Multidisciplinary Team and IEP Meeting 1304.20 (f)(1), (2)(i)(iv) 1308.7 -1308.18 1308.19 (b), (c) Policy Every child in Head Start who has been evaluated and found to have a disability and in need of special education must have an IEP before special education and related services are provided to ensure that comprehensive information is used to develop the child’s program. Procedure A. A child must be 50% delayed in one area or 25% in two or more areas to qualify as having a disability if the school district has elected to use Developmental Delay. If the school district has elected to use “categorical” these guidelines do not apply. B. When a child qualifies for special services the LEA will notify the classroom teacher and you will: 1. Send or take “Parent Invitation to IEP/Pre-referral” Meeting” (KHS-504) and “Parents are Very Important to the IEP Process” (Before the Meeting) (except McAlester, Poteau and KI BOIS North, the LEA will send OSDE form 6). a. This signed invitation must be in the child’s file. b. McAlester, Poteau and KI BOIS North will have the OSDE form 6 initialed by parent and placed in the child’s file. c. If the day and time are not convenient for the parent, notify the LEA and reschedule. 2. Reference this on the Family Contact Record (KHS-800 ) and Document in Child Plus -Disability Section (IEP/IFSP) (Time Stamp), also check this information on Disability Checklist (KHS-501). C. Notify the Disabilities Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator and your FSW. The Disabilities Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator and/or FSW will attend the meeting. (Center Directors may need to request that the OSDE form 6 includes “Head Start Representative”). D. Take the following to the IEP Meeting: 1. Child’s file. 2. Eligibility Criteria. E. The Multidisciplinary Team which is made up of the teacher, FSW and/or Disabilities Coordinator or Assistant Coordinator, one or both parents or legal guardian, a special education teacher, specialist in the area of the disability and whomever else the LEA or parent choose to be present will participate in the placement decisions. F. The specialist conducting the meeting should indicate to you what is the child’s categorical diagnosis. 1. Check this category on the RMDT (KHS-506). You will need to refer to the Eligibility Criteria for the appropriate Letter. 2. Keep in mind that the LEA classifies all children under 8 years old as developmentally delayed (unless the school district chooses not to use Developmental Delay as criteria for placement.) Please explain this to parents before this meeting. G. The specialist conducting the meeting should write recommendations on the back of the RMDT. 1. All team members should sign this form and provide information indicated. H. Teachers, make sure you read the Goals page of the IEP and understand them. You will be the one providing activities to address these goals. IEP Progress Reports (KHS-507) and/or Activity Plan (KHS-508) will begin as soon as you have a copy of the IEP. I. Ask Parents if they have any questions about any part of the IEP. J. Be sure to get the following copies as soon as possible: 1. MEEGS (Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Eligibility Group Summary) and RED (Review of Existing Data) from the LEA. 2. Three copies of the IEP. a. One for the parent. b. One for the child’s file. c. One to be sent to the Disabilities Coordinator. K. Send the Disabilities Coordinator: 1. MEEGS (keep a copy for child’s file) only one per- 3 years. 2. RED (keep a copy for child’s file) 3. IEP 4. RMDT (KHS-506) L. Enter information in Child Plus -Disability Section (IEP/IFSP) (Time Stamp) 2015