ANDHRA UNIVERSITY: VISAKHAPATNAM SYLLABUS IN PHYSICS OF ALL UNIVERSITIES IN ANDHRA PRADESH STATE (w.e. f 2015-2016) BOARD OF STUDIES IN PHYSICS Minutes of the Chairpersons, BOS in Physics on June 3rd &4th, 2015 The Chairpersons. Board of Studies in Physics of SVU, ANU, SKU, YVU University are met on 3rd & 4th June, 2015 at 10.00 5.00 p.m. along with the University Administration in the Senate Room, A.D. Building, SV University,Tirupati to finalise the syllabi of the Physics as per State Council of Higher Education/ UGC model curriculum at Under Graduate level. Members Present 1. Dr.Smt. V.Padmavathi SPW College, Tirupati BOS –SV University Tirupati 2. Dr.S.Lakshmi Reddy SV Degree College, Kadapa BOS- YV University, Kadapa 3. Dr. Y.Gourisankar Hindu College, Guntur BOS-Acharya Nagarjuna University-Guntur 4. Dr. M.Ravi Kumar KSN Govt. Degree College for Women, Anantapur BOS – SK University, Anantapur The following resolutions are passed. 1) It is resolved to follow the Common core syllabus for all the six semesters of eight papers (Theory) and six practical papers in Six semesters for all the Universities in the state. 2) The Committee thoroughly discussed the syllabi proposed by UGC/APSCHE in its Model curriculum and accordingly framed syllabi for eight papers of B.Sc. Physics. 3) The following eight papers are proposed for the 3 years B.Sc. Physics in Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). First Semester Paper I : Mechanics & Properties of Matter Practical I (Lab-1) Second Semester Paper II: Waves & Oscillations Practical 2 (Lab2) Third Semester Paper III: Wave Optics Practical 3.(Lab 3) Fourth Semester Paper IV: Thermodynamics & Radiation Physics Practical 4.(Lab 4) Fifth Semester Paper V: Electricity & Magnetism Paper VI Atomic Physics & Quantum mechanics Practical 5. (Lab 5) Sixth Semester PaperVII : Digital and Analog Electronics Paper VIII Nuclear physics & Solid State Physics Practical 6.(Lab 6) NOTE: Problems should be solved at the end of every chapter of all Units. 4. Each theory paper is of 100 marks and practical paper is also of 100 marks. Each theory paper is 75 marks university exam (external) + 25 marks internal Each practical paper is 75 marks external + 25 marks internal 5. The teaching work load per week for semesters I to VI is 4 hours per paper for theory and 3 hours for all lab practical is same. 6. The duration of the examination for each theory paper is 3.00 hrs. 7. The duration of each practical examination is 3 hrs with 75 marks, which are to be distributed as: 50 marks for experiment 15 marks for viva 10 marks for record Practicals 75marks Formula & Explanation 10 Tabular form +graph +circuit diagram 10 Observation 20 Calculation, graph, precautions & Result 10 Viva-Voc 15 Record 10 ***NOTE: Practical syllabus is same for both Mathematics and Non Mathematics combinations B.Sc. (Physics) (Maths Combinations) Scheme of instruction and examination to be followed w.e.f. 2015-2016 S.No Semester 1 First 2 3 Second Third 4 Fourth 5 Fifth 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sixth First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Title of the paper Thoery Paper I : Mechanics & Properties of Matter Paper II: Waves & Oscillations Paper III: Wave Optics Paper IV: Thermodynamics & Radiation Physics Paper V: Electricity & Magnetism Paper VI: Atomic Physics & Quantum mechanics PaperVII : Digital and Analog Electronics Paper VIII: Nuclear physics & Solid State Physics Practical Practical 1 Practical II Practical III Practical IV Practical V Practical VI Instruction Duration o f Max Hrs/week exam (hrs) Marks (external) 4 3 75 4 4 3 3 75 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 75 75 75 75 75 75 Model question Paper for all theory papers Time: 3 hrs Max marks: 75 Section A Answer any five out of 8 questions Marks: 5 x3 = 15 Section B Answer All questions with internal choice from all units (I to V) Marks : 5 x 12 =60 **** At least three problems must be included each with a weightage of 5 marks SEMESTER PATTERN UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM COMMON CORE SYLLUBUS B.Sc. 1st Semester Physics Paper I: Mechanics & Properties of Matter (For Maths Combinations) Work load:60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I (16 hrs) 1. Vector Analysis : 8 hrs Scalar and vector fields, gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance. Divergence and curl of a vector field with derivations and physical interpretation. Vector integration (line, surface and volume), State and proof of Gauss and Stokes theorem. UNIT II 2. Mechanics of particles :10 hrs Laws of motion, motion of variable mass system, motion of a rocket. Conservation of energy and momentum. Collisions in two and three dimensions. Concept of impact parameter, scattering cross-section. Rutherford scattering-derivation. UNIT III (16 hrs) 3. Mechanics of Rigid bodies : 10 hrs Definition of rigid body, rotational kinematic relations, equation of motion for a rotating body, angular momentum. Euler equation, precession of a top. Gyroscope, precession of the equinoxes. 4. Mechanics of continuous media :6 hrs Elastic constants of isotropic solids and their relation, Poisson's ratio and expression for Poisson's ratio in terms of y, n, k. Classification of beams, types of bending, point load, distributed load, shearing force and bending moment, sign conventions. UNIT IV (10Hrs) 5. Central forces : 12 hrs Central forces, definition and examples, conservative nature of central forces, conservative force as a negative gradient of potential energy, equation of motion under a central force. Derivation of Kepler’s laws. Motion of satellites. UNIT V (12 hrs) 6. Special theory of relativity : 12 hrs Galilean relativity, absolute frames. Michelson-Morley experiment, negative result. Postulates of special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformation, time dilation, length contraction, addition of velocities, mass-energy relation. Concept of four-vector formalism. Reference Books: 1. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad 2. Mechanics - D.S. Mathur, Sulthan Chand & Co, New Delhi 3. Mechanics - J.C. Upadhyaya, Ramprasad & Co., Agra 4. Properties of Matter - D.S. Mathur, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi ,11th Edn., 2000 5. Physics Vol. I - Resnick-Halliday-Krane ,Wiley, 2001 6. Properties of Matter - Brijlal& Subrmanyam ,S.Chand &Co. 1982 7. Dynamics of Particles and Rigid bodies– Anil Rao, Cambridge Univ Press, 2006 8. Mechanics-EM Purcell, Mc Graw Hill 9. University Physics-FW Sears, MW Zemansky & HD Young, Narosa Publications, Delhi 10. College Physics-I. T. Bhimasankaram and G. Prasad. Himalaya Publishing House. 