Student Work Analysis Protocol - Julie Johnson, Instructional

Student Work Analysis
Student Work Analysis Protocol adapted from:
 Student Work Analysis Protocol from Rhode Island Department
of Education & the National Center for the Improvement of
Educational Assessment, Inc.
 Collaborative Analysis Protocol developed by the San Diego
Board of Education
 Vertical Slice Protocol developed at the University of Minnesota
Julie Johnson, Instructional Specialist Monroe 1 BOCES
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Directions: Student Work Analysis Protocol
Establishing the Context (5 minutes)
The facilitator leads the discussion of the following questions:
Why this lesson?
How was the lesson presented?
What standards are assessed in this lesson?
What are the learning targets?
What is a proficient response?
How will you measure this learning target?
What do you anticipate as misconceptions?
Analysis of Student Work (15-20 minutes)
This is done individually.
Each teacher divides his/her student work samples into three (possibly 4) piles based on
performance: strongly meeting target(s), partially meeting target(s), not yet meeting target(s) (can
have a “not sure” pile). Teachers then examine each pile and ascertain what students were able to
do specific to the demands of the learning target(s). Teachers will then identify with what each
group struggled specific to the demands of the learning targets.
Each teacher then analyzes their notes to determine emerging patterns across levels and within
Discussion of Student Work Across Classrooms (20 minutes)
The facilitator leads the discussion of the following questions:
 With what did our students succeed relative to the demands of the learning target(s)?
 With what did our students struggle relative to the demands of the learning target(s)?
 What patterns emerged?
Discussion of Impact on Teaching and Learning (20 minutes)
The facilitator leads the discussion of the following questions:
 What was the impact on learners?
 What was the impact on instruction?
 What feedback and instructional strategies will benefit each level?
Reflection (10 minutes)
The facilitator leads the discussion of the following questions:
What was learned through this process?
How can I use what I learned from this protocol in my practice?
What might next steps for analyzing student work include?
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Part I - Establishing the Context and Proficiency
Grade level/type of class: ________________________________________
Content Area(s): ______________________________________________
Why this lesson?
How was the lesson presented?
What standards are assessed in this lesson?
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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What are the learning targets?
What is a proficient response?
How will you measure the learning targets?
What misconceptions do you anticipate?
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Part 2 – Sorting Student Work
1. Read student work
2. Without scoring, do a “quick sort” of students’ work by the general degree of the targets
 Targets strongly met
 Targets partially met
 Targets not yet met
 You may have a “not sure” pile
3. Record student names in order to monitor progress over time
Strongly Meets Target
Partially Meets Target
Not Yet Meets Target
Not Sure
____ # Students
____ # Students
____ # Students
____ # Students
4. Optional - Choose a few samples from each pile to expedite analysis
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Part 3 – Diagnosing Student Needs
What did students do specific to the demands of
the learning target(s)?
What was missing in the work specific to the
demands of the learning target(s)? Include
misconceptions and wrong information
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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What did students do specific to the demands of
the learning target(s)?
What was missing in the work specific to the
demands of the learning target(s)? Include
misconceptions and wrong information
Not Yet
Not Sure
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Part 4 – Determining Patterns
With what did our students succeed relative to
the demands of the learning target(s)?
With what did our students struggle relative to
the demands of the learning target(s)?
Based on the findings in the analysis, what patterns emerged
within levels?
across levels?
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Part 5 - Impact on Teaching and Learning
Based on the findings in parts 1 – 4 of the analysis process, what is the:
Impact on Learning
What conclusions can we draw?
What questions do our findings raise?
Impact of Instruction
What conclusions can we draw?
What questions do our findings raise?
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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What feedback and instructional strategies will benefit students at each level?
Instructional Strategies
Not Yet
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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Part 6: Reflection
What was
through this
How can I use
what I learned
from this
process in my
What might
next steps for
student work
Julie Johnson & Jeanette Atkinson, Instructional Specialists Monroe I BOCES
Analysis of Student Work Protocol Nov 2014
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