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█ Laser Melting with Metals (LaserCUSING)
Finalist of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis (German
Future Prize) 2015:
With his nomination for the Federal President's
Award for Innovation and Technology, Frank
Herzog from Concept Laser is now "among the
Berlin / Lichtenfels, September 16, 2015: Together with his two project partners,
Frank Herzog, founder and CEO of the specialist for 3D metal printing, has been
nominated as a candidate for the German Future Prize 2015. His inclusion in the
"circle of the best" is another milestone in the anniversary year of Concept Laser
GmbH. The German Future Prize is the Federal President's Award for Innovation
and Technology. It is awarded to developers from industry and science who have
rendered outstanding services with projects and initiatives to Germany as an
innovation location. With his nomination, Frank Herzog is now "among the best".
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Frank Herzog: "After the awards in 2014 (e.g. Bavaria's Best 50) and the Final of
the German Industry's Innovation Award, this nomination is a great honor to me.
Not least, it is also appreciation of the enormous potential of the LaserCUSING
process developed by me."
The project with the title "3D Printing in Civil Aircraft Manufacturing - a Production
Revolution is Taking Off" convinced the jury of the German Future Prize 2015 with
regard to its degree of innovation and economic implementation. And the project team,
consisting of Peter Sander, Head of Emerging Technologies & Concepts at Airbus,
Hamburg, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Emmelmann, CEO of Laser Zentrum Nord GmbH,
Hamburg and Frank Herzog, founder and CEO of Concept Laser GmbH, Lichtenfels
was therefore nominated for the German Future Prize 2015.
The project is mainly about the first additively manufactured titanium component,
referred to as a "bracket", on board the Airbus A350 XWB. It is a "bionic" holding and
connecting element, which is regarded as an important contribution to the lightweight
construction of aircraft. This cross-industry development is revolutionizing the way
structural aircraft components are made and "lightweight construction" is implemented in
civil aircraft. This component was previously a milled part made of aluminum (Al) and is
now a printed part made of titanium (Ti) with a weight reduction of approx. 30%.
Success by means of pioneering spirit
Frank Herzog is regarded as a pioneer in the field of powder bed-based laser melting.
The existing plastic sintering technology led to development of the LaserCUSING
method in 1998. During his studies Frank Herzog thought that what worked with plastics
should also work with metals. Part stress and the failure of metal powder to fuse
completely were initially the greatest challenges in the process development. However,
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these problems were overcome by the hard work put into the development of stochastic
exposure and the application of a solid-state laser.
This pioneering work resulted in the founding of the company Concept Laser in the year
2000, which presented its M3 linear prototype machine to the public at the Euromold in
Frankfurt in 2001 and, in this way, celebrated its world premiere in the field of industrial
3D metal printing. Concept Laser, which is situated in Lichtenfels in Upper Franconia,
were able to supply the first systems worldwide only a year later.
Once an exotic outsider, this additive manufacturing strategy has taken over a wide
variety of industrial fields and applications over the years. Over 400 systems installed
worldwide speak for themselves. And 15 years of Concept Laser also means 15 years
of successful process development with numerous innovations and patents. For
example, the company now has its own research and development department with
over 50 employees. Furthermore, Concept Laser GmbH is involved in numerous
research and development partnerships with universities, technological and scientific
institutes and industrial companies. And the company is also the owner of more than 50
granted patents. Concept Laser GmbH has currently approximately 100 pending patent
applications and a majority of them will be granted in the near future. The number of
inventions applied for patents by the company has been steadily growing.
Concept Laser's 15th anniversary in 2015 is a brilliant performance – and it has the
figures to prove it. The growth of + 75 % in 2014 is being consolidated by Concept Laser
at a high standard. For example, a total of 110 laser melting systems were delivered in
the year 2014. This figure is to rise to 150 systems in 2015. This means growth in sales
of + 35% is expected compared to the previous already very successful year.
The LaserCUSING process:
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The term LaserCUSING, composed of the C from CONCEPT Laser and the English
word FUSING (to fully melt), describes the technology. The fusing process uses 3D
CAD data to generate components layer by layer. This process allows the production of
complex component geometries without tools in order to implement geometries as
components that are difficult or even impossible to achieve with conventional
manufacturing methods.