11. S.G.Venkatachalapathy, Mechanics, Margham Publication, 2003. Practical paper 1: Mechanics Work load: 30 hrs per semester 3 hrs/week Minimum of 8 experiments to be done and recorded 1. Volume resonator 2. Viscosity of liquid by the flow method (Poiseuille’s method) 3. Young’s modulus material a rod by uniform bending 4. Young’s modulus material a rod by non- uniform bending 5. Surface tension of a liquid by the method of drops 6. Surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method 7. Determination of radius of capillary tube by Hg thread method 8. Viscosity of liquid by logarithmic decrement method 9. Bifilar suspension –moment of inertia. 10. Rigidity modulus of material of a wire-dynamic method (torsional pendulum) 11. Fly-wheel 12. Determination of Y of bar –cantilever. Paper II: Waves & Oscillations (For Maths Combinations) II SEMESTER Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1. Simple Harmonic oscillations :12 hrs Simple harmonic oscillator and solution of the differential equation-Physical characteristics of SHM, torsion pendulum-measurements of rigidity modulus, compound pendulummeasurement of ‘g’, combination of two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic vibrations of same frequency and different frequencies. Lissajous figures. UNIT II 2. Damped and forced oscillations :12 hrs Damped harmonic oscillator, solution of the differential equation of damped oscillator. Energy considerations, comparison with un-damped harmonic oscillator, logarithmic decrement, relaxation time, quality factor, differential equation of forced oscillator and its solution, amplitude resonance and velocity resonance. UNIT III 3. Complex vibrations : 10 hrs Fourier theorem and evaluation of the Fourier coefficients, analysis of periodic wave functions-square wave, triangular wave, saw tooth wave UNIT IV 4. Vibrating strings :8 hrs Transverse wave propagation along a stretched string, general solution of wave equation and its significance, modes of vibration of stretched string clamped at ends, overtones, energy transport and transverse impedance. 5. Vibrations of bars :9 hrs Longitudinal vibrations in bars-wave equation and its general solution. Special cases i) bar fixed at both ends ii) bar fixed at the mid point iii) bar free at both ends iv) bar fixed at one end. Tuning fork. UNIT V 6. Ultrasonics :9 hrs Ultrasonics, properties of ultrasonic waves, production of ultrasonics by piezoelectric and magnetostriction methods, detection of ultrasonics, determination of wavelength of ultrasonic waves. Applications of ultrasonic waves. Reference Books: 1. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad 2. First Year Physics - Telugu Academy. 3. Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday/Resnick/Walker ,Wiley India Edition 2007. 4. Waves and Oscillations. S. Badami, V. Balasubramanian and K. Rama Reddy Orient Longman. 5. Mechanics of Particles, Waves and Oscillations. Anwar Kamal, New Age International. 6. College Physics-I. T. Bhimasankaram and G. Prasad. Himalaya Publishing House. 7. Introduction to Physics for Scientists and Engineers. F.J. Ruche. McGraw Hill. 8. Waves and Oscillations. N. Subramaniyam and Brijlal Vikas Publishing House Private Limited. 9. Unified Physics Vol.I Mechanics, Waves and Oscillations – Jai Prakash Nath & Co.Ltd. 10. Meerut. 11. Science and Technology of Ultrasonics- Bladevraj, Narosa, New Delhi,2004 Practical Paper 2: Waves & Oscillations Work load:30 hrs per semester 3 hrs/week Minimum of 8 experiments to be done and recorded 1. Determination of ‘g’ by compound/bar pendulum 2. Simple pendulum normal distribution of errors-estimation of time period and the error of the mean by statistical analysis 3. Determination of the force constant by static and dynamic method and evaluation of ‘g’. 4. Determination of the elastic constants of the material of a flat spiral spring. 5. Determination of moment of inertia of a cylindrical rod -bifilar suspension 6. Coupled oscillators 7. Verification of laws of vibrations of stretched string –sonometer 8. Determination of velocity of transverse wave along a stretched string-sonometer 9. Determination of frequency of a bar –Melde’s experiment. 10. Study of a damped oscillation using the torsional pendulum immersed in liquid-decay constant and damping correction of the amplitude. 11. Searls viscometer 12. Lissajous figures-CRO Paper III: Wave Optics (For Maths Combinations) III SEMESTER Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1. Aberrations: 7 hrs Introduction – monochromatic aberrations, spherical aberration, methods of minimizing spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism and curvature of field, distortion. Chromatic aberration-the achromatic doublet. Removal of chromatic aberration of a separated doublet. UNIT II 2. Interference :14 hrs Principle of superposition-coherence-temporal coherence and spatial coherence-conditions for interference of light. Fresnel’s biprism-determination of wavelength of light.Determination of thickness of a transparent material using biprism –change of phase on reflection-Lloyd’s mirror experiment. Oblique incidence of a plane wave on a thin film due to reflected and transmitted light (cosine law) –colors of thin films-Non reflecting films-interference by a plane parallel film illuminated by a point source- Interference by a film with two non-parallel reflecting surfaces (Wedge shaped film). Determination of diameter of wire, Newton’s rings in reflected light. Determination of wavelength of monochromatic light, Michelson interferometer-types of fringes. Determination of wavelength of monochromatic light, Difference in wavelength of sodium D1, D2 lines and thickness of a thin transparent plate. UNIT III 3. Diffraction:12 hrs Introduction ,distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction, Fraunhoffer diffraction –Diffraction due to single slit and circular aperture-Limit of resolutionFraunhoffer diffraction due to doublet slit-Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern with N slits (diffraction grating).Resolving power of grating-Determination