20062534_20060746_checklist - Pakistan Journal of Scientific

Enrichment of soymeal medium to increase the Rapamycin production of
Streptomyces hygroscopicus - Checklist
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Original diagram(s)/negative(s) of photograph(s) mya please be send
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Submit short running title of your paper.
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Kindly mention corresponding author for all the future correspondence on
the subject matter.
Note: 8586-SB/1106,\"Please send the one paragraph on the novelty of the paper and
send the answers of the required above mentioned items.\"
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Novelty of the manuscript:
The paper demonstrated some stimulators on rapamycin production by Strptomyces
hygroscopicus using cheap natural soymeal media. The study detected a new
stimulant for the rapamycin biosynthesis , calcium phosphate, which is stronger and
cheaper than the expensive shikimic acid. The study succeeded in increasing of the
rapamycin production to 176mg/l where natural Soymeal media were utilized.
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computer diskette andCD/or as an e-mail attachment is acknowledged.
The original manuscript was sent as an email attachment and through the journal
Attach one/two/three more copies of the paper.
One copy of the manuscript was attached to the email.
Your registration number is xxx-xx Kindly quote this number in all future
The number of the manuscript is : 8586-SB/1106
Please certify that the text of this paper in any form has neither been sent
elsewhere for publication nor it will be sent
The manuscript, or its contents in any other form, have not been published previously
by any of the authors and/or is not under consideration for publication in another
journal at the time of submission.
Original diagram(s)/negative(s) of photograph(s) mya please be send urgently.
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There is no figures that are drawn manually with pen.
Submit at least three key words of your paper.
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Submit short running title of your paper.
Runninh title was included in the first paper of the manuscript
Complete reference(s) No.(s) as per format of the Journal.
The references were prepared as described by the instructions according to the journal
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As possible recent references were cited within the text of the manuscript.
Indicate the name and address of the author for correspondence by asterisk.
A complete affilation of the auther for correspondence, address , email, phone , was
submitted with the manuscript.
Send name, postal addresses and e-mail addresses of at least four experts for
review, out of which two should be outside Pakistan/ your country
Name, postal addresses and e-mail addresses of at least four experts for review was
attached with the check list and was sent to journal through email. In addition file
contain these data was uploaded through the journal website
Certify that the co-author(s) has / have been informed about the submission of
the paper to the journal.
All co-authers have beed informed about the submission of the paper to the journao
Kindly mention corresponding author for all the future correspondence on the
subject matter.
*Correspondence to: Essam Mohamed Ahmed
Chemistry of Natural and Microbial products Dept., National Research Center, Dokki,
Cairo, Egypt. P.O.12311, email: eahmed98@hotmail.com, Tel: 00201149809992