Spring 2025 Course Syllabus Course Information Fundamentals of Accounting ACCT 1110 Section CRN: 20518 Lecture Credit Hours: 3 Lab Credit Hours: 0 Total Credit Hours: 3 Course Location and Times This course is completely online. Instructor Information Anna Janice, MBA Email: anna.janice@sowela.edu Title: Instructor Office: Lamar Salter Campus Room 226 Office Phone: 337-537-3135 ext. 2207 Student Hours Monday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Preferred Method of Contact: If you need to send the instructor a message, send it through Canvas Inbox. Additional Information: How do I use Canvas inbox as a student: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-use-theInbox-as-a-student/ta-p/532 Course Description Introduction to bookkeeping with an emphasis on the main processes and concepts involved in accounting for sole proprietorships and merchandising businesses. Required Textbooks and Supplies Title: COLLEGE ACCOUNTING,CH.1-30(LL)-W/ACCESS ISBN: 9781264520169 Authors: John Price Program Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of the program, the student will be able to complete the accounting cycle for a service business and a merchandising business. (ACCT) demonstrate proficiency in communication through verbal, non-verbal, written, and/or presentation skills. (BUSI) demonstrate decision-making skills utilizing accounting data. (ACCT) evaluate and interpret an organization's conduct through ethics, morals, and values within the legal environment. (BUSI) synthesize content utilizing industry-standard software and technology. (BUSI) demonstrate critical thinking to categorize and interpret quantitative data. (BUSI) Student Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to explain the characteristics of an account and identify the rules of debit and credit, analyze the effects of transactions on the accounting elements, prepare journal entries, post to the general ledger, and prepare a trial balance for service and merchandising businesses. identify and describe the content and purpose of the financial statements, prepare financial statements, and prepare adjusting entries for service and merchandising businesses. explain the purpose of closing entries, prepare closing entries, and prepare a post-closing trial balance for service and merchandising businesses. Grading Scale Letter Grade A B C D F Percentage 90 - 100% - Excellent; earns credit hours; carries a value of 4 grade points for each credit hour. 80 - 89% - Above average; earns credit hours; carries a value of 3 grade points for each credit hour. 70 - 79% Average; earns credit hours; carries a value of 2 grade points for each credit hour. 60 - 69% - Below average; earns credit hours but may not meet graduation requirements; carries a value of 1 grade point for each credit hour. 59% or below - Failure; earns no credit hours; carries 0 grade points for each credit hour. Assessment Measures Homework - 35% Exams - 40% Final Project - 25% Proctored Assessments Faculty reserve the right to administer tests in a face-to-face environment at a campus site, through a proctored test environment at another location, or a proctor software (Respondus Lockdown Browser or ProctorU). In such cases, students would bear any costs associated with using the testing center or vendor rather than taking the test on campus. Be sure to communicate with your instructor before testing to determine how tests will be administered and the proctoring requirements and potential costs. Attendance SOWELA is a non-mandatory attendance institution. Thus, students are considered enrolled and attending all registered courses. Student class attendance is confirmed by instructors taking attendance up to the official census date. It is the responsibility of students to officially withdraw from courses they are not attending prior to the start of the term of enrollment. Any courses in which the College establishes that they did not begin attendance will be dropped from their student schedules for non-attendance or no-show prior to the census date. Students may still owe a portion of tuition and fees for any courses dropped for non-attendance or no-show. Withdrawal from Course(s) At the start of each academic term, a student can drop courses online in the LoLA student self-service portal. Dropped courses are removed from the student’s academic schedules for that semester and will not appear on their transcripts. Refund amounts for dropped courses are based on the school’s current refund procedure and deadlines as published in the Academic Calendar. Students may also withdraw from a course after the refund period has ended if done so before the deadline published in the Academic Calendar for that semester. Students will need to check with their academic advisors or the Office of the Registrar to determine withdrawal deadlines for courses taught in atypical sessions that do not follow the Academic Calendar. Successful withdrawal from a class results in a letter grade of “W” for that course, which is the grade that appears on the student’s transcript. Failure to properly drop or withdraw may result in a grade of “F” being assigned for the semester. Students who are receiving any type of financial aid and wish to drop a class or withdraw from the college should always seek prior advisement from the One Stop Center or other funding source representatives (for example Veterans Affairs or WIOA Office). Dropping a class or complete withdrawal from the college may jeopardize future financial aid awards and may result in owing a repayment of funds. Students who do not attend a class at the start of the academic session may be dropped from the course (See Show/No Show section below). Please check the appropriate Academic Calendar for the drop dates during your specific term. Course Transferability While most courses at SOWELA are designed to lead to direct employment in a specific career, other courses are designed for transfer to other institutions of higher education. The Louisiana Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix is available to assist