BIOST 536: Assignment #3 Due October 30, 2014 Student Code: 3291 Question 1: Methods: An association between participants’ ankle-arm index (AAI) and 4-year mortality can be assessed using a logistic regression model with AAI as a continuous predictor of interest and four-year mortality as a binary outcome variable. No participant observations need to be censored prior to four years, since all participants who lived for the first four years of follow-up had data for at least four years; the shortest follow-up time for participants who did not die was 1,480 days, which is 4.05 years. 121 observations were not included since these observations did not have baseline AAI measurements recorded. Four-year mortality was estimated using sample proportions, with ratios of odds of mortality compared using 95% confidence intervals using Wald-type maximum likelihood ratios. Two-sided pvalues were provided testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the odds of four-year mortality across AAI measurements. Inference: Participants with a higher baseline AAI measurement of one unit had 0.06 the odds of participants with a baseline AAI measurement one unit lower (95% CI, 0.04, 0.10). Based on a two-sided p value of < 0.001 we reject the null hypothesis that participants with AAI measurements differing by one unit have the same odds of mortality. Question 2 2a. Methods: The mean, median, and range of data for the baseline AAI measurements were determined to assess how the data are distributed. Since the outcome variable is binary (whether a participant died within four years or not), its distribution was not evaluated. As above, the length of follow-up for participants who did not die within four years was determined to identify any cases that should be censored. A boxplot was also generated to assess the distribution of the data. Missing data was also assessed. Inference: The range of baseline AAI measurements is 0.28 to 2.4, the mean is 1.06, and the median is 1.08. The boxplot shows that the baseline AAI measurements are normally distributed. 121 observations do not have baseline AAI data and will therefore not be included in analyses of the association with baseline AAI and four-year mortality. 2b. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a linear regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with differences in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: The absolute risk difference of four year mortality between participants with AAI measurements 1 unit higher was -0.28 when compared with participant’s with AAI measurements 1 unit lower, which was statistically significant (95% CI, -0.23, -0.33; two-sided P<0.0001). 2c. 1 BIOST536Homework_3_ID: 3291 Methods: Log baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a linear regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with differences in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: The absolute risk difference of four year mortality between participants with log AAI measurements 1 unit higher was -0.28 when compared with participant’s with log AAI measurements 1 unit lower, which was statistically significant (95% CI, -0.23, -0.32; two-sided P<0.0001). 2d. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously, as an untransformed and squared term, and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a linear regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with differences in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: The absolute risk difference between participant’s with higher squared AAI measurements and lower squared AAI measurements was -0.12, which was statistically significant (95% CI, -0.15, -0.10; two-sided P<0.0001). 2e. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously with dummy variables representing biologically relevant cut points (0.25, 0.55, 0.75, 0.95, 1.15, 1.35, 1.55, 2.4) and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a linear regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with differences in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the probability of four year survival within AAI groups was based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: The absolute risk difference between adjacent groups of AAI, as you move into increasing AAI measurements is -0.27; this finding was statistically significant (95% CI, -0.32, -0.23; two-sided P<0.001). 2f. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously with dummy variables for quintiles were 0.70, 1.12, 1.54, 1.96 and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a linear regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with differences in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the probability of four year survival within AAI groups was based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: The absolute risk difference between adjacent groups of AAI, as you move into increasing AAI measurements is -0.15; this finding was statistically significant (95% CI, -0.0.18, -0.12; two-sided P<0.001). 2 BIOST536Homework_3_ID: 3291 2g and 2h. I was unable to complete the answers to these problems by the due date/time, so they are omitted. Question 3 Methods: The mean, median, and range of data for the baseline AAI measurements were determined to assess how the data are distributed. Since the outcome variable is binary (whether a participant died within four years or not), its distribution was not evaluated. As above, the length of follow-up for participants who did not die within four years was determined to identify any cases that should be censored. A boxplot was also generated to assess the distribution of the data. Missing data was also assessed. Inference: The range of baseline AAI measurements if 0.28 to 2.48, the mean is 1.06, and the median is 1.08. The boxplot shows that the baseline AAI measurements are normally distributed. 121 observations do not have baseline AAI data and will therefore not be included in analyses of the association with baseline AAI and four-year mortality. 3b. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a logistic regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with ratios of odds of mortality compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. Two-sided p values testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the odds of four year mortality for every increase in baseline AAI measurement were based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: For every one unit increase in baseline AAI measurements participants had 0.06 the odds of dying within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 0.39, 0.10; two-sided P<0.0001). 3c. Methods: Log baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a logistic regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with ratios of odds of mortality compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. Two-sided p values testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the odds of four year mortality for every increase in log baseline AAI measurement were based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: For every one unit increase in log baseline AAI measurements participants had 0.09 the odds of dying within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 0.07, 0.15; two-sided P<0.001). 