SOWELA offers academic scholarships to those students with high academic credentials. Refer to the specific requirements and application procedure on the reverse side of this form for this scholarship. Courses taken, extracurricular participation and leadership are also used in the selection of scholarship recipients. To be considered for academic scholarships, you must: 1. Complete the application for admission and the academic scholarship application 2. Include an unofficial transcript when returning the application. Note: Official transcripts are accessed from the Louisiana Student Transcript System. 3. Have official ACT/SAT scores forwarded to SOWELA from the testing company. STUDENT INFORMATION PLEASE PRINT Soc.Sec. No. First : Middle: Last: Current mailing address: City: State: ZIP Code: Email: High School: HS Graduation Date: (MM/YY) Status (Check One) □First Time Student □Currently Enrolled at SOWELA □Transfer Student □As a First Time Student (high school graduating seniors), I have attached a copy of my High School Transcript. Program of Study at SOWELA : _________________________________________________________ Expected Graduation Date ________________ Semester/Year you plan to enroll. (semester/yy) □Yes □No Are you a resident of Calcasieu or Cameron Parish? FOR FIRST TIME FRESHMEN ONLY Six-semester rank in class is _______________ out of ______________. Six-semester GPA is ________________ on a 4.0 scale ACT Score: Eng ______ Math ______ SAT Score: Critical Reading ______ -or- Reading ______ Math ______ ____________% _____________________ on a _________scale. Sci. Reas. ______ Writing ______ Composite ______ Eng/Writing ______ Test Date __________ Test Date __________ THE OFFICIAL SCORE REPORT MUST BE SENT DIRECTLY TO SOWELA FROM ACT OR SAT FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS Undergraduate cumulative GPA ________________ Undergraduate cumulative Hours ________________ College(s) Attended: __________________________________________ Dates Enrolled: _____________________________________ ATTACH (STAPLE) ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. Activities and/or Employment (years of participation in each activity or position Leadership Positions Held Including high school, volunteer, community (club president, committee chairman, etc.) Honors and Awards Received: SIGNATURE Signature of applicant: Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: High School GPA : ___________________ Overall SOWELA GPA: ________________ ACT SCORE: ______________ Ethel Precht HOPE Breast Cancer Foundation Scholarship at SOWELA Technical Community College This scholarship award is valued at $1,000 for the Fall semester and $1,000 for the Spring Semester. Qualifications: Student must be a resident of Calcasieu or Cameron Parish. Student must be enrolled full time in a degree program at SOWELA. Minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average (GPA) Student must have a breast cancer survivor/patient in the immediate family (mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, child) No member or family member of the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Foundation Board is eligible to receive this scholarship. Application Procedure: Complete the SOWELA Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Scholarship Application. Attach a short essay containing the name/relationship of the family member with breast cancer and what this scholarship award will mean to a family surviving breast cancer. Return completed application and essay to the following address: Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Foundation 165 West Precht Road Bell City, LA 70630