students with determining the potential transferability of courses. These matrices indicate transfer equivalencies of courses among Louisiana’s public colleges and universities and may be accessed through the Board of Regents’ web page at https://regents.la.gov/ master-course-articulation/. Students should note that the matrices are not all-inclusive. The determination of what credit will transfer from SOWELA Technical Community College rests with the receiving institution. Therefore, students are advised to contact the institution to which they intend to transfer to inquire about the potential transferability of courses and to determine whether the courses may be used to meet graduation requirements within their chosen major. Academic Integrity ACADEMIC INTEGRITY SOWELA Technical Community College encourages academic integrity in all classes and requires academic integrity from all students. Students must maintain honesty and integrity when completing all academic assignments and examinations. [Violations of] academic integrity ... include, but are not limited to the following: Submitting another student’s work as your own or allowing a student to submit your work as their own. Copying from another student on assignments or during an exam or allowing a student to copy from your assignments or exams. Receiving exam questions from a student who has already taken an exam or giving questions to a student who has not. Listing false references. Making up research data. Using an author’s work without proper credit and citation (plagiarism). Plagiarizing any part of an assignment, essay, or exam. Using unauthorized materials obtained from instructors or students. Receiving unauthorized help on assignments or exams. Altering grades. Using a cell phone, pager, etc. during an exam. Using ChatGPT or other AI (artificial intelligence) to produce any portion of assigned work unless approved by the faculty member. Submitting previously graded work as new work in another class or when retaking the same class for an updated grade. Plagiarism, cheating, and other [violations of] academic integrity ... will receive a grade of 0% for the work presented. Instructors may also refer the students to the appropriate administrator for further disciplinary action that could result in an “F” in the course, dismissal from the course, [or] dismissal from the college. Incomplete Policy Students with documented evidence of unforeseen hardships may receive an incomplete in the course. It is the student’s responsibility to request an Incomplete Request form, complete it, and submit it with documentation of the hardship, and the instructor’s signature. A significant portion of the course must be completed before this can be considered. All incompletes must be removed by the end of the following semester. Accessibility Policy Students with disabilities are entitled to equal access to post-secondary education. Title I and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are strictly adhered to, and the campus will make reasonable accommodations in facilities, services, policies, and practices so that qualified individuals with disabilities may have access to training. Students with impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills or other disabilities have the responsibility to provide documentation in a timely fashion regarding reasonable accommodation needs. In support of the college’s mission to identify and meet the educational needs of its community through innovative, dynamic programs, Accessibility Services ensures equal access to all campus programs and activities. The office promotes full participation in campus life for individuals with disabilities. Services are provided collaboratively to empower students to advocate for themselves and assume responsibility for their academic outcomes and personal goals. Students must selfidentify and apply in the Office of Student Services to obtain accommodations. Students must provide documentation from a board-certified physician or psychologist describing the nature of the disability and how it affects an individual’s major life activity. The doctor should also recommend the types of accommodations the student may need. Requests for special accommodations/services should be made at least 45 days prior to the first official day of classes each semester. For more information, reach out to ods@sowela.edu. As part of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the College allows people with disabilities to bring service animals with them to College activities, services, and programs. In accordance with Louisiana State Law, service dogs shall be currently vaccinated and wear a vaccination tag. Service animals are defined as “any animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including, but not limited to, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals who are hearing impaired to intruders, pulling a wheelchair for a person, or fetching dropped items for a person with limited mobility.” When an animal meets this definition, it is considered a service animal regardless of whether or not it has been certified by a training program. The College may not insist on proof of state certification before permitting the service animal to accompany the person with a disability. If there are any questions regarding service animals, the Office of Student Services should be contacted at studentservices@sowela.edu. Student Conduct Any acts that would be considered disruptive to this class will not be tolerated. Derogatory comments and obscenities are unacceptable. All students are required to exercise respect and common courtesy in this class. Course Calendar Please see Expanded Course Outline Student Services SOWELA offers many student services! Find information on these services at the following webpage: https://www.sowela.edu/student/services/. Canvas Course Calendar Date Assignment Name Assignment Type Points CHAPTER 1 NARRATED POWERPOINT Assignment 0 CHAPTER 2 NARRATED POWERPOINT Assignment 0 CHAPTER 3 NARRATED POWERPOINT Assignment 0 CHAPTER 4 NARRATED POWERPOINT