The LaserCUSING process is used to create mechanically and thermally stable metallic
components with high precision. Depending on the application, it can be used with
stainless and tool steels, aluminum and titanium alloys, nickel-based superalloys,
cobalt-chromium alloys or precious metals such as gold or silver alloys.
With LaserCUSING, finely pulverized metal is fused using a high-energy fiber laser. The
material is solidified after cooling. The component contour is created by directing the
laser beam by means of a mirror deflection unit (scanner). The component is
constructed layer by layer (with each layer measuring 15-150 μm) by lowering the
bottom surface of the build space and then applying and fusing more powder.
Concept Laser systems stand out due to their stochastic control of the slice segments
(also referred to as "islands"), which are processed successively. The patented process
significantly reduces tension during the manufacture of very large components.
General aspects of an additive manufacturing strategy
Numerous options for lightweight construction and an increase in the performance of
components are opened up by an additive manufacturing strategy. Key words include:
functional integration, lightweight construction potential, bionics and topology,
conservation of resources, waste reduction, geometrical freedom, single shot
production, reduction of assembly work, timely production, also "on-demand" and
improvement of the cost structure, e.g. by unmanned manufacturing 24 hours a day.
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The laser melting process has been made first choice in numerous sectors in relation to
conventional machining strategies by the current challenges posed by manufacturing.
According to manufacturing experts, automation, quality, a wide range of materials,
integration in the production environment and potential build speeds are essential
characteristics of additive manufacturing in the digital era. Additive manufacturing in a
digital process chain is consistently based, not least, on the "Industry 4.0" strategy.
End of short PM -- (word and character numbers apply to this version)
Significance of laser melting to aircraft construction
Laser melting with metals is gaining in significance in aircraft construction as part of an
additive manufacturing strategy. Here too, the typical reasons for the selected process
are quicker throughput times, more cost-effective components and previously unknown
freedom of design. Two new key words, "lightweight" and "bionics" point to an emerging
trend: The design approaches of developers in aircraft construction are changed by an
additive process. In terms of aircraft design, future components will be able to absorb
specific lines of force and yet still be able to fulfill the demands of a lightweight
construction approach. In general, laser melting technology is capable of manufacturing
safety-related components that are even better, lighter and more durable than
conventional components manufactured today. Moreover, the material properties are
slightly different. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Emmelmann, CEO, Laser Zentrum Nord GmbH,
Hamburg: "Materials produced using laser additive manufacturing have greater rigidity
while, at the same time, less ductility; however this can be enhanced with the right heat
treatment." Furthermore, the process is distinguished by sustainability and resource
conservation with simultaneous improvements to the cost structure.
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Geometrical freedom and lightweight construction potentials as driving factors
The arguments for the laser melting of metals in aircraft construction are geometric
freedom and weight reduction. The "lightweight construction" approach is intended to
help airlines operate their aircraft more economically. The achievable weight reduction
results in a tendency towards lower fuel consumption or the potential to increase load
capacities of aircraft. A new aircraft design requires thousands of flight test installation
(FTI) brackets, produced in very small quantities. Additive "layer manufacturing" allows
designers to come up with new structures. The additively manufactured components are
in fact more than 30 % lighter than conventional cast or milled parts. In addition, the
CAD data are the direct basis for an additive build job. The omission of tools reduces
the costs and shortens the time until the component is available for use by up to 75 %.
Since tools are not required in the process, it is now possible at an early stage to
produce functional samples of components that are similar to series produced
components. This is done without upfront costs for tools. This means that sources of
error can be identified in the early stages of the design process in order to optimize the
processes within the project. Peter Sander, Head of Emerging Technologies &
Concepts, Airbus, Hamburg: "Previously we budgeted around six months to develop a
component – now, it's down to one month."
Bionics in the component or product design
Laser melting with metals allows extremely fine, even bone-like, i.e. porous structures to
be produced. "Future aircraft components will therefore have a "bionic" look“ is what
Peter Sander expects. It is not without reason that over millions of years nature has
produced optimized functional and lightweight construction principles which minimize
the amount of resources required in a clever way. Airbus is currently analyzing solutions
found in nature in a structured manner with regard to their applicability. By relying on
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"intelligent exposure strategies" of the laser, it can apply layers to a component in a
strategic manner in order to produce custom properties in terms of structure, rigidity and
surface quality. Peter Sander: "Initial prototypes indicate great potential of a bionically
motivated approach. The process is expected to launch something of a paradigm shift in
design and production."
