Tentative Workshops - Correctional Education Association


The 70


International Conference and Training Event will be hosted by CEA-

Region 2 at the lovely Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Alexandria, Virginia.

Correctional Education: Resources for the 21



Please join us July 12-15, 2015. The planning committee has been working diligently to provide its participants with quality professional development opportunities. We will be focusing on Technology in Education as we prepare our students to reenter our 21


century society. Hotel and registration information may be found at www.ceanational.org


Workshop descriptions

Accelerating Innovations: An Interactive Exploration of Potential Game Changing Trends

To Inform Our Strategic Thinking in Correctional Education

Presenter: Patrick Parker-Roach Co-Presenter: Joni Parker-Roach

This workshop starts with a presentation introducing game changing trends with implications to

Educational Educators. This is followed by a dialogue where the audience will discuss trends they see while mapping them onto a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) chart to share with their strategic planning groups.

Aligning TABE to the new College and Career Readiness Standards!

Presenter: Chriss Cazayoux

TABE launched in 1967 and continually adapts to align to new standards in order to meet the needs of Adult Educators. This session will discuss how TABE is in the process of aligning to the new College and Career Readiness Standards and changes in High School Equivalency tests.

Are your learners ready for GED® 2014?

Presenter: Tamara Thompson Co-Presenter: Shannon Sims

Target the 3 critical instructional shifts of GED®: Technology, Reading and informational text, and Critical thinking and conceptual reasoning.

Learn how to explicitly infuse critical thinking and reading comprehension skills into all content domains. Experience a systemic framework for developing struggling learner’s reasoning and analytical skills. Are you ready?

Before Incarceration and the Pipeline: Research from One State’s Special Education


Presenter: Dr. Karin Pappadakis

In 2014, Dr. Karin Pappadakis was allowed to use one state’s special education population to research disproportionality in this population. Evaluating 14 different pre-incarceration factors provided a view of the offender population from a new perspective. This dissertation, published in March of 2015, provides never before viewed data this research. Topics discussed: School-toprison-pipeline, school discipline, disproportionality, race/ethnicity, behavior issues, and continuing the provision of services for these students through technology.

Career Skills: The Dos and Dont’s of a Real Job

Presenter: Melissa Nichols

PowerPoint with sample YouTube videos and booklet addressing 32 of today’s vital workplace soft skills. Teacher supplies such as lesson plans, LFS, and YouTube videos available digitally.



Presenter: Larry Thompson

When a Kansas Juvenile Corrections teacher began using supportive, non-exclusionary practices; administrators noticed a sharp decline in office referrals. Responsibility-centered discipline principles were implemented system-wide in 2013-14 – delivering dramatic declines in discipline incidents. You will learn how the program was implemented in Kansas and now being rolled out in Ohio.

Character Based Literacy: A Resource for the 21st Century

Presenter: Thomas Kostic

The Character Based Literacy Program is a character education and a literacy project. CBL utilizes the ELA curriculum aligned to the Common Core standards. CBL is currently being used in Juvenile Hall and Correctional Institutions over 30 counties and 15 school districts in


Creating Activating Events for Transformative Learning in a Prison Classroom

Presenter: Dr. Robert Woods CO-Presenter: Dr. Cheryl Keen

In this article we interpreted, in light of Mezirow’s theory of transformative learning, interviews with 13 educators regarding their work with marginalized adult learners in prisons in the northeastern United States. Transformative learning may have been aided by the educators’ response to unplanned activating events, humor and respect, and assumed roles of role model, and counselor. Teachers presented activating events they perceived supported resistant learners to alter their meaning schemes and revise their frames of reference. Administrators of educational programs for marginalized adult learners can help prison educators develop these pedagogical practices. Practitioners and researchers may wish to explore humor in restricted learning environments as well as the challenge mandatory prison classrooms present for the field of formal adult learning and transformative learning theory.

Collaboration between Correction s and Job and Family Services, How we make it work.

Presenter: Robin Long Co-Presenter : Tom Hutter

Update on O DR C and OOJFS collaborations and the benefits for both agencies. S how how we are attempting to break down employment barri e r s fo r the ex-of fenders.

Digital Classroom in County Detention

Presenter: Tom Dube Co-Presenter: Justin Hall

Hardin County Detention Center, a 643 bed facility in Elizabethtown, KY, will facilitate an interactive discussion on how they established, and how they can help you establish a Pearson

Vue Test Center and Digital Classroom for enhanced GED preparation and testing, College and

Career Readiness, and Pre-Release Reentry education.

Engage, Educate and Employ – Successful 21st Century Skills

Presenter: David Brady

You will participate in collaborative activities as examples of educational engagement strategies.

