Transfer Bluebook Exam - George Mason Law Review

Please copy and paste the text as provided in this Bluebook Exam into a separate
Word document and correct the footnotes using proper Bluebook (19th ed.) format for
scholarly articles. Additionally, below each footnote, please describe the changes made
and provide the applicable rule.
For Example:
Alan J. Auerbach & Laurence J. Kotlikoff, National Savings, Economic
Welfare, and the Structure of Taxation 24-33 by National Bureau of Econ.
Research, Working Paper No. 729, (1981).
CORRECT CITATION: Alan J. Auerbach & Laurence J.
Kotlikoff, National Savings, Economic Welfare, and the Structure of
Taxation 24–33 (Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Research, Working Paper No. 729,
 Rule 17.4: Removed “by” and placed the sponsoring organization
and working paper number inside the parenthetical.
 Rule 17.4 & Rule 15.1(d) & Table 6: Abbreviated “National” to
Please do NOT use the Track Changes function in Word. Additionally, you may
only use the Bluebook to complete this exam. You may NOT check the authority of
footnotes for accuracy or support, or check prior or subsequent case history. Remember
that the Honor Code governs the Write-On Competition, and using Lexis or Westlaw to
look up any of the cases or articles used in this Bluebook Exam is against the rules of the
competition. If you need additional information in order to properly correct a footnote,
simply make a note explaining the information that you need to reflect the proper citation
The following numbers denote the number of each footnote as it would
appear consecutively in a scholarly article. Thus, short form citations should be used
for citations that appear more than once, where appropriate. For example, if footnote #1
cites a case, and footnote #2 cites that same case, then footnote #2 should be an “Id.”
citation, if appropriate.
William Adama v. Laura Roslin, Romo Lampkin, 890 F. 2d 362, 377-378 (1st Circuit 2012),
aff’d on appeal 555 U.S. 972 (2013)
Irvin Calcelmo and Jarl Igmund, Antecedents of Dwemer Law, 932 Second Edition (“if, at
the common workbench, one is slain by an Animunculi, the associates of the slain may
disassemble the Animunculi and take its parts within thirty days”) (1654).
Adama v. Roslin, 890 F.2d, at 388-89 (1st Cir. 2012)
DILYS DERWENT, proper scrofungulus prevention, St. Mungo’s Hospital Foundation
available at (last
visited 08/05/13).
Plaintiff-Appellant Dean Winchester’s brief at 27, docket #: 23-1723, Winchester v.
Crowley, 540 U.S. 227 (2009); 2008 WL 187462, at *23.
See e.g., Stamper v. Underwood, 586 U.S. 467, 472 (2013) (citing United States of America
v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 688 (1974); see also U.S. of America v. Palmer Agricultural, 84
Federal Rules Service 238, 253 (United States District Court for the Eastern District of
Pennsylvania 2014)
Stamper v. Underwood, 586 U.S. 467, 488 (2013).
Stamper, 586 U.S. at 500 (Justice Rice arguing in a dissent that defendant’s dismissal of the
special prosecutor occurred under factually different circumstances than those surrounding
the investigation of President Nixon).
SAMURAI CODE, 4 American Journal of International Society 728, 732-733 (1917)
EXAM NOTE FOR FOOTNOTE 9: Assume that this source is consecutively paginated.
10. See infra Part II, see also Yobogoya!, Inc. v. O.S.H.A., 19 OSHA Cases 27, No. 04-3274
(Feb. 23, 2014) (“[T]his restaurant is a danger to the health of its employees and the entire
EXAM NOTE FOR FOOTNOTE 10: This source is only available from an unofficial
service within a bound reporter.
11. For further discussion on the role of the shogun in adjudicatory procedures in feudal Japan,
see Katagiri Katsumoto, The Jurisprudence of Bushido: A Legal Perspective on the
Samurai Code, 4 American Journal of International Society 728, 713-14 (1917).
12. Orwell v. Oceania, 5 F.2d 332 (D. Ariz. 1984); Section Five, Fourteenth Amendment,
United States Constitution; 42 U.S.C. § 1983 (1979); Michie’s Annotated Statutes of New
Mexico S 43-3-274 (1961); Templar, Inc. v. Altair, 54 A.3d 43 (Md. 2014); Reynolds v.
Nightman Metro. Theater Grp., 465 U.S. 273 (2013); Jackson v. Securities and Exchange
Commission, 376 U.S. 998 (2001); Huxley v. BNW Assoc., 32 P.3d 554 (Ariz. 1997);
Taggart v. D’Anconia, 245 P.2d 222 (Ariz. App. Ct. 1974).
13. Title 28 United States Code S 402 (1974) and 28 United States Code sec. 408 (1974).
14. Report of the Secretary General, The Danger of Networked Computers: A Primer On Cylon
Tactics: Rep. of the Secretary-General, paragraph 11, U.N. Doc. 4/8/15/16/23/42 (June
Thirteenth, 2014).
15. Zoe Barnes, “The Underwood Administration and the Jordan Valley” 34 HARV. J. OF
LAW AND PUB. POLICY 453 page 16 (2014).
16. Jan. 11, 2004, Report of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Panel, Estonia:
Estonia Import Duties on Furbies, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade B.I.S.D.,
Document # L/9485, (21st Supplement) at 43 (1998).
17. Convention on the storage of Ectoplasmic Substances and Entities for the Avoidance of
Supernatural Phenomena as made between the United States and the United Kingdom on
November 5th, 1987, 17 U. S. T. 8.
18. Environmental Protection Agency, 430-R-14-004, Climate Change Indicators in the United
States, at 15 (2014) 3d edition,
EXAM NOTE FOR FOOTNOTE 17: Assume this document is not a “regular” report
and is published in print, but is scarce in its printed form.
19. See Zoe Barnes, supra note 14, at 25.
20. Senate Report No. 85, 89th Congress, part 3, at 34 (1965) as reprinted in 1995 U.S. Code
Congressional and Administrative News 845, 880-881.