of wavelength of light in normal and oblique incidence methods using diffraction grating. Fresnel’s half period zones-area of the half period zones-zone plate-comparison of zone plate with convex lens-phase reversal zone plate-diffraction at a straight edge-difference between interference and diffraction. UNIT IV 4. Polarisation: 10 hrs Polarized light: methods of polarization polarization by reflection, refraction, double refraction, selective absorption, scattering of light-Brewster’s law-Mauls law-Nicol prism polarizer and analyzer-Quarter wave plate, Half wave plate-optical activity, analysis of light by Laurent’s half shade polarimeter-Babinet’s compensator. UNIT V 5. Lasers and Holography: 10 hrs Lasers: introduction, spontaneous emission-stimulated emission-population inversion. Laser principle-Einstein coefficients-Types of lasers-He-Ne laser-ruby laser-applications of lasers. Holography: Basic principle of holography-Gabor hologram and its limitations, holography applications. 6. Fiber Optics: 7 hrs Introduction- different types of fibers, rays and modes in an optical fiber, fiber material, principles of fiber communication (qualitative treatment only), advantages of fiber optic communication. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. II BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday/Resnick/Walker.C. Wiley India Edition 2007 Optics – FA Jenkins and HG White, Mc Graw-Hill A Text Book of Optics-N Subramanyam, L Brijlal, S.Chand & Co. Principles of Optics- BK Mathur, Gopala Printing Press, 1995 Unified Physics Vol.II Optics & Thermodynamics – Jai Prakash Nath & Co.Ltd., Meerut Introduction of Lasers – Avadhanlu, S.Chand & Co. Fundamentals of Optics, H.R. Gulati and D.R. Khanna, 1991, R. Chand Publication Practical Paper III: Wave Optics Work load:30 hrs 3 hrs/week Minimum of 8 experiments to be done and recorded 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Determination of radius of curvature of a given convex lens-Newton’s rings. Resolving power of grating. Study of optical rotation –polarimeter. Dispersive power of a prism. Determination of wavelength of light using diffraction grating minimum deviation method. Wavelength of light using diffraction grating-normal incidence method. Resolving power of a telescope. Refractive index of a liquid-hallow prism Determination of thickness of a thin fiber by wedge method Measurement of intensity using photosensor and laser in diffraction patterns of single and double slits. 11. Spectrometer- i-d curve. 12. Determination of refractive index of liquid-Boy’s method. 13. Determination of wavelength-Hartman formula (prism) 14. Determination of wavelength-Hartman dispersion formula (Grating) 15. Determination of wavelength of laser –diffraction grating Paper IV: Thermodynamics &Radiation Physics (For Maths Combinations) IV SEMESTER Work load:60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1. Kinetic theory of gases 11 hrs Introduction –Deduction of Maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular speeds, experimental verification. Toothed wheel experiment. Transport phenomena-Viscosity of gases-thermal conductivity-diffusion of gases. UNIT II 2. Thermodynamics 14 hrs Introduction Isothermal and adiabatic process- general relation between two specific heats – Isothermal and adiabatic process- Reversible and irreversible processes-Carnnot’s engine and its efficiency-Carnot’s theorem-Second law of thermodynamics. Kelvin’s and Claussius statements-Thermodynamic scale of temperature-Entropy, physical significance –Change in entropy in reversible and irreversible processes-Entropy and disorder-Entropy of UniverseTemperature-Entropy (T-S) diagram-Change of entropy of a perfect gas change of entropy when ice changes into steam. UNIT III 3. Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s equations 11 hrs Thermodynamic potentials-Derivation of Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations-ClausiusClayperon’s equation-Derivation for ratio of specific heats-Derivation for difference of two specific heats for perfect gas. Joule Kelvin effect-expression for Joule Kelvin coefficient for perfect and Vanderwaal’s gas. UNIT IV 4. Low temperature Physics 10 hrs. Introduction-Joule Kelvin effect-liquefaction of gas using porous plug experiment Joule expansion-Distinction between adiabatic and Joule Thomson expansion-Expression for Joule Thomson cooling-Liquifactin of helium, Kapitza’s method-Adiabatic demagnetizationapplicatins of substances at low-temperature-effects of chloro and flouro carbons on ozone layer. UNIT V 5. Quantum theory of radiation 14 hrs Blackbody-Ferry’s black body-distribution of energy in the spectrum of black body-Wein’s displacement law,Wein’s law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law-Quantum theory of radiation-Planck’s law-Measurement of radiation-Types of pyrometers-Disappearing filament optical pyrometer-experimental determination-Angstron pyroheliometer-determination of solar constant, effective temperature of Sun. Reference Books: 1. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad 2. Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday/Resnick/Walker.C. Wiley India Edition 2007 3. Text Book of +3 Physics – Samal, Mishra & Mohanty, National Library, Min.of Culture, Govt of India 4. Heat and Thermodynamics- MS Yadav, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd, 2000 5. University Physics, HD Young, MW Zemansky,FW Sears, Narosa Publishers, New Delhi 6. Unified Physics Vol.II Optics & Thermodynamics – Jai Prakash Nath & Co.Ltd., Meerut 7. Heat, Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics-N Brij Lal, P Subrahmanyam, PS Hemne, S.Chand & Co.,2012 8. Thermodynamics - R.C. Srivastava, Subit K. Saha & Abhay K. Jain Eastern Economy Edition. Practical Paper IV: Thermodynamics Work load:30 hrs 3 hrs/week Minimum of 8 experiments to be done and recorded 1. Specific heat of a liquid –Joule’s calorimeter –Barton’s radiation correction 2. Thermal conductivity of bad conductor-Lee’s method 3. Thermal conductivity of rubber. 4. Measurement of Stefan’s constant. 5. Specific heat of a liquid by applying Newton’s law of cooling correction. 6. Heating efficiency of electrical kettle with varying voltages. 7. Mechanical equivalent of heat 8. Thermo emf- thermo couple potentiometer 9. Coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper- Searle’s apparatus. 