1 PEDIATRIC INTAKE FORM Today’s Date (M/D/Y): ____ /____ /____ Child’s Name: __________________________________________________ Gender: ________________ Birth Date (M/D/Y): ____ /____ /____ Age: _________ Grade: _________________ Who is filling out this form (Name, Relation)? ____________________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/LEGAL GUARDIANS (Who the child lives with): Name(s): _____________________________________________________ Relation(s): __________________________ Address: ______________________________________ City: _______________________ Postal Code: _____________ Home Phone: ______________________ Work Phone: ______________________ Cell: ______________________ May we leave you messages regarding your clinic visits? Yes No E‐mail: ____________________________________ How did you hear about our clinic? (Please circle & specify) Internet Phone Book Walk-By Advertisement: ____________________ Friend/Family Member: _____________________ Other: _________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Name: ______________________________________ Relation: _________________ Phone #: _________________ HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS Pediatrician: ________________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________ Medical Doctor: ______________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________ Specialist: __________________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ Other: _____________________________________________________Phone #: _______________________________ HEALTH CONCERNS When was your child’s last check‐up with a pediatrician or family doctor? ______________________________________ Please describe your child’s general state of health: Excellent Good Fair Poor Please list and briefly explain your child’s main health concerns, in order of importance to you: ______________________________________________________________ When started: _______________________ ______________________________________________________________ When started: _______________________ ______________________________________________________________ When started: ______________________ 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 2 Please list your child’s past major illnesses, injuries, surgical procedures, operations, hospitalizations: ______________________________________________________________ When started: _______________________ ______________________________________________________________ When started: _______________________ ______________________________________________________________ When started: ______________________ What screening tests has your child had (e.g. blood, xray, MRI, hearing, visual, behavioural etc.)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ NUTRITION Was your child breastfed? Yes No If Yes, how many months: ___________________________________________ Substitute Formula Used: _____________________________________________________________________________ If applicable, please describe the mother’s diet while breastfeeding by including foods typically enjoyed, food cravings, foods avoided, and any reactions the baby had to the mother eating different foods: ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did your child experience colic? Yes No Please describe the child’s weaning history including child’s age when started & finished and the child’s response: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Does the child have any dietary restrictions? (e.g. religious, vegetarian, vegan, etc): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ How would you describe the child’s eating habits? SLEEP HABITS Where does this child sleep? Own Room Parents’ Room Other: _________________________________________ Child’s sleep patterns (during first year): _________________________________________________________________ Current sleep patterns: _______________________________________________________________________________ Does your child nap during the day? Yes No If yes, when is the nap taken and for how long? ______________________ 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 3 Is there any history of bedwetting? Yes No ____________________________________________________________ Current bed time and waking time of your child: __________________________________________________________ Please describe how food was introduced to your child by filling out the following chart: FOOD INTRODUCED APPROXIMATE AGE REACTIONS TO FOOD (Earliest to Most Recent) (Eg. 6, 9, 12, 18 months) (Eg. Skin Rash, Diarrhea) DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES If applicable, at approximately what age were the following milestones reached? SMILES ROLLS OVER CRAWLS FIRST SENTENCE DRESS THEMSELVES GRASPS OBJECT SAT ON OWN WALK ON OWN SCRIBBLES TOILET TRAINED RECOGNIZES A FACE FIRST TOOTH FIRST WORD PLAYS PATTY CAKE SLEEPS IN OWN ROOM MEDICAL HISTORY Please list which vaccines (immunizations) your child has had and approximately how old they were at each dose: VACCINE AGE(S) GIVEN ANY ADVERSE REACTIONS OR CHANGE IN HEALTH OR BEHAVIOUR Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT) Polio (ITP) Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HiB) Pneumococcal (Pneu‐C‐7) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Meningococcal C (Men‐C) Chickenpox/Varicella (Var) Hepatitis B (HB) Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DTP/ITP Booster (Tdap/IPV) Tetanus/Diphtheria Booster (Td) Influenza (Inf) Other(s): _________________________ 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 4 Roughly how many times has your child been treated with antibiotics? ________ Approximate date of last time: ______ Please list any known or suspected allergies (medicines, food, environmental, etc.): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list all CURRENT or PAST prescription and over‐the‐counter medications (e.g. cough syrup, antibiotics), vitamins, mineral, herbal or homeopathic medicines your child has taken by filling out the chart below. If more space is required, please attach a separate sheet. MEDICATION DOSAGE (AMT & # TIMES PER DAY) LENGTH OF TIME TAKEN APPROX. DATES Please check (√ ) which childhood illnesses your child has had and approximate dates: YES WHEN YES Chicken Pox Mononucleosis Scarlet Fever Croup Mumps Stomach Flu Meningitis Other: ____________________ WHEN Growing Pains Pneumonia Strep Throat Measles Rheumatic Fever Whooping Cough Rubella Other: ____________________ Please list any complications that arose from the above illnesses (if applicable): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list whether the child’s mother, father, siblings, maternal or paternal grandparents have the following conditions: WHO? Allergies Diabetes Liver Disease Birth Defect Bleeding Disorder Cancer: __________ 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON WHO? Anemia Digestive Conditions Mental Illness Epilepsy Heart Disease Kidney Disease www.rishmawalji.com WHO? Asthma Eczema Migraines SIDs Stroke Other: ___________ 905-875-2288 5 The following chart will provide a more complete picture of your child’s overall health. Please check (√ ) column C if your child CURRENTLY has a symptom below and column P if they have had it in the PAST. If they have never had the symptom, please do not check either box. C GENERAL Fatigue Significant Weight Loss Significant Weight Gain EYES Blurred Vision Double Vision Redness Discharge Infection (e.g. Pink Eye) CARDIOVASCULAR Heart Murmurs Weakness Septal Wall Defects RESPIRATORY Wheezing Cough Asthma Bronchitis Difficulty Breathing NOSE & SINUSES Frequent Colds Nosebleeds Sinus Problems MOUTH & THROAT Difficulty Swallowing Sore Throat Gum Problems Dental Cavities Tonsillitis HEAD Headache Head Injury Cradle Cap Lice NEUROLOGIC Seizures Dizziness Tingling/Numbness 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON P C P SKIN Itching Eczema Psoriasis Rash Hives Dryness Acne Poor Wound Healing Warts Thrush Boils EARS Ear Infection Discharge Trouble Hearing Ringing in Ears HEMATOLOGY Easy Bruising Easy Bleeding Past Transfusions DIGESTIVE Change in Appetite Hernia Vomiting Nausea Excessive Gas Stomach Pain Bloating URINARY Urinary/Bladder Infections Constipation Increased Urination Blood in Stool Fungal Infections Bedwetting Diarrhea OTHER Please specify: www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 6 PERINATAL HISTORY For the remainder of this form when given a choice of answers, please circle the answer which applies to you and your child and expand on answers where applicable in the space provided. Was your child adopted? Yes No If yes, child’s age at adoption: _____________________ How was pregnancy achieved? (e.g. intercourse, IVF, AI, sperm donation, etc.): _________________________________ Was the pregnancy planned? Yes No Age of Mother at Conception: _________ Age of Father at Conception: _________ Number of Previous Pregnancies: _________ Number of Previous Deliveries_________ Pregnancy Length (wks): _________ Labour Length (hrs): __________ Second/Pushing Stage Length (hrs): __________ Baby’s Height at Birth: _______________ Baby’s Weight at Birth: _______________ APGAR Scores: _______________ Where was the baby birthed? Home Hospital Who was involved in baby’s delivery? OBGYN How was baby delivered? C‐Section Vaginal Water Midwife Other: __________________________________________ Family Doctor Doula Which pain medication was administered (if any)? ________________________________________________________ Who else was present for support during the delivery? _____________________________________________________ Please check all of the complications that occurred and procedures that were necessary during pregnancy and labour: √ Placenta Previa Placental Abruption Breech Presentation Premature Birth Fetal Distress Prolapsed Cord Jaundice Gel Induction Suction Required Vacuum Extraction Cephalopelvic Disproportion (Head too big) Failure to Progress/Labour Stalles Hemorrahge 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON √ Blue Baby Birth Defects Multiple Birt Undescended Testes Meconium Episiotomy Forceps Pitocin Drip Induction Oxygen Required Incubator Premature Rupture of Membranes Articificual Rupture of Membranes Other: _______________________________ www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 7 Mother’s emotional state post‐partum (after delivery)? ____________________________________________________ Please list & describe severity of any health conditions the mother experienced during pregnancy (e.g. high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, bleeding, infections, thyroid problems, severe nausea, anemia, trauma): __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ How would you describe the pregnancy? