Architecture: how to research an architect

Architecture: how to
research an architect
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A good starting point for any architecture research is the Architecture
Subject Guide on Library Online (click on Resources > For Your Subject
> Architecture). Here you will find links to all of the databases mentioned
below, as well as useful pages such as How Do I Find Information
on...? Architects.
Basic data
In order to find information about architects it is often necessary to know
something about them and their work so as to be able to search by subject.
Often, the best way to begin is to find out some basic data about your
architect before even using the Library Catalogue or information databases.
All the following will give you more clues to make your research more efficient:
1. The proper form of name
This is not just so that you can spell it correctly in your assignment. You
should make a note of all the variations of the name, not just the form that is
most commonly used in information sources, then you can look up these
variations in the databases so as not to miss any information. For example:
Russian names transliterated in different ways
Medieval names spelled in various ways
Architects with nicknames
Maiden names of married women
2. Dates
That is dates of birth, death and/or when the architect was active. This is so
that you do not waste time looking in the wrong dictionaries or indexes. This is
especially important when researching contemporary architects where you
need to know the date with which to begin your search.
3. Main events in the architect's life
For example, education, membership of societies, participation in important
projects, prizes and competitions, which style the architect worked in, which
building type they design.
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Where to find basic data
Biographical dictionaries of architects
These always give you at least a brief biography with dates and usually
additional information. Biographical dictionaries are a good starting point
because they give you enough basic information so that you do not research
the wrong dates or the wrong subjects.
Some biographical dictionaries include reading lists of journal articles and
chapters in books; some even refer you to longer articles in encyclopaedias.
There is a very large number of biographical dictionaries, and you cannot
always tell from the title exactly which architects are included. Check the
publication date of dictionaries of 20th Century architects if you want recent or
younger architects. On the other hand, it is also quite common for a dictionary
with "art" in the title to cover architects as well. This is usually the case with
dictionaries of specific countries or styles or art movements.
Below is a list of some printed dictionaries, but there are also online
dictionaries of architects. You can find more information and links on the
Resources for your Subject pages for Architecture on Library Online.
See How do I find information on…? > Architects.
Directory of British Architects, 1834-1914
Shelved at 720.92 (reference only)
Two volumes
Who’s Who in Architecture from 1400 to the Present Day
Shelved at 720.3 (reference only)
Covers architects from medieval times to the early 1970s. There is also a
classified list of books for further reading
A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects: 1600-1840
Shelved at 720.92241 (reference only)
Contemporary Architects
Shelved at 724.903 (reference only)
International Dictionary of Architects and Architecture, Vol. 1: Architects
Shelved at 720.3 (reference only)
Covers architects from ancient Greece to the early 1990s
Biographical Dictionary of Architects in Ireland: 1600-1720
Shelved at 720.92(9415) (reference only)
A Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
There is a link to this on the Resources for your Subject pages for
Architecture on Library Online. See What types of information are
available? > Books and ebooks.
There are entries on architects, terms, periods, and styles, covering all
periods of Western architectural history
Getty’s Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)
There is a link to this on the Resources for your Subject pages for
Architecture on Library Online. See How do I find information on…?
> Architects.
ULAN can be used to find out which reference books an architect is listed
in, as well as it also giving a brief bibliography of the architect
1) Click on the name to see the full ULAN record
2) Even the brief entry in ULAN gives you more ideas for a search
3) Scroll down to the Subject section where there is usually a bibliography.
Some items are journal articles, some are books and some are
databases. Click the titles (starting from the second line down) to get full
How to find more art dictionaries
These reference books are not a complete list. The most effective way to
search for a dictionary or encyclopaedia on a particular style is to use the
keyword subject search on the Library Catalogue and type fairly general
searches. Save time by typing the question mark or asterisk signs for spelling
Example: expressionis* dictionar* and expressionis* encyclop?edia*
Directories have basic information about contemporary architects. Most
directories are used for current contact information.
Landscape Institute Registered Practice Directory
On the Resources for your Subject pages for Landscape
Architecture and Garden Design on Library Online. See How Do I
Find Information on...? > Landscape architects.
Searchable by region, discipline (including Architecture) or company
RIBA Directory of Practices
Available via the Resources for your Subject pages for
Architecture on Library Online. See How Do I Find Information
on...? > Architects.
