470 UCB Boulder, CO 80309-0470 Phone: 303-492-8230, Fax: 303-492-4916, BSI.colorado.edu Sponsored by the University of Colorado at Boulder Bioscience Undergraduate Research Skills and Training Program (BURST) 2014-15 Academic Year Application BURST supports undergraduate students in gaining an entry-level research experience. Students who receive funding through this program work on biomedical/bioscience projects under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Preference for awards is given to sophomores and juniors. BURST awards are given out in two cycles, one for the academic year, and one for the summer. Students are paid an hourly wage of $9.00. They may earn up to the amount of their award. Typically, these amounts are $2,000 - $2,500 for the academic year (10-12 hours per week), or $2,500 for the summer (30-40 hours per week). BURST does not provide an allowance for supplies, equipment, travel, or other research expenses. Eligibility Undergraduates currently enrolled in a degree-seeking (Bachelor’s) program at CU Boulder. Students must take at least 12 credits per semester during academic year BURST awards and at least 12 credits in each of the semesters before and after summer BURST awards. Students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA. Students who will graduate before or plan to graduate during the term of the award are not eligible (This includes students graduating in May of the academic year for academic year BURST awards and students graduating in August for summer BURST awards). Students are not expected to have prior experience in bioscience research. Students must not have received a BURST or a UROP grant before (UROP Assistantships okay). Students with or without work-study are eligible for this program. Students may not receive independent study credit for the same research position during the term of the award Students: As a requirement of this award, you are expected to participate in various professional development seminars and activities throughout the program. These skills and trainings are designed to both inform and enrich the undergraduate research experience. To start the program, students will attend a mandatory orientation that will be held in the late afternoon/evening of Friday October 3rd. Students who are not able to attend the orientation will not be able to participate in the BURST program. During this orientation, BSI will go over program information, lab organization, keeping a lab notebook, experimental design, safety and more. During the program, students will attend other workshops, and the program will culminate with all students doing a short presentation of their research and submitting a written research proposal. Lastly, students will be required to complete various evaluations of both the individual sessions and the entire program. Important notes: Funding - Due to the limited availability of research funding for undergraduates on campus, students may not receive a BURST award in addition to another source of wages, such as a UROP or departmental grant, for their research at the same time. Background Check - The University of Colorado at Boulder is committed to providing a safe and productive learning and living community. To achieve that goal, we conduct background investigations for all final applicants being considered for employment. Background investigations include reference checks, a criminal history record check, and when appropriate, a financial and/or motor vehicle history. Students will not be accepted into the program until BSI receives an approved background check from Human Resources. Mentors: As a requirement of this award, you are expected to attend a mentor training session. This training, mandatory for all graduate students and post-docs who oversee the day-to-day training of undergraduates, is designed to create a meaningful mentor/mentee relationship. The training will provide participants with the skills and training on designing meaningful research projects for undergraduates and on orienting their mentees to the lab. In addition, mentors will receive information on recommended strategies for working with students; will receive tips for issue management and conflict resolution; and will receive information on campus resources. To apply, please complete the application and return it to the BSI main office, Porter B058, by noon on Friday 2014-15 Academic Year BURST Application September 12, 2014. Questions can be directed to BSI@colorado.edu or 303-492-8230. Student Information: Full Legal Name Last First Middle Student ID Number CU Employee number (if applicable) Username for Desire-2-Learn (same as Identikey Username) Permanent Mailing Address Number and Street or P.O. Box City State Zip State Zip Current Contact Information Number and Street or P.O. Box City Telephone Birth Date (year optional) Email address (mm/dd/yyyy) Gender Male Female Race/Ethnicity (optional) Are you a first-generation college student? Do you have work-study funds? Did you receive (or are you eligible for) a Federal, Colorado or CU grant for Fall 2014? Major(s) Current cumulative GPA (2.5 minimum) Year in school as of September 2014 Expected Graduation date (month/yr.) Will you have any other job this academic year (paid or volunteer)? If yes, how many hours will you work per week? How many credit hours are you taking in the fall 2014 semester? Please list the courses you will be taking this fall with meeting days and times. 2014-15 Academic Year BURST Application How many credit hours are you taking in the spring 2015 semester? Will you be receiving course credit or independent study credit for research during the term of the BURST award? If so, how many credits and in which semester(s)? Please describe the research project and list the faculty mentor/instructor for the research project/course. Have you applied for any other source of funding for your research? If so, please describe. Are you planning to be away from CU Boulder for more than the regular semester breaks? If so, please describe (study abroad, leave of absence, extended vacation, etc.) 2014-15 Academic Year BURST Application Faculty/Lab Information: Lab PI(s): Department: Email address(es) Campus Box: Day-to-day BURST mentor (if different from PI) Email address Lab phone Mentor is a (please check one): faculty member graduate student postdoctoral fellow Other (please specify) Beginning and end dates of proposed research: (Possible dates range from: October 6, 2014 to May 8, 2015) Based on the hourly wage of $9/hr., please calculate the total award you are requesting below: $9.00 x (hrs. per week) x (weeks) = BURST grant request (amount must not exceed $2,500) Please indicate which of the following trainings the student will require for his/her project: such as animal care, hazardous material, radiation safety, etc. and whether they have already completed it or not. Undergraduates awarded this opportunity will need to attend the mandatory orientation on Friday October 3rd, 2014 and workshop series. Failure to attend these sessions may result in expulsion from the program. In addition, students will undergo a background check before final acceptance into the program. Graduate students/post-docs/lab technicians who oversee the day-to-day activities of the undergraduate mentees are required to attend the mandatory mentor training. Failure to attend may result in the exclusion of this lab from further BURST student sponsorship. We have read the requirements of this program and agree to its terms. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor Student The application deadline for Academic Year 2014-2015 is noon on Friday September 12, 2014. Turn in applications in person to the main BSI office, Porter B058. 2014-15 Academic Year BURST Application To be completed by the Faculty Mentor in collaboration with the prospective BURST applicant: (Please complete on separate sheets and attach to application) 1. Project title. 2. Please describe the research in your laboratory. 3. Please describe the project the student research assistant will be assisting with and what their responsibilities will be. 4. Who will have the primary responsibility of working with and training the student research assistant and what are her/his qualifications? How will this student be integrated into your lab? 5. a) How do you view your role as a mentor and what can the student expect of you? b) What do you expect from the student as a research assistant? To be completed by the BURST applicant: For each question below, please do not exceed 1 page. Minimum of 10 pt. font and 1” margins. You do not need to include the questions. 1. Please address the following points in an essay format. What is your motivation for doing research and/or why do you like science? Why do you wish to do research in this lab and participate in this type of research? How would this research experience fit in with your future academic/career goals? What (if any) experience do you have in a research laboratory and/or what qualifications/contributions do you bring? 2. Describe your past work/volunteer experiences (non-research). What specific things did you contribute as an employee or volunteer? What specific things about your work/volunteer experience did you find rewarding? If you do not have a previous job/volunteer experience, please describe an extra-curricular experience and describe your contributions and what you found rewarding.