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list any physical or emotional traumas the mother experienced during pregnancy: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ If the mother used any of the following during pregnancy, please indicate how much, how often and specific type: Tobacco ______________________________________ Alcohol ____________________________________________ Recreational Drugs: _____________________________ Caffeine ____________________________________________ Please list ANY prescription, over‐the‐counter medications, vitamins, mineral, herbal or homeopathic medicines the mother took during pregnancy by filling out the chart below. If more space is required, please attach a separate sheet. NAME DOSAGE (Amt and # of times/day taken) Length of Time Taken Approximate Dates Tests performed during pregnancy (e.g. ultrasound, amniocentesis):___________________________________________ If the Mom works, at how many weeks into the pregnancy did the mother take maternity leave? ___________________ Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. We look forward to seeing you both at your child’s first visit. 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 8 INFORMED CONSENT Naturopathic Medicine is the treatment and prevention of disease by natural means. Naturopathic Doctors assess the whole person, taking into consideration physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual. Gentle, noninvasive techniques are generally used in order to stimulate the body’s inherent healing capacity. A number of different approaches may be used throughout the course of treatment. Treatment modalities include diet, lifestyle counselling, clinical nutrition (including supplementation), botanical medicine, homeopathy, Traditional Asian medicine and acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and physical medicine. Nutritional counselling and supplements are recommended to address deficiencies, treat disease processes, and promote health. The benefits may include increased energy, increased gastrointestinal function, improved immunity, and general well-being. Botanical medicine is a plant based medicine that involves the use of herbal teas, tinctures, capsules, and other forms of herbal preparations to assist in recovery from injury and disease. Homeopathy is a form of medicine based on the Law of Similars – that is, the use of tiny doses of the very thing that causes symptoms in healthy people. These minute doses of plant, animal, or mineral origins are used to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself. Homeopathy is a powerful tool that effects healing on a physical and emotional level. Asian medicine includes the use of acupuncture, Eastern herbs and dietary changes to eliminate disease and balance body functions. Acupuncture refers to the insertion of sterilized disposable needles through the skin into underlying tissues at specific points on the body. Eastern herbs may be given in the form of pills, tinctures, or decoctions (strong teas) to be taken internally or used externally as a wash. Acupuncture is not used in children under the age of 12. Hydrotherapy refers to the use of hot and cold water applications to improve circulation and stimulate the immune system. Lifestyle counselling involves identifying risk factors and making recommendations to help optimize one’s physical, mental, and emotional environment. During your child’s initial visits, your Naturopathic Doctor will take a thorough case history and perform a basic/complaint-oriented physical examination, and when indicated, take urine samples or perform other laboratory testing. If you have coverage for Naturopathic Medicine, you are responsible for billing your own insurance company – we will provide you with all of the information necessary to send your claim for reimbursement. Even the gentlest therapies may cause complications in certain physiological conditions this depends greatly on the individual and the extent of the illness. Some therapies must be used with caution in certain diseases such as diabetes, heart, liver or kidney disease. It is very important, therefore, that you inform your naturopathic doctor immediately of any disease process that your child is suffering from as well as any medications (prescription or over-the-counter) that he or she is taking. 