Library Catalogue search strategies
The most effective way to search for a particular architect is by using the
architect's surname in a subject search. Remember that many books about
architects do not have the forename in the title.
Example: rogers for Richard Rogers
Not many architects have had books written exclusively about them. Some
architects can be found by searching for relevant subjects, for example by
group or periods or styles. If searching for a century, search twice: once for
the numeral, once for the spelt out version.
Example: 18th century architecture and eighteenth century
You could also try searching for work they have done and organisations they
have worked for:
Architectural practices
Buildings and projects
Cities or countries where your architect has designed buildings
You can also search the Library Catalogue for the architect’s country of origin:
Example: Japanese architecture and architecture Japan or for both in
one search: japan* architecture
Finding chapters in books
If you do not find the architect listed on the Library Catalogue, this only means
there is no book entirely about your architect, but there may be chapters in
more general books. The following architecture database enables you to
search for chapters within books:
Architectural Publications Index (API)
On Databases page of Library Online
Indexes books on architecture and related topics.
1) Choose Books from the drop-down collections menu to search for
books and chapters in books
2) Check the authors and titles on the Library Catalogue to find out whether
we have the books
Many architects never have whole books devoted to their work. However,
architectural journals frequently have articles and interviews with architects.
There are even some architectural journals that publish special issues on the
work of a single architect, for example ‘Japan Architect’.
These articles and special issues can be found by using information
databases. Information databases are subject indexes to journal articles.
Some information databases give references only (not the full article) and
some link to the full text of the articles. Usually the subject-specific information
databases have much better subject indexing for researching architects.
When using more general information databases, you may need to look up
projects and buildings rather than individual architect’s names.
Information databases
These services tell you the details (author, title, journal, volume and pages) of
the articles so that you can easily find the articles in journals. There are two
basic types:
Indexes have articles listed directly under the subject headings
Abstracts are the same but also have a summary or 'abstract' of each
article to help you decide whether it will be useful. Abstracts often subject
index books, reports and conference papers as well as journal articles
The following are those that are the most useful for researching architects.
Architectural Publications Index (API)
On Databases page of Library Online
Indexes journals on architecture and related topics
1) Choose Articles from the drop-down collections menu to search for
journal articles
2) Check the journal titles you find in your results on the Library Catalogue
Online to see if we have the journals at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Avery Index
On Databases page of Library Online
Contains articles from 1934 onwards. Indexes articles on architecture and
design, and city planning. Can be searched for architect, author,
architectural firm, geographic location and building names and styles.
Includes articles on garden design and landscape design published in
architectural periodicals.
If you are not sure of the name of the architect you are looking for, you
can browse through all the people mentioned in the articles on this
database. To do this, click on Indexes at the top of the screen and
choose Subject People then click on Browse.
If the full text of the article isn’t available via Avery Index, click on the
small purple Leeds Met Lookup button to see whether we subscribe to it.
This will take you to a page that tells you whether we have the journal in
electronic or printed format at Leeds Metropolitan University.
Art Full Text and Art Retrospective
On Databases page of Library Online
Art Full Text covers journals published since 1984. It is an index from
1984-1993; from 1994 onwards it also has abstracts (summaries of
content); from 1997 it also links to full text
Art Retrospective covers articles published from 1929 to October 1984
Type in names as surname only to retrieve all records. Add the forename
only for artists with common surnames. These latter can be typed in either
For example: David Smith or Smith David
If you are not sure of the name of the architect you are looking for, you
can browse through all the people mentioned in the articles on this
database. To do this, click on Indexes at the top of the screen and
choose Artist then click on Browse.
Academic Search Complete
On Databases page of Library Online
A large general database that will find articles in non-specialist journals as
well as the main architecture journals. The references with full text have a
button linking to the article. Do not ignore the other references; many of
the best journals do not have an online version. If the full text of the article
isn’t available, click on the small purple Leeds Met Lookup button to see
whether we subscribe to it.
On home page of Library Online
Discover is the Library’s search engine that allows you to search across
many Library resources in a single search, including records from the
Library Catalogue and most of our electronic journal and information
The Library takes the major broadsheet newspapers on a daily basis. On the
Newspapers page of Library Online you will find links to databases that give
access to hundreds of international newspapers.
