introduction (Times New Roman 12pt boldfaced, center aligned) Write the introduction here. A manuscript is prepared according to the Submission and Writer’s Guidelines as much as possible. As a rule, the text should be composed of introduction, research method and content, results and consideration, conclusion, comments, and references. References in the text should be cited in the order of citation with serial number in [ ](brackets)[1]. The body is prepared in Times New Roman 10pt, indent paragraph first line 1 letter, space between lines 1line. 1.1 Title of each section of manuscript (Times New Roman 10pt boldfaced) Write the content here. The paper shall not have been published in another journal related to the field of tribology. It should make a scientific and technological contribution to the field and demonstrate originality and reliability. Technological terms used in the paper should be in line with the terms in the “Equipment and Tribology Glossary” published by the Society. 1.2 Title of each section of manuscript 1.2.1 Title of each article of manuscript (Times New Roman 10pt boldfaced) Write the content here. All authors who have submitted their papers for publication purposes should abide by the research ethics policies of the Society. If the said policies are violated, the editor in chief will decide to disapprove or withdraw the publication, and those violating the rules will be subject to disciplinary measures in accordance with the regulations. Moreover, if the submitted paper is a doctoral dissertation, it should be clearly stated so. 2. Research Method and Content 2.1 Title of each section of manuscript Write the content here. 2.1.1 Title of each article of manuscript Write the content here. As a recommendation, the tables and figures (including photographs) should be placed on top or bottom of the respective page in the body, and the explanations within the tables and figures must be only in English. The caption titles of the tables and figures should be numbered in order next to Fig. / Table. and must be in English. The copies of tables and figures submitted should be as clear and original as possible for excellent legibility even in case they are reduced in size for print in publication. Table 1. Write table title here. (Times New Roman 10pt, center aligned) The table caption and information in the table must be in English. Title of table should be written above the table. Material properties Value Young’s modulus (GPa) Poisson’s ratio 210 0.3 Yield strength (MPa) Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) 433 460 3.1.1 Title of each article of manuscript Write the content here. 3.2 Title of each section of manuscript 2.2 Title of each section of manuscript 2.2.1 Title of each article of manuscript Write the content here. Write the content here. 4. 4Title of Chapter 3. Results and Consideration 3.1 Title of each section of manuscript Write the content here. 4.1 Title of each section of manuscript Write the content here. 4.1.1 Title of each article of manuscript Write the content here. 4.2 Title of each section of manuscript 4.2.1 Title of each article of manuscript Write the content here. 5. Conclusion Write the content of conclusion here. Comments Fig.1. Write figure title here. (Times New Roman 10pt centre aligned) The title of figures (including photographs) and information in the figures must be written in English. The title of figure is written below the figure. Write the comments here. References [1] Perry, S. S., Tysoe, W. T., “Frontiers of fundamental tribological research”, Tribol. Lett., Vol.19, No.3, pp.151-161, 2005. [2] Yang, W. Y., Yang, J. C., Sung, I.-H., “A Study of the Effects of Pressure Velocity and Fluid Viscosity in Abrasive Machining Process”, J. Korean Soc. Tribol. Lubr. Eng., Vol.27, No.1, pp.7-12, 2011. [3] Sajti, C.L., Georgio, S., Khodorkovsky, V., Marine, W., “New Nanohybrid Materials for Biophotonics”, Appl. Phys. A: Mater. Sci. Process., doi:10.1007/s00339-007-4137-z, 2007. [4] Barwell, F. T., Lingard, S., “The Thermal Equilibrium of Plain Journal Bearings,” Proc. LeedsLyon Conference “Thermal Effects in Tribology”, Lyon, France, September 1979. [5] Dowson, D., History of Tribology, 2nd Edition, Chap. 8, pp.129, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., London, UK, 1998. (ISBN 1-86058-070-X) [6] Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, http://www.stle.org, Accessed February 16, 2007. < Guidelines for writing reference list > ▣ The list of references should be provided in order of citation in the body with serial number written in [ ] (bracket), and the content must be in English. In the case of Korean references as well, the list of references must be in English. ▣ References should be classified by type and written according to the format of the example shown below. ▣ In case of periodicals such as journals and others, the name of the periodical should be indicated according to the rules for abbreviations of the ISO international standard. (Refer to: http://cassi.cas.org/ or http://www.issn.org/2-22661-LTWA-online.php ). ▣ When citing papers published in the Journal of KSTLE, the abbreviation of the journal title follows the ISO’s rules for journal abbreviation and thus be written as “J. Korean Soc. Tribol. Lubr. Eng.” ▣ When citing online documents or information in websites, the date of citation must be written. ▣ Name of journals, title of doctoral thesis, title of books, title of patents are written in italic. 1. Journal article Perry, S. S., Tysoe, W. T., “Frontiers of fundamental tribological research”, Tribol. Lett., Vol.19, No.3, pp.151-161, 2005. (The papers with DOI marks can be written as below ) Sajti, C.L., Georgio, S., Khodorkovsky, V., Marine, W., “New Nanohybrid Materials for Biophotonics”, Appl. Phys. A: Mater. Sci. Process., doi:10.1007/s00339-0074137-z, 2007. 2. Proceedings Barwell, F. T., Lingard, S., “The Thermal Equilibrium of Plain Journal Bearings,” Proc. Leeds-Lyon Conference “Thermal Effects in Tribology”, Lyon, France, September 1979. 3. Book Dowson, D., History of Tribology, 2nd Edition, Chap. 8, pp.129, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., London, UK, 1998. (ISBN 1-86058-070-X) 4. Book chapter Broy, M., Software Engineering - From Auxiliary to Key Technologies. In: Broy, M., Denert, E. (eds.) Software Pioneers, pp. 10–13. Springer, Heidelberg, 2002. (ISBN: 3-540-43081-4) 5. University thesis Larsson, R., Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication under Non-Steady Conditions, Doctoral Thesis, Division of Machine Elements, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, 1996. 6. Patent Arthur, N. J., Lubrication system, Gen Motors Corp., US Patent No. 2,840,186, 1954. 7. Technical standard D2714-94, “Standard Test Method for Calibration and Operation of the Falex Block-on-Ring Friction and Wear Testing Machine,” ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003. 8. Other technical manual, brochure [1] ExxonMobil Chemical Synthetics, “Synthetic Lubricant Basestocks”, P.O. Box 3272, Houston, TX 77253, 2004. [1] ANSYS Mechanical User Guide, Release 14.5, ANSYS, Inc., Southpointe, 275 Technology Drive, Canonsburg, PA 15317, 2012. 9. Online document, website [1] Sigma Aldrich, Retrieved May 13, 2005, from http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/fluka/ 94131?lang=ko&region=KR. [1] Cartwright, J., Big stars have weather too, IOP Publishing Physics Web, http://physicsweb.org/articles / news /11/6/16/1, Accessed June 26, 2007. [1] Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers, http://www.stle.org, Accessed February 16, 2007.