CEME 1007 Key Request Form.

Department of Civil Engineering
Graduate Student DESK KEY Request form for CEME 1007
In order to obtain a DESK KEY for your assigned space in CEME 1007, a CASH deposit of $50 is
required by the Department. This deposit will be refunded after you return your CEME 1007
assigned desk key to the Civil Engineering Front Desk.
*** PLEASE NOTE DEPOSITS FOR LOST KEYS WILL NOT BE RETURNED – if keys are found deposit will be returned ***
First Name
Last Name
Student #
Contact Number
CEME 1007 Upper Desk Space
Desk #
CEME 1007 Lower Desk Space
Desk #
Assigned Locker
Locker #
(students to supply own lock)
Return this form to the CIVIL ENGINEERING OFFICE (CEME 2002)
Please allow five working days for processing of form.
Date Received
Reference #
Deposit Amount
Revision: 00
Policy – POL000007
The University of British
Page: 2 of 4
Department: Civil Engineering
TITLE: Operation of CEME 1007 – Graduate Office Area
1. Purpose
This document describes the operations associated with the graduate offices located in CEME
1007 in the Department of Civil Engineering.
2. Scope
This document applies only to those graduate offices located in CEME 1007 in the Department
of Civil Engineering.
This policy applies to all faculty/staff members and students of the Department of Civil
Engineering and all users of the graduate offices in CEME 1007.
3. Policy
The graduate offices located in CEME 1007 are intended for the exclusive use of graduate
students in the Department of Civil Engineering. Priority for access to desks is governed by
the Associate Head for Graduate Programs.
Breaches of these policies should be reported to the Graduate Secretary.
Usage of Space
CEME 1007 is a department resource. Research groups do not have “ownership
rights” over the desks contained in CEME 1007.
Assigned desks in CEME 1007 are intended for the exclusive use of graduate students
registered in the M.A.Sc. and Ph.D. degree programs in the Department of Civil
Engineering. M.Eng. students are ineligible for assignment to a desk.
Undergraduate students are not permitted in CEME 1007.
The drop-in computer area on the ground floor is intended for graduate students who
do not have assigned desk spaces. M.Eng. students are permitted to access the dropin computer area.
The mail slots in the drop-in computer area are intended for all graduate students.
Mail received by the department for specific graduate students will be filed by last
name in these mail slots, unless other instructions have been given regarding the
distribution of a specific student’s mail.
The desk areas on the ground floor and the second floor are assigned to individual
graduate students for their exclusive use.
In general, desks on the upper floor are reserved for students in the
Environmental and Hydrotechnical research areas. Desks on the lower floor
are for general usage.
Desks are assigned according to the following order of priority:
1) Ph.D. students in the first four years of their program.
2) M.A.Sc. students in the first two years of their program.
Revision: 00
Policy – POL000007
The University of British
Page: 3 of 4
Department: Civil Engineering
TITLE: Operation of CEME 1007 – Graduate Office Area
Students can submit requests for desk space through the Graduate Secretary.
All requests must be approved by the student’s supervisor.
Students who have office space in another campus facility are ineligible for a
desk in CEME 1007, unless a reasonable request is made by the student’s
Students must utilize the desk they have been assigned. If a desk sits idle for
three months, the Department reserves the right to assign the desk to another
student. Periodic inspections will be conducted to confirm the usage of desks
in CEME 1007.
Students must vacate their desks once they have completed their degree
Student Conduct
The graduate office space is intended to be a quiet space conducive to individual work
and study. Extended conversations and group work must be conducted elsewhere.
Food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in student office spaces. Students
are responsible for cleaning any garbage and mess generated by their personal
consumption of food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Periodic inspections will be conducted to assess the cleanliness of the facility.
3.10. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in CEME 1007.
3.11. Bicycles are not permitted in CEME 1007.
3.12. Space heaters with exposed elements are not permitted in CEME 1007. Heaters using
fluid circulation are permitted.
Access and Security
3.13. All graduate students are eligible to be given an access code to enter the main doors
accessing CEME 1007. Students must not share this punch code with anyone
else. The Department reserves the right to change the access code periodically, and
will inform graduate students via email when these changes take place.
3.14. Students with assigned desks are given a key to access the area where their desk
resides and a key to unlock the storage unit for their desk. Students must not give
their keys to anyone else or make unauthorized copies.
3.15. Students must pay a $50 deposit to receive keys to their desk area. The entire
deposit is forfeit if both keys are not returned at the end of the student’s term. All
lost or stolen keys must be reported immediately to the Graduate Secretary.
Replacement keys will only be issued if another $50 deposit is made.
IT Infrastructure
3.16. The printer and computers in the drop-in computer area are intended for all graduate
students. Priority access to the computers is given to students without an assigned
Revision: 00
Policy – POL000007
The University of British
Page: 4 of 4
Department: Civil Engineering
TITLE: Operation of CEME 1007 – Graduate Office Area
3.17. The entire facility is serviced by wireless internet access. Wired access is only
available at certain workstations, and is reserved for students who are required to
carry out heavy computational work.
3.18. The telephones in the desk areas are for general student use. Long distance calling
cards must be used to place long distance calls.