Religion 11: Morality

Religion 11: Morality
Mrs. Springer
(631) 727-5900 x375
Office hours: M 7:30am to 8:00am & M 2:45pm to 3:30pm
Extra Help: Available at any mutually agreed upon time.
Morality: A Response to God’s Love
(distributed in class)
Bible (New American)
(provided by the school in 9th Grade)
Summary of the Course
Jesus Christ is the heart of our faith. We have all learned about Jesus at home, at school, at Mass
and in other learning environments. As Christians, we must go beyond learning about our faith in
Jesus; we must respond to what we are taught. We are called to act. More precisely, we are
challenged to act morally with others each and every day to the best of our ability.
In this course, we will examine moral principles as demonstrated in the actions and life of Jesus
Christ, by the teachings of the Church, by the Sacraments and through the examples of the
Saints. We will study the development of the conscience, sins and virtues, and decision making
principles. In the second half of the year, we will apply these principles to real-life issues present
in our world today, such as human sexuality, the dignity of life, family life, truth, peace and
justice. We will look at our responsibilities as committed Christians who are called to bring
about the Kingdom of God.
Students are encouraged to ask questions. As with anything in life, you will get out of this course
whatever you put into it!
We will cover all chapters in the text.
To develop a salient understanding of morality as a response to God’s love.
To grow in one’s understanding of Jesus Christ as the starting point of morality.
To understand how the Church assists us in living a moral life.
To articulate the message of God’s love as pertaining to contemporary moral issues.
To utilize reflection upon one’s own life as a decision-making tool.
To begin to think critically about contemporary moral issues.
Materials (needed daily)
Journal (Composition notebook which will be checked daily and handed-in periodically)
Notebook with loose-leaf for course notes and hand-ins
Pocket folder
Course Requirements:
 All rules and policies set forth in the MM student handbook are in effect during this class.
 Students are required to bring materials and handouts to class each day.
 Students are expected to keep notes representative of the work being covered during the
 Students are required to participate, to journal and to complete written assignments and
projects on time.
- There will be quizzes for each unit and tests given at the end of each quarter.
- There will be a major paper for your midterm and final exam.
- Deadlines are in the syllabus. Late papers/projects will not be accepted.
- The grading rubric will be made available well in advance of deadlines.
- Please ask for extra help if you need it before the due date. I want you to do well!
 Consideration of student’s introvert/extrovert personality will be given.
 Students are required to maintain a passing grade of 70% in order to advance to 12th grade.
 Students are responsible for making up all assignments missed during absences. A missed
test or quiz must be made up upon returning to school. Being absent the day before a
test/quiz/project due date/paper due date/ will not excuse you from taking the test.
(unless, of course, there are extenuating circumstances).
 All class assignments, tests and handouts will be posted on the website class pages.
 Lateness to class will not be tolerated. If you must come late to class, bring a pass.
Everything taught in this course is orthodox Catholic teaching. Depending on your prior
schooling and background, this may be new and different information particularly in the secondhalf of the course. If it is different, don’t be afraid to ask questions. That is how we learn!
I will run the Morality course as a freshman-level, college course. Because you are considering
your future after your time at McGann-Mercy, you will be treated like the young adults you are
expected to be beyond these walls. Therefore, it will involve critical thinking and the respectful
consideration of complex moral issues. It will be both a challenge and a privilege for us to be
together discussing these topics in a Catholic Christian setting. I encourage you to accept the
challenge; it will be worth it!
Please feel free to talk to me if you have any questions or extenuating circumstances.
Quarterly Grading Average
Journals, homework, class work, reflection papers
Quarterly Tests
50% (20% Journal, 30% other)
Final Grading Average
80% (Quarterly Grades) + Midterm Exam 10% + Final Exam 10%
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Religion 11: Morality: A Response to God’s Love. Please read the Course Outline
above and review the Syllabus. The completed form must be returned by Wed., Sept. 16.
(Students must keep the Course Outline and Syllabus in their folder for their reference) It will count
for a homework grade of 100% if returned on time. If returned after Sept. 16, it will count as a 0%
as per the McGann-Mercy Homework Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I will respond
as promptly as possible. I will continue to pray for your families as we begin this exciting year
Mrs. Springer
I, ______________________________________________________ (print name of student), have read
the Religion 11: Morality Course Outline and Syllabus and I understand the course description and course
goals. I also agree to the procedures and requirements. I understand that all grading and any disciplinary
action will be in conformity with the policies set forth in the McGann-Mercy High School Handbook.
Student Signature
I, ______________________________________________________ (print name of parent), have read the
Religion 11: Morality Course Outline and Syllabus and I understand the course description and course
goals. I also understand that my child is expected to follow the procedures and fulfill the requirements. I
understand that all grading and any disciplinary action will be in conformity with the policies set forth in the
McGann-Mercy High School Handbook.
Parent Signature