Shared Decision Making Committee(SDMC) Signature Sarah Cripps

Shared Decision Making
Sarah Cripps-Rains, Principal
Professional Staff
Amy Carlson
Carla Corona
Maria Kessler
Leticia Lopez
McDonald, John
Marta Paz
Other Professional Staff
Valerie Britt
Ines Brost
Dwain Dancy
Paraprofessional Staff
Yesenia Anguiano
Rosalba Benjume
Community Partner
Barbara Botsford
SDMC Meeting Agenda – November 18, 2015
Discussion, possible voting
1) Vote for the Change in planning times to help with 5th grade dismissal. I propose we start in
January after checking with 1st and Kinder to make sure that they can accommodate the
planning time change and the library and science lab schedules.
2) Vote to add new polo colors to the uniform list. Anything but white. Everyone I spoke with said
that another color would be a great idea. Almost everyone said “No white” the theory is that
they get too dirty. I checked with Jane Long and they said that their uniform colors are light
blue, navy blue and Royal blue. I would not have a problem with adding navy blue to the color
list. I have heard mixed feeling about adding Green since the kids would most likely look like
Christmas Trees. The colors found available on a regular basis at most stores are: Navy Blue,
White, Forest Green, Red, Gold. I suggest allowing the kids to wear Navy Blue, Red and maybe
3) Propose school spirit days on Fridays. This would allow kids to wear, band shirts, field day shirts,
chorus shirts, Zumba shirts, the PTO could sell a T-shirt (not white) The parents and kids have
complained that they don’t want to buy the field day shirts because their kids can’t wear them
to school except for just one day. We didn’t discuss this much at the last meeting. Maybe school
spirit day every Friday, maybe just the last Friday of the month.
Elect officials
Vice President
SDMC Meeting Minutes – November 18, 2015
The committee elected Mrs .Britt as the Vice President and Ms. Kessler as Secretary for SDMC.
Several arrival/dismissal safety issues were brought up including:
 YMCA dismissal-It was observed that parents were parking on the street by the
walker gate and students were not being supervised as they left. One student
walked into the street in front of passing cars. The gates should be locked at all
times while students are in the building. CR will discuss these concerns with the
YMCA Program.
 Parents speeding during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal, as well as
dropping off students on the wrong side of the street, parking on the street, and not
obeying traffic signs is becoming an increasing safety issue. Ms. Carlson is going to
follow up with the correct government departments on requesting speed bumps for
the entire perimeter of the campus and no parking/no stopping signs for the north
side of Sharpview. She is also going to request HPD present during the morning and
 Bus Safety-We reviewed what was discussed last month and it was decided that Mr.
Hill will check with the HISD legal department on our campus sending a letter home
to parents about the unsafe conditions of the private buses (Rodriguez/Salinas.) It
was also suggested that Mr. Hill be present at afternoon bus duty to enforce safety
with the bus drivers.
 Parents are parking very early in the front lot by the PTO room and students leaving
the walkers gate are running to those vehicles instead of the correct safety protocol
for walkers. Then the parents drive against the dismissal flow and Yesenia has to
move the cones and stop traffic. CR is going to get a letter to hand out to them while
they are parked and waiting. The teachers will be notified of who these students are
and will have to send them to Triola.
Adding a new polo shirt color to our uniform was discussed as well as offering a Spirit Shirt Day. The
committee voted that in lieu of adding a new polo color we are going to give the students 1 Friday per
month to wear a Sutton T-shirt with their khakis. Spirit shirt examples are Field Day, Band/Chorus, Clubs,
The new ancillary schedule proposal was discussed in order to eliminate the confusion with 5th graders
during dismissal and instead allow them time to return to their homeroom teacher at the end of the day.
The committee discussed potential problems with the schedule including the library schedule and ESL
and team teaching schedules. It was also suggested that the Safety Patrol members keep their vests in
their backpacks or in Ms. Leal’s room for easier access and less confusion in the hallway. The proposal
will be presented to the staff for discussion and changed in January.
Staff parking in the locked lot is full by 7:10am and staff members need to park in the front lot. Teachers
are expected to arrive earlier if needed to find parking and get to their rooms on time.
Mr. Dancy will be asked to dismiss up front and not from the locked lot as music students are running
around the lot unsupervised during their breaks. The parents also block the staff members in when
picking up band/chorus students.