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 9 This is to acknowledge that I have been informed and I understand that: Any treatment or advice provided to my child as a patient of Rishma Walji N.D. is not mutually exclusive of any treatment or advice that he or she may now be receiving or may in the future receive from another licensed health care provider; I am at liberty to seek or continue medical care from a physician or surgeon or other health care provider qualified to practice in Ontario. I understand that the practitioner will answer my questions to the best of her ability. I understand that the results are not guaranteed. I do not expect Rishma Walji N.D. to be able to anticipate and explain all risks and complications. I will rely on her to exercise judgment during the course of treatment, which she feels is in my child’s best interests, based on the facts known. The treatment and therapies rendered or recommended by Rishma Walji N.D. may be different from those usually offered by a medical doctor or other licensed health care provider. I am responsible for making Rishma Walji ND aware of all health conditions and all other treatments that my child is undergoing. I understand and have read the terms of the Personal Health Information and Privacy Act (PHIPA) (summarized below, under “personal information”) and understand that Rishma Walji, ND and The Healthy Family Chiropractic & Wellness Centre abide by the stipulations as laid out in the Act. My child’s records are confidential unless required by law. I understand that my child’s health records may be used to contribute to medical research that may help understand disease, treatment or clinical outcomes. No personal or identifying information will be used at any time for such purposes. There are some risks, however rare, to Naturopathic Medicine. These include but are not limited to: - aggravation of pre-existing symptoms, - allergic reaction to supplements or herbs, - pain, bruising or injury from acupuncture, - fainting or puncturing of an organ with acupuncture needles I understand that the Naturopathic Doctor may prescribe supplements that can be purchased from our in-house dispensary, health food store, or elsewhere of your choice. Most insurance companies do not cover supplements. I understand that fees are to be paid at the time of consultation. I understand that a fee will be charged for missed appointments or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice. I have read and understand the above-stated policies and information. I intend this consent form to cover the entire course of naturopathic treatment for my child’s conditions. I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent and to discontinue participation in these procedures at any time. I, ___________________________________, legal guardian of this patient AUTHORIZE the Naturopathic Doctor, Rishma Walji, who has been engaged by me, to examine and administer naturopathic care and treatment to _________________________________ whose relationship to me is as my ______________________________. Patient Name (please print): _______________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Name of Parent or Guardian: __________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian: _______________________________________________________________________ 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288 10 FEE SCHEDULE Initial consultation (60 minutes) $ 160 Second consultation (30 minutes) $ 80 Extended follow-up visit (45 minutes) – only if needed, discussed in advance $ 120 Acute consultations (15 minutes) – only for current patients, as appropriate $ 50 Note: Any appointment cancelled with less than 48 hours notice $ 50 Diagnostic Testing - Blood and other lab tests are available in combination with consultations, please inquire about pricing. Fees are payable by cash, debit, visa or mastercard at the end of each visit. Any prescribed supplements or homeopathics are not included in the above fees. Please note that these fees are not covered by OHIP, but they may be covered by your extended health care plan. Contact your employer or insurance agent to inquire about naturopathic coverage. PERSONAL INFORMATION Your identity will be protected at all times and a record will be kept of the health services provided. Patients may look at their medical record at any time and may request a copy of it (may be subject to copying fee). Privacy of your personal information is an important part of our clinic while providing you with quality health care. We understand the importance of protecting your personal information and are committed to collecting, using and disclosing your personal information responsibly. We will try to be as open and transparent as possible about the way we handle your personal information. At this office Dr. Natalie MacDonald, acts as the Privacy Information Officer. All staff members who come into contact with your personal information are aware of the sensitive nature of the information that you have disclosed. Our privacy policy outlines what our clinic is doing to ensure that: Only necessary information is collected about you; We only share your information with your consent; Storage, retention and destruction of your personal information complies with the existing legislation, and privacy protection protocols; Our privacy protocols comply with privacy legislation and standards of our regulatory body, the Board of Directors of Drugless Therapy – Naturopathy (BDDT-N). 450 Bronte Street S. Milton, ON www.rishmawalji.com 905-875-2288