Spring 2012 - Medieval Studies

Spring 2012 Events
13 (Monday)
Lecture: Bonnie Wheeler (Southern Methodist University)
“The True History of Valentine’s Day”
4:00 pm, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 3rd floor Main Library
(Sponsored by the Rare Book & Manuscript Library)
16 (Thursday)
Lecture: Kirsten Wolf (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
“Body Language in Medieval Iceland: A Study of Gesticulation
in the Sagas and Tales of Icelanders”
4:00pm, Reading Room, Levis Faculty Center
29 (Wednesday)
Lecture: D. Fairchild Ruggles (Landscape Architecture, UIUC)
“From Slave to Queen in 13th-century Egypt:
The Extraordinary Reign of Shajar al-Durr”
Third Annual “Historians Among Us” Lecture
3:00pm Greg Hall 307
(Sponsored by the Department of History)
8 (Thursday)
Lecture: Olga Bush (Vassar College)
“Islamic Art Objects: Representing Women's Voices”
5:00pm, Reading Room, Levis Faculty Center
Performance: The Play of Adam (Ordo representacionis Ade): Premiere!
Staged reading of new verse translation by Carol Symes (History), directed
by Kyle A. Thomas
6:00pm (first performance)
8:00pm (second performance)
Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, 600 S. Gregory:
for reservations call (217) 244-3355
(Sponsored by the Department of Theatre and the Spurlock Museum)
9 (Friday)
Symposium: Medieval Studies in Japan, from Byzantium to Catalonia
Motoki Murakami (Osaka City University, Japan)
“Sant Cugat and Bernat Otger: Conflict, Relationship, and Territorial
Policy in the Medieval Catalonia”
Hisatsugu Kusabu (Osaka City University, Japan)
“Medieval Heresy: The Case of Byzantium”
4:00pm: 101 International Studies Building
Performance: The Play of Adam (Ordo representacionis Ade): Premiere!
Staged reading of new verse translation by Carol Symes (History), directed
by Kyle A. Thomas
6:00pm (first performance)
8:00pm (second performance)
Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, 600 S. Gregory:
for reservations call (217) 244-3355
(Sponsored by the Department of Theatre and the Spurlock Museum)
29 (Thursday)
Lecture: Christina Fitzgerald (University of Toldedo)
“Copying Couplets: Circulating Masculinity
in Medieval English Moral Poetry”
4:00pm, Reading Room, Levis Faculty Center
30 (Friday)
Seminar: Christina Fitzgerald (University of Toledo)
“Did Medieval England Have Antiludic Anxiety?
The Case of the Croxton Play of the Sacrament”
1:30-3:00pm, Room 4080A Foreign Languages Bldg.
Readings (for copies contact Charles D. Wright <cdwright@illinois.edu>):
Fitzgerald, Christina M. "Competing Modes of Theater and Spectacle in the Croxton Play
of the Sacrament." Unpublished conference presentation.
Atkin, Tamara. "Playbooks And Printed Drama: A Reassessment Of The Date And
Layout Of The Manuscript Of The Croxton Play Of The Sacrament." Review Of English
Studies 60.244 (2009): 194-205.
Clopper, Lawrence M. Chap. 2: "Miracula, Ludi inhonesti, 'Somergames,' and the Tretise
of Miraclis Pleyinge" in Drama, Play, And Game: English Festive Culture In The
Medieval And Early Modern Period. Chicago, IL: U of Chicago P, 2001.
12-14 (Thursday—Saturday)
Conference and Roundtable: The Medieval Globe
Invited Speakers:
Jonathan Conant (Brown Univ.): “The Carolingians and the Ends of
Kathleen Davis (Univ. of Rhode Island) “Imagining the Past Globally:
Questions and Possibilities for the Now and the Future”
Margot Fassler (Notre Dame)
Geraldine Heng (Univ. of Texas at Austin) “Early Globalities: Projects,
Questions, Methods”
Linda Komaroff (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) “Genghis Khan
Faces West: Transmission and Dissemination of a New Visual
Sharon Kinoshita (Univ. of California Santa Cruz) “Worlding Marco Polo”
Elizabeth Lambourn (De Montfort Univ.)
Carla Nappi (Univ. of British Columbia) “Translating the Medieval World”
Michael Puett (Harvard Univ.) “Understanding Early Medieval China in a
Eurasian Context”
Christian Raffensperger (Wittenberg Univ.) “Who's Afraid of
Macrohistory? The Joys and Pains of Crossing Traditional Boundaries
in History Research and Writing”
Nicolás Wey-Gómez (California Institute of Technology) “Martin Behaim's
Globe: Cosmography, Economics, and the quest for globalization in
the latter middle ages (1492)”
UIUC Speakers:
Elizabeth Oyler (East Asian Languages and Cultures)
D. Fairchild Ruggles (Landscape Architecture)
Eleonora Stoppino (Spanish, Italian, & Portuguese)
Levis Faculty Center: sessions, times and rooms TBA
24 (Tuesday)
Lecture: Holly Silvers (UIUC, Art History)
“Occupying the Margins: Romanesque Architectural Sculpture
as Message Board for the 99%”
4:00pm, Lucy Ellis Lounge, Foreign Languages Bldg.
15 (Tuesday)
Seminar: Daniel Wakelin (Univ. of Oxford)
“Correcting Books in Late Medieval England”
3:00pm, Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 3rd floor Main Library