Quality as a significant parameter
For aircraft manufacturers, monitoring during the component's build process is one of
the most important aspects of the industrial application. Peter Sander: "In practice,
"inline process monitoring" with the QMmeltpool QM module from Concept Laser means
the system uses a camera and photo diode to monitor the process within a very small
area of 1x1 mm². The process is then documented." In 2016 this module will be
extended by QMmeltpool 3D. The former, time-related 2D monitoring of the build
process becomes a position-related 3D landscape. Instead of exclusively time-related
data, the system now additionally delivers position-related signals for definitive
allocation, comparable to a computer tomography (CT). These signals make it possible
to generate 3D datasets of the part and its structure. A highly accurate 3D landscape of
the component is thus created. This allows QMmeltpool 3D to provide local indication of
defects in the component. As a result, subsequent inspections and tests can be reduced
to a minimum. Furthermore, the data are available directly after the build process, which
also saves time. Other QM modules for active quality assurance are QMcoating,
QMatmosphere, QMpowder and QMlaser. They measure or monitor, for example, the
laser output and also the optimum layer structure of the metal powder and document the
entire manufacturing process seamlessly. An additional feature in terms of quality
assurance is the capability to work in a closed system to ensure the process remains
free of dust and contamination. All disruptive influences that could have a negative
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influence on the process are intended to be eliminated this way. Frank Herzog: "These
days it's accurate to call this a regulated manufacturing process that provides repetition
accuracy and process reliability." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Emmelmann emphasizes by saying:
"The QA software now enables us to monitor and document key data, such as laser
parameters, melt pool parameters, as well as the composition of the inert gas
atmosphere. Disruptions due to contamination can be eliminated."
Concept Laser can call itself a pioneer in this field too, since the company has been
working on different quality improvement/monitoring modules since 2004.
"Green technology" conserves resources
Milling of aircraft parts results in up to 95% recyclable waste. With laser melting, the
user receives components with "near-final contours," and the process produces only
about 5 % waste. "In aircraft manufacturing, we work with the "buy to fly ratio", and 90 %
is a fantastic figure. This is, of course, also reflected by the energy balance", according
to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Emmelmann. This makes the process especially attractive when
using valuable and expensive aircraft materials, such as titanium. A tool-less
manufacturing strategy saves time and improves the cost structure. Targeted energy
consumption and conservation of resources are features of the laser melting process.
Frank Herzog: "LaserCUSING is a green technology and improves the often discussed
environmental footprint of production."
Spare parts supply 2.0: Timely, decentralized and "on demand"
Spare parts constitute a new playing field for "additive aeronauts". In future it will be
possible to manufacture them "on demand" at decentralized locations without the need
for tools. In the event of a component failure, the spare part can be produced directly on
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site. Decentralized production networks can be created and global and regional
strategies are possible. This minimizes transport distances and, above all, delivery
times. As a consequence, maintenance-related downtimes and inspection times for
aircraft are reduced. In future it will be possible to significantly reduce the large spare
parts depots with parts rarely used that are currently essential given the long life cycles
of today's aircraft. A reduced capital commitment increases flexibility and especially the
time needed to obtain safety-related components. This is especially attractive given the
cost pressure in the aviation industry.
Laser melting as a 3D printing technology results in "more intelligent components" which
exceed the performance characteristics of conventionally manufactured components in
almost every dimension. In particular, in the aerospace industry, manufacturing experts
are already speaking of a change in paradigms. Although, due to the batch size
structures, the aerospace industry is currently pioneering additive manufacturing, an
initial effect on almost all industrial sectors is expected, due to the increase in build rates
and build envelope sizes. The key areas in this respect are the automotive industry,
dental and medical technology and the tool and machine tool industry. Not least, new
business models are created by decentralized production networks as represented, for
example, by the Laser Zentrum Nord GmbH. This will also make it possible to return the
value created by production from low-wage countries to traditional development and
industrial locations in Europe or the USA in order to increase the innovative power and
speed there.