10. Thermal behaviour of a electric bulb (filament/torch light bulb) 11. Measurement of Stefan’s constant- emissive method 12. Temperature variation of resistance- thermister. Paper V Electricity & Magnetism (For Maths Combinations) V Semester Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1.Electric field and potential: 10 Gauss’s law statement and its proof- applications due to (1) Uniformly charged sphere (2) an infinite conducting sheet of charge and (3) charged cylinder. Electrical potential – equipotential surfaces- potential due to i) a point charge, ii)charged spherical shell and uniformly charged circular disc. An electric field strength due to an electric dipole. UNIT II 2. Capacitance and dielectrics : 12 hrs Derivation of expression for capacity due to (i) a parallel plate capacitor (ii) a spherical capacitor, dielectrics- effect of dielectric on dielectrics on condenser, energy stored in a capacitor, electric capacitance. Electric dipole moment and molecuoar polarizability-electric displacement D electric polarization P – relation between D,E and P- boundary conditions at a surface. UNIT III 3. Moving charges in electric and magnetic field: 6 hrs Hall effect, cyclotron, synchrocycotron and synchrotron-force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, fore and torque on a current loop, Biot-Savart’s law and calculation of B due to long straight wire, a circular current loop and solenoid. 4. Electromagnetic induction. 11 hrs Faraday’s law-Lenz’s law-expression for induced emf-time varying magnetic field Betatron –ballistic galvanometer-theory-damping correction, self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling ,calculation of self inductance of a long solenoid, toroid, energy stored in magnetic field ,transformer, construction working , energy losses and efficiency. UNIT IV 5. Varying and alternating currents :11 hrs Growth and decay of currents in LR,CR and LCR circuits-critical damping, alternating current relation between current and voltage in pure R,C and L ,vector diagrams, power in ac circuits, LCR series and parallel resonant circuit, q-factor. UNIT V 6. Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves: 10 hrs A review of basic laws of electricity and magnetism-displacement current. Maxwell’s equations in differential form, Maxwell’s wave equation, plane electromagnetic waves. Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. Poynting theorem, production of electromagnetic waves (Hertz experiment). Textbooks 1. Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Siva Prasath – S. Chand & Co. for semi conductor & Digital Principles) 2. Fundamentals of Physics- Halliday/Resnick/Walker - Wiley India Edition 2007. 3. Berkeley Physics Course – Vol. II - Electricity and Magnetism – Edward M Purcell –The McGraw-Hill Companies. 4. Electricity and Magnetism – D.N. Vasudeva. S. Chand & Co. 5. Electronic devices and circuits – Millman and Halkias. Mc.Graw-Hill Education. 6. Electricity and Magnetism Brijlal and Subramanyam. Ratan Prakashan Mandir. 7. Digital Principles and Applications by A.P. Malvino and D.P. Leach. McGraw Hill Education. 8. Unified Physics Vol.3 – S.L. Gupta and Sanjeev Gupta – Jai Prakasah Nath & CoMeerut. Paper VI Atomic Physics & Quantum Mechanics (For Maths Combinations) V Semester Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1. Atomic physics 12 hrs Introduction –drawbacks of Bohr’s atomic model-Sommerfield’s elliptical orbitsrelativistic correction (no derivation). Stern and Gerlach experiment-Vector atom model and quantum numbers associated with it. L-S and j-j coupling schemes. Zeeman effect. UNIT II 2. Atoms in External Magnetic Fields: 8 hrs Normal and Anomalous Zeeman Effect. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle. Symmetric and Antisymmetric Wave Functions. Periodic table. Fine structure. Spin orbit coupling. Spectral Notations for Atomic States. Total Angular Momentum. Vector Model. Spin-orbit coupling in atoms-L-S and J-J couplings. 3. Molecular Spectroscopy 5 hrs. Raman effect, hypothesis, classical theory of Raman effect. Experimental arrangement for Raman effect and its application. UNIT III 4. Matter waves 12 hrs. de Broglie’s hypothesis-wavelength of matter waves, properties of matter waves. Phase and group velocities- Davisson and Germer experiment-double slit experiment. Standing de Broglie waves of electron in Bohr orbits. UNIT IV 5. Uncertanity Principle 11 hrs. Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle for position and momentumfor (x and p), energy and time (E and t). Gamma ray microscope. Diffraction by a single slit, position of electron in Bohr orbit. Particle in a box, complementary principle of Bohr. UNIT V 6. Quantum wave mechanics 12 hrs Basic postulates of quantum mechanics Schrodinger time independent and time dependent wave equations-derivates wave function properties-significance. Application of Schrodinger wave equation to particle in one dimensional infinite box. Textbooks 1. Modern Physics by G. Aruldhas & P. Rajagopal. Eastern Economy Edition. 2. Concepts of Modern Physics by Arthur Beiser. Tata McGraw-Hill Edition. 3. Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Siva Prasath. S. Chand & Co. 4. Nuclear Physics by D.C. Tayal, Himalaya Publishing House. 5. Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy by G. Aruldhas. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 6. Spectroscopy –Atomic and Molecular by Gurdeep R Chatwal and Shyam Anand – Himalaya Publishing House. 7. Third Year Physics - Telugu Academy. Elements of Solid State Physics by J.P. Srivastava. (for chapter on nanomaterials)Prentice-hall of India Pvt. Ltd Practical Paper V: Work load:30 hrs Minimum of 8 experiments to be done and recorded 3 hrs/week 1. Carey Foster’s bridge-temperature coefficient of resistance. 2. Internal resistance of a cell by potentiometer. 3. Figure of merit of a moving coil galvonometer. 4. Voltage sensitivity of a moving coil galvnometer 5. RC Circuit –Frequency response. 6. LR circuit-frequency response. 7. LCR circuit series/parallel resonance, Q factor. 8. Power factor of an A.C. circuit. 9. Determination of ac-frequency –sonometer. 10. Conversion of galvanometer into ammeter. 11. e/m of an electron by-Thomson model 12. Energy gap of semiconductor using a junction diode. 13. Phase shift oscillator. 