Learn how to make transitional programs realistic, short-term, cost effective and creditable. You will also experience why engagement is the key element throughout the learning process so retention is high and a positive outcome is achieved, ultimately lowering recidivism rates.

ETS High School Equivalency Testing (HiSET) Program

Presenter: Douglas M. Garcia

Attendees will learn about the ETS HiSET assessment and the collaborative effort of many states with non-profit organizations to deliver a fair and reliable high school equivalency exam to the nation as an alternative to the GED. The HiSET test is compatible with current professional development materials.

Expanding Postsecondary Opportunities for Michigan prisoners

Presenter: Gary Cale, Ed.D. Co-Presenter: Kevin Rose

In this presentation, directors of the Jackson College Prison Education Initiative will provide information on their postsecondary educational programs for grant-funded and self-paying prisoners. The presentation will illuminate the history of the project, current state of affairs, and future plans for this Michigan Department of Corrections and Jackson College collaboration.

How Healthy is Your Correctional Education Program?

Presenter: Simon Gonsoulin Co-Presenters: Lauren Ams,Katie Deal amd Liann Seiter

With the recent release of the correctional education guidance package by the US Departments of

Education and Justice, correctional education programs will certainly be working to align their educational offerings with the recommendations in the guidance document. This session will explore how correctional educators might assess the alignment of their instructional program with the five overarching characteristics of quality correctional education programs. Challenges and barriers will be discussed and possible solutions to these challenges will be shared with participants.

I Care and Am Willing to Serve: Uncovering Servant Leadership in the Correctional

Classroom Setting

Presenter: Dr. Alana Simmons Co-Presenter: Latosha M. Branch

There are many texts on servant leadership. However, this leadership model has yet to be thoroughly explored in correctional education. Our marginalized population exemplifies the need to further explore this phenomenon. In this presentation, we will present the most relevant research on servant leadership and its implications in correctional classrooms

Impact Teaching

Presenter: Carl Olson

Good teaching that produces effective outcomes requires the teacher to have knowledge of the subject matter and the ability to use tools and methods to engage all of the students. To be effective, that material must be presented using methods that acknowledge and respect all learning styles and levels of attention.

Link, Refer, & Advocate: Transitioning Students for Success

Presenter: Jess Griffin Co-Presenter: Michele Perozich

WVDE OIEP Transition Specialists collaborate with multiple agencies to promote students’ success in the classroom and work environment. The discussion focus is student re-integration, accountability and measures of high quality education services, and technology accessibility.

Activities increase understanding of students’ challenges and emphasis of a relationship oriented approach is demonstrated.

Numeracy Instruction for Adults with Learning Disabilities

Presenter: Aaron Kohring

Participants will examine research-based instructional strategies and approaches that will help our adult learners become more proficient in math tasks and better problem solvers. We will briefly explore the challenges of learning math and review some instructional approaches that can benefit all adult learners in learning and applying math skills.

Overview of Reentry Education Model Implementation Study

Presenter: Michelle Tolbert Co-Presenter: Wendy Erisman

In 2013, the U.S. Department of Education awarded three demonstration sites funds to implement the

Reentry Education Model, designed to bridge the gap between facility- and community-based education and training programs. This session will provide an overview of the model’s strengths and limitations, based on an implementation study of the three sites, as well as clarifying how study findings will inform future work under the Improved Reentry Education program and WIOA provisions for correctional education.

Partnering with IT for Successful Project Implementation

Presenter: Matt Williams

This discussion will focus on ideas, tools and attitudes important when working across departments and political or business disciplines that could help educators realize their ideas for

IT project development.

Planning Effective Lessons to M eet Depth of Knowledge Standard s for the

GED 2014

Presenter: Geraldine M. Hayden

GED 20 14 goes beyond basic concepts and skills. To address higher order thinking, we must design units and lessons that maximize thinking and address

Common-Core and Career Readiness Standards through pertinent real-life situations and authentic learning. This presentation will provide ideas and

SmartBoard activities no support these key points.

Preparing Instructional Leaders for Organizational Change Related to GED® 2014

Presenter: Tamara Thompson CO-Presenter’s: Shannon Sims, Cora Huggins

Mockingbird Education partnered with Windham School District to provide GED® 2014 professional development. Learn how this PD evolved into a systemic change initiative to improve instructional delivery across the district. In this workshop intended for administrators and instructional leaders, WSD and Mockingbird will share the three critical strategies for implementing systemic instructional change.

Providing Online Professional Development to Juvenile Justice Educators in Trauma

Informed Educational Practices

Presenter: Robert Hull

This session will demonstrate the success of an online professional development in trauma informed education that was delivered to educators in the state of Ohio DYS. Content of the course, delivery mechanisms and course evaluations will be provided. Participants will leave knowing how to implement this course within their systems.

Secure Tablets in My Facility?