Assignment 0 CHAPTER 5 NARRATED POWERPOINT Assignment 0 Date Assignment Name Assignment Type Points CHAPTER 6 NARRATED POWERPOINT Assignment 0 1/17/25 CHAPTER 1 - KEY CONCEPTS VIDEOS W/QUESTIONS Assignment 50 1/19/25 CHAPTER 1 HOMEWORK Assignment 64 1/19/25 QUIZ - CHAPTER 1 Assignment 62 1/24/25 CHAPTER 2 KEY CONCEPTS VIDEOS W/QUESTIONS Assignment 90 1/26/25 CHAPTER 2 PRACTICE PROBLEM Assignment 10 1/26/25 CHAPTER 2 HOMEWORK Assignment 80 1/26/25 CHAPTER 2 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS Assignment 100 1/26/25 QUIZ - CHAPTER 2 Assignment 41 1/28/25 Getting Started Quiz Quiz 10 1/28/25 CONNECT Assignment ORIENTATION VIDEOS 15 1/31/25 CHAPTER 3 HOMEWORK Assignment 85 1/31/25 CHAPTER 3 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS Assignment 100 Date Assignment Name Assignment Type Points 1/31/25 CHAPTER 3 KEY CONCEPTS VIDEOS W/QUESTIONS Assignment 30 2/2/25 EXAM #1 Assignment 100 2/7/25 CHAPTER 4 HOMEWORK Assignment 56 2/7/25 CHAPTER 4 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS Assignment 100 2/9/25 QUIZ - CHAPTER 4 Assignment 50 2/9/25 CHAPTER 4 KEY CONCEPTS VIDEOS W/QUESTIONS Assignment 30 2/14/25 CHAPTER 5 HOMEWORK Assignment 53 2/14/25 CHAPTER 5 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS Assignment 100 2/15/25 QUIZ - CHAPTER 5 Assignment 50 2/15/25 CHAPTER 5 VIDEOS W/QUESTIONS Assignment 30 2/15/25 CHAPTER 6 VIDEOS W/QUESTIONS Assignment 30 2/21/25 CHAPTER 6 HOMEWORK Assignment 55 2/21/25 CHAPTER 6 HOMEWORK PROBLEMS Assignment 60 Date Assignment Name Assignment Type Points 2/23/25 EXAM #2 - PART 1 Assignment 50 2/23/25 EXAM #2 - PART II Assignment 100 SOWELA Technical Community College Illness Policy Do not come to on-campus classes if you are sick. Inform your instructor, via email, that you are ill. Students should arrange to complete makeup work with their instructors. In some cases, makeup work may be completed online. Students attending on-campus classes and demonstrating signs of illness will be asked to leave class. Students needing an extended absence from class (on-campus or online) due to illness or exposure should inform their instructors as soon as possible to explore and determine their academic options. Do not wait to contact your instructors until you are behind in your coursework. Options will vary depending on when you cannot participate during the term, how much class time and coursework is missed, and the nature of the course. Options may include, but are not limited to, transitioning to learning and testing remotely during your absence; in extreme cases, withdrawing from the course, or receiving a grade of incomplete. Contact your instructor or School Dean with any questions. Students Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol SOWELA Technical Community College defines the chemically impaired student as a person who, while in the academic, technical lab, or clinical setting is abusing, either separately or in combination: alcohol, over-the counter medications, illegal drugs, prescribed medication, marijuana, inhalants, or synthetic designer drugs. Abuse of substances includes episodic misuse or chronic use that has produced psychological and/or physical symptoms. Any student in any program of study who is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs may be sent immediately for drug screening for which the student is responsible for payment. Students who are suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs may not return to class/lab/clinical until a negative report is received and reviewed by the appropriate Dean. All drug screens are verified by a Medical Review Officer. If a student has a positive test, he/she will be immediately dismissed. The student will be referred to the Counseling Center for further evaluation and review of support services. Refusal to submit to any drug screening is grounds for dismissal from the program. A student who has been dismissed from a program for a positive drug screen indicating alcohol or drug use may reapply to the program after a specified period of up to one year with the understanding that the positive drug screen, will remain a part of his/her record. Should a student have another positive drug screen, the student may be dismissed from the program immediately and may not be permitted to apply to any SOWELA Technical Community College program. Programs with a clinical component also abide by regulations set forth by accreditation agencies, state, and federal regulatory boards/agencies, and state and federal law. Program-specific management of positive drug/alcohol screen results may vary due to these external requirements and may be outlined in a program-specific handbook. Disclaimer The instructor reserves the right to change, alter, omit, or add to the tentative course outline and calendar. This course continues to be a “work in progress.” Assignments, due dates, etc. can and usually do change. Also, it is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all technical/computer/Internet/software/hardware/Canvas issues are handled in a timely manner and that all tech support personnel are contacted to correct the problems. Academic Calendar Please see the academic calendar here, https://www.sowela.edu/calendar/academiccalendar/ Please see the final exam calendar here, https://www.sowela.edu/calendar/final-exams/ Accreditation Information SOWELA Technical Community College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate degrees. SOWELA Technical Community College also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of SOWELA Technical Community College may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (www.sacscoc.org). Normal inquiries about SOWELA Technical Community College such as admission requirements, financial aid, educational programs, etc., should be addressed directly to the institution and not to the Commission’s office. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges is to be contacted only if there is evidence that appears to support an institution’s significant non-compliance with a requirement or standard.