14. Hysteresis curve of transformer core. 15. Verification of Kirchoff’s laws and maximum power transfer theorem. 16. Field along the axis of a circular coil carrying current. 17. Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter. Paper VII : Digital and Analog Electronics (For Maths Combinations) VI SEMESTER Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1.Basic electronics: 14 hrs Formation of electron energy bands in solids, classification of solids in terms of forbidden energy gap, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Fermi level,continuity equation. P-n juction diode,zenor diode characteristics, static and dynamic resistance and its application as voltage regulator. Half-wave and full wave rectifiers and filters, ripple factor (quantitative) –pnp and npn transistors, current components in transistors, CB,CE and CC configurationstransistor hybrid parameters, determination of hybrid parameters from transistor (CE) characteristics. Current gains α and β- Relations between α and β. UNIT II 2. Power supplies 10 hrs Power Supply: Half-wave Rectifiers. Centre-tapped and Bridge Full-wave RectifiersCalculation of Ripple Factor and Rectification Efficiency, Basic idea about capacitorfilter, Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation UNIT III 3. Digital principles: 10 hrs Differences between analog and digital circuits-Binary number system, converting Binary to Decimal and vice versa. Binary addition and substraction (1’s and 2’s complement methods). UNIT IV 12 hrs 4. Logic Gates Logic gates: OR,AND,NOT gates, truth tables, realization of these gates using discrete components. NAND, NOR as universal gates, exclusive-OR gate, De Morgan’s Lawsstatement and proof, Half and Full adders, Parallel adder circuits. UNIT V 5. Operational Amplifiers : 14 hrs Characteristics of an Ideal and Practical Op-Amp (IC 741), Open-loop& Closed-loop Gain. CMRR, concept of Virtual ground. Applications of Op-Amps: (1) Inverting and Noninverting Amplifiers, (2) Adder, (3) Subtractor, (4) Differentiator, (5) Integrator,(6) Zero Crossing Detector. Textbooks 1. Third Year Physics - Telugu Academy. 2. Unified electronics Vol IIIElectronic Circuits & Digital Electronics, Agarwal & Agarwal, A.S.Prakashan, Meerut. 3. Digital and analog systems cicuits and Devices: An Introduction, Belov Schilling, Mc GrawHill International Edition. Paper VIII: Nuclear physics & Solid State Physics (For Maths Combinations) VI SEMESTER Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1. Crystal Structure: 10 hrs Amorphous and Crystalline Materials. Unit Cell. Miller Indices. Reciprocal Lattice. Types of Lattices. Diffraction of X-rays by Crystals. Bragg’s Law. Experimental techniques, Laue’s method and powder diffraction method. UNIT II 2. Magnetic Properties of Matter: 10 hrs Dia-, Para-, Ferri- and Ferromagnetic Materials. Classical Langevin Theory of Paramagnetism Curie’s law, Weiss’s Theory of Ferromagnetism and Ferromagnetic Domains. UNIT III 3. Superconductivity: 8 hrs Experimental Results. Critical Temperature. Critical magnetic field. BCS theory (elementaty ideas only) Meissner effect. Type I and type II Superconductors, London’s Equation and Penetration Depth. Isotope effect, applications of super conductors. 4. Nanomaterials 6 hrs Introduction, nanoparticles, metal nanoclusters, semiconductor nanoparticles, carbon clusters, carbon nanotubes,quantum nanostructures, nanodot, nanowire and quantum wellapplications of nano materials. UNIT IV 5. General Properties of Nuclei: 10 hrs Basic ideas of nucleus -size, mass, charge density (matter energy), binding energy, angular momentum, parity, magnetic moment, electric moments. Liquid drop model –shell model- collective model, magic numbers. UNIT V 5.Radioactivity decay: 10 hrs Alpha decay: basics of α-decay processes, theory of α-decay Gamow’s theory, Geiger Nuttall law. -decay: energy kinematics for -decay, positron emission, electron capture, neutrino hypothesis. 6. Detectors of nuclear Radiation: 6 hrs Ionization chamber, GM Counter. Wilsons cloud chamber, bubble chamber, scintillation counter Practical Paper VI: Work load: 30 hrs 3 hrs/week Minimum of 8 experiments to be done and recorded 1. Construction of a model D.C. power supply. 2. Characteristic of a junction diode. 3. Characteristics of transistor. 4. Characteristics of Zenor diode. 5. Energy gap of a semiconductor using post office box 6. Measurement of thermo emf –potentiometer 7. Determination of constants of B.G. 8. Potentiometer-calibration of high range voltmeter. 9. Potentiometer-calibration of ammeter. 10. FET-characteristics, determination of constants. 11. LDR characteristics. 12. Full wave rectificer with L & section filters. 13. M& H using deflection magnetometer and vibration magnetometer. 14. Potentiometer-comparison of low resistances. 15. Transistor based RC coupled amplifier. 16. Construction of Hartley oscillator using transistor –measurement of frequency using CRO. B.Sc. (Physics) (Non-Mathematics Combinations) Scheme of instruction and examination to be followed w.e.f. 2015-2016 S.No Semester Title of the paper Instruction Duration o f Max Hrs/week exam (hrs) Marks (external) Thoery 1 First Paper I: Mechanics & Properties of 4 3 75 Matter 2 Second Paper II: Waves & Oscillations 4 3 75 3 Third Paper III: Optics 4 3 75 4 Fourth 5 Fifth 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sixth First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Paper IV: Thermodynamics & Radiation Physics Paper V: Electrostatics, Electricity & Magnetism Paper VI: Modern Physics PaperVII : Electrical circuits & Electronics Paper VIII: Nuclear physics & Medical Physics Practical Practical 1 Practical II Practical III Practical IV Practical V Practical VI 4 3 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 4 3 75 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 75 75 75 75 75 75 SEMESTER PATTERN UNDER CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM COMMON CORE SYLLUBUS B.Sc. 1st Semester Physics Paper I: Mechanics & Properties of Matter (For Non-Mathematics Combinations) Work load:60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT -I 1. Mathematical Background: 8 hours Scalars and vectors –vector addition-scalar and vector products of vector and their physical significance-vector calculus-gradient of a scalar point function-divergence and curl of vector-statements of stokes and Gauss theorems -examples (no derivations). 