Alamo Colleges SIPOC Form Date: 11/15/2011 GOAL Unit: ITS TASK TASK OWNER KEY CUSTOMER CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS Attain IssueFree Audit Castro ITS Consolidated IT Service Management Solution Castro Deploy Virtual Desktop KEY OFI MEASURE OF SUCCESS SUPPLIERS/INPUTS Attain Internal Control and Address Audit Findings Management Letter clean of IT Issues ITS Management AC Service Delivery Departments Provide a consolidated and central repository for customer work orders Consolidated approach to service delivery with measurable satisfactory outcome ITS Management Saustrup Colleges Provide sustainable and flexible lab environment for colleges Flexible administration and replacement budget relief District and College IT Close out CIP Efforts Castro ITS Formally close 2003 & 2005 CIP Initiatives Available funding for other key ITS Infrastructure Initiatives ITS Management District/College IT Governance Castro ITS Formalize governance structure for enterprise IT Increased District and College cooperation, IT collaboration and communication for ITS Mobile Devices Application and Connectivity Patterson Students & Faculty Provide learning and administrative tools for mobile device availability Increased use of tools on remote devices ITS Management Address ITS Staffing Matters Castro ITS Staff Provide for staff right-sizing, compensation and professional development Increased job satisfaction for ITS Staff ITS Management Deploy Exchange 2010 Saustrup AC Staff Provide for latest email tools to employees Increased productivity ITS Management Offload Student Email Saustrup Students Provide a robust and more flexible communication tool to students Greater student communication capabilities and capacity ITS Management Testing Process Improvements Phipps AC System Users Provide standard testing regimen to address impact on global systems Increase Quality Assurance ITS Management Project Management Discipline Enforcement Phipps AC System Users Establish PM standards to allow for effective resource allocation and project delivery Efficient and effective use of ITS resources ITS Management IT BPAs Phipps ITS Document IT processes for evaluation and improvement Efficient and effective use of ITS resources ITS Management Banner Functional BPAs Phipps AC Banner Users Document Banner processes for evaluation and improvement Efficient and effective use of Banner ITS Management WCMS & Sharepoint Real Estate Management Patterson All AC System Users Establish extranet and intranet environment Reliable and consistent content delivery ITS Management LMS Support and Transition Castro Faculty and Students Plan for the orderly transition of LMS from Blackboard Vista to Instructure Canvas Project plan for implementation of Instructure ITS Management Establish Banner Reporting Environment Romero IRES and Banner System Users Establish the inroads to a reliable Banner Data Warehouse Reliable and responsive Banner reporting ITS Management Introduce maturity model scoring to achieve efficiency Mainframe Retirement Romero ITS Provide for information conversion to the Banner environment. Eliminate dependency on legacy mainframe Elimination of mainframe hardware and software costs ITS Management CSI & SFS Stabilization Phipps CSI & SFS Provide automation and tools to assist with department transition to Banner Greater student satisfaction with these departments ITS Management Online Directory Patterson AC Staff Provide for a more comprehensive staff directory Reliable and available employee contact information ITS Management Video Conferencing Saustrup AC Staff and Students Provide a up-to-date and robust video conferencing solution DegreeWorks Deployment Romero AC Students Implement a degree audit and planning system Reliable online degree planning to achieve higher graduation rates ITS Management CAMS Deployment Castro AC Students Implement a comprehensive advising model Provide consistency to the delivery of advising and counseling services ITS Management HR Data Conversion Romero HR Provide legacy HR information to Banner Enhanced reporting capabilities for HR ITS Management State Reporting Process Improvement Castro Colleges Provide efficiency to Banner State Reporting Decreased prep time for state reports production and increased reliability ITS Management ITS Management Security Process Formalization Salazar AC Standardize ITS security practices. Introduce enhanced procedures Reliable and secure AC ITS environment ITS Management Windows 7 Migration Patterson AC Deploy Windows 7 to all AC workstations Applied consistency in workstation environments ITS Management IT Risk Assessment Salazar AC Identification of and aversion strategies to IT risks Greater control, reliability and availability ITS Management Digital Documents Romero AC Banner Users Deploy Digital Documents upgrade and review utilization Ability to review scanned documents and Banner information simultaneously and automatically. ITS Management Introduce ITS Metrics Castro ITS Management Introduce standard measures to evaluate IT performance Increased availability and capacity ITS Management Formalize/Routi nize Gates Extraction Castro IRES And Colleges Standardize processes to feed Gates Data Evaluation Enhanced College planning for service offering ITS Management