Works Cited - Adult Basic Skills Professional Development

Math Materials Alignment Bibliography
Achieving TABE Success in Mathematics: Level A. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill Wright
Group, 2006. Print.
Achieving TABE Success in Mathematics: Level D. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill Wright
Group, 2006. Print.
Achieving TABE Success in Mathematics: Level E. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill/Wright
Group, 2006. Print.
Achieving TABE Success in Mathematics: Level M. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill Wright
Group, 2006. Print.
Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme. Real-life English: a Competency-based ESL Program for
Adults. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1994. Print. Web. <>.
Beech, Linda W., James W. Beers, Jo Ann Dauzat, Sam V. Dauzat, and Tara McCarthy.
Reading for Today: Book One. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1994. Print.
Building Strategies for GED Success: Mathematics. Orlando, FL: Steck-Vaughn, 2006.
Casio FX-260 Solar Calculator Manual. Boone, NC: ABSPD, 2008. Print.
"Create A Graph." National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Home Page, a Part
of the U.S. Department of Education. Web.
Echaore-Yoon, Susan. Contemporary's Foundations Mathematics. Chicago, IL:
Contemporary, 1993. Print.
Eichhorn, Connie, and Mary Garland. Power Math Series Whole Numbers: Addition and
Subtraction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Cambridge Adult Education, 1995. Print.
Eichhorn, Connie. Contemporary's Number Power 9: Measurement. Chicago, IL:
Contemporary, 1996. Print.
Frechette, Ellen C. Contemporary's Number Power 7: Problem-solving and Test-taking
Strategies : a Real World Approach to Math. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1991. Print.
Frechette, Ellen C. Contemporary's Number Power 8: Analyzing Data. Chicago, IL:
Contemporary, 1993. Print.
Frechette, Ellen Carley. Horizons Mathematics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Cambridge
Adult Education, 1996. Print.
Free Math Worksheets. Web. <>.
Howett, Jerry. Basic Skills with Math: Whole Numbers. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Cambridge Adult Education, 1999. Print.
Howett, Jerry. Cambridge Basic Skills with Math: Ratio, Proportion, Decimals. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Cambridge Adult Education, 1999. Print.
Howett, Jerry. Contemporary's GED Mathematics. Lincolnwood, IL: McGraw-Hill
Contemporary, 2002. Print.
Howett, Jerry. Contemporary's Number Power 1: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
and Division. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill/Wright Group, 2000. Print.
Howett, Jerry. Contemporary's Number Power 2: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents.
Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill/Wright Group, 2000. Print.
Kidport Home Page. Web. <>.
Lassiter, Karen. Math Skills for the Workforce. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1997. Print.
McClanahan, Susan D., and Judith A. Green. Building Strategies: Mathematics. Austin,
TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1996. Print.
Mitchell, Robert, and Dolores Emery. Contemporary's Top 50 Math Skills for GED
Success. Chicago, IL: McGraw Hill/Wright Group, 2006. Print.
Mitchell, Robert, and Donald Prickel. Contemporary's Number Power 5: Graphs, Charts,
Schedules, and Maps. Chicago, IL: Contemporary /McGraw-Hill, 2000. Print.
Mitchell, Robert, and Ellen C. Frechette. Pre-GED Mathematics and Problem-solving
Skills. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1987. Print.
Mitchell, Robert, and Ellen C. Frechette. Pre-GED Mathematics and Problem-solving
Skills. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1987. Print.
Mitchell, Robert. Contemporary's Number Power 3: Algebra. Chicago, IL: McGrawHill/Wright Group, 2000. Print.
Mitchell, Robert. Contemporary's Number Power 4: Geometry. Chicago, IL: McGrawHill/Wright Group, 2000. Print.
Mitchell, Robert. Contemporary's Number Power: Calculator Power : a Real World
Approach to Math. Lincolnwood, IL: Contemporary, 2000. Print.
News for You. New Readers Press. Web.
Richards, Thomas J. SRA Spectrum Math: Purple. Columbus, OH: SRA/McGraw-Hill,
1997. Print.
Shea, James T. Steck-Vaughn Basic Essentials of Mathematics Book 1: Whole Numbers,
Fractions, and Decimals. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1991. Print.
Shea, James T. Steck-Vaughn Basic Essentials of Mathematics Book 2: Percent,
Measurement & Formulas, Equations, Ratio & Proportion. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn,
1991. Print.
Steck-Vaughn GED Exercise Book: Mathematics. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 2002.
Steck-Vaughn PreGED Mathematics. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 2003. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Contemporary's Number Sense: Discovering Basic Math Concepts:
Fraction Mulitiplication & Division. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1990. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Contemporary's Number Sense: Discovering Basic Math Concepts: Ratio
& Proportion. Chicago, IL: Contemporary ., 1990. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Contemporary's Real Numbers: Developing Thinking Skills in Math:
Geometry Basics. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1991. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Contemporary's Real Numbers: Developing Thinking Skills in Math:
Measurement. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1991. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Contemporary's Real Numbers: Developing Thinking Skills in Math:
Tables, Graphs, and Data Interpretation. Chicago, IL: Contemporary, 1991. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Number Sense Decimals: Addition & Subtraction. Chicago, IL: McGrawHill/Wright Group, 2003. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Number Sense Fractions: The Meaning of Fractions. Chicago, IL:
McGraw-Hill/Wright Group, 2003. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Number Sense: The Meaning of Percent. Chicago, IL: McGrawHill/Wright Group, 2003. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Number Sense Whole Numbers: Addition & Subtraction. Chicago, IL:
McGraw-Hill/Wright Group, 2003. Print.
Suter, Allan D. Number Sense Whole Numbers: Multiplication & Division. Chicago, IL:
McGraw-Hill/Wright Group, 2003. Print.
Tamarkin, Kenneth. Contemporary's Number Power 6: Word Problems. Chicago, IL:
McGraw-Hill/Wright Group, 2000. Print.
Threshold: Cambridge Pre-GED Program in Mathematics 1. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Regents/Prentice-Hall, 1993. Print.
Threshold: Cambridge Pre-GED Program in Mathematics 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Regents/Prentice Hall, 1993. Print.