2.Motion of system : 8 hours Collisions- Elastic and inelastic collisions-Collisions in one and two dimension-Rocket propulsion-Center of mass-Motion of the centre of mass-Impact parameter-Scattering crosssection, Rutherford scattering (No derivation-Qualitative ideas only) UNIT II 3. Mechanics of Rigid body: 12 hours Rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia -Calculating the moment of inertia in simple cases (Rod, disc, sphere and cylinder)-parallel & Perpendicular axes theoremsTorque-relation between torque and angular momentum. Angular momentum of a particle-Torque and angular momentum for a system of particlesconservation of angular momentum-Translation and rotational motion of system-Elementary ideas about gyroscopic motion (No derivation –discussion of results)- precission of the equinoxes UNIT-III 4.Central forces :10 hours Central force- Def & examples- General properties of central forces-Conservative nature of central forces, Planetary motion-Kepler’s laws (Statements & Explanation), Newton’s law of gravitation from Kepler’s law, Geostationary Satellite Motion. UNIT-IV 5. Fluid Flow :10 hours The flow of ideal fluids-Equation of continuity –Bernoulli’s equation-Torricelli’s theoremThe venture meter-Pitot’s tube-Viscosity and the flow of real fluids- Poisellious equation. UNIT V 6. Relativistic effects :12 hours Moving reference frames-Inertial reference frames-Galilean relativity (Elementary treatment only, application to be covered)–Special theory of relativity-Statements of the two basic postulates-Lorentz transformation equations-length contraction-time dilation-addition of velocities-Momentum and relativistic mass- Mass –Energy equation, rest mass & momentum of a particle. Reference Books : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad Properties of Matter - D.S. Mathur, S.Chand & Co, New Delhi ,11th Edn., 2000 Properties of Matter - Brijlal& Subrmanyam ,S.Chand &Co. 1982 Physics for Biology and Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SGG Mac Donald Unified Physics Vol.I Mechanics,Waves and Oscillations – Jai Prakash Nath & Co.Ltd., Meerut. Paper II: Waves & Oscillations (For Non-Maths Combinations) II SEMESTER Work load:60 hrs per semester UNIT-I: 4 hrs/week 15 hrs. 1.Oscillatory Motion Simple harmonic motion-Equation of motion and solution-Simple harmonic motion from the standpoint of energy-The rotor diagram representation of simple harmonic motionCompound pendulum-determination of g and k, torsional pendulum-determination of n, Combination of Simple harmonic motions along a line and perpendicular to each otherLissajous figuresUNIT II: 14 hrs 2.Damped Oscillators Damped Vibrations- examples, damped harmonic oscillator-Equation of motion-Assumption of solution for various boundary conditions- Over damping under damping and critical damping-The harmonic oscillator-Equation of motion –Resonance-Sharpness of resonanceQ-factor. UNIT-III: 11 hrs 3. Wave Motion Progressive waves-Equation of a progressive wave-sinusoidal waves-Velocity of waves in elastic media-Standing waves-Transverse vibrations of stretched strings, overtones and harmonics. Sonometer verification of laws of transverse vibrations in a stretched string, beats ( qualitative analysis Only). UNIT-IV: 4.Acoustics 10 hrs Classification of sound, Characteristics of musical sound, Acoustics of Buildings, Reverberation, Sabine’s formula (without derivation) Absorption coefficient, Factors affecting acoustics of buildings, Intensity of sound, Sound distribution in an auditorium. UNIT V: 10 hrs. 5. Ultrasonics Ultrasonics, properties of ultrasonic waves, production of ultrasonics by piezoelectric and magnetostriction methods, detection of ultrasonics, determination of wavelength of ultrasonic waves. Applications of ultrasonic waves. Reference Books: 1. Physics for Biology and Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SGG Mac Donald 2. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad 3. Waves and Oscillations. S. Badami, V. Balasubramanian and K. Rama Reddy Orient Longman. 4. Waves and Oscillations. N. Subramaniyam and Brijlal Vikas Publishing House Private Limited. 5. Unified Physics Vol.I Mechanics, Waves and Oscillations – Jai Prakash Nath & Co.Ltd., Meerut. 6. Properties of Matter and Acoustics – R Murugeshan and K. Shivaprasath, S Chand & Co.Ltd. (2005-Ed) 7. Acoustics – Waves and Oscillations - S. N. Sen – Wiley Estern Ltd 8. Text Book of Sound-S.R.Shankara Narayana, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi Paper III: Optics (For Non- Maths Combinations) III SEMESTER Work load: 60 hrs per semester Unit – I 4 hrs/week :10 hrs 1. GEOMETRIC OPTICS Aberrations in lenses-Chromatic Aberration-Achromatic Combination of lensesMonochromatic defects-Spherical aberration-Astigmatism-Coma-Curvature and DistortionMinimizing aberration. UNIT II 2. INTERFERENCE: 13 hrs The superstition principle, Condition for Interference, Classification of Interferences methodsYoung’s double slit experiment-Theory. Interference with white light and appearance of Young’s interference fringes-Intensity in interference pattern-Optical Path length, Lloyd’s single mirror-Phase change on reflection, Interference due to plane parallel wedge shaped films, Colours in thin films-Newton rings-Michelson’s interferometer. UNIT III 3. DIFFRACTION : 12 hrs The Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction phenomena-Fraunhoffer diffraction of single Slit normal incidence and oblique incidence – Resolving power –limits of resolution for telescopes and microscope- Fraunhoffer diffraction by double slit-Intensity-patternDiffraction grating- Wavelength determination (Normal incidence and Minimum deviation). UNIT IV 4. POLARIZATION : 13 hrs Types of Polarized light-Polarization by reflection, Brewster’s law-Dichroism the Polaroiddouble refraction- the calcite crystal-the principal plane-O and E rays-the Nicol Prism Law of Malus –the quarter wave plate-Plane, Circularly, elliptically polarized light-Production and analysis -Optical activity-Specific rotatory power -Polarimeter-Holography- Principles and applications. UNIT V :12 hrs. 5. Holography & Fiber Optics Holography: Basic principle of holography-Gabor hologram and its limitations, holography applications. Introduction- different types of fibres, rays and modes in an optical fibre, fibre material, principles of fiber communication (qualitative treatment only), applications. Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. Physics for Biology and Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SGG Mac Donald BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad A Text Book of Optics-N Subramanyam, L Brijlal, S.Chand & Co. Fundamentals of Optics, H.R. Gulati and D.R. Khanna, 1991, R. Chand Publication Paper IV: Thermodynamics &Radiation Physics (For Non- Mathematics Combinations) IV SEMESTER Work load:60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT I 1. Kinetic theory of Gases: 12 hrs Zeroth law of thermodynamics,measurment of temperature- resistance thermometry, thermoelectric theromometers-kinetic theory of gases- assumptions-pressure of an ideal gasmolecular interpretation of temerature- Maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular speeds (no derivation)-experimental verification. UNIT II 2. Thermodynamics: 12 hrs The first law of thermodynamics- work done in isothermal and adiabatic changes Reversible and irreversible process-Carnot’s cycle-Carnot’s theorem - Second law of thermodynamics, Kelvin’s and Claussius statements-Thermodynamics scale of temperatureEntropy, physical significance-Change in entropy in reversible process-Entropy and disorderEntropy of universe. Unit-III 3. Low temperature Physics: 12 hrs Introduction-Joule Kelvin effect-porous plug experiment. Joule expansion-Distinction between adiabatic and Joule Thomson expansion-Liquefaction of helium Kapitza’s methodAdiabatic demagnetization-Production of low temperatures-Principle of refrigeration. applications of substances at low-temperature. UNIT IV 4. Measurement, laws and theories of radiation: 12 hrs Black body-Ferry’s black body-distribution of energy in the spectrum of Black body- Wein’s law- Planck’s radiation formula (no derivation)-Measurement of radiation-Types of pyrometers-Disappearing filament optical pyrometer-experimental determination-Angstrom Pyroheliometer-determination of solar constant, effective temperature of sun. UNIT V 5.Thermo-electricity: 12 hrs Seebeck effect-measurement of thermo emf using potentiometer,Peltier effect, determination of Peltier effect-S.G.Starling method, Thomson coefficient-Thermoelectric diagrams, Uses of thermoelectric diagrams- i) determination of total emf, ii) determination of Peltier emf, iii) determination of Thomson emf and iv) thermo emf in a general couple, neutral temperature and temperature of inversion Reference Books: 1. Physics for Biology and Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SGG Mac Donald 2. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad 3. Electricity and Magnetism, S.Chand & Company, Mew Delhi, 1995. NOTE: Problems should be solved at the end of every chapter of all units. Paper V Electrostatics, Electricity & Magnetism (For Non- Maths Combinations) V Semester Work load: 60 hrs per semester UNIT-1: 4 hrs/week 15 hrs 1. Electric field and potential Coulomb’s law, its verification (by Cavendish method) – electric field and intensity of electric field –intensity of electric field due to i) a point charge, ii) infinitely long charged wire,iii) finite line of charge –electric dipole and dipole moment. Gauss’s law statement and its proof- applications of Gauss Law to (1) Uniformly charged sphere (2) an infinite conducting sheet of charge and (3) charged cylinder. Electrical potential – equi-potential surfaces- potential due to i) a point charge, ii) charged spherical shell and uniformly charged circular disc. UNIT II 10 hrs 2. Capacitance and dielectrics Derivation of expression for capacity due to i) a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric, ii) a spherical capacitor. Energy stored in a capacitor, electric capacitance. Electric dipole moment Di-electrics with examples, effect of electric field-electric displacement D, electric polarization P, permeability & susceptibility(Definitions only) – relation between D,E and P. UNIT III 3. Current electricity :10 hrs Current and current density, drift velocity expression, Kirchhoff’s laws –statement and explanation and application to Wheatstone bridge, sensitivity of Wheatstone bridge, CareyFoster’s bridge- experiment to measurement temperature coefficient of resistance- strain gauge-piezoelectric transducers (applications only) UNIT IV :10 hrs 4. Ionic conduction Faraday’s laws of electrolysis-ionic conductivity-derivation of expression. Primary and secondary cells-voltaic cell –lead acid cell, resistance in human body-electrical activity in the heart-artificial peacemakers. UNIT V :15 hrs 5. Electromagnetism Magnetic induction B, magnetic flux – Biot –Savert’s law, magnetic induction due to (i) a long straight conductor carrying current (ii) on the axis of a circular coil carrying current (iii) solenoid, Ampere’s law – derivation of expression for the force on (i) charged particles and (ii) current carrying conductor in the magnetic field, Hall effect and its importanceelectromagnetic pumping. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law - Construction, theory and working of B.G., damping correction, self induction, mutual induction their units- electromagnetic measurement of blood flow. Textbooks 1. Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Siva Prasath – S. Chand & Co. for semi conductor & Digital Principles). 2. Electricity and Magnetism Brijlal and Subramanyam. Ratan Prakashan Mandir. 3. Physics for Biology and Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SGG Mac Donald, Addison Wiley. 