3d. Methods: Quadratic baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a logistic regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with ratios of odds of mortality compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. Two-sided p values testing the null hypothesis of no 3 BIOST536Homework_3_ID: 3291 difference in the odds of four year mortality for every increase in squared baseline AAI measurement were based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: For every one unit increase in squared baseline AAI measurements participants had 6.5 the odds of dying within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.79, 23.76; two-sided P=0.005). 3e. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously with dummy variables representing biologically relevant cut points (0.25, 0.55, 0.75, 0.95, 1.15, 1.35, 1.55, 2.4) and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a logistic regression model. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with ratios of odds of mortality compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. Two-sided p values testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the odds of four year mortality across AAI cut-offs were based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: As baseline AAI measurements increase between adjacent categories participants had 0.08 the odds of dying within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 0.05, 0.12 two-sided P<0.001). 3f. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously with dummy variables for quintiles and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a logistic regression model. Since the range of the AAI measurements was 0.278 to 2.38, the quintiles were 0.70, 1.12, 1.54, 1.96 and fouryear mortality was included as a binary outcome variable. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality within each AAI group were estimated using sample proportions, with ratios of odds of mortality compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. Two-sided p values testing the null hypothesis of no difference in the odds of four year mortality across AAI cut-offs were based on the standard normal distribution. Inference: As baseline AAI measurements increase between adjacent categories participants had 0.18 the odds of dying within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 0.12, 0.27 two-sided P<0.001). 3g and 3h. I was unable to complete the answers to these problems by the due date/time, so they are omitted. Question 4 4a. Methods: The mean, median, and range of data for the baseline AAI measurements were determined to assess how the data are distributed. Since the outcome variable is binary (whether a participant died within four years or not), its distribution was not evaluated. As above, the length of follow-up for participants who did not die within four years was determined to identify any cases that should be censored. A boxplot was also generated to assess the distribution of the data. Missing data was also assessed. Inference: The range of baseline AAI measurements if 0.28 to 2.4, the mean is 1.06, and the median is 1.08. The boxplot shows that the baseline AAI measurements are normally distributed. 121 4 BIOST536Homework_3_ID: 3291 observations do not have baseline AAI data and will therefore not be included in analyses of the association with baseline AAI and four-year mortality. 4b. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a Poisson regression model with robust standard errors. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality across AAI measurements was estimated using sample proportions, with risk ratio in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the asymptotic normal distribution for the Poisson regression parameter estimates. Inference: For every one unit increase in baseline AAI measurements participants were 2.34 times less likely to die within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.95, 2.73; twosided P<0.001). 4c. Methods: Log baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable in a Poisson regression model with robust standard errors. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality across AAI measurements was estimated using sample proportions, with risk ratio in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of the probability of four year survival across log AAI measurements was based on the asymptotic normal distribution for the Poisson regression parameter estimates. Inference: For every one unit increase in log baseline AAI measurements participants were 1.85 times less likely to die within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.57, 2.12; two-sided P<0.001). 4d. Methods: Quadratic baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable a Poisson regression model with robust standard errors. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality across AAI measurements was estimated using sample proportions, with risk ratio in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the asymptotic normal distribution for the Poisson regression parameter estimates. Inference: For every one unit increase in squared baseline AAI measurements participants were 1.12 times less likely to die within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.53, 0.10; two-sided P<0.001). 4e. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously with dummy variables representing biologically relevant cut points (0.25, 0.55, 0.75, 0.95, 1.15, 1.35, 1.55, 2.4) and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable a Poisson regression model with robust standard errors. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality across AAI measurements was estimated using sample proportions, with risk ratio in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided 5 BIOST536Homework_3_ID: 3291 p value testing the null hypothesis of the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the asymptotic normal distribution for the Poisson regression parameter estimates. Inference: As baseline AAI measurements increase between adjacent categories participants were 2.15 times less likely to die within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.78, 2.53; two-sided P<0.001). 4f. Methods: Baseline AAI measurements were modeled continuously with dummy variables for quintiles and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable a Poisson regression model with robust standard errors. Since the range of the AAI measurements was 0.278 to 2.38, the quintiles were 0.70, 1.12, 1.54, 1.96 and four-year mortality was included as a binary outcome variable. No participant’s observations were censored prior to four years, so four-year mortality across AAI measurements was estimated using sample proportions, with risk ratio in mortality rates compared using 95% confidence intervals computed using Wald-type maximum likelihood methods. The two-sided p value testing the null hypothesis of the probability of four year survival across AAI measurements was based on the asymptotic normal distribution for the Poisson regression parameter estimates. Inference: As baseline AAI measurements increase between adjacent categories participants were 1.5times less likely to die within four years of study entry, which was statistically significant (95% CI, 1.14, 1.86; two-sided P<0.001). 4g and 4h. I was unable to complete the answers to these problems by the due date/time, so they are omitted. Question 5. Like the spline questions and comparison of graphed fitted values questions I was unable to answer this question in by the due date/time. 6 BIOST536Homework_3_ID: 3291