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CSC228 Fall 2012 Topics Covered Prof Emile C Chi

Propositional Logic: Truth tables, tautologies, De Morgan's laws

Predicate Logic: Predicates, Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Rules of Inference (Modus ponens et al)

Sets: Operations, subsets, complement, Venn diagrams, De Morgan's laws

Numbers: Natural numbers N , integers Z , rationals Q , reals R

Prime numbers

Counting: 1-1 Correspondance with a subset of N

Methods of Proof: Rules of Inference,

Dirrect: for N : if n is odd then n square is odd if n is even then n square is even

Every rational number can be written as a/b where a and b have no common divisors

Contrapositive: to show p -> q show that ~q -> !p if 3*n + 2 is odd then n is odd if n 2 is odd then n is odd

Contradiction: to show p, show that ~p is a contradiction

There are not a finite number of primes and there is no largest prime

Hard Proofs: the square root of 2 is not a rational number

1 = 2 (ch 1 p3 ppt slide 48)

Fermat's Last Theorem (ch 1 p3 ppt slide 69)

The Four Color Problem

Set cardinality: finite, countable (Hilbert Hotel), uncountable (Cantor Diagonal argument) (ch 2 ppt slides 20-24, 107-117)

Russell's Paradox

Power sets, cardinality of the power set

Cartesian Products, tuples, relations (ch 2 slide 22- error on 24

Functions: Domain, Range, 1-1, onto, bijections, composition, factorlal (ch 2 ppt slides 48-68,74)

Sequences, recurrence relations: Fibonacci sequence (ch 2 ppt slides 79-104)

Series (ch 2 ppt 99-92)

Computability (ch 2 ppt 118, Exercises 38, 39)

Matrices (ch 2 ppt 120-131)

Algorithms (ch 3 ppt 6-10), Greedy Algorithms (ch 3 ppt 21-26), The Halting Problem (Turing) (ch 3 ppt 30-32)

Growth of Functions: Big-O, Big- Ω, Big-Θ (ch 3 ppt 34-57)

Complexity of Algorithms (ch 3 ppt 60-70,78-81), P vs NP, Boolean satisfiabiliy: SAT, 2SAT, 3SAT

Induction (ch 5 ppt slides 1-10,13,15,16), Recursion (33-38, 42-47)

Recursive Algorithms (ch 5 ppt 60-62 ERROR in 62!, 63, 66)

Applications of Recurrence Relations (ch 8 ppt 1-16)

Relations (ch 9 ppt 1-44) Binary relations on a set; Reflexive, Symmetric,Transitive, Equivalence relations: Integers mod m,

Composition, powers, representing using Boolean matrices, digraphs, transitive closure, the connectivity relation

Graphs (ch 10 ppt 1-88) Digraphs, cycles, simple graphs; computer networks, social networks, collaboration graphs: Bacon number, Erdos number; transportation graphs, precedence graphs

Degree of a vertex, handshaking theorem, theorem: a graph must have an even number of odd degree vertices;

Directed graphs: Theorem: the number of edges = the sum of the indegrees = the sum of the outdegrees

Complete graph K n

: has exactly one edge beween any two distince vertices

Cycle C n has one edge from v i to v i+1 a for all i and from v n to v

1 n-dimensional hypercube

Bipartite graphs, complete bipartite graphs, subgraphs

Representing graphs: adjacency list, adjacency matrix

Graph Isomorphism

Paths, Erdos & Bacon Numbers,Connected Components

Euler Paths & Circuits

Hamilton Paths & Circuits

Shortest Path Problems & Dijkstra’s Algorithm (Shortest Path & Dijkstra ppts) Neat Dijkstra App

The Travelling Salesperson Problem

Planar Graphs

Graph Coloring