4. BSc Physics -Telugu Akademy, Hyderabad Paper VI Modern Physics (For Maths Combinations) V Semester Work load: 60 hrs per semester 4 hrs/week UNIT-1: :15 hrs 1. Fundamentals of quantum mechanics Photoelectric effect – Explanation through demonstration, Einstein’s Photoelectric equation – its verification by Millikan’s experiment –theory of Compton effect ( no derivation) and its experimental verification –Bohr’s theory of Hydrogen atom – Derivation of expression for energy levels and spectral series of Hydrogen atom, atomic excitation, Frank Hertz experiment, Pauli’s exclusion principle- explanation of different types of quantum numbers. UNIT -II :10 hrs 2. Wave nature of Matter Dual nature of radiation- de Broglie’s theory of matter waves, Davisson and Germer experiment on electron diffraction – Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (a) determination of position of a particle by microscope (b) diffraction by a single slit, meaning of the wave function-Schrodinger wave equation (no derivative) –explanation. UNIT III: 10 hrs 3. Uncertanity Principle Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle for position and momentumfor (x and p), energy and time (E and t). Gamma ray microscope. Diffraction by a single slit, position of electron in Bohr orbit. Particle in a box, complementary principle of Bohr. UNIT IV: 15 hrs 4. Spectroscopy X-ray spectra-continuous and characterstics x-ray spectra-Mosley’s law –its importance-Xray diffraction-Bragg’s law-its experimental verification. Lasers-sponaneous and stimulated emission –population inversion-Ruby, Helium-neon lasers- description and working only-uses of lasers. Raman effect, hypothesis, classical theory of Raman effect. Experimental arrangement for Raman effect and its application. UNIT V: 10 hrs 5. Cosmic rays Discovery-altitude & latitude effects- directional effects- Van Allen belts- Primary and secondary cosmic rays- pair production and annihilation- Cosmic ray showers-discovery and types of mesons-Elementary particles-classification and their nature. Textbooks 1. Modern Physics by R. Murugeshan and Kiruthiga Siva Prasath. S. Chand & Co. 2. Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy by G. Aruldhas. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 3. Spectroscopy –Atomic and Molecular by Gurdeep R Chatwal and Shyam Anand – Himalaya Publishing House. 4. Third Year Physics - Telugu Academy 5. Physics for Biology and Premedical Students –D.N. Burns & SGG Mac Donald, Addison Wiley. Paper VII : Electrical circuits & Electronics (For non Mathematics Combinations) VI SEMESTER Work load: 60 hrs per semester UNIT I : 4 hrs/week 13 hrs 1. Electrical circuits Growth and decay of currents in L-R, C-R and LCR circuits –using d.c supply. Peak, average and rms values of a.c. and voltages-derivation of their inter relationshipsform factor- power in ac circuits-power factor –alternating currents in resistances- L-R, C-R and L-C-R circuits. L-R, C-R and L-C-R series circuits. Resonance q factor, parallel LCR circuit-skin effect –transformer (explanation of principle only) UNIT- II: 12 hrs 2. Basic Electronics Energy band theory of solids, junction diode its V-I characteristics, Zener diode, half and full wave rectifiers(semiconductor type), action of filters Land π type, pnp and npn transistors , npn transistor characteristics , CE configuration –RC coupled amplifier – Hartely oscillarot-CRO circuit and working- measurement of dc voltage , ac voltage –phase and frequency. UNIT- III: 12 hrs 3. Digital Electronics Binary number system , conversion of Binary number system into decimal number system and vice versa, Binary addition and sub-straction (1’s and 2’s complement methods). Logic gates: OR,AND , NOT and NOR,NAND and EX-OR gates their truth tables, realization of these gates using discrete components, NAND and NOR gates are as universal gates, De Morgans’s theorems statements and proof. Half and Full adders. UNIT- IV: 10 hrs Hybrid Parameters Input , Output impedence , voltage , current , power gain of CE amplifier , VTVM , multimeter , difference between moving coil volt meter and VTVM. UNIT- V 5. Magnetic properties of matter : 13 hrs Types of magnetic materials-paramagnetic, diamagnetic and ferromagnetic materials and their properties. Magnetic intensity I, magnetic susceptibility-derivation for expression relating intensity, susceptibiityand field. Curie-temperature. I-H curve –explanation of remnance, coefcive force. Paper VIII: Nuclear Physics & Medical Physics (For Non-Mathematics Combinations) VI SEMESTER UNIT I 1. PHYSICS OF THE BODY: 8 hrs Nature and characteristics of sound, Production of speech, Physics of the ear, Diagnostics with sound and ultrasound-Physics of the eye. Physics of the nervous system, Electrical signals and information transfer. 2. RADIATION AND RADIATION PROTECTION: 6 hrs Principles of radiation protection– protective materials-radiation effects – somatic, genetic stochastic & deterministic effect, Natural radioactivity, Biological effects of radiation, Radiation monitors. UNIT II 3. Radioactivity: 12 hrs The nature of radioactive emissions, the law of Radioactive decay, derivation, decay constant, Half life and mean life periods - derivations, units of radio activity, Carbon and Uranium dating (explanation) Radioactive isotopes as tracers, radio cardio-graphy. Radiation detectors –i) Scientillation counter 2) GM counter 3) Cloud chamber 4) Bubble chamber. UNIT -III 4. Nucleus : 11 hrs Basic properties of nucleus-mass charge, density, spin momentum, binding energy & stability of nucleus, particle accelerators (i) Cyclotron (ii) Synchrocyclotron and (iii) Betatron-description,working and theory-Nuclear reactions involving neutrons-nuclear fission energy per fission, nuclear reactor-nuclear fusion, energy released in fusion, carbonnitrogen cycle- Bainbridge and Dempster mass spectrographs- description and working. UNIT IV 5. Superconductivity: 8 hrs Experimental Results. Critical Temperature. Critical magnetic field. BCS theory (elementaty ideas only) Meissner effect. Type I and type II Superconductors, London’s Equation and Penetration Depth. Isotope effect, applications of super conductors. 6. Nanomaterials : 6 hrs Introduction, nanoparticles, metal nanoclusters, semiconductor nanoparticles, carbon clusters, carbon nanotubes,quantum nanostructures, nanodot, nanowire and quantum wellapplications of nano materials. UNIT V 7. MEDICAL IMAGING PHYSICS: 9 hrs X-ray diagnostics and imaging, Physics of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) – NMR imaging – MRI Radiological imaging –Radiography –X-ray film – film processing – fluoroscopy Ultrasound imaging – magnetic resonance imaging – thyroid uptake system – Gamma camera (Only Principle, function and display). Books 1. B.Sc. Physics – Telugu Academy. 2. Physics for Bioogy and Premedical Students-D.M. Burns &SGG McDonald. Addison wiley. 3. Medical Physics, J.R. Cameron and J.G.Skofronick, Wiley (1978) 4. Basic Radiological Physics Dr. K. Thayalan - Jayapee Brothers Medical Publishing Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi (2003) 5. Physics of Radiation Therapy : F M Khan - Williams and Wilkins, Third edition (2003) 6. Physics of the human body, Irving P. Herman, Springer (2007). 7. The Physics of Radiology-H E Johns and Cunningham.