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End of long version of PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Background information on the "Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2015"
With this award, the President of the Federal Republic of Germany honors researchers
and developers, who implement their innovations successfully in marketable products
and, in this way, generate new jobs. The award is endowed with € 250,000. The
German Future Prize will be awarded in Berlin on December 2nd, 2015.
In a strict, multi-stage procedure, the nominations submitted by the institutions invited to
make recommendations are assessed by ten experts from science and industry and
three or four projects are finally nominated for the final round and, in this way, become
the focus of public attention. These teams belong to the "circle of the best" for the
Federal President's Award for Innovation and Technology.
On December 2nd, 2015 the prize will be awarded. In a festive ceremony, the German
President Joachim Gauck will honor the team from the circle of the best who - according
to the jury - was able to beat the other projects.
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Captions ████████████████████████████████████████
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Caption 0: German Future Prize - Federal President's Award for Innovation and
Technology" (image source: © Deutscher Zukunftspreis)
Caption 1: Frank Herzog, CEO of Concept Laser: "After the awards in 2014, such as
Bavaria's Best 50, and the Final of the Innovation Award of the German Industry 2014,
this nomination is a great honor to the team and me. Not least, it is also appreciation of
the enormous potential of the LaserCUSING process."
Caption 2: The LaserCUSING process (illustration of the process)
Caption 3: Bionic cabin "bracket" for the Airbus A350 XWB made of Ti, manufactured by
means of the LaserCUSING process (image source: Airbus)
Caption 4: Airbus A350 XWB (image source: Airbus)
Caption 5: The X line 2000R® combines the largest build envelope worldwide
(800x400x500 mm3) for laser melting with metals with increased build rates. The X line
2000R's® multi-laser technology, with 2 x 1,000 watt lasers, has a direct impact on the
exposure time.
All image sources: Concept Laser GmbH, Lichtenfels, Germany (unless stated
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14.09 – 18.09.2015
MSV, Brno (CZ)
WESTEC, Los Angeles (USA)
15.09 – 17.09.2015
Dental Expo, Moscow (RUS)
28.09 – 01.10.2015
TCT, Birmingham (UK)
30.09 – 01.10.2015
Contacts ███████████████████████████████████████
Concept Laser GmbH
An der Zeil 8
D-96215 Lichtenfels
Phone: +49 (0) 9571-1679-0
Press contact:
Daniel Hund
+49 (0) 9571 / 1679-251
Concept Laser at a glance ██████████████████████████
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Concept Laser GmbH is an independent company based in Lichtenfels, Germany. Since its
founding in 2000, it has been a leading innovator in the field of laser melting technology with the
patented LaserCUSING® across many industries.
The term LaserCUSING®, a combination of the C from CONCEPT Laser and the word FUSING
(to fully melt) describes the technology: The fusing process uses 3D CAD data to generate
components layer by layer.
This process allows the production of complex component geometries without tools in order to
implement geometries as components that are difficult or even impossible to achieve with
conventional manufacturing methods.
With the LaserCUSING® process, conformal cooling can be used to create tool inserts as well
as direct components for the jewelry, medical, dental, automotive and aerospace industries. This
applies to prototypes and series parts.
The company offers both standard systems and custom concepts for metal laser melting. At
Concept Laser, full-service as an option means that customers can either purchase their own
metal laser melting systems or rely directly on services, including development services.
Laser machining systems from Concept Laser process powder materials made from stainless
steel, hot work tool steels, cobalt-chromium alloy, nickel-base alloy as well as reactive powder
materials such as aluminum and titanium alloys. Precious metals such as gold or silver alloys for
jewelry making are also an option.
LaserCUSING® offers new perspectives in terms of cost and speed for efficient product
development in industries such as:
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Medical and dental technology
Aeronautics and space industry
Tool and mold construction
Automotive and motor sports
Mechanical engineering
The systems reduce development time and costs substantially while offering much greater
flexibility in product development.
The high quality standards, level of experience and successful track record of Concept Laser
guarantee reliable and cost-effective solutions with proven performance in everyday production,
with a particular focus on unit cost reductions.
The art of LaserCUSING® by Concept Laser
Ideas for laser melting with metals in the following areas of application: automotive and
motorsport, aerospace, medical and dental technology, die and mold making as well as
the wider engineering business.
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