The Concept: Below are the six finished poems that were created


The Concept:

Below are the six finished poems that were created, with the help of Larry Schug (an avid poet and the curator of this particular Collegeville Colors stand), by individuals who attended the Collegeville Colors event in 2013. The idea was simple – each individual that passed by the stand would write a single line of prose upon the paper. In the end, there were many great poems created!

Poem 1:

Sunny day rustling

Leaves respite from

The delusions of our day

New delusions?

Just delusions of yesterdays

I’ll set the

Beautiful colors on the trees flutter gently in the cool breeze

I like the lake and I like the

Beautiful leaves

Underneath the Chapel’s eaves

You should always roll up your sleeves

Peas are dried up like the leaves!

Poem 2:

Through nature our troubles we can release

Amid the silence of the rustling leaves

And the echo of the loon’s call

Only the footprint of the deer here,

The lake has blue waves

The trees their budding acorns

We are the oak.

The sunlight bouncing off the water.

And here we have deep roots.

That twine and grow to knit us together

In a forest web.

Poem 3:

Walking with family in the forest

Their smiling faces observing Nature at its finest

The simple soft breezes ticking our fancy.

All of the happy children climbing branches, admiring the beautiful trees.

The yellow, green, and red trees look beautiful in the sun.

Leaves sway in the wind.

There are many things you can hear, but not see.

The leaves float to the ground

The breeze is nice and beautiful

There are many wonderful colors on the trees

Leaves turn many splendid colors

Leaves fall from the trees.

Poem 4:

During the peaceful

Walk to the chapel,

Traveling up and down many a hill,

Listening to the leaves rustling in the wind and the sun lighting the leaves

Watching the leaves dance in the WIND

You truly are beautiful, forest.

Poem 5:

A soaring eagle

Spies a fish in the distance

And like a falling star descends

Into the blue lake for his meal

Comes up with a walleye

Isn’t that ideal!

Poem 6:

Red-tailed hawks

Fly above a blue lake

The leaves crunch beneath my feet

While families walk the “chapel walk”

And reminisce about walks past

We leave our troubles on the path

On this beautiful Autumn day

Colors dance within the seekers eyes

Among the colorful trees with yellow leaves,

Following my FAITH, forward I go.

Whispering winds and rustling leaves

Reflected in the waters below.

With translation we are transported

Into a world Unknown.