Presenter: Jennifer Thomas Co-Presenter: Denise Justice

Jennifer and Denise will bring an update on how Ohio is using the iPEP (Incarcerated Person

Education Pad) and the JP5 tablets in a variety of settings. There will be examples of use for all academic levels, high school, post-secondary and restrictive housing.

Shaking Things Up: New Tools for Reentry

Presenter: Sue Kastensen

Fair Shake offers innovative ways to engage in reentry. We offer 15,000 resources and 100 reentry guides, a self-directed computer skills tutorial, employment support, a free Reentry

Packet, ‘Office in the Clouds’, and much more. If your institution has stand-alone computers, please consider utilizing our software application. Everything is FREE!

"Tablets for Education - How is it working six months later?"

Presenter: Brian Hill

We will focus on what we’ve learned during the last six months of tablet deployment in multiple facilities. Our self-driven platform rewards users for their progress, provides tangible outcomes, and enables them to continue their progress upon release. We’ll talk about what works and what we’ve had to change.

Taking Correctional Education Outside

Presenter: Carolyn Eggleston, Ph.D.

Co-Presenter: Eric Goddard

Correctional education (CE) has long been one of the best “routes” for prisoners to break the pattern of their incarceration. The California State University San Bernardino Reentry Initiative

(CSRI) has brought many principles of CE to multiservice centers for parolees returning from prison. This presentation will discuss those principles and how they can be transferred from the inside to the outside. This interactive workshop will solicit ideas from the audience as part of the presentation.

TASC—How Did HSE testing Go in 2014?

Presenter: Chriss Cazayoux

The first year of the newest high school equivalency test is complete! This session will discuss the new era, where states and programs have choices in what test they use for high school equivalency. This session will review the progress of the TASC test in NY, CA, WV, IN, NC, SC, NV, and WY, and also present updates for 2015.

Teaching Biology in a Maximum-Security Prison Unit: Feedback, Notes and

Recommendations from a Pilot Class.

Presenter: Roberta Norales CO-Presenter: Anika Larson

The Arizona Dept. of Corrections partnered with Arizona State University students and faculty to teach an Introduction to Biology class in a maximum-security unit. We also conducted a study to generate guidance for future science classes in high-security units, and hope to share the results with other programs.

Technology Initiatives Supporting Learning, Career Preparation, and Reentry

Presenter: Michelle Tolbert Co-Presenters: Andre Bethea, Heather Claussen Erwin and the

U.S. Department of Education Representative TBD

This session will highlight findings from the U.S. Department of Education’s Education

Technology in Corrections policy brief. Presenters, including representatives from both the U.S.

Departments of Education and Justice, will highlight current technology initiatives supporting learning, career preparation and reentry. Participants will be invited to discuss opportunities to further enhance reentry success using advanced technologies

The Challenges of Reentry for Women

Presenter: Phyllis Trettien, M.S.,OWDS Co-Presenter: Blake Trettien, Esq .

This workshop examines the unique challenges that women face as they reenter their communities and rejoin their families. Through a series of video interviews conducted by The

Baltimore Resilience Project, we will listen to the stories of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women in their own voices, as they share their experiences. Then we will brainstorm how we can use our role as educators to help women transition more successfully.

The Peace Education Program

Presenter: Donna Peskin CO-Presenter: Jeff Camp

This workshop will give an overview of the Peace Education Program (PEP), and will highlight the success of the program in facilities in New Jersey and in Georgia. PEP helps participants discover their own inner resources - such as strength, hope, choice and dignity – and the possibility of personal peace.

Using the Internet Effectively and SECURELY to Deliver HSE Prep Solution to Incarcerated


Presenter: Adriane Fajnor Co-Presenter: Paul Lewin

Learn how Colorado Department of Corrections was able to use the INTERNET to deliver educational solutions securely and effectively to incarcerated learners. Also, learn about preparation solutions for the new High School Equivalency tests (the GED® Test, HiSET® Test,

TASC Test) using computer-based solutions from Aztec Software.

What Budget Crisis? – Great Free Classroom Resources

Presenter: Sarah B.Collins

Learn how to find free resources from CNN, NASA, and Visa among others for use in both academic and vocational classrooms. Podcasts, downloadable videos, CDs, DVDs and more that include lesson plans, worksheets and activities are available on relevant topics to enhance student learning and promote re-entry skills.

What’s New in the World of Technology?

Presenter: Jym Nester Co-Presenter: Matt Williams

This is a presentation outlining some of the newest technological innovations.

Written Expression Disabilities

Presenter: Aaron Kohring

In this session we will discuss learning disabilities (LD) that affect written expression. We will define the two types of written expression disabilities and describe the characteristics of each.

We will also discuss accommodations and instructional strategies for adults with writing disabilities.