Newspapers are useful for biographies written as obituaries of architects, as
well as articles about their buildings and designs. Subject searches result in a
list of articles to read online.
Local architects
Both Libraries of Leeds Metropolitan University have historical material on
Leeds. On Library Online there is information on the Resources for your
Subject page. See > How do I find information on? > Leeds
Architecture. Rare or unpublished documents are available in local
libraries and archives.
Local and Family History Library
The Local and Family History Library which is part of the Leeds Central
Library on the Headrow can be useful in searching for Leeds and West
Yorkshire architects. They have books published by small local presses and
local magazines not available elsewhere. There are plans, photographs and
drawings and newspaper cuttings as well as written material. If there is no
entry by name, look up buildings or areas of Leeds. There is more than one
card catalogue or file because of special collections. Also some of the material
is in the West Yorkshire Archive Service in Sheepscar, Leeds LS7 3AP. If
necessary, you may be referred there.
You will get more help if you visit off-peak. This section of the library is
surprisingly busy with people researching family history. Emailing or phoning
first is better then just turning up. More information is available at:
tions.aspx for the Local and Family History Library, or for the West Yorkshire Archive Service, including
Leeds. For historical images of Leeds go to
Local journals
Leeds Metropolitan University
West Yorkshire Society of Architects Journal
Shelved in the Archives and Special Collections (ask for help at the Help
and Information Point on the ground floor of City Campus Library)
Annual 1932 – 1967
The Leeds Intelligencer
Available online via the Burney Newspaper Collection database (on
Databases page of Library Online)
The Leeds Mercury
Available online via the British Library: 19th Century British Library
Newspapers database (on Databases page of Library Online)
Extracts from ‘The Leeds Intelligencer’ 1791-1796
Shelved in the Archives and Special Collections (ask for help at the Help
and Information Point on the ground floor of City Campus Library)
Extracts from ‘The Leeds Intelligencer’ and ‘The Leeds Mercury’ 17771782
Shelved in the Archives and Special Collections (ask for help at the Help
and Information Point on the ground floor of City Campus Library)
Shelved at 942.74 THO at City Campus Library
Leeds University Brotherton Library
Miscellanea: Thoresby Society
1891 – 1935
The Thoresby Miscellany
1936 onwards
Leeds: an Architectural Survey of Urban Development Corporation
Shelved at 720.9 (942) at City Campus Library
West Yorkshire Society of Architects Green Book
Shelved in the Archives and Special Collections (see below)
Annual since 1935
Local societies
When asking private organisations for help, make sure you have fully checked
public-access libraries first, for example, university and public libraries.
RIBA Yorkshire
The regional office of RIBA giving contact details for registered
architectural practices in Yorkshire
There is a link to their website via on Library Online: Resources for
your Subject > Architecture > How do I find
information on…? > Leeds Architecture
West Yorkshire Society of Architects
Leeds Metropolitan University is the custodian of the West Yorkshire Society
of Architects library, comprising books published from 18th century to the
1950's, 19th century journals and sketchbooks, with special emphasis on
Yorkshire architecture.
Some of the collection is listed on the Library Catalogue as normal. However,
most of the collection is kept in glass cabinets on the ground floor of City
Campus Library or within the Archives and Special Collections room. Please
ask for help at the Help and Information Point or have a look at the Archives
and Special Collections web page on Library Online.
Victorian Society
The West Yorkshire group of the Victorian Society has information about
Victorian and Edwardian architecture. Look for its publications in libraries,
especially its magazine ‘The Victorian’.
More information is on their web site, which is linked from Library Online via
Resources for your Subject > Architecture > How do I find
information on…? > Architectural history, heritage and
Thoresby Society
Yorkshire Archaeological Society (The Thoresby Society) collects books and
unpublished documents about Leeds and Yorkshire (pre-history to Victorian).
The library and archive is for members only, however students may use the
library for reference. You should apply in writing to:
The Thoresby Society, Claremont, 23 Clarendon Road, Leeds, LS2 9NZ
More information can be found at
The society also publishes books and articles by members. Use Thoresby as
a search term in library catalogues; that of Leeds public libraries (Leeds
Library and Information Services), Leeds University and the Leeds
Metropolitan University Library Catalogue.
Further help
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