October 2015 - Queen of Peace Regional Fraternity

Meeting Minutes Sunday, September 27, 2015 1:30-4:00 pm – Epiphany Catholic Church, Coon
Rapids, MN
Present: Jean McGinty, Fr. John Bauer, Patti & Mark Urick, Irene Brandenburg, Jim Malisheski,
Carol Schiebold, Gordon and Teresa Walker, Donna Green, Ray Schelonka, Ellen Drasin, Shirlann
Biser, Kathy Weissman
Absent: Stephanie Percic, Rick Dzurik, Jerry Swanson, Laurie Lacina, Teresa Isenor, Jeanette
Candidates Present: Fr. John Bauer, Janet Uhlir, Cathy Hills
Candidates Absent: Gloria Haluptzok
Visitors: Tim and Kathy Taormina, Jeannie
Tim and Kathy met with the Council for our visitation meeting prior to the start of the fraternity
We participated in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for 30 minutes from 1:30 to 2:00.
Tim and Kathy led us in prayer for the fraternal visit. We then sang the song, “This Day God
Gives Me” and prayed the “Hail Mary” for our deceased Brother Rick Isenor and the St. Michael
prayer. Kathy Weissman said the prayer for priests.
Jean mentioned the upcoming Transitus of St. Francis on Saturday, October 3 rd and said that
the Fraternity in Elk River, the Franciscan Brothers of Peace and the Poor Clare’s in Bloomington
may have services to commemorate the Transitus. Kathy Taormina confirmed the Transitus will
be held at 7:30 on October 3rd at the Poor Clare’s in Bloomington.
Jean confirmed that we will have our October meeting at St. John Vianney on Sunday, October
25th to renew our promises and celebrate the Feast of St. Francis and our Canonical
Establishment. We will start with Adoration at 1:30 and renew our profession before the
Blessed Sacrament. We will conclude our meeting with a Holy Spirit potluck.
Jean also confirmed that upcoming fall retreat will be held at Epiphany on Saturday, December
12. Teresa and Gordon volunteered to coordinate the retreat. Irene and Jim also offered to
help. The retreat will focus on our apostolates of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary, Prayer for Priests and reflections. The Fraternity will provide a light breakfast and lunch
for our members. The retreat will take the place of our November fraternity meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Effective September 30, 2015 the Fraternity’s balance is $2216.44. The fraternity received
$240.00 in the Common Fund for September. We paid $22.00 for Masses and tithed $100.00 to
the Franciscan Brothers of Peace for the month of September.
We then said the Beggar’s prayer and passed the beggar bag.
Prayer: Fr. Bauer led us in Lectio Divina on Sunday’s Gospel reading.
Shirlann led formation on the Rules and Life of the Friars Minor. She gave us a brief chronology
of St. Francis’s life. We discussed the assigned questions. There was great discussion among
the whole group.
Tim closed the meeting with prayer for the Fraternal visit.
We closed our monthly gathering with fellowship, hospitality and refreshments.
FORMATION - - October ‘2015
Shirlann Biser
Dear brothers & sisters,
It will be 3 mos. before we return to our Omnibus Studies, and we had just gotten started on
it! Let us take a look therefore on where we have come, and where we are going in relation to
our Franciscan formation, and what is expected of us.
I quote here from the F.U.N. Manual: “Gospel Living is not simply knowledge, but an attitude
and a commitment. In essence, ongoing formation is ongoing conversion, and the objective is
growing into the image and likeness of God.”
All paths to holiness obviously lead us to the Triune God. I understand it as two-fold: 1).
Commitment to the Interior Life; this entails frequenting the Sacraments, and love of the
Eucharist; a deepening prayer life, and growth in virtue. And 2). Faithfulness to our duties and
state of life; responding to God in others, and self-less acts of charity and service to
neighbor. Of course we do this in the footsteps of St. Francis as we seek daily conversion,
penance, and transformation.
I would like to offer this lovely prayer, I recently came across in an old Pilgrim’s Prayer Book. It
is entitled: “Lift Me Up, O Lord”
Let us be lifted up to you, O Lord.
Let us not see only ourselves, but help us to see you in others;
Let us not do only for the sake of doing, but help us to unselfishly do for others;
Let our thoughts and actions be for those less fortunate than ourselves;
Let us rise above our own afflictions, and strive instead to ease the hurt and pain of others;
Let us put as much joy as we can into the hearts of others;
Let us strive to lift up this fallen world by lifting up others....lifting them to the good and truth
and beauty which is our birthright;
By thus lifting up others in a spirit of love and joy and service, we will more surely be lifted up
Upcoming Formation Assignments:
October ‘2015 - Bring your Liturgy of the Hours prayer book
Fr. Bauer will lead us in a teaching session on praying the Liturgy of the Hrs.
And, we will renew individually, our commitment to our Franciscan Profession
December ‘2015 - Retreat
January ‘2016
Fraternity: Omnibus of Sources - Read pgs. 65-87; The Testament of St. Francis &....
Candidates: Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ - Session 6, “Lay Mission”
Prayer Request for October:
Prayers for those with cancer and chronic illnesses
Prayers for a successful recovery from surgery for Ray
Prayers for peace, strength and complete healing for Jim and Trish Swanson as they
battle cancer
Prayers for strength and complete healing for Jean after the car accident
Prayers for conversion of children and grandchildren
Prayers for a disabled friend who needs help moving
Prayers for a special intention
Prayers for Jennifer Sanisto, heating of her blood platelets
Prayers for our candidates in Formation, for God’s blessings upon them
Prayer for Brandon for peace, stability in his health and good housing
Prayer for Karen, Trisha , Rick and Brent for healing
Prayers for continued healing Kathy Weissman’s lip
Prayers that our children will return to the church
Prayers for the persecuted Christians around the world
Prayers for healing for Carol
Prayers for sisters who are in nursing homes
Prayers for wisdom and discernment
Prayers for more knowledge of our faith
Prayers for safety for Connor Hills, his friend Kat and Mary Drasin as they travel Europe
that their journeys will lead them closer to Christ
Prayers for Bridget and Zeng Her, a newly married couple
Prayers for seminarians struggling in any way
Prayers for all those with life threatening illnesses
Prayers for all those who are incarcerated
Prayers for consolation in financial matters
Prayers for conversion of sons and daughter-in-law’s
Prayers for Calley, protection, safety, wisdom and discernment
Prayers for Ellen’s mom, strength and acceptance, receive the last sacraments
Prayers that the Roman Rota will grant Ellen’s annulment
Prayers for all priests and seminarians, especially at St. John Vianney and St. Paul
*2015 Calendar
***All Dates in bold are required attendance by our Rule
October 21 Wed. 5:30pm Council Meeting
October 25th Sun. 1:25pm Meeting
November 5th Begin annual Consecration to Jesus Through Mary***
November 19th St. Elizabeth of Hungary Patron of the Third Order
November 25th Wed. Council Meeting
November 29th Sun 1:25pm Meeting
December 8th Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Consecration Day
December 12 Fall Retreat at Epiphany
December Christmas Party TBD